Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

464 Unparalleled Box Office Exceeded 1.4 Billion! Reba And Naza Were Surprised. Qin Nuo Is Amazing!

This is very strange.

Later, Qin Nuo also gradually discovered the reason. Reba has a very strong ability.

Although she is silly, she has her own logic.

She is also good at bringing the enemy to the same IQ level as her, and then uses her rich experience and excellent logic to defeat her!

I have to say, this ability is very powerful, really powerful.

Is there a wisdom halo?

"Eat, eat, eat, sooner or later you will become a big fat man! Humph!"

Naza couldn't grab the woman, so he had to curse.

"Hehe, if you are fat, you are fat. Brother Nuo just likes that my flesh grows where it should!"

After speaking, Reba threw himself on Qin Nuo.

He rubbed Qin Nuo with his baby and looked at Qin Nuo with a cute look on his face.

"Brother Nuo, do you like it?"

"If you like it, get up for me!"

"No, it feels comfortable lying on you!"

Reba said coquettishly, then twisted her body and found a comfortable position to lie on Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo had no choice but to hug this woman. Among his many confidantes, Reba was the one who was the most coquettish and the one who was best at taking advantage of herself.

He also likes Reba's coquettish energy, which can make people feel better.

After doing the math, he and Reba have known each other for several years, but this girl seems to be the same as before, except that her figure is better.

There is no change in all aspects of his personality, he is still the same cute and carefree look.

Qin Nuo thought and hoped that Reba would be like this for the rest of his life.

It’s good to stay true to your heart and be happy for the rest of your life.

"You know how to act coquettishly!" Nazha pursed his lips and watched Reba and Qin Nuo making out.

His eyes were full of jealousy.

"Okay, stop making trouble, has Nazha Wushuang been released? How much is the box office now?"

"Not yet," Nazar recalled for a moment and said.

"Director Wang got the delay key and it is still in theaters. I saw the box office yesterday and it already had over 1.45 billion!"

Hearing this, Reba opened his mouth and his face was full of shock.

"Husband, you are so awesome! Another billion-dollar movie!"

"So awesome, so awesome!"

Reba said while twisting his body, Qin Nuo didn't want to accidentally misfire right now.

He slapped the woman on the buttocks.

"Just talk, don't move!"


Reba was not angry even after being beaten. Instead, he glanced down with a cunning smile like a little fox on his face.

Brother Nuo is really useless.

"And that's not a movie I made. I'm just a screenwriter. What does it have to do with me?"

Qin Nuo feels that this movie has little to do with his success.

He just provides the script.

Well... the publicity and popularity did help Wushuang get a lot of box office.

But even without these, Qin Nuo thinks that Wushuang's box office can reach hundreds of billions.

The key is that Wang Jin really did a good job.

The old guy is still very stable.

"Why doesn't it matter!" Naza raised his head with a proud look on his face.

"Brother Nuo, if it hadn't been for your script, those guys in Xiangjiang would have been in trouble.

"Repay one billion. In the past two years, Hong Kong's movies haven't even received five hundred million!"

"That's right, Brother Nuo, I think the biggest contributor to this unparalleled success is you!"

"When I get your script, I can make a billion even if I tie a dog to it!"

Qin Nuo “…………

Hearing this, Qin Nuo always felt a little familiar.

I seem to have heard it somewhere.

It seemed to be said by one of the commentators.

IG's midfielder and jungler are so powerful that they can win even with a dog in the bottom lane...


Qin Nuo was just about to retort when suddenly the phone rang.

What a coincidence, the call was from Wang.

Qin Nuo also feels very lucky. Fortunately, he just asked about the box office of Nazha Wushuang.

Otherwise, let Wang Jin know that you don't even know the box office of the movie you wrote.

It will definitely make this old boy vomit blood.

Qin Nuo quickly picked up the phone and said happily.

"Director Wang, congratulations, Wushuang is almost 1.5 billion, amazing!!! The sword is still young!"

"Hai, whatever happens to me is all due to your road show.

"I heard that you ran away for twenty days. It was really hard!"

"Why are you talking about this? You can give it at any time, don't worry, we'll talk about it after the movie is released!"

"I'm afraid this won't work. I'm in Thailand directing the filming of Thai囧, so I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the celebration party!"

"No, I'm sorry for the delay. You can just play and don't worry about me."

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, he really didn't want to go to the celebration banquet.

I'm tired of participating. How can I have fun vacationing with other girls?

"That won't work, Director Qin!" Wang Jin said seriously on the other end of the phone.

