Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Eyes Of The Big Guys In The 459 Circle Are Red With Envy! Netizens Started Arguing Again, Who Is

Hearing this, Wang Jin and others all laughed.

Not to mention that in the 1990s, Xiang Huaqiang would have dared to do this!!

That was the era when young and Dangerous people were really popular.

Chaotic times.

Killing someone is simply commonplace.

Back then, even Brother Hua, Brother Dacheng, and many other actors were forced to film by gangsters.

That person won't talk nonsense to you.

Just ask someone to send you a bunch of money and a bullet!

If you cooperate well, the money is yours.

If you don't cooperate, this bullet is yours too.

"Brother Hua, this is serious!"

"Haha, don't say anything anymore! Let's go and buy you a drink!" Xiang Huaqiang took Qin Nuo's hand and looked at the crowd and said.

"Let's all join together, I'm happy to treat you today!"


"Go, go, go!"


A group of people happily left the hotel, ready to find a place to vent their frustration over the years!

On the other hand, netizens are actually paying attention to the Wushuang box office.

Wang Jin is a bitch, and he printed screenwriter Qin Nuo's name in a big name.

The first thing written in the producer column is Qin Nuo's name.

Many viewers thought that Wushuang was co-produced by Qintian Entertainment and Xiangjiang.

So Qin Nuo fans are supporting it.

I have to say that Wang Jin’s 10% share is worth it.

Soon after everyone finished discussing Qin Nuo's angry remarks to reporters.

An article titled "Warriorless beats the crowd, and the zero-point box office exceeded 30 million" became a hot search topic.

Netizens gathered to watch.

"Thirty-one and a half million! 27 is not bad. It is at the level of Qin Nuo. This guy is really amazing. He has never failed in his attempts!"

"Indeed, although it is a little less than Tang Tan, it is still okay, not satisfactory. Xia Ci, remember to work hard, Director Qin!"

"The person above is right. Director Qin, you are a bit slack now. You almost fell below the 3,000 mark!"

Some netizens who know about this are drunk after reading this comment. You know what a slut it is.

"A bunch of idiots, the movie Wushuang Qin Nuo is just the screenwriter, and the producer was shamelessly added by Wang Jintian.

"You don't even think about it. When filming Wushuang, this guy was still filming From Earth and The Dark Knight, so how could he have time to go to the set!"

"Yeah, you're stupid. To be honest, if Qin Nuo came, it might be a little higher!"

"It's not bad, but Fatty Wang is really shameless. If I hadn't checked, I would have been deceived by him!"

After hearing this, some netizens were furious. Damn Fatty Wang is so shameless. Be careful, I will sue you for false propaganda.

However, some netizens also came out and said.

"It's okay. I went to see the movie. It was really good. Qin Nuo's script is very good, and Wang Jin's level has not declined!"

"It has a strong flavor of Hong Kong movies and is also suspenseful, no worse than Infernal Affairs!"

"What you said above is right, Wushuang is really good-looking, Brother Fa and Brother Cheng both have good acting skills, and Wen Yongchun also does a good job."

"Of course the most important thing is the script. Qin Nuo's screenwriting ability is really amazing!"

"Yeah, after reading it, I don't even know who the painter is?"

"It must be Li Wen, there's no need to ask!"

"What the hell, Li asked, this is obviously Ruan Wen, this woman survived to the end!"

"Don't you see the painter's rule? Everyone who knows the truth must be killed."

"How could it be Ruan Wen? You are overthinking and just asking!"

"You are so simple-minded, so stupid!"

"Okay, if you still curse, I will shame your mother!"

"Little Chi man, who are you scolding?"

"Did we really watch a movie? Why do I think it's Fa Ge?"

Netizens were a little curious when they saw how noisy everyone was.

Is this fucking Wushuang really so good-looking?

Why don't you look back.

It should be impossible for a movie written by Qin Nuo to make any mistakes.

On the other side, not only is the Internet lively, there are also undercurrents surging in the entertainment industry.

No one has proven before that if Qin Nuo's script is placed in the hands of other companies, it will still be the same as it is in Qintian Entertainment.

It can get very high box office.

Now Wushuang has proven that Zero Point has a box office of more than 30 million, although there are less than 10,000 ratings online.

But the score is also quite high, 9,3 points!!

Then it slowly slid down, at least stopping at more than eight points.

This score is absolutely high for a commercial film.

From this point of view, Wushuang's sales are almost inseparable.

