Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

462 A Marketing Campaign Worth 150 Million, Feng Xiaogang Is Lying On His Back, Qin Nuo, I Hate You!

[Wow, Fa Ge is back at the top, Ye Qing is back! I have watched so many pirated movies of Fa Ge before, Wushuang must support them this time!]

[The sword is not old yet, it is the future of the sword. Although Brother Fa is already fifty, he is still the God of Gamblers in my heart. Come on Brother Fa!]

[If a hero never dies, he will only wither slowly. Fa Ge is so handsome. Seeing Wushuang reminds me of countless old movies]

[I think those born in the 80s, everyone owes Brother Fa a movie ticket, so we can support him this time!]


[What are you born in the 1980s? We born in the 1990s are not the same. I have seen everything about the God of Gamblers in Shanghai Beach Prison!]

[I had no money at that time and could only watch pirated versions. Now that we have money, we born in the 90s should also support it]


[I agree, Fa Ge’s acting is really good, I seem to have seen him so high-spirited when he was young~!]



It has to be said that Sister Hong is quite professional, and these posts quickly brought the audience back to those green years when they were young.

Recalling that Fa Ge spent many years with them.

Not long after, a big V with a scarf posted:

Title: [We all owe Fa Ge a movie ticket!]

[When I was a child, I don’t think anyone has imagined that he could become a hero in the God of Gamblers and follow Fa Ge to travel around the world’s major casinos!]

[I believe this is the thought of every viewer who has watched the God of Gamblers series of movies, and I am the same as the editor]

[Also, follow Xu Wenqiang in Shanghai Beach to conquer the magic city! Enjoy your grudges! 】


[Fa Ge really brings us a lot of fantasy and innocence. 】

[But now the editor looks at it in a blink of an eye, this has been more than a thousand years or even nearly twenty years.

[In a blink of an eye, Brother Fa is also old, with two layers of gray hair. I used to think that Brother Fa will never grow old, and the same goes for celebrities. They all will never grow old. 】

[It’s really naive to think about it, wait until you grow up]

[I just realized that it’s not that Brother Fa will never grow old, it’s just that our impression of Brother Fa will always remain as a dashing god of gambling!]

[It seems to be frozen. 】


[Brothers and sisters, I think those born in the 1980s and 1990s all owe Fa Ge a movie ticket!]

[We didn’t have the chance before, but now everyone can return this ticket to Brother Fa!]

[Tell him that we have always liked him and told him that we have always supported him!]

【What do you think?】

This scarf is issued, coupled with the previous foreshadowing.

It soon resonated with many netizens.

Everyone has come from that era, and no one has seen two pirated movies.

The most profound impact is the biweekly 10% discount.

Even now I can't help but take it out and savor it.

It’s true that the older the film, the more carefully you watch it.

Soon, thanks to the spontaneous efforts of netizens, [We all owe Fa Ge a movie ticket] this scarf became a hot search topic in no time.

After many netizens saw it, they also joined in and recalled Fa Ge's classic works.

The comments quickly surpassed 100,000.

And it’s still increasing.

"I won't say anything anymore. The Wushuang movie starts tomorrow. Originally I didn't plan to go see it. I'm very busy at work and want to take a break."

"But the blogger is right, I owe a lot of movie tickets to Zhang Fa Ge, the original God of Gamblers movie series."

"I watched it at least three times. Fa Ge's performance is really good."

"Me too, I have tickets for 5pm tomorrow, even if the blogger didn't tell me, I didn't realize that Brother Fa was already old.

"I'm really old. I'm afraid I won't have a chance if I don't watch it. Everyone says Wushuang is good, so I'll support it too!"

"What the blogger said is really good. So many years have passed in the blink of an eye. I really should support it."

"I agree, I recognize this movie ticket and I will go see it tomorrow!"

"I agree, the original God of Gamblers was my favorite movie!"

"I won't say anything anymore, Brother Fa, come on, support you!"

It's like a virus.

Soon the idea that we all owe Fa Ge a movie ticket spread across major platforms.

Before some people could react, all the movie tickets for the next two days were sold out.

The speed is really too fast.

It's really too fast.

The theater chain also reacted quickly and quickly added some unparalleled films to the schedule.

Yes, yes, everything you said is right.

We all owe Fa Ge a movie ticket.

Come and see.

Even if Fa Ge is like that, he won't be able to act in many movies.

Don't hurry up.

Inside a hotel in Yangcheng.

The Wushuang creative staff read the news online and then all looked at Zhou Ruifa.

The eyes are a little strange.

