Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

443 Held The Best Party In The World! Netizens Were Jealous With Envy, And David Smiled Crookedly!

"Ka! Okay! Get ready, the next scene will be filmed in ten minutes, with the clown attending the banquet!"


Everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The scene was finally finished and was filmed three times in a row.

Somewhat tired.

To be honest, I'm lucky.

For a play like this with many extras, it's pretty good to pass it three times.

If an extra performer doesn't perform well, you have to start over.

Qin Nuo is also preparing for the next scene where he plays a clown causing a banquet.

"Wow, Qin, you are really too much!"

Taylor came to Qin Nuo.

"You didn't even tell us that you are the clown in the play!"

Lima and Shakira also came to Qin Nuo and looked at the makeup on his face.

His eyes were full of curiosity.

"Yes, many media outside are speculating who the clown is, but it turns out to be you!"

"Shh, don't tell anyone, I'm still waiting to use this to make a wave of popularity! Remember to give me the confidentiality agreement later!

"Know it!"

The three girls looked at the clown costume on Qin Nuo's face. Not only were they not afraid, they even reached out to touch it.

"Wow, so true!"

"Yes, so handsome!"

"Are you sick?" Qin Nuo really has a new understanding of the Ocean Horse. He played with it until two o'clock in the middle of the night last night.

Even Taylor didn't dare to bear the heavy burden and fainted.

But when we came together in the afternoon, we heard that we were going to film a movie, and everyone was very excited.

Not at all sluggish as he was last night.

The battery is fully charged after a short sleep, because the Yanma is really powerful.

"Aren't you three tired? You've done it several times in a row!"

"I'm not tired, it turns out filming is so interesting, I like it very much!

"Yes, Qin, you can also ask us to guest star in future movies!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes in his heart, these women are really interesting.

Not only do you send shots thousands of miles away, but you can also make guest appearances for free.

Qin Nuo has never seen such a request in his life, asking him to become a prostitute for nothing.

"Okay! Of course you can. From now on I will be filming, and you can come and play whatever you want!"

"Qin, you are so kind!"

"Yeah, those directors all look down on us, but I didn't expect you to be so happy!"

After another ten days, the filming in Las Vegas was completed, and Qin Nuo took everyone back to the Warner Studio.

In fact, the filming had ended two days ago, but Qin Nuo was not in a hurry to leave.

After all, the filming lasted for nearly two months.

The crew was also exhausted.

While Taylor, Shakira and a bunch of Victoria's Secret models are here.

On the last day, Qin Nuo simply held a huge party in the hotel.

After Albert heard about it, he sponsored the whole process.

Not only did they bring dozens of boxes of good wine, they also specially invited the hotel’s chef.

The party attracted a lot of attention.

Two major American singers sang, and more than 30 Victoria's Secret models performed a live catwalk show for everyone.

The crew and actors were in for a treat.

Make a lot of money.

It even caused a huge stir online.

Sarnoff quickly posted some photos and videos of the party to Twitter.

After the media saw it, they reprinted it one after another.

It instantly attracted the attention of netizens.

After reading it, the gringos were extremely envious.

What kind of magical crew is this? This party is so fun, it’s so fun!!!

Their eyes turned red with envy.

Not only did Shakira and Taylor sing and perform on the same stage, but there were also top Victoria's Secret models walking the catwalk.


You can sell tickets now.

We want to see it!

"Shit, shit, I'm so envious, I'm really envious. Is Qin filming or just playing? It's so cool, so many beauties!

"Taylor, my favorite singer seems to be going to the scene, woohoo!"


"Hey, I'm in Las Vegas. After hearing about it, I just wanted to give it a try, but I didn't expect Qin to actually let us in."

"You don't know how fun this party is, it's the best party I've ever attended!"

"There are so many beauties!"

"Upstairs, why didn't I see you? I'm here too. Qin is such a good person. I told the staff that I was Qin's fan."

"The crew also let me in. It's like paradise. I can't play it again in my life!"

"Wow, I'm so envious. I'm here too, but it's a pity that I didn't dare to ask, so I missed out on 100 million!"

"Asshole! Why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, I would have taken leave and flew to attend!"

"Yeah, who knew Qin was so hospitable! What a pity!"

With the participation of netizens, this party successfully made headlines again.

This time the Dark Knight once again exposed his face in front of the world.

