Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

444 Deng Wendi Felt That He Had Lost 100 Million! Detective Tang 2 Is Released, With Amazing Box Off

At the same time, Fox Deng Wen delivered his office.

This woman was not happy after reading the news on the Internet.

David, this idiot, is not very smart.

This is pretty good luck

Very meow.

This DC movie is obviously half dead, but Qin Nuo has made it so popular.

It’s simply no worse than Marvel, which is at its peak.


I should have ridiculed this guy a few times at the cocktail party last time.


He actually stole my person.

"Hmph. Warner bastard!"

"Kevin, go to Warner immediately to find David and ask him to give Fox five million in talent fees!"

Deng Wendi was furious.

"Qin Mingming was discovered by us at Fox. This David is shameless and stole our talented director!"

"Otherwise, only his half-dead DC can have such enthusiasm and dream!"

When Kevin heard this, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Sure enough, women are women, it's just a bit unreasonable.

David wouldn't be able to give this money even if he was stupid. They had already spent a lot of money to invite Qin Nuo.

Now you, Fox, are going to fight against the autumn wind.

What are you thinking about...

Let’s talk about the last cocktail party. My boss made David laugh at him and made him miserable.

I heard that the reception only lasted an hour.

David ran away in despair.

He has been hiding at the Warner headquarters these days and has not shown up.

Kevin felt that if he went there, David might take advantage of the opportunity and punish him severely.

He's not going.

"Ma'am, I'm busy with a hurricane movie, why don't you ask Mike to go."

Mike was still watching the show, but he didn't expect Kevin to trick him.

He's not stupid either.

Warner and Fox are at loggerheads over Qin Nuo.

It would be strange if this went unchecked.

"Madam, I don't feel well today, why don't you find someone else?"

Deng Wendi glared at these two guys.

So cowardly.

You are afraid of a hammer.

I don't believe that guy David really dares to punish you.

With his temper, he wouldn't even dare...

If you really dare, that's great.

Warner will bleed if I don’t cheat!

"It's really useless. If you put it all together, can Qin Nuo really revitalize this garbage DC?"

"I'm getting more and more worried now. I always feel like he can do it!"

Deng Wendi had a dream yesterday, dreaming that the total box office of The Dark Knight exceeded 1.5 billion.

He even defeated the reunion team which was in full swing.

She was so frightened that she broke into a cold sweat.

Really or not, that crappy cartoon has been half-dead for more than ten years, and it can actually turn around!

"Not to mention this, I feel like my hope is a little higher now!"

"Mike and I have similar views." Kevin also felt bad.

"If it were someone else's 9,1 opening, Qin, this guy would be good at creating miracles! Maybe he could really turn things around!"

"Asshole! Warner is really making a lot of money!"

Deng Wendi thought that no wonder she asked Bella to invest in Qin's branch in Hollywood last time.

Qin Nuo was unwilling.

You must know that she is very sincere, not only giving away two floors, but Qin Nuo can get 30 million US dollars without paying anything.

All it takes is 20% of the shares.

But Qin actually said that he would wait until the end of The Dark Knight before letting her invest.

It turns out that this guy is very confident in himself and thinks that this movie can make a lot of money!

"No matter what you do when you go back, Qin Nuo must cooperate with us at Fox for the next movie!"

"If you fail to do so, all your year-end bonuses this year will be cancelled!"

"do you understand?"



The two of them feel miserable. This has nothing to do with us. Shouldn't it be you?

"I'm not an unkind person. As long as I can do this, I will triple your year-end bonus this year!"

Hearing this, Mike and Kevin's eyes lit up again, three times!

This is generous.

"Okay ma'am, I will do my best!"

BOSS, I’ll come up with an idea right away when I get back!”

After the two left, Deng Wendi knocked on the table, feeling that he was really at a loss.

What a shame.

If it really is like a dream, The Dark Knight's box office can reach 1.5 billion.

She could be pissed off.

If this happens, not only can Warner make a fortune from the movie box office, but it can also transfer a lot of peripherals and copyrights.

What's more important is that Qin Nuo has revitalized DC, and it will become Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash and so on in the future.

Countless superheroes can appear on the stage, and everyone in the team will laugh out loud in their dreams.

"Asshole, no, I can't lose, Bella!"

The little secretary walked over with her sexy butt swaying.

"Boss, what are your orders?"

"Go, inform my financial manager, take 5 million to buy Qin Nuo and win! Warner won't give me a talent fee, I will earn it myself!"


She felt that Deng Wendi had changed a lot.

I didn't believe Qin before, but now he actually took a gamble with five million.

