Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

450 The Huge Traffic Endorsed By Qin Nuo Makes Warwick Laugh Out Loud And Makes Other Mobile Phone C

Bai Lu hugged Qin Nuo's neck and said

"Boss, did you think of this in the first place and asked me not to remind Du Ling!"

She still remembers when Qin Nuo announced this. Bai Lu is ready to remind.

But Qin Nuo stopped her

"How could I think so much? I just thought Chen Duling would be joking with Sister Hong. Who knew this girl would play such a big role?"

"I almost got myself into it!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

He is not a god, how could he have predicted this.

Who would have known that Chen Duling, a woman, would become so arrogant once she gained power.

Being dealt with so badly!

Well deserved!

But this can be considered a good thing.

Look how well you are doing now after being taught a lesson by Sister Hong.

Sure enough, it is never flowers that can make people grow, but the south wall...


Qin Nuo naturally returned to Bai Lu's house. Chen Duling was not here, so Xiao Bai Lu relaxed a lot.

I started playing with Qin Nuo in the living room.

After not seeing each other for several months, Xiao Bailu's crooning voice seemed to be even more charming.

It sounds very comfortable.

Handled the company's affairs.

A few days later, Qin Nuo came to Shencheng again, shot several advertisements for Huawei and participated in two events.

Huawei's brand side is very happy.

As expected, they found the right person. As soon as Qin Nuo appeared on the stage, the event was filled with excitement.

Many people came.

The effect is simply not very good.

The endorsement fee of 100 million is well spent and truly worth it.

The popularity on the Internet is also very high, and everyone is also looking forward to Huawei's new mobile phone.

The online pre-sale has already sold hundreds of thousands!

The search volume of a certain degree has increased several times.

This makes other mobile phone companies envious. They have also communicated with Qin Nuo.

But the price is too high, and you have to accommodate other people’s schedules.

Some mobile phone companies thought about it and gave it up.

After all, we are also Party A, but it seems like Qin Nuo is giving us money.

Are you worried about finding a good spokesperson after spending money?

But it turns out that spending money can indeed find spokespersons.

But I can’t find a high-quality spokesperson like Qin Nuo.

He alone made Huawei mobile phones famous.

The industry has even called out the classic line "cry wolf."

Some experts analyzed that as long as Warwick's mobile phone does not stretch the crotch, it will be fine.

After that, China's mobile phone industry will definitely have a place for them.

The traffic provided by Qin Nuo is really too great.

Because the quality of the movies Qin Nuo makes is very high, everyone trusts him, and this trust will spread to other places.

Endorsed products naturally give consumers a sense of trust.

This is something ordinary celebrities can't do.

After Zhang Yimin in the capital saw it, he quickly urged his programmers to get Douyin out.

Qin Nuo is now the spokesperson of their company, but Douyin hasn't finished testing it yet.

How the hell is this possible?

Get it for me quickly.

With the help of Qin Nuo, their Douyin short videos will definitely become an instant hit.

Didn't you see it?


All the traffic was taken away by those selling mobile phones!

After rejecting several endorsements in a row, Qin Nuo came to Hengdian.

What are you doing here?

Naturally, he went to his old sweetheart Liu Shishi.

This woman's first step as a producer, Doupocangxiong, has been filming for more than two months.

Qin Nuo went to the scene to have a look.

What should I say...

Less than half of it was filmed in two months, and you have to remember that there are only 2,000 episodes in total.

But the money has been spent and less than 20% is left.

To be honest, after watching the scene, the crew didn't have much problem.

Liu Shishi also learned the real thing from the seniors, and she could never be tricked by tricks used by outsiders.

The key is herself, this woman is too soft-hearted.

Can you shoot less than eight hours a day?

How can this be done?

China is not the United States. The director and actors stopped as soon as they were tired and even provided fruits for free.

From time to time, I would also treat the crew to dinner.

Some are there but some are not. Before this woman could feel it, she was almost out of money...

In the hotel, Liu Shishi hugged Qin Nuo, and the two looked at the computer.

After a while, the first episode of "The Three Years' Appointment" was released.

Liu Shishi looked at Qin Nuo with her big eyes wide open, her little face full of excitement.

Qin Nuo asked, shaking his arm.

"Honey, how are you feeling tonight?"

“Not bad!”

"It's just good!" Liu Shishi puffed her lips, a little dissatisfied.

Hearing this, Qin Nuo was speechless, what else do you want.

To be honest, it's really not bad, at least it's better than those chicken wings in the previous life

And the actors we found were much better than in the previous life.

Although the acting is a bit poor, the online novel is relatively shallow to begin with.

