Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

458 The Fairy Sister Was Beaten Badly. The Zero O'clock Box Office Is Out! Everyone In Xiangjia

The fairy sister glanced at her mother, puffed her lips and whispered.

"That's right, you are the one who was prostituted for nothing!"

"Asshole!" Liu Xiaoli looked left and right, then picked up the tablet on one side.

"I'll beat you to death, you unfilial daughter!"

Seeing that Liu Xiaoli was serious, Liu Yifei quickly hid aside.

"Hey, Mom, what are you doing? What I said is the truth!"

"To tell you the truth, come here and see if I won't deal with you today!"

"I don't want it, I'm not stupid!" Sister Fairy quickly stood up.

This tablet thing hurts so much.

"You're still running, come down here!"

"don't want!

"Liu Yifei, you're done for today!"

"Help, I'm killing someone!!"

In the end, Liu Yifei escaped and was pinned down on the bed by her mother until her buttocks were almost swollen.

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu Mom, I hate you"

"Humph, you deserve it!" After the beating, Liu Xiaoli felt refreshed.

"When you have time, ask Qin Nuo to come over for dinner. You should be smarter and don't act stupid in one day.

"Qin Nuo is so smart, I'm really worried that one day this guy will buy you, and you will have to count the money for him!" "Four six three"

"My husband will never lie to me, let alone beat me!"

Liu Xiaoli..."

"Hey, Qin Nuo, how much do you think the zero-point box office will be?"

Wang Jin quickly became tired of sitting on the sofa, got up, and walked back and forth in the living room.

The closer the time came, the more nervous he became.

There is no way, Hong Kong movies have been in decline since Infernal Affairs in 2003.

Never got up.

Although he has confidence in Qin Nuo, Wang Jin carries too many people's expectations.

Off the street.

The last breath of Xiangjiang is gone.

Finally couldn't help but look at Qin Nuo and asked.

"I don't know, just wait." Qin Nuo glanced at the time on the wall.

Just less than an hour.

"Tell me, you are a film expert, give us some confidence," Wang Jinpei said with a smile.

When Xiang Huaqiang, Fa Ge and others heard this, they also looked at Qin Nuo.

They are also very nervous.

Hong Kong films have penetrated the youth of their generation, and they see hope of rising.

Everyone also wants to hear what Qin Nuo has to say.

"Yes, Director Qin, it's okay anyway, just say whatever you want!"

"Director Qin, let's make a prediction." Aaron Kwok also looked at Qin Nuo.

Brother Hua nodded.

"It's okay to say whatever you want!"

"Oh well!"

Seeing that Qin Nuo agreed, everyone's eyes lit up and they held their breath waiting for Qin Nuo to speak.

I didn't dare to disturb Qin Nuo's thinking.

Qin Nuo touched his chin, recalling the zero-point box office of the previous release of Wushuang. It had been too long.

Some can't remember.

It should be less than 15 million. After all, everyone didn't take it seriously at the time and thought it was just an ordinary Hong Kong movie.

I didn't expect it would bring such a big surprise.

But this time is different. Not to mention Wang Jin’s hard-working publicity, Wushuang can attract a lot of viewers just by using the slogan of screenwriter Qin Nuo.

and his fans.

Not to mention that this guy Wang Jin always talks about him when promoting.

Some viewers who did not know the actual situation thought that Qin Nuo was personally guiding on the spot.

Actually, when Qin Nuo was filming Wushuang, he never went there once...

"It should be ~ 25 million is not a big problem. I can't guarantee whether it can be 30 million!"

After careful consideration, Qin Nuo came up with an answer.

To be on the safe side, he actually kept it conservative. In his heart, he felt that 30 million was no problem.

After all, domestic theater chains are constantly developing. Star Cinema Line alone has built 20 new cinemas in the past few months.

Not to mention the entire industry, there will soon be National Day, Christmas, Lunar New Year, Spring Festival...

This series of holidays.

Many theater chains are vigorously building.

It can be said that the number of big screens in China has increased by an average of more than ten yuan per day in recent years!

One day at a time!

"Twenty-five million!!"

"so much!!!"

Although Qin Nuo is conservative, it still frightened many stars in Hong Kong. Which is the best-selling Hong Kong film in recent years?

That’s right, it’s Fatty Wang’s The Storm of Austria. How about the box office?

Less than five million.

The box office on the first day was less than 20 million.

As for Xingye's movies, ahem, that doesn't count, everyone understands them.

Xing Ye and Xiangjiang's gang can't urinate in the same pot.

Seeing the amazed eyes and excited expressions of a group of people, Qin Nuo felt a little strange.

He felt very little.

After all, starting from this year, Qintian Entertainment's movies rarely have a box office of less than 30 million.

Not to mention that the theater chain is still developing.

From the beginning of the year to now, at least more than 3,000 screens have been added.

"Is that a lot?"

