Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

446 This Time It Is Destined To Be That The King Does Not See The King! The Dark Knight Is Scheduled

The venue was quickly set up, inside and outside an abandoned building.

Qin Nuo sat on a chair, looking at the screen, looking at Bell, Brad, and the little boy who played the son of Police Chief Gordon in the play.

The three of them nodded towards him, indicating that they were ready.

Qin Nuo didn't hesitate and said loudly three seconds later.

"Attention all units, Dark Knight Chapter 1233, first shot, acton!"

The camera focused on Bell, and he was seen quickly disappearing into the darkness with his Batman suit.

The little boy who was rescued rushed out and shouted at Bell's back.

"Batman! Batman!"

The little boy looked disappointed and confused when he saw Batman disappearing.

He came to Brad and asked.

"Why is he running?"

Brad, who plays the police chief, also has sadness in his eyes.

"Because we have to catch him!"


"He is the hero that Gotham City needs, but not now.

So we have to catch her!"

"Because only he can bear it!"

"Because he is not our hero!"

"He is a silent guardian!"

"A vigilant protector!"

"He is...the Dark Knight!"

The camera chases Bell's figure slowly disappearing into the darkness.


Hearing this, hundreds of people in the entire crew, as well as Allen, Hathaway, Sarnoff and others looked at Qin Nuo expectantly.

The eyes were full of excitement, and even some female staff members' eyes were red.

They were waiting for Qin Nuo to say those words.

Qin Nuo naturally knew what everyone was looking forward to. He looked around and glanced at everyone around him.

Then he smiled and said loudly.

"I announce that after one hundred and fifty-eight days, The Dark Knight is officially finished!"

"Everyone cheer 550!"

"Yeah!!! It's done!!!!"

"Shit, shit!! This is the most difficult film I have ever filmed, and also the most enjoyable film!!!"

"Me too. Although I am very tired, I enjoy it very much. I think the movie will definitely become the pride of my career!"


The staff behind the scenes were so excited that they hugged each other.

Qin Nuo was also lifted up by the excited actors and ran to the sky.

Although the filming of The Dark Knight was very tiring, everyone was very happy.

Qin is serious when filming, but very talkative in private.

It will also bring surprises to everyone when they can’t hold it any longer.

They were having a party in Las Vegas three months ago.

What a wonderful party.

"Okay, shit, put me down quickly!" Qin Nuo was worried about what if these guys didn't catch him.

"Qin, you shouldn't be afraid, right?"

Qin Nuo

"Get out of here Allen, Sanov, help me!"

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop playing around. The wedding banquet has been prepared. Why don't we go home drunk tonight!"


"Qin, I'll let you go today!"

Qin Nuo was speechless. These Americans were so outrageous. He quickly arranged his clothes.

After waving, Sarnov quickly came to his side.

"Sanov, remember to transfer the bonus into each staff member's account tomorrow. I have sent it to your email address for details on how to divide it!"

An average score will definitely not work. Qin Nuo will still follow the previous arrangement in China. Those who contribute more will naturally get more points.

When Sanov heard this, his body ached.

Twenty-five million!

With so much money, do we really need to divide it?

So distressed!

"Qin, please give it a little less, it's too much!"

"No!" Qin Nuo sternly refused.

"I, Odysseus Qin, will still be hanging out in Hollywood from now on. How can my words not count!"

"What should I do if people scold me behind my back for not being trustworthy?"

"I'm telling you Sarnov, I'll ask my studio's financial accountant later if you dare to embezzle!"

"I'll send you to the prison to pick up soap!"


"Don't worry, Qin, I will give you the bill later!

Sanov is not stupid, and he doesn't dare to be greedy for money.

Too easily exposed.

Afterwards, the closing banquet began. This time everyone came to the beachside restaurant to enjoy the scenery of the seaside while drinking.

I have to say this is a real treat.

After the shooting, everyone had a relieved smile on their face.

The only thing we can look forward to now is the movie box office.

However, Americans are relatively open-minded, and they have done the best they can.

Whether it succeeds in the end depends on God's will.

If it doesn't work this time.

Then let DC die.

This time The Dark Knight has gathered the most talented directors and the most capable producers.

The best team, the best actors.

And the highest publicity.

It can be said that everything is the top quality of Hollywood, if it is not enough.

Then it's really DC's own problem.