No advanced acting skills are required.

You can also make do with it.

At least the man is handsome, the woman is beautiful, and the logic and plot are all on point.

Anyway, Qin Nuo thinks it should be able to meet the expectations of fans of the original work.

At least you won't be disappointed.

But to say how good it is, it's definitely not.

"Classmate Liu Shishi, don't be too greedy. If the next plot can be like this, making money will not be a big problem anyway!"

"Hehe, let me tell you, I am indeed a genius producer!"

Liu Shishi was very happy. Even the talented director Qin Nuo said it was good.

Then it must be no problem. I am a talented producer and Qin Nuo is a talented director.

We are a perfect match.

But Liu Shishi was still happy too early.

"Sister Shishi, don't forget about business!" Zhao Shengnan next to her reminded Liu Shishi with a glance.

"We are almost out of money! We still need at least five million to finish filming the next plot!"

Hearing this, the smile on Liu Shishi's face suddenly froze.


No money.

I really have no money.

Invest 15 million.

Now there are less than two million left, and only half of them have been taken.

In terms of special effects, Liu Shishi was given a discount because of her outstanding craftsmanship. Otherwise, she would have run out of money long ago.

"Husband~" Liu Shishi held the hand, her face full of begging.

"Honey, this TV series is so good, why don't you buy Tudou in advance? I don't want much, just 20 million!"

"Give it to me now, and give you one million less, nineteen million a day!"

When Zhao Shengnan heard this, he gave his boss a thumbs up in his heart.

This business is doing well, 20 million is almost the cost.

Basically you won't lose money.

When the time comes, it will be filmed and sold to TV stations. Not to mention more, Dou Po will have fan bonuses.

One and a half million episodes is not a big problem.

That’s thirty million!

It’s just the premiere.

It can still be sold later, but as expected, there is no future as an artist.

Liu Shishi earns tens of millions a year and has to pay a lot of taxes.

Now a movie can be worth her annual income.

"Are you dreaming?" Qin Nuo is not stupid, 20 million!

If it were placed ten years later, it would not be a big problem.

After all, copyright awareness had already risen at that time, and piracy existed!

But rarely.

Coupled with inflation, two thousand is really not expensive.

But not now.

What a joke, pirated copies are everywhere.

Tudou still only relies on advertising fees to survive, and its copyright is only focused on those major video platforms.

VIP sales are average.

Not to mention advance on-demand!

If you really dare to do this, consumers will uninstall it in minutes.

Isn’t piracy good?

"But seeing how difficult your life is, I can make the decision and buy your online broadcast rights for eight million for twenty years!"

"Asshole!" Liu Shishi was furious, she still wanted 8 million for twenty years!

Basically there is no difference from forever.


Damn capitalist.

"You are taking advantage of us ordinary people!"

Qin Nuo spread his hands.

"Forget it if you don't want to sell it. Anyway, you still have a few houses in Shanghai and funds, so you can buy them!"

"But let me remind you that housing prices in Shanghai have risen again recently!"

Qin Nuo had a capitalist smile on his face.

"If you sell your house now, you may lose more!"

"Qin Nuo, you just penetrated me once," Liu Shishi pouted.

"This is how you treat your girlfriend!"

Qin Nuo"..

Zhao Shengnan

Why didn't I know about this? (Hao Nuo Hao) "Let's talk business! Okay, okay, I'll give you another million!"

Qin Nuo felt like he was losing so much, one million at a time, so damn, Liu Shishi, you are so expensive.

Hearing this, Liu Shishi smiled happily and whispered a few words into Qin Nuo's ear.

"My dear, let's put it together, ten million!"

Qin Nuo hesitated for a moment, and this girl actually revealed her secret weapon.

I couldn't help it, I couldn't help it at all.

"Okay, seeing how pitiful you are, I'll give you another million!"

"But I also want to remind you!"

Qin Nuo didn't want to say it originally, but it can be seen that Liu Shishi enjoys being a producer.

Not playing with tickets. He still wanted to talk.

"What did you say, dear!"

"I went to see the crew today. You still have to pay attention to some issues. Producers must be ruthless."

"Your crew is so lazy!"

"I agree with Qin Nuo's statement," Zhao Shengnan said, crossing his hands.

"I have told Sister Shishi a long time ago that we can only shoot for less than eight hours a day, which is really slow, and those people are so easy to talk to when they look at Shishi.

"Everyone gets worse! It's so abominable!"

"As the saying goes, good people can be bullied by others, but Sister Shishi is too soft-hearted!

ps: Two updates first, and two more to come.

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