Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

441 Qin Nuo It Takes A Month To Change One Every Day, Envy, Taylor And Shakira Are Coming, Greedy Qi

It’s not good to do this in public!

Pork next to him was dumbfounded, as were Bell and the others behind him.

The boss's mouth was open and his eyes were full of envy.

They really want to change their identities with Qin Nuo, thirty Victoria's Secret Angels, it must feel very comfortable to be surrounded by them.

At first glance, she has long legs and a delicate face.

Even if such a beautiful girl can be replaced every day, it will take a month.

Even if Qin Nuo is willing, maybe the model will really agree...


So happy.

After a while, Qin Nuo was rescued by Lima and escaped from a group of female hooligans.

His sinful hands touched countless big butts.

It's not that he volunteered, it was just that someone held his hand, which was obviously a free thing.

Qin Nuo is not stupid, so he can't refuse.

Even a little disheveled.

"Really, do you have such a thing?"

Lima was also drunk and quickly wiped Qin Nuo's two lip marks for discussion.

I don’t know which little slut left it behind.

I also helped him tidy up his clothes.

These women are just like gangsters.

"Hey, Lima, aren't we excited to see our idol?"

"Yes, Lima, Qin, I am your fan, can you sign the shoulder strap?

After speaking, Ameile directly pulled out a lace shoulder strap.

The angle is very big. Looking from the direction of Qin Nuo, you can even see most of it...

"Go away, Emily is the most slutty of you!"

"Okay, angels, I have received your enthusiasm." Qin Nuo wiped his face. To be honest, it's okay to do it once.

It's really unbearable to do it a few times.

Thirty was too many. He really couldn't eat it. He even felt a little lack of oxygen...

"Poke, Bell 280, you guys, please help me take the angels back to the hotel!"

"Take care of them along the way~!"

"I have to pick up two more people~"

Qin Nuo also blinked at everyone.

It seems to be saying that the opportunity has been given to you. Whether you can seize it depends on your own ability.

The boss has already tried it for you.

The thirty angels are all very nice and feel comfortable to the touch.

When several people heard this, their eyes lit up.

Director Qin is such a good person. He eats meat and we drink soup. He pays attention to people.

We will definitely help if you are busy in the future.

"No problem, Qin, just leave it to us. We will deliver the angels safely to the hotel!"

"That's right, Qin, don't worry!"


Several people quickly came to the models and took them out of the airport.

Qin Nuo saw Bo Ke still looking stupid and gave him a quick push.

"Go, didn't you see that Brad and the others have already taken action?"

"Why are you still standing there? Do you like others to pick out the rest?"

"But Director Qin, I'm nothing, and people don't look down on me!" Although Bo Ke wanted to do it, he didn't have the confidence in his heart.

He was a newly graduated college student who wanted money but no money, no house, how to pick up girls.

Hearing this, Qin Nuo was drunk.

I didn't ask you to marry someone else, why the hell do you care so much.

"Labour and management have really convinced you, why do you want me, a Chinese, to teach you, an American, how to write in the ocean?"

"Just say you are my Queen's Assistant Director and go quickly!"

Hearing this, Bo Ke's eyes lit up. This method was not wrong.

I am not famous myself, but I am a boss!

"Thank you, Director Qin. Director Qin, can I recognize you (chba) as my godfather?"

Qin Nuo.…………”

To put it bluntly, a godfather is almost like a foster father or godfather.

But Qin Nuo doesn't believe in any godfather or godfather.

Because the last person who was recognized as his godfather had already been stabbed by his godson.

The corpse is cold

As the saying goes, Lu Bu is among men and the red rabbit is among horses, Fang Tian draws his halberd and turns to his adoptive father...

"Go away! I don't like being a father!"

Poke touched his butt, feeling a little aggrieved. Don't I respect you?

But never mind.

Hurry up and keep up with the large army in front.

If you perform well, you might be able to bid farewell to your youth tonight.

Become a real man.

"Qin, I remember you don't like people calling you dad very much?" Lima glanced at Qin Nuo ambiguously.

"Last time at Rat Tail Bar, Shakira's throat almost burst from shouting!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, how could it be the same?

"I just like good daughters, not sons!"

"Then how about I be your good daughter?" Lima hinted while looking at Qin Nuo.

"no problem!"

The two chatted coquettishly, and it didn't take long.

Shakira and Taylor were connected because they were at the Atlanta Music Festival.

So take a flight to Las Vegas.

"Welcome, two great singers!"

Qin Nuo stretched out his hands. Shakira thought Qin Nuo was going to hug her, and a smile appeared on her face.