Many companies in the entertainment industry are jealous with envy.

What method did Fatty Wang use to get Qin Nuo to give him such a good script?

What exactly did he do?

A group of big guys started asking around, saying that they had no choice but to watch Wang Jin eat meat.

They are also jealous.

This movie can make at least several hundred million.

With so much money, the big guys took action one after another.

Be sure to find out how Wang Jin did it.

As long as they take the right medicine, they can also get Qin Nuo's script.

Then you will be the one making money.

But you look around and see nothing?

Did he just send a Hong Kong girl?

The bosses are a little confused, is this Hong Kong girl good-looking?

It looks really good.

But it’s not worth more than 100 million!

How can a woman be worth so much money and not be covered with gold?

There must be other reasons.

But before that, they also started looking for some beautiful and lovely girls.

Although the real reason was not found.

But there must still be some factors for Hong Kong girls.

Find the stepping stone first.

Take your time with the rest.

Anyway, the entertainment industry lacks everything except beautiful girls.

On the other side, Qin Nuo and others finished drinking.

Under the ambiguous looks of several people, Qin Nuo led Wen Yongxun away.

The woman kept her head down the whole time, and Tian Jin and others thought Wen Yongxun was drunk.


This woman is really nervous.

She didn't go home with Qin Nuo last time, and today is the first time.

the other side.

Zhang Baizhi looked a little envious, really envious.

Although based on her experience, the possibility of this woman Wen Yongqiu getting to the top is basically zero.

so what.

Qin Nuo is powerful enough.

Now in Xiangjiang, because of Qin Nuo, many productions will consider Wen Yong to delete this woman.

The purpose is very simple, just to please Qin Nuo.

not only that.

Wen Yongchun can also enter the mainland.

With Qin Nuo standing behind her, as long as she works hard, she will soon become famous.

"Hey, what a pity, if I had..."

Zhang Baizhi thought of what happened when he was young and felt so stupid

Otherwise, she might live a comfortable life like Gao Yuanyuan.

Where can I still run for life like I am now?

The two returned to the room. Yes, this room was deleted by Wen Yong.

As soon as I entered Qin Nuo, I smelled the fragrance.

With a smile on his face, he sat on the sofa and lit a cigarette.

He looked at Wen Yongchun, who was standing in front of him with red cheeks and making seals with his fingers.

Qin Nuo could tell that the woman was very nervous and didn't even dare to look at him.

Don't tell me, it's quite interesting.

"Hey, why are you still standing? Come on!"

"This~" Wen Yongxun looked up and said after a while.

"But there's no whip in my room~!"

"How about you use your hands!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo came to Qin Nuo timidly and asked in a low voice,

"Do you want to hit the front or the back?"

Qin Nuo”

She didn't expect that this woman would take her previous joke seriously, and even be very cooperative.

What fun. 970

In this case, Qin Nuo continued.

"It's up to you, do you prefer the front or the back?"

"Hit me from the back. There is plenty of meat in the butt, so it won't hurt!"


Seeing that Qin Nuo agreed, Wen Yongxun slowly knelt on the sofa and put on a posture that Qin Nuo could use easily.

There was still some fear and nervousness on his face.

"Can you be a little gentler? I have a road show tomorrow!"

"No!" Qin Nuo said righteously.

"Okay!" Wen Yongchun turned his head aggrievedly.

After looking at it, I saw that it was indeed pretty and round.

I couldn't help but slap it.

"Okay, I lied to you, get up!"

Wen Yongxun was already prepared for his butt to bloom, but he didn't expect that Qin Nuo only spanked her, even though it hurt a little.

But just a little bit.


Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at her, it could be fake, I'm not a violent maniac!

"Qin Nuo, you are so kind!"

Wen Yongxun turned around and hugged Qin Nuo, feeling happy.

after awhile

Wen Yongchun hesitated and said.

"Qin Nuo, let's go to the bedroom?"

"Haha, can't you wait any longer?"

"How can I~"

Wen Yongxiu blushed.

Vertical sun.

At nine o'clock in the morning, Qin Nuo's biological clock rang on time.

open one's eyes.

Still a little uncomfortable.

Yesterday I drank a lot and played until after four o'clock.

It's a bit tiring indeed.

There was also a woman wrapped around him.

Qin Nuo was just about to get up and wash up, and Wen Yongxun, who was holding her, also woke up.

ps: It’s the third update, there will be another update in an hour! Be more harmonious, sorry, sorry

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