Everyone knows that this Qin Nuo movie actually has 30 supermodels and two major singers making guest appearances.

I haven’t seen this movie since it came out.

Even if the movie is a mess, it’s still worth the price to see the legs, right?

No loss, absolutely no loss!

On the other side, Warner David and Warner Publicity Minister Korgas looked at the online media reports on this show.

The smile on his face couldn't be hidden.

I also admire Qin very much in my heart. This guy is not only good at making movies and writing scripts.

This is also very powerful for publicity.

I once again let my face slip in front of the media. It takes a lot to achieve this kind of publicity effect.

It's definitely impossible to escape if it's several million [even thousands of square meters is not impossible.

But what about Qin Nuo?

Nothing was paid. I heard that all the expenses this time were sponsored by MGM.

Qin Nuo is just a promoter.

Earn money for free!

"Qin is really awesome," Cogas joked after reading the news on the Internet.

"In the future, even if Qin doesn't make movies, I think it will be more than enough for him to work as the propaganda director at Warner Bros.

"He is so good at catching the audience's attention!"

"Haha!" David also laughed when he heard this.

"Kogas, you are too humble. Qin Ke doesn't like your position. If this Dark Knight really has a billion dollars!"

"Then he can earn at least 200 million. With so much money, you, the minister, will never be able to earn that much in your lifetime?"

Korgas smiled bitterly.

"Yes, my position seems pretty good, but compared with Qin Yi, forget it!"

"There is a saying in China: comparing one person to another is really irritating!"

David nodded.

He felt that he was right to find Qin Nuo. This guy could always bring them some unexpected surprises.

"Spend some money to maintain this popularity. Qindu has already taken action and we can't just watch~!"


On the other side, in stark contrast to Warner is Disney.

Robert and Allen also had headaches after reading the news on the Internet.

Really headache.

Qin's ability to make trouble is so strong that the press conference made a big news with the world's media.

Then he bragged about having an affair with someone's American sweetheart.

Disney spent a lot of money to get this popularity back.

I originally thought I could relax for a while, but who would have thought that it has only been two months.

Qin Nuo made another big news.

Known as the best party in the world!

It also attracted the attention of the audience and the media.

Robert felt that Qin was simply the darling of the media.

Every time I get a lot of good news.

The key is that they don't spend any money, and what's even more annoying is that the effect of not spending money is even better than the effect of spending money.

Even more natural!

What a mess.

In the end, he couldn't deal with Qin Nuo, and Warner's David was always staring at them.

If Disney dares to take action.

This guy David will definitely take revenge wildly.

Their Avengers definitely make money and they don’t want to touch the Dark Knight at all.

"Alan, I really regret it. If I had known earlier, I should have agreed to Qin's request!"

Robert looked at Alan.

"Even if I pay an extra 5% of the global box office share, I am willing to take this talented director who can cause trouble into my pocket!"

"Perhaps he can bring us more benefits than this!"

He imagined that if Qin Nuo made Avengers, it would definitely attract more global attention than DC.

One is the most successful comic book superhero movie in the world, and the other is the most talented genius director in the world.

The chemical reaction between the two is definitely much better than the half-dead DC.

DC has been dragging Qin Nuo back, but Marvel will definitely give Qin Nuo a boost.

When the two were superimposed, Robert simply couldn't imagine it.

Maybe two billion is not impossible.

"It's useless to talk about it now, Robert 3.4 special!" Allen spread his hands with a look of helplessness.

"At the beginning, we didn't know Qin was so capable of causing trouble. This is not our responsibility!

Although he said this, Robert was still a little unwilling.

Watching your opponents make money is even more distressing than losing money yourself.

After thinking for a while he said.

"Ellen, do you think we can also hold a party?"

"The Avengers also have many big-name stars. At worst, contact Victoria's Secret. There are just dozens of models."

“It doesn’t cost much!”

"If I invite a few more Grammy singers, they should also give me face!"

Robert thought that since Qin Nuo couldn't be defeated by innovation, then we could still get some soup by following the trend!

As long as you can make money.

Don’t mind it either!

"You can give it a try, but I remember Qin said something."

"The first person to give flowers to a beautiful woman is a genius, the second person is a mediocre person, and the third person is a fool!"



He felt that Allen was caring about him.

Just give this guy a blank look and forget it, a mediocre person is just mediocre, as long as he can make money.

ps: Three updates, there will be another update in an hour.

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