But who would have thought that this guy Qin Nuo is very greedy.

He directly held the two of them in his arms.

It feels so good to have the soft fragrance in your arms. Shakira is wearing a short-sleeved shirt today, so there should be nothing underneath.

Very comfortable to hold.

As for Taylor...well, I really don't feel this woman's Qin Nuo.

"Qin, you are a bit greedy, let's go together." Shakira in her arms rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo and said.

"The main reason is that I'm afraid you can't do it alone!"


Turning to look at Taylor, Qin Nuo showed a warm smile.

"Tyler, long time no see!"

"Long time no see Qin!" Taylor looked at Qin Nuo, feeling a little bitter in his heart.

The image of a lady that had been accumulated in Qin Nuo's heart was completely destroyed in the Rat Tail Bar.

Taylor was miserable for several days.

But then I slowly figured out that since we can't be boyfriend and girlfriend.

Then be a confidante.

It's less stressful this way.

Thinking of what happened last time, Taylor suddenly felt a little hazy in his eyes.

Qin is the most manly man she has ever seen.

The few of them chatted for a while, then got in the car and prepared to go back to the MGM Hotel.

This time Qin Nuo drove the car himself. He still remembered the scenes when Taylor drove last time.

That's outrageous.

Your life is at stake!

"Qin, I bet a thousand dollars on you to win!" Shakira pouted.

"That's my living expenses for a week. If you lose, I might cause trouble for you!"

"I also paid a thousand yuan," Lima said quickly.

Then Chu Chu pitifully looked at Qin Nuo.

"If Qin loses, can he pay me back? I'm just a little model, very poor."

Hear what the two said.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, Shakira, you, a woman like you, need to live on a thousand dollars a week?

Are you kidding me? You paid more than a thousand yuan for a Chanel bellyband.

And you Lima, what is a little model?

Ever since Segil Bundchen started to move closer to Hollywood.

You Lima are already Victoria’s Secret’s biggest supermodel.

He can easily earn tens of millions of dollars a year, not counting endorsements.

A show costs more than 100,000.

Still short of money?

"Humph, you guys are so useless, Qin and I are the best," Taylor said, leaning over and kissing Qin Nuo on the cheek.

"Qin, I gave you $20,000, I believe you can win!"

"You are indeed my good baby!"


"Taylor, you're so horny!"

"So cool!"

"Isn't it just 20,000? If I go to MGM, I'll pay 50,000!"

"Me too~!" Shakira echoed.

Fifty thousand yuan is not much, although the chance is a little small, but what if you win.

"If I were you, I would give you half a million!" Qin Nuo said with a smile.

"That means the betting agency won't allow me to bet on him. Otherwise, I'll give him at least 10 million!"

Hearing this, the three women were a little surprised.

Looking at Qin Nuo, he thought to himself.

Are you that confident?

"Qin, are you serious? People on the Internet say your winning rate is very low."

"That's right, I saw some film experts analyzed it, and it's less than 100%!"

The three girls actually did it for the sake of their relationship with Qin Nuo, otherwise.

They must be on the media's side, after all, no one's money belongs to Dafeng.

They can buy a bag for tens of thousands of dollars.

Qin Nuo thought for a while and said.

"Let's put it this way, the Dark Knight will definitely break one billion this time! As I said, haven't you noticed that the casinos have quietly revised their odds?"

MGM is not stupid. It invited Qin Nuo to film here and also observed it secretly.

I found that Qin Nuo seems to be really no ordinary person. Maybe DC will really rise this time.

So I secretly modified the odds and dropped them a little every day.

People who don’t pay attention often haven’t noticed yet.

But caring people are paying attention, such as colleagues...

When I saw that MGM had secretly revised its odds, I thought of the recent filming of The Dark Knight at MGM.

Analyzing it, I am afraid that this guy got some inside information.

So MGM followed suit and secretly lowered the media's odds.

We are all smart people and if we can make more money, why not do it.

"Yeah, it's really true!" Shakira looked at the news released by MGM online, and saw another percentage drop today.

Okay, I’ll vote! Five hundred thousand!”

"Then I'll invest half a million, too!"

The three women said in unison.

When Qin Nuo saw this, a smile appeared on his face, a boy can be taught.

Remember to treat me to seafood when you make money later~!

Half an hour later, Qin Nuo came to the hotel with three people.

Allen and the others were still chatting.

"Have you started? I've already got an angel's number!" Brad looked at everyone.

"I'm going to ask her out for a drink tonight! Then..."

"What is cloth?" Allen took out two cards.

"I have two, too. Maybe I can still...hey tonight, you know!"

ps: The first update, four updates guaranteed.

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