"If you didn't come, what would we be celebrating at this celebration banquet? Even the biggest hero is not here!"

"No, no, absolutely not!"

"You tell me a time, and we can adjust the schedule!"


Qin Nuo was also drunk. Wang Jin had already talked about this. If he refused again, it would be too disrespectful to others.

He hesitated and said.

"Then mid-November, which happens to be the time when Wushuang is delayed."

"no problem!"

After hanging up the phone, Qin Nuo was helpless.

It seems that one more item has to be added to his schedule, and he really can't skip the Wushuang celebration party.

"Brother Nuo, look at you, even Wang Jin says you are the biggest contributor and you still don't admit it!"

Reba wrinkled her cute little nose. complained.

"That's right, Brother Nuo, you are so hypocritical!"

The two women scolded each other, and the more they talked, the more enthusiastic they became.

"Hypocritical?" Qin Nuo looked at the two women with an evil smile on his lips.

"Well, I'll show you what the real me is!"

"Hey, Brother Nuo, what are you doing? Put me down!"

Qin Nuo led Reba up with one hand [looked at Nazar next to him again.

Before the woman could react, he picked her up again.


Naza is much lighter than Rebako.

"No, no, I haven't eaten yet, Brother Nuo, put me down!"

"Nazha is right, Nogao, you are perverted!"

"Hey, don't you like reality? Then the real me is here, let's go!"

Qin Nuo returned to the living room holding one in each hand.

Pattaya is beautiful at night, and there are wandering bands singing on the beach not far away.

The low music can't help but make people addicted.

The chorus that followed was even more beautiful, full of resentment, admiration, tears, and complaints!

The lingering sound lingers in my ears.

However, Qin Nuo has no culture.

Two words came out of his mouth.

Nice to hear.

It sounds so good!

do it again!

After more than ten days, Qin Nuo took Reba and Naza to play in Pattaya for more than ten days.

I originally planned to go to Hanguo to see Girls’ Generation.

But the two women were too clingy and didn't give Qin Nuo a chance at all.

I had no choice but to accompany the two girls.

It was not until early November that Reba was forced to return to China due to the bombardment of phone calls from Yang Mi.

If Reba doesn't leave, Yang Mi will probably come to Thailand to arrest her.

A popular little flower.

If Reba was really working, she wouldn't have a break for a year, but now she's been playing for a whole day.

What a concept.

Reba didn't earn a penny for Jiahang this month.

At least Jiahang made millions less.

You still have to pay for it~

This Yang Mi can bear it.

Qin Nuo feels that Reba will definitely be punished severely by Yang Mi, including but not limited to. Insult, beat, discipline, etc.!

Because the woman Reba ran away on her own.

Qin Nuo actually doesn't know this. This woman is also very courageous.

Asked for leave from Yang Mi, but Yang Mi disagreed.

Reba ran away directly...

And it lasted a whole month!

Anyone could be pissed off by this.

Naza is similar, but she has a little more freedom in Tangren, but she won't appear in front of the camera for a month.

It also made Cai Yinong very worried.

In the last few days, I would get a call within a few hours.

Nazha also feels almost done, and it would be a bit unjustifiable if I don’t move on.

Don't do anything weird when you look back.

Those people wearing scarves are so speechless.

If the piercing doesn't show up for so long, I'll either have an abortion or give birth, or even worse, I'll have plastic surgery.

This is not okay.

After Reba left, Naza also returned home the next day.

Qin Nuo is left alone in Thailand.

I originally wanted to visit the set of Lost in Thailand, but they have already finished filming and returned to China.

Qin Nuo became lonely and enjoyed two days of leisure alone at the beach.

Returned to the Magic City.

"Shishi, please be taller and put your legs here!"


An hour later, Liu Shishi was lying in Qin Nuo's arms, with a burst of satisfaction on her face.

"Husband, I really want to live like this for the rest of my life!"

"A lifetime? Are you kidding? It has only been a while ago and you have already turned into a fifth child."

"You'll have it for the rest of your life!"

"What does Wuwa mean?" Liu Shishi didn't respond.

Qin Nuo glanced at the beauty in his arms and said.

"Have you never seen Calabash Baby? You don't even know who the five babies are?"

"Asshole, you are so bad!"

Liu Shishi blushed instantly, even though she was more conservative.

But after following Qin Nuo for so long, I naturally learned a lot.

It took less than a second to understand what it meant.

How abominable.

Very bad!

ps: Third update, there will be another one an hour later.

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