Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Sky-High Price Of 449 For Endorsement, Qin Nuo Has No Choice But To Refuse, Big Drama: Chen Duli

To be honest, Qin Nuo has already taken care of the potatoes well enough. The Ode to Joy sold to them last time would have been sold to Aiyu Teng Sanjia.

At least it can sell for 30% more!

"Tell him that the market price can be reduced by at most 10%, and my shares in Tudou are only 60%!"

"I don't treat others cheaply!"

"All right!"

It’s hard to tell Sister Hong, after all, they are all on her own and really don’t have any money.

Then just owe it first.

It’s all the boss’s own anyway.

"Boss, the scarf night is about to start. In mid-December, the scarf people have told me many times.

"You didn't participate last year. This year, their CEO said that if you don't go, he will really come to Qintian Entertainment to stop you!"

Qin Nuo thought about it and realized that he and Liu Shishi traveled around the world last year and forgot about it.

The CEO behind the scarf called him and complained to him for a long time.

After all, Qin Nuo and Bibo have basically been working together since their debut, so they have a good relationship.

As a result, you didn’t come to the bib’s biggest event of the year, the bib night.

This makes the audience and people in the industry think a lot.

Could it be that Qin Nuo wants to take refuge with others?

Of course, it’s not surprising to have such thoughts. It’s like your good brother getting married. If you don’t go, other friends will inevitably think too much about it.

Later, Qin Nuo decided to solve the problem.

After that, I updated several scarves every day before the problem calmed down.

"Okay, I get it, I'm going to participate!"


"By the way, the boss has one more thing!"

Qin Nuo ".........."

"Why is it still there, Sister Hong? If I had known earlier, I might as well have stayed in the United States at 27!"

He really regretted it. He was not so tired even when filming in the United States.

Warner was very kind to him, Tian Lai had a logistics team serving him all by himself.

My little life was simply not too beautiful.

"Boss, this is really the last thing!"

"Say it!" Qin Nuo rubbed his eyebrows.

"On September 20th, Wushuang will premiere at Bona Studios in the capital. Director Wang has repeatedly urged you to go!"

"I know, I will go when the time comes!"

Qin Nuo rubbed his eyebrows. He felt that he was really wrong, so wrong.

I thought I would be able to go out and have fun after four months of vacation.

It’s okay to go to Xiangjiang if it’s too far away.

You can also go and meet Wen Yongchun's little girl.

She has kept her stuff for so long, so it’s time to give it to her.

But who would have thought that there would be so many things in this area? Mercedes-Benz asked him to prepare a new car recently.

As a spokesperson, he needs to attend two days of activities.

There are other endorsements. Warwick has recently been working on mobile phones, and the company is also very strong.

In one word, there is no shortage of money.

I want to find a spokesperson to promote my mobile phone.

It is best to have a high reputation across the country and be decent.

Xiaoxianrou is not good and does not fit in with their company's brand values.

Without thinking, Huawei's Propaganda Department found Qintian Entertainment.

Qin Nuo is perfect as their spokesperson.

He is talented, has character, and is a decent person. This has been officially certified. After all, he is one of the top ten outstanding young people in China.

It is even famous all over the world.

It's simply not too suitable.

Originally, Qin Nuo wanted to refuse, but it wasn't that he looked down on Huawei phones, to put it bluntly.

Qin Nuo has nothing but admiration for companies like Huawei.

But there is really no time. After all, he has to make a movie and take care of the company.

Entertainment companies, theater companies, video websites, and a special effects company.

By the way, the Hollywood branch is also busy.

Just refuse politely.

But who would have thought that the Huawei brand owner would go directly to the United States to find him.

The endorsement fee is 100 million per year for three years, with an increase of 20% in the second year and 3% in the third year.

Adding everything up, Qin Nuo can get 350 million in endorsement fees!!!

Not much needs to be done, just like normal endorsements, a few ads and a few promotional videos.

The mobile phone used in public places must be Huawei.

The requirements are really not too harsh.

Qin Nuo hesitated but agreed.

I still have to attend the press conference in just a few days.

After being back for so many days, Qin Nuo seems to be getting busier and busier.

"Okay, let's go and let me calm down!"

"Okay, boss!"

As soon as Sister Hong left, Qin Nuo lay down on the chair, ready to take a good rest.

Bai Lu was very considerate and came over to massage Qin Nuo gently.

As for Chen Duling.

This girl ran away a long time ago and has been running around outside these days, sometimes going to Tudou and sometimes to Starry Sky Cinema.

From time to time, I also go to Tiangong Yicai.

As Qin Nuo's personal assistant, everyone knows what Chen Duling does.

I didn't take it seriously at first.

So what if you are someone close to the big boss?

You can tell what the hell is going on.