Not to mention Qin, even if God comes, he can't save him!

Since it was the last day, Hathaway was particularly crazy.

"Qin, hurry up!"

"You are not afraid of death!"

Qin Nuo felt that the woman had already rolled her eyes and came again.

"Quick, even if I die, you have to pull me up!"

"Okay, get up!"

"Qin, I really like you so much!"



On the other side, news of the completion of The Dark Knight also spread at Hollywood.

Everyone is looking forward to whether this thing can rise.

It's just a pity that The Dark Knight still has about four months to go in its post-production phase, so it won't be released on Christmas Day.

Otherwise, we can still have a head-on showdown with Marvel's Avengers.

But they think too much, even though Marvel and Shui are mortal enemies.

There are countless things about spitting at each other (chbd).

But Disney and Warner are not fools, and they will separate even if they can be released together.

Warners is worried about the huge popularity of Marvel's side.

Disney is also very worried about Qin Nuo, what if it encounters a ghost and the box office explodes.

Everyone is making money, so why should we fight to the death?

They are not sure of winning, so they will not be together.

Furthermore, even if the two really want to be put together, other theaters will persuade Warner and Disney not to do this.

For two super blockbusters, the capacity of theaters is really limited and they cannot afford to watch them.

I really can’t afford it!

Better to show them separately.

Otherwise they will really make a lot less money.

This time it is destined to be that the king does not see the king!

David also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the news from his men.

Don't think that Qin Nuo was under great pressure during filming.

As the president of Warner, he was also under great pressure. He couldn't sleep well every day and was worried about any unexpected situations that might happen to the crew.

Basically, Sarnoff has to be contacted every two days.

Ask him to report on the filming of The Dark Knight.

It's over now, and the big stone in my heart has been let go.

"Is there any confirmation on the time Qin said post-production will take?"

Because this time the post-production was not done at Hollywood but at the special effects company in China.

So Warner doesn’t know exactly when it will be.

David doesn't care about this. The extraordinary special effects have been proven in Interstellar and Inception.

Although it's a little worse than Industrial Light and Magic, it's definitely enough.

And the price is more than half cheaper.

very nice.

"Yes, BOSS, we have communicated with the special effects company, it will take about four months!"

"Okay, I get it!"

David calculated in his mind that four months would be fine at the beginning of the year.

It’s not in time for the Christmas period, but it’s also good to have during the Spring Festival period in China.

Although this program is not a serious holiday in the West, people seem to like the Spring Festival atmosphere.

It's quite lively, plus Qin is a Chinese, so why not do it if he goes along with the flow.

There is another point that David also cares about.

That is, the film market in China is getting bigger and bigger.

There are now half of the screens in the United States, and they are still growing at a rate of 30% every year.

It only takes three years to catch up with the United States.

In four years, it will surpass the United States and become the world's largest vote base.

Qin has a lot of energy in China, and Warner Films can still look to him for film distribution in the future.

So I arranged it for the Spring Festival in China.

There are many benefits!

Vertical sun.

At the entrance of the Hilton Hotel, Qin Nuo was saying goodbye to the stars of The Dark Knight.

"Qin, you are the most special director I have ever seen at Hollywood and one of the best directors in my heart." Brad looked at Qin Nuo.

"I hope I have another chance to cooperate with you next time!"

"Mr. Brad, thank you for your compliment. I believe that with your acting skills, you will become a Hollywood star sooner or later!"

"Haha, thanks!"

"Qin, remember to call us during the promotion. I believe we will succeed this time."

"Alan, I will definitely do it. Don't worry, I may fail one day, but definitely not now."


"You are the most talented director I have ever seen, Qin. Even Steven at your age couldn't do as good a job as you!"

"Morgan, you are also the most wonderful gentleman I have ever met!"

Finally it was Bell's turn. This guy looked at Qin Nuo with eyes filled with gratitude.

Because Qin Nuo gave him a chance to stand in front of the world, if the Dark Knight can succeed.

As an absolute star, he will definitely become famous in one fell swoop.

His popularity is not even comparable to that of some Hollywood superstars. The role has given him too much blessing.

"Qin, thank you, I don't know what to say, but I'm very grateful that you believed in me!"

ps: The second one!! There will be two more updates later.


Today is the author’s birthday, brothers, can you leave a blessing in the comment area? Thank you very much!

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