Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

442 Everyone’S Envy And Jealousy! What's A Supermodel? Qin Nuo Just Hired A Big Singer, Or Two

"I'll go, bastard!" Brad was angry.

"Alan, did you give me money?"

"Shit, how can I? I, Allen, never spend money to pick up girls!"

Hathaway and Bell were drunk when they saw the two arguing. Are you sick?

This can also be noisy!

Suddenly, Morgan felt something was wrong with Poke next to him. He was giggling as soon as he came in.

We all laughed for a long time.

After observing carefully, Morgan suddenly took out a few small cards from Pocket's jacket.

"Shit, Pork, you can do it!" Morgan counted, one, two, three, four, five~!

Five, exactly five small cards.

"Morgan, bastard, give me back!"

Bo Ke was furious. This old man had no moral ethics.

However, Morgan is very tall and Pork is a little shorter. When Morgan raises his hand, Pork can't reach it.

All he could do was stare.

"Little Bo Ke, didn't you realize that you are still a master at picking up girls? Why didn't you pretend to be a virgin with us in the bar before?"

"Play pig eat tiger?"

Morgan looked at the little guy and said jokingly.

When Brad and others saw this, they quickly came over and accused Pork together.

"Hey, Pork, how did you do it? You're not as handsome as me, and you're not as tall as me. How can you get five tickets?"

Allen was very angry. He thought he was already the king here.

In less than an hour, I got the cards of two supermodels.

But who would have thought that this little director could get five pictures? Do you have any hidden skills?

"Speak to Poke quickly, otherwise, I won't deal with you!" Brad was also very unhappy.

Very meow.

I, a Hollywood star, am not as good as you, a freshly graduated college student.

It's embarrassing to tell anyone.

Pork's face was full of shyness and a little nervous. He was surrounded by several people and wanted to run away, but Bell on the side was paying attention.

Poke was pulled back in one stroke.

I still want to run. Do you think my exercise these days is in vain?

"I don't know this either, so don't ask!" Pock begged.

"Hmph, tell me quickly, or we will take off your pants!"

"Yes, let Hathaway see what a virgin bird is!"


Hathaway: "...You are sick, you guys!"

"Okay, okay, I said, it's actually like this."

Bo Ke had no choice but to tell everyone exactly what Qin Nuo told him when he left at the airport.

"I told Sofia at the end, but when I got off the bus, several girls gave me a card!"

After everyone listened, their foreheads were covered with black lines. It turned out to be like this.

Let's just say that this kid doesn't understand anything and is so stupid that he can win the favor of so many supermodels.

It turned out that someone, Qin, was helping.

Qin's deputy assistant director is not a small name. Generally, the assistant director next to a big director can shoot a movie on his own within a few years.

And with the care of a great director, you can avoid many detours.

If you are talented enough and capable enough, you can become a cutting-edge director in a few years.

It is indeed considered a potential stock.

And they can also meet Qin Nuo through Pork.

All it takes is one night's work.

It's simply not a good deal.

At the same time, everyone is really envious of this guy Poke, he is such a lucky bastard, following such a good boss.

Not only did he create opportunities for his career, but he also gave him step-by-step instructions on how to pick up girls.

Why didn’t Labor and Capital meet such a good brother when they debuted?

"Bo Ke, Qin really has nothing to say to you. If you dare to be ungrateful in the future, be careful not to go see Satan after you die!"

Morgan returned the card to Poke and said seriously.

"That's right, your kid's debut is much easier than ours."

"Yes, Po Ke, remember to be grateful, Qin almost adopted you as his son!"

"Of course I will" Pork put the card away. "I said last time that I would recognize Qin as his godfather, but I don't know why Qin seemed to be very repelled when he heard that his godfather was there."

"I don't know why."

"Maybe it's custom, Qin is from China!"

"Yes, it doesn't have to be like this. Qinba is no bigger than you!"

"That makes sense!"

A few people were chatting, and suddenly a gust of fragrant wind came.

"Hey, you are all here. It's so late, why don't you go to rest?"

Qin Nuo glanced at the time, it was already eight o'clock, what were you doing in the lounge?

“I don’t need to introduce you to the queen of country music, Taylor, and the queen of pop music, Shakira!”

"You all just met Lima!"

After Qin Nuo finished speaking, the three of them showed a sweet smile to Bell, Allen and others.


"Hello everyone!"

