Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

456 Qin Nuo, Who Was Forced To Stand In The C Position, Received Rave Reviews From Fans, The Directo

I also had some complaints about Qin Nuo in my heart.

Director Qin.

How can you give such a good script to outsiders? They are all a bunch of white-eyed wolves in Xiangjiang...

What for them?

What a waste. Give me this script and I can film it!

Isn’t it just Hong Kong movie style?

What's so difficult about this.

Dark tones, fast pace, gun battles, and street fighting are integrated into these elements.

Invite a few more Hong Kong celebrities to live together!!

It's very simple, but it's difficult to get a hammer.

To put it bluntly, even if you want to give it, can't you just be fat?

I actually let this damn fat guy steal my seat!!

Xu Zhen was very angry, very angry.

On the other hand, Qin Nuo nodded after watching it. This movie is good and the script has been systematically refined.

It is better than the previous one and more compact.

Wang Jin is not a bad guy either, he is definitely a good shot at making movies.

The plot, details and suspense are all handled very well.

Overall, Qin Nuo feels like it is at least one point better than its predecessor in terms of quality.

One billion is not a big problem.

Thinking of this, Qin Nuo was in a good mood.

Although he kept pushing back, Wang Jin insisted on giving him 10% of the box office share.

If the box office could reach one billion.

Then he can get 100 million!!

This is a lot of money, and it can be used to build many movie theaters.

The speed of Star Cinema can be speeded up a little bit.

Of course, Wang Jin is not stupid. Even if he gave him 10%, it was really not a loss.

Relying on Qin Nuo's script, Fatty Wang at least planted several advertisements in the movie.

The movie cost 70 million.

Just the placement of ads alone earns more than half of it.

It's like spending no money.

Then take advantage of his popularity.

At least two to three hundred million can be earned.

Absolutely no loss!

Soon there was applause, and slowly everyone followed suit and applauded 690.

Warm applause filled the entire theater.

Although many viewers and guests did not know who the artist who made the counterfeit banknotes was in Wushuang was.

But the quality of this movie is second to none, and it is definitely the best Hong Kong movie in the past decade.

Even twenty years ago.

The era when Hong Kong movies were popular was a time when the gods were fighting.

This movie is still one of the best.

An existence comparable to the classic Hong Kong film Infernal Affairs!!

Everyone once again saw Qin Nuo’s talent.


The applause lasted for three minutes in total.

It ended slowly.

Then Wang Jin walked to the stage with an excited smile.

First, I thanked the guests, actors, and especially Qin Nuo.

In the end, Wang Jin even pulled Qin Nuo up.

You must let him stand in the middle.

Fa Ge Cheng Ge Wen Yongchun on the stage, Zhang Baozhi and Wang Yaoqin who played Wu Xiuqing all had no objections.

He even persuaded Qin Nuo.

They all know that the biggest credit for the movie is not them, nor Wang Jin, but Qin Nuo.

In the end, Qin Nuo, the producer who had never been to the set once, had no choice.

You can only stand in position C.

Bowed to all the guests and fans.

Thunderous applause broke out again.

The premiere is also the end.

Fans and guests slowly left the theater under the guidance of staff.

"I said Director Wang, why did you ask me to come up?" Qin Nuo said helplessly.

"I didn't do anything, I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, why didn't you do it?" Wang Jin smiled like a Maitreya Buddha.

"Although I, Wang Jin, am confident in my ability as a director, your script is really great. I wouldn't be able to make such a good movie without you!"

"You're really sorry, how about going to two road shows with us?"

"Yes, Director Qin, we can come together!"

Zhang Baizhi winked at Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo looked at the daughter.

There is only one evaluation of her in my heart.


It's really cool.

Even after almost two years.

Qin Nuo still remembers that at the celebration banquet, Zhang Baizhi rushed directly to the men's room.

Just help him with that, I don't think it's dirty at all

A really slutty woman.

But Qin Nuo is not very annoying either.

It's not like you just take someone home to be your wife, just for fun.

Wouldn't it be better to be more showy?

Others nodded.

Fa Ge and Aaron Kwok also want to have a good relationship with Qin Nuo, and maybe they can work together in the future.

"Forget about the road show, I have to be busy with the post-production of The Dark Knight recently!" Qin Nuo said regretfully.

"But I can help you yell a few words on the scarf!"

"That's okay too!"

Wang Jin and others are also satisfied. Qin Nuo has many fans and is the most active one.

There are also many loyal fans.

If he yells a few words on his scarf, it won't be a big problem to increase the box office by tens of millions.

For basic operations, reporters outside were also waiting impatiently.

Very anxious.

