Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

461 The Light Of Domestic Science Fiction, Wandering Earth Project Is Established! Invest 300 Millio

"It's okay, I can hold on. Besides, everyone is working hard, and I can't hold back!

Qin Nuo's eyes were a little unkind.

I secretly thought to myself, is this fat guy trying to hit him?

He also plans to go play tomorrow.

Damn it, it’s best not!

Otherwise, I will squeeze out the oil for you every time you say fat.

"Since you want to, of course I agree!"

"What type of shooting do you want to shoot? Tell me and I'll see if there's anything suitable for you."

As a capitalist, Qin Nuo is a real black-hearted capitalist.

I wish my employees would take the initiative to work overtime.

You think this can scare me, what a joke.

As long as you don't die in the company, you can work overtime as long as you like...

Fatty Zhou hesitated for a moment, thinking about how to kill everyone with one shot.

The domestic box office must be 2 billion.

Otherwise, it will be unstable, not stable at all.

These guys behind him were chasing him like mad dogs.

Suddenly, Fatty Zhou's eyes lit up, Qin Nuo was good at whatever type he was good at.

"Qin Nuo, I want science fiction, a real science fiction blockbuster!"

"Those guys want to catch up with me, dream on me!"

Fatty Zhou clenched his fists and looked arrogant.

In fact, he could also shoot Tang Tansan, but after thinking about it, Fatty Zhou still couldn't do it.

Movie series must have a certain amount of time buffer.

Qintian Entertainment will not launch Tang Tan San until at least the second half of next year.

This is a strategy that was planned long ago!

The reason for doing this is also very simple: it must whet the audience's appetite.

Maximize the benefits!

"Science Fiction!!!"

Qin Nuo frowned, not to mention there was one.

Qin Nuo has purchased the copyright of The Wandering Earth.

He also has the outline of the script.

It’s absolutely no problem to shoot 700 pairs.

But the question is, can Fatty Zhou do it?

This stuff is really difficult.

The Wandering Earth is a real hard science fiction industrial movie!!

The hard here does not mean how rigorous the logic is. To be honest, Liu wants to build more than a hundred planetary engines and wants to take the earth with him...

a bit difficult.

Even a little naive!

But science fiction, if it were so rigorous, it would be science.

If the engine is strong enough, there may be hope.

Qin Nuo is not a professional, so he doesn’t know very well.

This needs to be answered by a physics professor.

"Qin Nuo, no?" Fatty Zhou was a little disappointed.

Could it be that the previous sci-fi movies exhausted Qin Nuo’s inspiration?

"It's not like nothing, it's just..." Qin Nuo glanced at Fatty Zhou.

"It's just that I'm worried about you kid ruining a really good movie!"

Qin Nuo originally planned to use the Wandering Earth to catch Guo Fan.

If Guo Fan Qin Nuo wanders the earth, he will definitely make money.

And make a lot of money.

But if it were for Fatty Zhou, to be honest, Qin Nuo was really a bit weak.

If this guy messes up the stray game.

What is lost is not just a little money, but a lot of money!

That's not all. The Wandering Earth is also the light of science fiction in the past life of China.

Qin Nuo always has a special feeling for it.


"It really does exist, and it is a truly big production, with an investment starting at at least 300 million! Hard science fiction!"


Hearing this, Fatty Zhou took a breath and trembled a little.

An investment of 300 million (chcd)!

It would be fine if it was placed in Hollywood, it would only cost less than 50 million US dollars, which is not too big or too small.

But if it were placed in China, it would be a truly top-notch investment.

Ordinary film companies simply don't dare to play.

Even if it was Huayi, the investment of 300 million in the Magic City Fortress was finally determined after several months of discussions.

Fatty Zhou knew that this investment was really scary.

"Well, why don't you forget it?"

Although Fatty Zhou knew this was a very good opportunity, he felt very guilty.

Now Qintian Entertainment is developing rapidly.

It is best not to have any accidents during this period.

It would be fine if this movie succeeds, but if it fails, it will be a huge blow to Qintian Entertainment.

Maybe even the listing will be affected.

It's not worth it for a false reputation, it's really not worth it.

Qin Nuo tapped his fingers on the table, thinking whether he should give this movie to Fatty Zhou.

It will be 14 years now.

The Wandering Earth was filmed at least at the end of 2014.

Early 2015.

Compared to previous lives, the domestic film industry has developed faster because of him.

The number of screens now is higher than in previous generations.

There's still half a year to go.

