Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

457 Chen Fan: Feng Xiaogang, I Really Regret Marrying You. Did Liu Yifei Cry At The Wrong Grave?

Everyone is a member of the circle.

Wang Jin obviously wanted to use this gimmick to deceive some viewers.

If you say this, people won't say anything on the surface.

But I will definitely scold you secretly!

Isn't this delaying other people's money? You Feng~ Xiaogang is really sick.

The feud between you and Qin Nuo has nothing to do with us.

This movie was not funded by Qin Nuo.

Besides, even if it is invested by Qin Nuo, what you do is not authentic.

Qin Nuo has always been talking nonsense with you, and he has never hindered your wealth.

You are simply a cancer in the industry.

Everyone will scold you.

So Chen Fan quickly stood in front of Feng Xiaogang and said with a smile.

"This Xiaogang told me, but he didn't understand it either. You'd better go interview others!"

Hearing this, Feng Xiaogang's eyes lit up and he pretended to understand everything.

"That's right, I don't understand it too well. You idiots are just interviewing other people!"

"Director Feng, you are obviously lying, you understand clearly!"

"Yes, Director Feng, you are deceiving us!"

Hearing this, Feng Xiaogang became even more happy and overjoyed. These idiots were so interesting.

"Anyway, I didn't understand, so don't think I'm stupid.

"Even if I understand it, I won't say it. If you think that I have been eating for nothing for decades, you will offend others if you say it!"


A group of reporters were very unhappy, blaming this woman Chen Fan for what Feng Xiaogang was about to say just now.

If she hadn't interrupted, they would have removed the news.


"Okay, get out of here, don't get in front of me and my wife!"

Some reporters were not willing to give in. They looked at Feng Xiaogang’s back and shouted loudly.

"Director Feng, are you afraid of Qin Nuo?"

"Whatever you say, get out!"

Feng Xiaogang took Chen Fan into the car and disappeared into the traffic flow.

"Xiao Gang, you performed well today!"

Chen Fan said with a smile in the car.

"Response very quickly!"

Feng Xiaogang was driving with a smile on his face. He couldn't remember the last time Chen Fan praised him.

One year?

Two years?

Still three years.

Anyway, ever since that annoying guy Qin Nuo became famous, all he heard from Chen Fan were disgusting words.

"Of course. I'm not stupid. Wouldn't I offend people by saying this?"

"By the way, I'm also very curious, which country is Yinzhong's movie about? I haven't watched Taibo."

"Xiao Gang, tell me~"

The reporters were curious, and so was Chen Fan.

Anyway, no one else is here, so it doesn’t matter.

Xiaogang “…………


Feng Xiaogang was numb, but he wanted to say that he wanted to show off in front of his wife.

But the key is that he is not sure.

Chen Fan understood this guy as soon as he saw it.

You didn't even notice it was co-authored.


If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have helped you out. You didn't know you were pretending to be a hammer.

What a waste of time.

"Feng Xiaogang, you are so useless. You are a great director. You can't even understand the movies made by Qin Nuo!"

"How stupid!"


"Honey, don't talk nonsense. I know it's one of Li Wen and Ruan Wen! Absolutely!"

"Who is that?"

"That one~ I just watched it once. I can definitely tell it when I look back and watch it again!"

"Get out of here, you're a useless thing. It's useless in bed and off the bed. I really regret marrying you!"

the other side.

Qin Nuo didn't know that Feng Xiaogang was almost disliked by Chen Fan.

If you know it, you will do it for a long time.

The guests who came were also very considerate of him and Wang Jin and others. When the audience asked about the movie, they all said yes.

Afterwards, everyone attended the cocktail party together.

It didn't end until late at night.

Qin Nuo originally thought of going back to the hotel and asking Wen Yong to come to his room later.

But he didn't expect that Wang Jin, Fa Ge, Xiang Huaqiang and others would insist on dragging him to watch the zero-point box office.

There was nothing he could do.

I had no choice but to follow the creative staff to another hotel.

On the other hand, the Internet is also extremely excited.

Although the box office has not yet come out, reporters have already uploaded the video of Qin Nuo's reply to the reporter online.

It didn't take long.

A scarf named [Talented Man Qin Nuo’s Witty Reply to Unscrupulous Journalists] was trending on the search list by nosy netizens and quickly made headlines.

After everyone read it, they all deducted 6 points for Qin Nuo.

It was obvious that this was definitely not a staged photo shoot, but a real reporter making trouble.

But Qin Nuo is indeed a well-known talent in the circle, and his words are well-founded.

He directly made other reporters numb.

It has not offended the studios in Hong Kong, nor the audience, nor the officials.

Such words are not something ordinary people can say.

