Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

438 Qin Nuo, You Bastard, You Are Stuck In Our Script! ! David Was Ridiculed By Deng Wendi And Becam

Maybe everyone doesn’t know much about it.

If Guangdian reviews the script, he will only tell you that the script is not up to standard.

But I won’t tell you where you fail...

You can only ask professionals to help you read it. After the three gangsters found it, they quickly handed the script to the professionals!

This group of people looked over it several times and found that there was no problem at all.

Not involved in pornography, not involved in politics, and not involved in politics

Anyway, the one-sentence script is fine.

But the three gangsters were surprised. If there was no problem, why couldn't they pass?

In the end, he was told that there was nothing wrong with the script, but there might be something wrong with the people.

This implies that if other companies pitched this script, they would definitely pass it by in seconds.

But not you.

The three gangsters were not fools, so they understood immediately.

Co-authored by someone is up to something!!!!

What the hell.

It must be the turtle son Qin Nuo!

We tricked him last time, and this guy is going to trick him again this time.


You are colluding with officials and businessmen. Be careful and I will sue you.

Professionals said that this is none of their business, and it is not normal for you to put this matter in the entertainment industry.

Used to it.

Give the money first and then talk.

The three gangsters did not think about the "857" method. Although they were rich, they really had no connections in Guangdian and the Cultural Bureau.

There are only two options in front of them now, or they must hold on to death.

There's nothing wrong with the script, and Qin Nuo doesn't dare to go too far.

You can still pass if you delay it for a month or two at most.

After all, some things can't be taken too far.

Falling out is not good for anyone.

Another way is to reconcile with Qin Nuo and invest in Qin Nuo.

Make money together.

They know that's why many companies don't accept their investment.

The leading brother among them is Qintian Entertainment.

As long as you can invest in Qintian Entertainment, everything can be easily solved.

The three gangsters each have their own agenda.

Thinking about what to do.

Teng Xun still prefers to invest in Qintian Entertainment, and Ah Li will let him go if he doesn't like it.

To some extent it is still swinging.

But these have nothing to do with Qin Nuo.

The three gangsters thought it was him. Are you kidding me? How could he be so capable?

Emmm... It's hard to say. If you are willing to get a little favor, maybe it can be done.

But Qin Nuo won’t do that either.

Without the support of the entertainment industry, it would be difficult for them to make a good film by themselves.

Qin Nuo was eager for them to take pictures, so he rushed to the street just in time.

And Qin Nuo is just stuck for a while, waiting for a year for him to finish filming The Dark Knight.

After getting the money, expand the Star Cinema line and then invest in scarves.

Byte's Douyin will be online soon.

An entertainment empire has taken shape.

Whether or not the three biggest gangsters on the Internet can get in will have little impact on him.

Even if he was going to get hurt, it wasn't him.

Although Qin Nuo seems to be thinking about himself, in fact it has also protected many medium-sized entertainment companies in the entertainment industry.

If we really let the three gangsters in, we are guaranteed to go bankrupt.

These guys are not very good at making cakes, and they don't think about how big they are.

But he is definitely a good hand at grabbing the cake.

To put it bluntly, Tengxun has been making games for so many years, but none of them have become popular abroad...

No one like Miha Oil has done well in just a few years since his debut.

The same goes for Ahri, which Taobao International has been calling for many years.

But it never got started.

On the contrary, a certain person bought a lot of tropical fruits and other strange things.

To put it bluntly, they have no intention of making the cake bigger!

It's a bit sad indeed!

But these have nothing to do with Qin Nuo, after the road show in Yangcheng ended.

Warner specially sent a private plane to Yangcheng to take Qin Nuo back.

David heard that Qin Nuo flew on a Fox private jet when he returned to China a few days ago.

Very angry.

very angry.

What does Deng Wendi mean?

Come and give me some eye drops, Qin Nuo was obviously helping Warner film The Dark Knight, but when he returned home, he was still helped by Fox.


Last time at a cocktail party, Deng Wendi teased David about this.

Call him stingy, he would rather leave Warner's private jet at the airport to collect dust than let Qin Nuo use it.

I’m really wronged Qin Nuo.

It's a shame that someone helped you make the Dark Knight so popular.

Deng Wendi was extremely bad.

It was considered to be the top cocktail party at Hollywood, with many big shots coming, including internationally renowned directors, investors, etc.

This woman said this directly in front of everyone.

At that time, David really wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it.

It's so embarrassing.

This made people think that Warner was taking advantage of Qin Nuo.

This reputation is terrible.