However, the little secretary is also a smart person. Deng Wendi is a real woman who is ordinary but very accurate in reading people.

She also planned to spend 200,000 from her own coffers to buy Qin Nuo to win.

If you win later, you can get a better car...

the other side.

Qin Nuo has already returned to Los Angeles with the crew, and discussed with Sarnoff to take a day off before starting filming the day after tomorrow.

There's nothing we can do about it, everyone's excitement is a bit too much, if we have to film tomorrow.

Many people are out of shape and might as well take a day off.

Anyway, there’s enough shooting time.

One more day doesn't matter.

In fact, Qin Nuo is also thinking about himself.

He really didn't have a drop left from yesterday's party.

The fun was really crazy, and the party atmosphere here in Chinatown was really good.

Qin Nuo was relatively reserved at first, but then the alcohol got to her head.

I got high immediately.

When he woke up this morning, he had at least a dozen models on him. There are also Hathaway, Taylor and others.

Touching his waist, he felt powerless for the first time since he had the system.

Damn it!

I will never play again.

After taking a bath at night, Qin Nuo didn't sleep either.

I am in contact with Sister Hong. Tang Detective II has been released in China.

Sister Hong sounded very excited.

"Boss, Detective Tang 2 has a box office of over 1.8 billion in China. In my small days, Han Kingdom and Southeast Asia also performed well, with revenue exceeding 100 million!"

"The total adds up to 2.2 billion!!!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo was very excited, 2.2 billion, this is really a lot.

You must know that Qintian Entertainment did not invest much at all in Tang Detective 2 this time.

Although the cost of filming and publicity is 120 million.

But the brand's sponsorship fee is as high as 80 million.

The equivalent investment in Tang Detective 2 this time is only 40 million.

One hundred million can make the money back.

The rest is profit.

Because the publisher is also Qintian Entertainment, you can make more money!

A rough calculation shows that Detective Tang will earn at least around 800 million this time!!

It’s time to catch up with the movie From Earth.

"When we get the money, we will first allocate 500 million to Star Cinema! Continue the strategy of surrounding the cities from the countryside!"

"Okay boss! But this money shouldn't be enough!"

Sister Hong reminded that although 500 million seems to be a lot, for theater chains.

Not much really.

Although the land price in the county is not very high, a movie theater is not small, and it adds up to a large amount of money.

Of course you can also rent.

But Qin Nuo is not stupid. The current land price is much cheaper than it will be a few years ago.

So the strategy he gave is to buy it yourself if you can, and try not to rent.

If it doesn't work, we'll go to the group meeting room.

It seems silly now, but Qin Nuo knows that as time goes by, this land will become more and more valuable.

To put it bluntly, even if the movie theater collapses, the place will be changed hands.

Maybe you can still make a lot of money...

Sister Hong understands very well. As an elite, she also understands Qin Nuo's plan. 430

As the country continues to develop, the land in this county will become more and more valuable.

Moreover, Qin Nuo chooses all the places in the city center, so you will definitely not lose money.

It's just going to be a little slower.

"It's okay, take your time, you can get the money after The Dark Knight is released"

"If it doesn't work, just get a loan. The load rate of Star Cinema is not high!"

"I see!"

After talking about the business, Sister Hong made another suggestion to Qin Nuo.

"Boss, the company is getting bigger and bigger. It's time to build a headquarters. What do you think?"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo frowned.

"Boss, don't think this is money wasted. It is necessary to build a headquarters. Qintian Entertainment is the leader of China's entertainment industry!"

"You can't even compare to Huayi, Guangguang, Chengtian or even Tangren."

"They all have their own headquarters. If you tell me this, it will make people laugh!"

"I understand this!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid, he just has too many things to take care of now.

Also, Qintian Entertainment was developing so fast that he didn't react for a while.

"Let's go and communicate with the city government. The government should transfer a piece of land at a low price!"

"Let's borrow money first, build the headquarters slowly, and just finish it before going public!"

Qin Nuo feels that the Shanghai Municipal Government still hopes that Qintian Entertainment will stay in Shanghai.

Let’s not talk about Qintian Entertainment’s status in China’s entertainment industry.

Qintian Entertainment alone pays hundreds of millions in taxes a year.

There will be more and more in the future.

And Qintian Entertainment can provide employment for thousands of people, leverage many industries, and can also drive surrounding development.

These potential benefits are also quite large.

The most important point is that unlike other companies, Qintian Entertainment does not have any pollution or environmental problems at all.

And increase fame

This is simply the perfect business for the government to favor.

ps: The fourth update has arrived. Hehe, let’s see what you guys think next!

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