By then, the theater chain will definitely be able to support a movie with an investment of 300 million.

There is no doubt about this.

Now that the infrastructure is in place, it just depends on whether Fatty Zhou can shoot well.

Qin Nuo could tell that this guy really wanted a big one.

But I'm a little worried about messing up the investment.

As a brother who worked hard with him, Qin Nuo still wanted to give him a chance.

Isn’t it 300 million?


"Fat man, if you really want to, I can give you this movie, You should have heard of The Wandering Earth!"

"The one written by Da Liu?"

"That's right!"

Fatty Zhou thought about it and realized that this thing could indeed be adapted into a movie, but it would be very difficult.

Not only props but also special effects.

A real heavy industry movie.

Instantly the fat man felt a mountain of pressure.

Somewhat out of breath.

"This Qin Nuo I..."

"What, are you scared?" Qin Nuo looked at Fatty Zhou and mocked.


Fatty Zhou couldn't bear it anymore.

This guy dares to ridicule him, I'm afraid of a hammer, I'm worried about our company.

If it were another investor, I would be disappointed.

Anyway, I will get the money regardless of the profit or loss, and I will not lose a share.

"If you're not afraid of the company losing money, I'll accept it!"

"Anyway, I will try my best! The rest will be left to God!"

Qin Nuo nodded, guess it's unlikely.

This movie has previous success experience, Qin Nuo can grasp the overall situation.

But I don’t know if I can earn that much.

"Okay, I'll give you the outline of the adapted script later, and you'll do the coding!"

"The tentative investment is 300 million! If it is not enough, we will add more!"


Fatty Zhou clenched his hands tightly, and in his excitement, he could even feel the flow of his own blood.

An investment of 300 million!

What the hell.

This time it's really going to be a big one.

I can't wait to see Qin Nuo's script and spend a few nights studying it.

"That's right!" Qin Nuo looked at Fatty Zhou's back and said.

"There is a director in the capital called Guo Fan. Please contact him later."

"I heard that he is very interested in science fiction and has good directing skills. You can bring him over as your assistant!"

"Guo Fan? That youth film director?" Fatty Zhou looked contemptuous.

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, do you still look down on others?

"Don't underestimate me, this person is very good. Go and contact me. It would be best if you can join Qintian Entertainment!"

"I know." Fatty Zhou looked unconcerned.

"For a young director like this to let him join Qintian Entertainment, it's like smoke rising from his ancestral grave!!"

Qin Nuo…”

How did he find that everyone in Qintian Entertainment was better at pretending than the last one.

The eyes seem to be on the head.

Why am I still pretending to be a grandson outside?

You all actually look down on this and that.


Not to mention that Qin Nuo was right, every employee and artist of Qintian Entertainment really has a sense of superiority.

That kind of arrogance simply means that you don’t treat other entertainment companies as human beings.

They feel that their boss is one of the strongest directors in China and even the world.

The total box office revenue is billions of dollars.

Ranked among the best in the whole world.

There is such a boss supporting me.

When I go out, my back will be straight.

Ordinary entertainment companies don't take it seriously at all.

In addition, many people in the industry want to join Qintian Entertainment, which also gives them a great sense of satisfaction.

Qintian Entertainment is the best.

In this case, it's hard not to be proud.

Fortunately, Qin Nuo is not clear about this yet, otherwise, there will definitely be several style meetings.

No matter why, Qin Nuo just felt unbalanced.

Why should I be modest outside but you can't, asshole!

Dreaming, please teach me what the Five Lectures and Four Beauties are.

On the other side, Sister Hong also started to take action.

She pinched her watch and looked at the time. When five o'clock came, Sister Hong gave an order.

"Xiao Liu, have you contacted the navy yet?"

"Sister Hong, okay, the navy troops from all major platforms are ready!"

Sister Hong nodded.

"Xiao Li, have you finished the copywriting? You must write it for me in a touching and immersive way. If not, be careful I won't give money to those guys!"

"Sister Hong, okay, I checked several copies and they are all very good!"

"This is the last thing"

"Xiao Zheng, how are you getting in touch with the big Vs in scarves!"

"Everything is ready!"

"Give them the copy and tell them not to put it together. Take your time and make it appear deliberate. What we want is natural!!"

"We need to give the audience time to react and let them participate, do you understand?"


"Okay, take action!"

Under Sister Hong's guidance, there were soon some Wushuang-related videos on major platforms.

There are some touching copywriting below the posts.

ps: More to come, hehehehe~~Thank you Mr. Hei Mozu for the reward!

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