Unexpectedly, after a few days, the company suddenly lost several people.

And they are all middle-level and above.

This shocked several company executives, what a guy!

Qin Nuo really doesn't care for idlers. I heard that Chen Duling is Qin Nuo's assistant.

Apart from eating and sleeping all day long, I have no ability to do anything.

It's just the canary raised by Qin Nuo.

But who would have thought that this woman was ruthless and very smart, and the little tricks they used couldn't deceive her at all.

All the borers were caught out.

If it weren't for Wang Wei, Yu Dahai would come to request.

With Chen Duling's jealous character, he would definitely send all these worms to the sewing machine.

Qin Nuo also smiled happily after listening to what Bai Lu told him about Chen Duling.

Sure enough, he said, there was never waste, someone just put her in the wrong place.

Look how well Chen Duling did as a supervisor.

At least it brought him tens of millions of dollars in income.

"Did Nizi fight with Sister Hong before?" Qin Nuo asked while hugging Xiao Bailu.

"Boss, your guess is really accurate!"

Bai Lu lay comfortably in Qin Nuo's arms and rubbed her

"Not long after you left, Chen Duling started to cause trouble for Sister Hong. Sister Hong likes to watch the scenery on the balcony for half an hour before going to work.

"Think about today's work tasks."

"But Chen Duling said that she was fishing with pay, and she had been fishing for several years! In total, Sister Hong's salary will be deducted for two months!"

"Sister Hong put up with this, but Du Ling became more and more aggressive after that, and even found the gift that Sister Hong had received!"

"I want to deduct Sister Hong's salary again and accuse her of bribing and betraying company information!"

Qin Nuo started to laugh when he heard this. This woman Chen Duling is really cruel.

Is it possible to destroy relatives in a righteous way?

He is even so cruel to his own cousin.

As a senior executive of Qintian Entertainment, Sister Hong has very complicated connections in the industry, so she cannot refuse some gifts.

Chen Duling must understand this, but he just wants to cause trouble for Sister Hong.

on purpose.

"After that, Sister Hong will definitely not let her go so easily, right?"

Qin Nuo knows that Sister Hong is the real veteran, and there is no way she can swallow her anger like this.

"Of course, a few days later, during the meeting, Sister Hong took out a stack of documents."

"It's all about Chen Duling being late, using the company's reimbursement to buy snacks, paying for clothes, and collecting various gift lists...

"That's not all. There are also evaluations of Chen Duling's work in the past few years, all of which are presented!"

"The impeachment immediately confused Du Ling. After Director Zhou and the company's senior management made a unanimous decision.

"The company that directly deducted half a year from Du Ling, as well as this year's year-end bonus and reimbursement money must be paid back in full. It must be doubled, and no part of it is less!"

"Otherwise, she will be fired..."

"Du Ling cried for a long time at home and scolded Sister Hong all night long."

Qin Nuo nodded, no wonder two months ago, 870 Qin Nuo was still strange.

Chen Duling was so good that she asked him for money to buy a bag.

He didn't think too much at the time and directly transferred 500,000 to Du Ling.

Now that I think about it, I just bought a crappy bag. This guy is using the money to pay off his debts.

Although this girl's salary is not too small, she has no money to spend.

Basically no deposit.

Now Sister Hong wants her to pay back the money!

She really had no choice. Bai Lu and the people from Qintian Entertainment would definitely not dare to lend money to Chen Duling.

After all, if you borrow it, you will offend Sister Hong.

It's obvious that this is Sister Hong cleaning up the rebellious guy in her family.

What are you doing to get involved?

Chen Duling, a member of the circle, also called and asked about them all, but couldn't borrow any of them.

Sister Hong has already said hello, who would risk offending Sister Hong to lend money to Chen Duling.

Isn't this causing trouble for yourself?

Sister Hong is really forcing Chen Duling to respond every day, making the earth and the earth unresponsive!

In the end, Fatty Zhou helped her find a way, and she could only go to Qin Nuo for this matter.

Others dare not lend her money.

After paying back the money.

Chen Duling grew up after being taught a lesson by Sister Hong.

She learned a lot of things, the most important thing is to plan before taking action.

You must learn to tolerate before you are absolutely sure.

Isn't that what Sister Hong is like? She tolerated her twice in a row, while Chen Duling was still complacent.

Sister Hong secretly collected evidence and then struck a fatal blow.

Knock her directly into the abyss.

To be honest, if Qin Nuo hadn't helped her, she wouldn't have been able to pass this level.

Afterwards, Chen Duling used the same tactics to deal with other people in the company.

Before he had definite evidence, Chen Duling acted as if he was harmless to humans and animals.

Until there is sufficient evidence, and then a fatal blow.

None of the moths found were innocent.

ps: First update, guaranteed four updates today.

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