Everyone was stunned, what the hell!

What the hell is this?

They didn't take Qin Nuo's friend seriously at all just now, they thought he was an old director.

But who would have thought that it would be two big singers.

And they are all famous beauties!!!

This guy Qin is so proud.

Filming a scene not only brings in a group of angels as guest stars, but also brings in two big singers.

Looking back, if this was used as a publicity stunt, the box office would have increased by at least 10 to 20 million.

Taylor and Shakira have many fans, and there are also many loyal fans.

"Why don't you talk?...Forget it," Qin Nuo said, holding Shakira with one arm and Taylor with the other.

"The filming will start at ten o'clock tomorrow morning. Don't forget, three beauties and I will go to the underground spinach to have fun. You guys can chat slowly!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo and Taylor left talking and laughing.

A group of people were left messy in the wind.

It took a while for everyone to react.

Brad glanced at the card in his hand, and the pride he felt just now was gone.

He quickly put the card away.

What do you think this is?

It's just a supermodel, there are thousands of them all over the world, way too many.

And what about Qin?

Two American music queens are lying in other people's arms, damn it.

This gap is simply not too big.

Men generally look at two things when picking up girls.

One is appearance and the other is identity.

I know everything about appearance, but identity is very particular.

Why do many men like their best friend’s girlfriend or wife.

Even though this woman is actually not as beautiful as my girlfriend.

But with the blessing of identity!

I understand everything!

Identity is sometimes more important than appearance...

"I'm going back to my room to sleep!"

"Me too, everyone go to bed early today!"

"Yes, it's quite tiring!"

.........Please give me flowers...

Allen and others were hit so hard that even the angels couldn't survive.

Go back and have a good sleep.

This is crazy.

It's so hurtful.

Hathaway was a little unhappy being left alone.

Shit, these bitches, indeed the music industry is full of bitches.


Qin Nuo disagreed with what Hathaway said. He quite liked singing girls.

Because sometimes, it sounds good.

Listening to music while working is simply a pleasure!


so gorgeous!

Qin Nuo drank a little too much last time and couldn't remember the details. This time he drank a little less.

Enjoyed it.

I even used a little blue pill that I haven’t used from the system for a long time!

Vertical sun.

The exciting shooting begins

"The Dark Knight, paragraph 190, third action shot!"

This scene is also a very classic scene in The Dark Knight. The Joker attends a banquet and confronts Batman for the first time.

The camera moves slowly.

In the banquet hall, Japanese men and women gathered together in pairs, drinking champagne and chatting.

They were celebrating Harvey for sending half of Gotham's criminals to prison.

Gotham City finally ushered in a rare moment of peace.

Harvey, played by Allen, shuttled through the banquet, chatting with the upper class people next to him from time to time.

Qin Nuo deliberately extended this scene by ten seconds.

I took more photos of the supermodels wearing long dresses at the party.

I have to say that this is definitely another highlight of The Dark Knight. These women have really great figures.

The next second, the camera turned and came outside.

A helicopter lands outside.

The Batman played by Bell got off the plane. The Batman played by Bell is the dark knight who fights crime in the dark night.

But on the surface, he uses playboy to hide his identity.

Coming down with him were Shakira and Taylor.

They can also be regarded as acting in their true colors.

As Wayne's female companion.

With a cheerful smile on his face.

Bell held one hand by the other, looked at the crowd with a playboy smile on his face and said

"Where is Harvey?"

"And my old friend Rachel!" Wayne, played by Bale, looked around.

"She is my oldest friend, come here quickly!"

Rachel, played by Hathaway, walked out of the crowd with a helpless look on her face.

Bell smiled happily.

"You know what? When I heard Rachel and Harvey were dating."

"I only have one thing to say, and that is the ads in the terror campaign!"

"We all believe in Harvey!"

At this time, Allen, who played Harvey, had an awkward and not polite smile on his face.

He knew that this guy Wayne was dissatisfied with him for taking Rachel away.

Taunting him!

Bell shrugged and glanced at Allen.

"Haha, this is actually a good slogan!"

"At least it got Rachel's attention!"

Hearing this, the upper class people present laughed out loud!

ps: The second update, the shooting will be over soon. I know that everyone doesn’t seem to like watching the shooting, so it has been shortened a lot.

Also, let me make a statement.

I am really not a trumpet of some great god, my level is far worse than others!

Can't compare, can't compare with a knife at all!

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