Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

439 Was Shot Like A Vacation, Entering Las Vegas, And The Overly Enthusiastic Ceo Of Mgm Resorts!

I have only been gone for less than five days, what on earth happened.

Sarnov must be sick.

For a scene, he just brought a coffee girl with him, and a five-star chef was specially prepared for him!

Am I here for filming or on vacation?

When Sanofu saw Qin Nuo hesitate to eat, he thought he was worried that the ingredients had been out for too long and would not be fresh.


"Qin, don't worry, Chef Sack will update the ingredients every day. It will definitely stay fresh!"

Qin Nuo”

"No, you misunderstood, Sanov."

Qin Nuo finally couldn't help but ask.

"What happened, sir? I even suspected that I was not filming, but on vacation."

"This is David's order, to ensure that you receive meticulous care on the set!"

"What the hell is going on?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, he was still hiding it, he must be sick.

"Okay, that's how it is."

Sarnov told Qin Nuo what happened at the reception a few days ago.

David was so embarrassed and angry that he died from Deng Wendi's rebuke.

What a shame.

"Qin, do you know? That guy David was so angry that he took me back and scolded me severely!"

"I didn't think so much at first. If I had known, I wouldn't have let you sit down!"

After listening, Qin Nuo understood that the co-authorship was about what happened last time on a private plane.

Deng Wendi, this woman is really amazing.

He found the right opportunity to embarrass David.

This thing may not seem like a big deal, but actually it is quite a big deal.

Especially for a big company like Warner.

Face is also very important.

"I understand. I won't have to do it in the future. It's very troublesome to bring so many people!"

"Qin, this won't work, you must take it with you!"

Sarnov didn't dare. David personally ordered this matter.

"But don't worry, I guarantee that these logistics will not affect the filming, and all costs will be borne by Warner!"

.....…Oh well!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid either. Since it does not affect shooting, you can have good coffee and delicious food anytime and anywhere.

The most important thing is that you don’t have to spend any money yourself.

Then why not enjoy it.

"Nasanov, thank David for me!"

"It should be Qin!"

During the next few days of filming, Bell and others Qin Nuo Qin Nuo were very envious.

What I drank was the top coffee from Blue Mountain, and what I ate was food cooked by a five-star chef himself.

When it got hot, someone came to bring him an air cooler.

After the shooting, Qin Nuo was given a massage by a beautiful ocean horse.

Why the hell are you filming?

This is obviously a vacation, I envy them so much.

Not to mention, Qin Nuo also feels good. It was a little uncomfortable at first, but I soon started to enjoy it.

This kind of life with clothes to put on, food to eat, and mouth to open is so beautiful.

I have to give David a thumbs up in return.

The cost of this thing is more than 30,000 US dollars a day.

Anyway, Qin Nuo is reluctant to give up...

time flies.

The filming of the New York scene was quickly completed, and Qin Nuo took a group of people to the MGM Grand Hotel in Las Vegas.

This is the first time Qin Nuo has seen such a big hotel.

It feels much bigger than domestic five-star hotels.

At least three that big.

"Qin, this is your first time coming to the MGM Hotel." Brad looked at Qin Nuo and asked.

"Yes, it's my first time here. This place is really beautiful."

Qin Nuo looked at the hotel in front of him. Under the night, the whole building glowed with orange light.

There seems to be some tassels on it.

Very dazzling.

There is a huge square in front of it, with a circular fountain in the middle.

There are colorful lights underneath.

The fountain looks particularly beautiful under the reflection of the light.

"Of course, this is one of the largest spinach companies in the world!" Brad said with a smile.

"Don't look at it. It's bigger at the top, but it's even bigger at the bottom! There are two floors of basement, and more than thousands of various spinach equipment!"

The people around also nodded. Las Vegas is not far from Hollywood.

When they have nothing to do, they like to come here and play.

"Qin, I'll take you to play soon." Hathaway held Qin Nuo's hand.

"I'm a master, I won 200,000 US dollars last time!"

"Okay" Qin Nuo definitely refused spinach.

As a good boy who grew up under the red flag, he has been sworn in gambling with DU since he was a child!

Determined not to contaminate.

But if Hathaway invites him to play, that's fine.

Anyway, he will never pay for it, this is his principle!

After a few people chatted for a while, the CEO of MGM Hotel came over.

With a kind smile on his face.

Stretching out his hand towards Qin Nuo.