If it were a different traffic star, it would collapse in minutes.

As we all know, celebrities basically have no culture.

You can be called a top student by solving a quadratic equation...

Junior high school students can laugh like pigs after watching this.

"Qin Nuo is really amazing, these words are not something ordinary people can say!"

"After watching the video, the person above is right. The problem of piracy should not be blamed on anyone in the first place. It is determined by the times!"

"What Qin Nuo said is very profound. You can't just look at the problem when looking at it, but also combine it with the background of the times!"

"To be honest, this did teach me something!"

"In my junior year, my major is history. What Qin Nuo said is the same as what our professor said. Look at issues, especially historical issues."

"It must be combined with the background of the times. Otherwise, you may not understand it or draw the opposite conclusion!"

"Qin Nuo is definitely a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry. He is cultured and knowledgeable. It is no exaggeration to say that he is a talented person!"

"I agree. Although Qin Nuo is a bit arrogant, he definitely has real abilities. If you don't follow him, who will you follow?"

Some little girls were even more excited

"Wow, Nono's words are so sexy. I can't do it anymore, I must marry him!"

"Upstairs, go ahead. Nono is mine. He's talented, rich, and can make movies. He's a god!"

"Go on, you women just know how to show off, and you don't even know what kind of person you are to be in someone else's Qin District?"

"Director Qin, look at me. I graduated from university in 1985. I have a very good figure, with bulging front and back, and a pair of long legs. They are also very cute.

"Much better than those sexy bitches!"

"Fuck your sister, nine or eighty-five is nothing, I'm still in college!"

"You all go away, I turtle, a bunch of scum!"

.........Please give me flowers...

"Turtle is just a hammer, just a diploma, and after being abroad for so long, the seafood must be smelly!"

"You think we don't understand?"


The comment section was quickly turned upside down by a group of women, exposing each other's shortcomings.

This will blow up a bunch of scarf guys. Keep going.

This melon is so delicious.

It really answered that sentence.

Women know women…

We just love watching this.

the other side.

In a small villa in the capital, Liu Sufei watched online netizens praise Qin Nuo.

Rolling happily on the bed.

There was a giggle coming from his mouth.

"Hey, I have a good taste. My Qin Nuo is a breath of fresh air in the entertainment industry!"

The fairy sister became obsessed with thinking about it, and even thought about marrying Qin Nuo later.

And having children.

Give birth to one?

No, no.

One is too few, it is better to have two, preferably a boy and a girl.

The man is as handsome as Qin Nuo, and the woman is as beautiful as her.

Then the family of four will live a happy life.

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei's face turned red, and she turned over and over again laughing like a pig.

But this sweet dream was soon interrupted.

A slipper flew in from outside the door and hit Liu Yifei's big butt accurately.

"Who is it?"

Liu Yifei said angrily that some blind person interrupted her when she was happiest.

But when I saw it, I felt nervous again.

I saw Liu Xiaoli standing at the door with a straight face.

Staring at Liu Yifei fiercely.

"Is there something wrong with your brain? What do you call a ghost who doesn't sleep so late?"

"Why don't you look at the scarf? Many people on the Internet are praising Qin Nuo. Do you want to see it yourself?"

Liu Xiaoli took the tablet, and after reading the interview, she looked at the comments from netizens.

The expression on his face is a bit complicated.

A bit happy, a bit worried, a bit helpless.

"Hey, Mom, what about the man I'm looking for? Does he have better taste than you?"

Liu Yifei looked proud.

"Qin Nuo's words cannot be said without any cultural accomplishment. He is a cultural person!"

Liu Xiaoli......"

She wondered if this daughter of hers was caring about her?

"Humph, okay? It's useless." Liu Xiaoli threw the tablet aside.

"You have called Qin Nuo to our house so many times. Has he ever come? He has never come once!"

"What are you so happy about? Who will you marry in the future?"

"Xiao Nizi, don't cry at the wrong grave!"


Liu Xiaoli looked contemptuous.

"I see, Qin Shi is probably having sex with you for free! Are you such a stupid girl that you are so happy?"

Liu Yifei

After listening to Liu Xiaoli's words, the fairy sister was a little confused. But he quickly retorted.

"Mom, you are the one who was prostituted for free. Qin Nuo was so kind to me. Look at the two Tang Detective movies, which cost more than 3 billion!"

"There are also billions in interstellar travel, which adds up to almost tens of billions!!"

"How can anyone give away so many things for free? It's you, me..."

Liu Yifei had something to say.

"What did you say?" These words made Liu Xiaoli very angry. You actually clicked on me.

Click your mom!!

ps: The first update, today’s four guaranteed updates.

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