Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

447 Deceived America’S Sweetheart With Sweet Words, The Dark Knight Is Destined To Shock The World!

"Bell, of course!" Qin Nuo looked at him and said seriously.

"Actually, you have always been the most perfect Batman in my heart!"

"That's actually the case, isn't it?"

"Qin, I will work hard!"

Watching everyone leave, Qin Nuo was also very emotional because his family had been together for so long.

It would be a lie to say that there is no emotion at all.

But as an actor, it's normal to be on and off, just get used to it.

Finally Qin Nuo looked at Anne Hathaway, this woman is really good, she has been on the set for so many days.

At least I was prostituted hundreds of times by Qin Nuo...

It may even have changed into his shape.

"Hathaway, I look forward to the next time we meet."

Anne Hathaway looked at Qin Nuo's face, her eyes full of reluctance.

She was in deeper trouble than Qin Nuo.

Even if Qin Nuo is willing, she wouldn't mind becoming Qin Nuo's girlfriend.

It's a pity that falling flowers have feelings and flowing water has no intention.

"Qin, you are a bastard, don't forget me in the future."

Upon hearing this, Qin Nuo hugged the woman, and Hathaway also hugged her tightly.

All in all, Hathaway is also the one who has the deepest entanglement with Qin Nuo among all the ocean horses.

The two have known each other longer than many people.

Qin Nuo thinks this woman is quite nice and doesn't have a bad temper, at least he doesn't feel it.

And he is very generous.

There is this boldness unique to American girls.

it's actually very good.

"Hathaway, you will be my lifelong confidante!"

"Hmph, are you saying this because you want to spend all your time with me for free?"

Hathaway is not stupid. She has seen too much of Qin Nuo's beautiful words, and she is fooled every time.

By the time I woke up, I had been played all over...

"Haha, are you willing?"

Hathaway thought about it seriously and looked into Qin Nuo's eyes after a while.

"Let's do this for now. When I get tired of you one day, we can take a step back and become ordinary friends!"

"no problem!"

They kissed for a long time at the door of the hotel, and Qin Nuo didn't let go of Hathaway until she was almost out of breath.


"Bye, you playboy~!"

Hathaway gave Qin Nuo a big smile and got into the car without looking back.

He quickly disappeared from Qin Nuo's gaze.

"Hey, Qin can actually give it a try. Hathaway is a pretty good woman!"

Sarnov came over and said with a smile.

"Let's talk about it, Sanov, I'll go back to China tomorrow!" Qin Nuo stretched.

"I'll leave the rest of the chores to you!"

After working hard for a few more months, Qin Nuo took a good rest for three months after returning, leaving one month for editing.

Just perfect.

He planned to make good use of this vacation.

A hard-earned break.

"Go back? No, how about you and Tianwei go to some Hollywood parties?"

Sanoff doesn't want Qin Nuo to go back and spend more time in the United States.

What's good about China?

"No, in four months when The Dark Knight comes out, I'm going to have a huge premiere.

"When the time comes, I will invite all the celebrities and big shots from Hollywood to attend the premiere!"

"The Dark Knight will definitely shock the world, and he will become an unsurpassed superhero movie!"

"He is unique and unique, and he is destined to stand at the top..."

Sanoff glanced at Qin Nuo, and when he heard this, he felt a little excited.

To be honest, Qin Nuo's speech ability is really amazing.

Very inspiring.

The last shooting was successfully solved with his speech."

Also at the press conference of The Dark Knight, this guy also fooled a group of reporters into a daze.

Even he, a weather-beaten middle-aged man, heard Qin Nuo's words.

Very excited too.

There seems to be a kind of magic in this guy's voice, a convincing history.

"Qin, fortunately you were born decades later. If it were during the war years, you would definitely be as big a liar as Mustache!"

"Haha, I can't compare to others, the mustache is the real speech genius!"

The two looked at each other and smiled!

On the same day, Qin Nuo woke up from the Malibu villa in a daze.

Looking at the sky outside, he couldn't guess that it was eight o'clock. This was not his daily routine.

An evil woman woke him up early.

Qin Nuo raised his head and looked down, where a woman in a gray business suit was busy.

It was as if he felt Qin Nuo's gaze.

The woman looked up at Qin Nuo with a charming smile.

Then he licked his lips and said.

"Good morning darling!"

"Bella, are you used to having sausages for breakfast?"

"Yes, dear, I also like a little milk on the sausage, can you give it to me?"

Qin Nuo shrugged his shoulders!