Hearing this, Wang Jin and others turned to look at Qin Nuo, not knowing what to say.

They want to say, a lot, really a lot.

More than 20 million.

Nowadays, many movies have a box office of 20 million on the first day.

Your zero-hour box office is 20 million, isn’t that much?

But then I thought about it, Qin Nuo was really not joking.

Check out Qintian Entertainment’s movies.

Tang Tan has more than 33 million.

Inception is more than 35 million.

Even Interstellar a year and a half ago had more than 30 million~

I'm afraid in Qin Nuo's heart, if he doesn't get 30 million, it would be considered a small failure.

Wang Jin smiled bitterly.

"Director Qin, it's a lot, it's really a lot. In fact, it's 20 million. I'm very happy!"

"Yes, the zero-point box office of 20 million broke my box office record!"

Fa Ge said with clenched fists.

"Don't say 20 million, even 15 million, I'm satisfied."

Zhang Baizhi on the side lowered his head and said.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, these guys have really low expectations.

If I had known you were so satisfied, I wouldn't have released a god-level Hong Kong movie like Wushuang.

Somewhat wasteful.

"Okay, just be happy!"

Qin Nuo took out his mobile phone, checked the time and saw half an hour left, and simply lay on the sofa with his eyes closed to relax.

Others were not as calm as Qin Nuo, gathering together in twos and threes.

Their faces were full of excitement and they were chatting with each other.

From time to time there would be loud laughter.

The mood is very good.

Qin Nuo gave them a lot of confidence.

We are even discussing a celebration banquet...

Qin Nuo was drunk listening to it.

But I don’t care. Who doesn’t eat meat during the Chinese New Year these days?

Used to it!

Time passed slowly, and soon it was two o'clock in the morning.

Fatty Wang has refreshed more than twenty times, and the mouse button is almost broken for him...

Finally after trying more than thirty times.

The box office is finally updated!

September 20th.

[No. 1 in the single-day box office, unparalleled, zero-point box office of 31.5 million, cumulative box office of 31.5 million!]

[The second-largest single-day box office, Jiangjun Ridge, with a box office of 7 million, and a cumulative box office of 61.8 million]



"31.5 million!!!!!" Fa Ge couldn't believe his eyes when he looked at the number above.

He has always considered himself a very calm and calm person.

But I still can’t help but be amazed when I see this number!

Even my head feels a little dizzy.

There is no way, I am a bit old and my heart is a bit weak.

This was beyond his expectation

After seeing it, Aaron Kwok was no better than Fa Ge.

Both hands were shaking.

There is no way, he is actually the same as Zhou Ruifa, he has been on the street for too long, really too long.

Both of them have even become spokespersons for bad movies.

Over the years, the reputation has gotten worse and worse.

The popularity among passers-by has almost been lost!

But they can't help it. It's not that they don't want to act in good films, it's just that Xiangjiang really doesn't have any good resources.

Some good resources from the mainland are not available to them either.

I can only act bravely.

Now finally there is a good movie, a really good movie, with a box office of over 30 million at midnight!!

I couldn't be more excited.

Even a little bit like crying.

The others were all the same. After reading these numbers, they fell silent.

Xiangjiang’s movies are finally taking off.

The passion finally paid off.

Qin Nuo looked at the number above and nodded, not bad, 31 million.

A little better than he expected.

Not bad.

According to this progress, it should be over 100 million, which is not a big problem.

It won’t be a problem even if we can’t get it to 1.2 billion.

Ten percent of the box office share is 120 million.


The script was well worth the sale, not only did it get the resources of old Xiangjiang films.

You can also earn a small goal.

But Qin Nuo is a bit strange. Why is everyone silent?

"What's wrong with you? This box office is very good." Qin Nuo looked at the silent crowd and wondered.

"As long as the subsequent publicity keeps up with the word-of-mouth reputation, there will be no problem with 1.2 billion!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Qin Nuo, and Wang Jin spoke.

"Director Qin, we were shocked. This is the first time that a Xiangjiang movie is so great. To be honest, I can't believe it now!"

"It's almost like a dream!"

"Yeah, Brother Fa also looked at Qin Nuo.

"I have been struggling for so long that I have forgotten what success feels like!"

Aaron Kwok, Zhang Baizhi, Xiang Huaqiang and others felt the same way and nodded.


It’s not just Fat Brother, it should be that Xiangjiang Movies have been on the street for too long.

It's like they usually eat bran-thick vegetables, but now they are served a full banquet of Manchu and Chinese dishes.

A bit stretched.

"Stop talking, Qin, from now on you will be my lifelong good friend to Xiang Huaqiang." Xiang Huaqiang stood on Qin Nuo's shoulders.

"Remember to come to Hong Kong for the next Academy Awards. This Best Screenplay Award is definitely yours. Whoever dares to say nonsense!"

"I killed him with one shot~!"

ps: Thank you for your support, second update!

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