In fact, David was also wronged, and Qin Nuo didn't say anything, so he didn't even know.

If Qin Nuo said it, as long as the private plane is there, there will definitely be no problem.

We have spent hundreds of millions, do we still care about tens or millions?

What a joke.

David stayed at the cocktail party for an hour and ran away quickly. After leaving, he called Sarnov and scolded him.

How did you, the producer, do it? It would be no problem for Qin Nuo to take an ordinary flight back to China.

But you don’t know why people fly on Fox’s private jet?

Are you out of your mind? Do you know how ashamed I am today?


He scolded Sanoff to death.

But he didn't dare to refute, because he really didn't care about this little thing.

If we really want to divide it, he will indeed bear the blame.

So this time Qin Nuo returned to the United States, when Warner learned about it, he quickly flew out his own private jet.

I waited at the airport all day just to wait for Qin Nuo.

Fatty Zhou and others who came to see Qin Nuo off didn't know it, but looked at the plane gradually disappearing into the night sky.

Several people had envious expressions on their faces.

"Director Qin is so proud, not only Warner sent a private plane to pick him up"

"And I heard that in order to wait for Director Qin, I even waited at the airport for a whole day!"

"Who said otherwise? Just one day's downtime fee would probably cost you a first-class ticket."


They suddenly felt that Qin Nuo could live in harmony with them, which was really surprising.

The gap between everyone is really big.

"Okay, you guys, let's go, we still have to do road shows, private planes are fine, we'll wait for Qintian Entertainment to go public!"

"I'll just ask each of you to sit down!"

Fatty Zhou doesn't think it's a big deal. He cares more about movies than private jets...

"Then thank you, Director Zhou!"

Several people left with a smile!

The private plane was not bad. Qin Nuo had a good sleep on the plane, and there were two beautiful stewardesses waiting beside her.

If Qin Nuo is willing, he can travel three thousand miles in a day like a Dapeng.

Although the two stewardesses look pretty good.

Not only Qin Nuo didn't move either.

I played a lot crazy with Liu Yifei last night, so I planned to take a good rest.

Twelve hours later we arrived at New York International Airport.

Another hour passed.

Qin Nuo was led to the set by Warner staff.

"Sanov, tell your actors to start filming in an hour, from shot ninety to shot ninety-eight."

"Let them prepare quickly!"

Qin Nuo had already communicated these matters with Sanov on the plane.

Actors are prepared.

"Why don't we shoot tomorrow, Qin, just get off the plane now!"

Sanov was a little worried about Qin Nuo's health. After all, Qin Nuo was still on the other side of the ocean fifteen hours ago.

"No, I'm in good spirits. Let's finish the filming as soon as possible. We will go to Las Vegas in ten days,"

"I have contacted MGM and they are already preparing!"

"Oh well!"

In fact, Qin Nuo worked hard, and it was too late for Warner and Sarnoff to be happy.

I'm just worried about Qin Nuo's health.

Half an hour later, the actors and behind-the-scenes staff began to prepare, make-up, props, and lighting.

Qin Nuo looked very satisfied. It seemed that everyone's condition had not declined in the past few days since he was away.

The efficiency is still very fast.

"Pork, get me a cup of coffee!"


"No, no, no, let me see!"

Sanov said quickly and waved, and soon a staff member brought an automatic coffee machine.

The operation of the Ocean Horse should be done by an experienced hand in less than a minute.

A cup of mellow coffee is ready.

Sanov quickly brought it to Qin Nuo.

"Qin, try it, this is authentic Blue Mountain coffee, it tastes very mellow!"

Qin Nuo3.2 looked at Sanov's smile and was a little confused.

He originally just wanted to ask Poke to go to the Starbucks not far away to get an iced Americano.

Who knew that Sanoff even built an automatic coffee machine.

Also found a coffee Dayanma.

This is too much.

Taking the coffee from Sanoff's hand, Qin Nuo took a sip and found that it tasted really good.

"How about it, Qin!"

"This is delicious, thank you, Mr. Sarnoff!"

"It's okay!" Hearing this, Sanov was extremely happy.

"How about some sandwiches? They go great with coffee!"

Qin Nuo”

"No need, it's too troublesome..."

"It's okay. Who is that? Go and tell Chef Sack, two sandwiches, hurry up!"

"Okay Mr. Sarnoff!"

In less than three minutes, two exquisite bacon sandwiches were placed in front of Qin Nuo.

To be honest, please be dumbfounded.

I even dare not eat it.

ps: The second one is coming, brothers, please support me, if it doesn’t work.

I will yell a few more words in the next chapter...

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