"There is an old saying in China: Do it yourself and you will have enough food and clothing!"

Bella smiled sweetly and understood what Qin Nuo meant.

"Okay, I just like to do it myself, just wait!"

After saying that, he got busy again.

Half an hour later, Bella looked at Qin Nuo with a warm smile on his face.

The throat rolled, then opened the mouth.

"Qin, are you satisfied?"

"Not yet, come here!"

"No, I have to go to the company later!"

Bella quickly stopped Qin Nuo. She had known Qin Nuo for so long, and she knew Qin Nuo's habits very well.

It is still a trivial matter to hold on to the wall while walking back, but today it will definitely be scrapped.

She didn't bring a change of clothes.

"Hey, Qin, wait a minute, I'll do it myself!"

Before Bella could say anything, she heard a tearing sound.

"Asshole, this is the dress I just bought!"

"Bella, this bastard came too early!" Qin Nuo said with a pun.

Bella "..."

An hour later, Bella was lying in Qin Nuo's arms, her pretty face full of happiness.

The ground was a mess.

The clothes I just bought were already in pieces.

"Qin, are you going back to China?"

"Yes, the flight is at night"

Hearing this, Bella showed a sly smile.

"Then how about I tell my boss and let Fox take you back on a private jet?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, this woman knows how to play.

If that were the case, David would be furious.

"No, Warner has already bought my ticket!"

Qin Nuo asked while holding the woman and squeezing her baby gently.

"Why did you come to see me?"

"Can't I just have fun with you?" Bella pouted, dissatisfied.

...Please give me flowers...

"Of course, I will never refuse a beauty's request." After saying that, Qin Nuo turned Bella over.

"Come on, everyone!"

"Don't!" Bella heard this and quickly hugged Qin Nuo.

Not this time. She really came with Deng Wendi's mission this time.

If Qin Nuo played like this, it would be weird if he didn't notice it later.

"If there is something serious, there really is something serious!"

Qin Nuo knew that there was something wrong with this woman. Bella was a very independent woman, although she acted pervertedly.

But most of the time, career is still the main focus.

"Let me talk about you first. I have helped you set up your company and charity fund. A college classmate of mine is in charge of the fund!"

"Don't worry, although this woman is a bit stubborn in her work, she has a very good character and is trustworthy!"

"Yeah" Qin Nuo nodded, he still trusted Bella.

This woman would betray her boss for him...

Of course I won't trick him.

"The company is at 108 Fifth Avenue, and Olivia is in charge now. You'd better find a manager to take charge of it as soon as possible."


"Olivia said that she is tired of taking care of both sides, and she wants you to pay her twice as much as her salary this month!"

Qin Nuo was also drunk when she heard this. This woman has quite a personality.

"Look back and see who it is!"

"OK, no problem!"

"There is another boss who wants to ask you if you want investment from Fox. Fox can invest 50 million, and the conditions remain the same as last time!"

"I still say the same thing, we'll talk about it after the Dark Knight!"

Bella shrugged, she knew Qin Nuo would say this.

"The boss has already guessed that you would say this. She also said that your company can move there first and the investment will be discussed later!"

"no problem!"

Qin Nuo is not stupid either. He has only two trustworthy partners in Hollywood.

One Fox, one Warner.

If his branch wants to gain a foothold in Hollywood, it must attract a local snake.

Since Deng Wendi was sincere, he would not refuse.

As for the specific details, we can discuss it slowly.

"Is there anything else?"


Bella said strangely, suddenly feeling something was wrong!


"You bastard, I have to meet my boss this afternoon!"

At noon, Qin Nuo asked the butler company to send a female professional suit.

After Bella put it on, she gave Qin Nuo a fierce look.

Then he left while holding on to the wall.

Qin Nuo believes that this woman must be fine. Although she has been tortured, she will perform well in front of Deng Wendi now.

come on!

Vertical sun.

Ten o'clock in the morning.

Qin Nuo appeared at Modu Airport.

This time he actually stayed in the United States for three months and came back to see his familiar compatriots with yellow skin and dark eyes.

I don’t know why there is a feeling that things are different and people are different.

But it was soon replaced by joy.

Breathing the air of Shanghai, there is still that familiar smell of gasoline...


"Xiao Liu, go to this community, you don't have to go to the company!"

"Okay, boss!"

ps: It’s fast enough. I feel like there’s nothing written about the movie shooting...

Why return the water?

There is really no water, and there will be another one an hour later.

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