A little admired, a little surprised.

They didn't expect Fa Ge to have such great appeal even though he was already on the street.

Zhou Ruifa was also a little embarrassed when everyone looked at him.

Very uncomfortable!

"Don't look at it. This is not my fault, it's Qin Nuo's good publicity by Qin Tian Entertainment."

"All the movies I've acted in in the past few years have been about street appeal, appeal, and shitty appeal!"

"Everyone is just paying for their own feelings!"

Hearing this, Wang Jin, Aaron Kwok and others nodded.


If Brother Fa had such a strong appeal, he wouldn't be so miserable.

It's just that Qintian Entertainment's promotion is good and can bring back memories of the audience.

"Hey, Director Qin is really awesome." Wang Jin touched his belly.

"This wave of publicity can bring at least 100 million box office for our movie!"

"I think there may be more than that." Zhang Baizhi said.

"The theater chain seems to be adding more films to Wushuang. I heard that all the tickets for tomorrow and the day after tomorrow have been sold out!

"This is still the National Day. Director Qin chose the time well. I feel that 150 million is not a big problem."

"That makes sense!"

"I agree!

Wen Yongchun next to him also nodded, feeling very happy.

I thought I must give Qin Nuo a call tonight, it was really great.

This wave of publicity is so powerful and so clever!

"Why don't you wait until the road show is over and go to Shanghai for two days?"

Wen Yongqian couldn't help but blush on his face when he thought of this.

After having sex with Qin Nuo last time, she seemed to be a little addicted...

……Please give me flowers…………

Every time at night I think about Qin Nuo.

"Okay, no matter how much the price rises, since Director Qin has given us the opportunity, we must rise!"

"Let me run hard in the next ten days! Try to break through one billion as soon as possible!"

"no problem!"

"We will definitely work hard!"

Fa Ge and others were very excited

"Holy shit, this damn Qin Nuo, bastard Qin Nuo, damn it!!"

"I'm going to kill him!"

Feng Xiaogang looked at the news on the Internet and was very angry!

very angry!

He can guarantee that the movie ticket he owes Brother Fa is definitely a trick played by Qin Nuo.

No one in China could think of such good publicity except this guy.

Now the whole Internet is saying that I owe Fa Ge a movie ticket.

In fact, it's not just Feng Xiaogang who thinks this way, but everyone in the entertainment industry thinks this way.

In their hearts, Qin Nuo is not only a film genius, but also a publicity genius.

When they debuted, Explosive Drummer got involved in scandals with Reba and Liu Shishi.


Later, in order to increase the box office, Tang Tan and Feng Xiaogang quarreled with each other on the scarf, which left a deep impression on the audience.

Then there was the viral publicity of Inception.

It directly made many viewers with obsessive-compulsive disorder watch it many, many times.

If Qin Nuo hadn't caused the movie ticket debt this time, they would have stood on their heads and eaten shit.

It was so outrageous. They wanted to ask Qin Nuo how he had developed such a brain.

This publicity is amazing!!

"Feng Xiaogang, why are you so crazy? You don't sleep at night~!"

"It's not that Qin Nuo. Tomorrow Beijin will premiere in Seattle. This guy Qin Nuo has made such a big news."

"The movie is not popular at all! Cao!"

"That's none of your business, the movie is not Huayi's." After Chen Fan finished speaking, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He crossed his arms and looked at Feng Xiaogang with an unkind look.

"Feng Xiaogang, don't tell you that I secretly invested in this movie!"

Feng Xiaogang

"You bastard, you and that bitch Tangwei are messing around behind your back, just pretend I didn't see it!"

"I didn't expect you to dare to invest in a movie she made?"

Chen Fan was furious.

"I'm just talking about why people fall in love with Tang Wei. It turns out it's you, bastard!"

"Hey, wife, that's not the case, you misunderstood!"

Feng Xiaogang quickly dodged the flying slippers, his eyes full of panic.

"I didn't. I only invested in the script because I thought it would make money. It has nothing to do with Tang Wei!"

"I trust you, you hammer!"

"No, you can't throw that away! That's a computer!"


It's really cold on the streets at midnight.

Feng Xiaogang walked on the road and looked at the lonely moon in the sky.

He touched the scratches on his face, and the pain made him twitch the corner of his mouth!

Suddenly, Feng Xiaogang thought of something, and his originally calm expression suddenly turned ferocious.

"Qin Nuo, you bastard, you bastard, damn thing"

"Just wait for me, I will take revenge one day!"

ps: The 10,000th update.

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