"Hello, Director Qin, I am Albert, the CEO of MGM Resorts. Nice to meet you!"

"Hello, Albert!"

Qin Nuo was a little surprised when he looked at the young man in front of him. This guy was less than thirty and looked handsome.

He actually became the CEO of MGM, and he looked like he was a second generation person.

Albert was very enthusiastic and held Qin Nuo's hand for a long time without letting go.

Qin Nuo is not surprised either. He has read a report that his bet with twenty media outlets caused a huge sensation around the world.

The happiest among them is the gambling organization, according to incomplete statistics.

The total bets placed on him and the media by all bookmakers around the world exceeded 5 billion!

That's a lot of money.

Although MGM has not announced much, it is one of the largest gambling institutions in the world.

They received at least a billion dollars in bets.

Even if they earn nothing from this money, if they put it in their hands, the interest alone will be worth ten to twenty million in a few months.

Not to mention making money.

Therefore, Qin Nuo can be said to be a cash cow for MGM. It is not surprising that it is enthusiastic, but it is news that it is not popular.

"Qin, your and the crew's rooms have been prepared, and the venue has been completed! I hope you can have a pleasant stay at MGM!"

"Thank you Albert!"

Albert nodded, and then asked his men to send a card to Qin Nuo

"Please, this is for you. After filming, you can come down here and relax. All your expenses will be paid by MGM!"

"Albert, you are too polite. I can't use so much!"

Qin Nuo looked at the number on the card, a certificate of five million chips!

"Yes, let's go!"

Albert led everyone into the hotel, arranged Qin Nuo into the room, and left.

Tell Qin Nuo when you leave.

You can contact him anytime if you need anything.

"Damn it, Qin, this is MGM's supreme suite, you don't want to return this face!"

Brad sat on the sofa and looked at the living room, his eyes full of envy.

This room is not cheap, $30,000 a night.

Of course, this is the second thing. Many of them can afford thirty thousand US dollars.

But this room is specially prepared by MGM for some VIPs.

You can't live there even if you have money, you can only live in an ordinary presidential suite.

Bell, Sanoff, Hathaway and others also looked at it one after another. This was their first time seeing the Supreme Suite.

Just one word luxury!

It's golden and there are many paintings on the wall.

Some are relatively well-known artists.

Their guesses about hanging it in this room are probably true.

A painting costs at least tens of thousands.

Don't worry about being stolen.

"It's not bad, you Americans have this kind of aesthetic, it's golden and looks like a palace!"

Qin Nuo threw the card on the table and looked around the room.

The living room is large and the surrounding decorations are all yellow.

It really feels like an ancient palace.

"Damage, Qin, you don't understand, those arts are all fake, gold is the real hard currency!"

Morgan looked at Qin Nuo and patted his chest.

"This is the truth that it took me more than sixty years to realize 530!"

"Morgan's right! Gold is so good! I just love this stuff."

Several people nodded.

Hathaway picked up the card Qin Nuo threw just now. She was a little surprised as to what this thing was.

But after taking a look, he felt that his whole body was not well.

Just now she said she would take Qin Nuo to play with her, but MGM directly gave Qin Nuo five million chips.

Her two hundred thousand dollars looked so pale on this.

"Shit. Come and see, Albert gave Qin Nuo five million chips!"


"show me!"

Bell, Allen and others quickly came over, picked up the card and looked at it. They also understood this stuff.

It's a special card for MGM hotels. It has a chip inside, and you can tell how much it is by just swiping it.

This thing is sometimes used as a tool for transactions between gangs and DU criminals.

There used to be a lot.

There are a lot less now.

"Shit, it's really five million. This Albert is very generous!"

"Yeah, five million chips, you can convert them directly into money."

Bell looked at Qin Nuo.

"Qin, do you want us to change it into money for you?"

Qin Nuo waved his hand and said.

"No, after the filming is finished, we will divide the chips and everyone in the crew will have a share. Everyone can come and have fun!"

"Qin, you are the best director I have ever seen!"

"Qin, don't talk anymore. Next time you have a movie, remember to come to me. It's great!"

"Qin, I don't want to ask for more than 200,000 yuan!"

"Then I also want two hundred thousand!"

"I also want two hundred thousand!"

"We'll talk about it after we finish filming. I'm telling you, if it's too late and you don't have time, don't blame me!"

"I'll just accept the money~"

ps: Third update, there will be another update in an hour!.

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