Qin Nuo has not appeared in front of the audience for a long time and has been in the United States.

Everyone is very curious about him.

Several months have passed since the last Tang Detective. This time, what kind of sparks will the gold medal producer Qin Nuo and Hong Kong director Wang Jin create?

What is Wushuang like?

They want to know, want to know very much.

As the movie ended, fans and guests walked out.

The reporters rushed over like sharks smelling blood.

Surround the first batch of lucky spectators.

"Sir, what do you think of Wushuang this time?"

"Sir, Qin Nuo once said that this is a film about the revival of Hong Kong. What do you think?"

The man smiled and said happily.

"The combination of Director Qin and Director Wang is simply perfect. I dare say that Wushuang was a top-notch Hong Kong film even if it was made 20 years ago!"

"Director Qin's script is perfect, Wang Jinye's sword is still fresh, and the movie is very beautiful!"


"Okay (chbi), don't bother me, I have to go see it again!" The man was a little impatient.

"Qin Nuo, this guy is a real dog. After watching this, I don't know who is behind the scenes. I'm so confused!"

After speaking, the man walked around the reporter and ran away.

This made the reporters a little confused. What the hell?

After watching the movie, you don’t know who is behind the scenes?

He seems to be a very smart person, how can he be so stupid!

"Miss, what do you dare to think after watching Wushuang?"

"There's only one. Director Qin is such a bastard. After reading it, I felt like I was going to grow brainless. Who is this painter?"

"Isn't this...that movie good?"

Hearing this, the little girl rolled her eyes at the reporter.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Did I say that the movie is not good to watch? It's good to watch, and Brother Fa and Brother Cheng both acted very well."

"Definitely one of the best Hong Kong films I have ever seen, not inferior to Infernal Affairs!"

After interviewing many viewers, the reporters discovered a problem.

The movie Wushuang seems to be a bit similar to the previous movie Inception.

Why does it feel like there is a conspiracy in it? The top made the audience miserable.

Some viewers with obsessive-compulsive disorder even watched it more than ten times before they understood it.

Have your own understanding.

But it doesn't convince anyone else.

Nowadays, people on the Internet still debate whether the protagonist has returned to reality from time to time.

Qin Nuo never gave a positive answer.

Could it be that Qin Nuo wants to do the same thing again? Wushuang is teasing the audience again.


Seeing this, the reporters quickly stopped Feng Xiaogang again. This guy was Qin Nuo's enemy and a great director.

It will definitely solve the mystery left by Qin Nuo.

It's impossible for this guy to think of this trick, absolutely impossible.

"It's you guys again!"

Feng Xiaogang, like Qin Nuo, has never been used to reporters. His feud with reporters started a long, long time ago.

Anyway, our director doesn't have a good impression of reporters.

But the reporters didn’t mind either. Swear whatever you want.

We are all used to the wind.

"Director Feng, is Director Qin of Wushuang Movie doing the same stunt as last time?"

"Yes, Director Feng, many viewers said they didn't understand after watching it. Who is the painter at the end?"

"Director Feng, do you think Qin Nuo's approach of teasing the audience is bad?"

"Director Feng, as a great director, you will definitely be able to see the inside story. Who is the artist behind the crew?"

Hearing this, Feng Xiaogang was stunned for a moment.

Yes, he is a great director, but he could barely understand it.

At least it's clearer than many people can see.

The painter also targeted two people, one was Li Wen and the other was Ruan Wen hiding in the dark.

Why do you suspect such a harmless woman?

Because in the end only Ruan Wen survived.

There is an explanation in the Wushuang drama that the painter must abide by the rules and kill everyone who knows her identity.

Nguyen Van comes from an artistic family.

On the surface, three generations of the family are engaged in art, but secretly they may be the leaders of a transnational counterfeit banknote group.

The young policeman who learned the truth in the film died because his identity was exposed.

Ruan Wen's husband was kidnapped and killed, and everyone who knew about it died.

And she, Ruan Wen, was cleared and became the only "survivor" of this case.

The suspicion is high.

But I only watched it once, and there were some things in the play that Feng Xiaogang didn't even understand.

So not sure.

If this is said out loud, if he makes a mistake, then the great director will be completely embarrassed!

You are a great director, but you can't even understand other people's movies.

What a shame......

Although Feng Xiaogang was thick-skinned, he was still a little worried about such embarrassing things.

After all, it involves professional fields.

If you make a mistake, your job will be ruined.


Just when Feng Xiaogang was about to speak, Chen Fan next to him also misunderstood and thought it was Feng Xiaogang who understood.

To dismantle Qin Nuo and Wang Jin.

This is not okay.

ps: The fourth update has arrived. Please support me, brothers!

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