Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

465 The Powerful Liu Shishi Found Someone To Take Advantage Of In The First Broadcast Of Dou Po And

However, Qin Nuo smiled happily and asked Liu Shishi to drink more water next time.

"Let's get down to business!" Liu Shishi looked at Qin Nuo with a smile on her face.

"Honey, do you know? I have already sold the first part of Dou Po!"

"Guess what the price is!"

Qin Nuo knew that the fight had ended not long ago, and Liu Shishi wanted him to attend the celebration banquet.

But Qin Nuo was in Thailand at the time and lost contact.

There is no time to participate.

He could only refuse, but the woman even scolded him.

I didn't expect it to be sold so quickly.

"Oh, really? Which fool bought it?"

"Yes.........what?" Liu Shishi pinched Qin Nuo after reacting, her face full of displeasure.

"My film is very good. It has a fan base, is well-produced, and I star in it. It is destined to be a hit!"

"What a scapegoat!"

"Okay, okay," Qin Nuo hugged Liu Shishi and changed her words.

"Which TV station took advantage of my poetry!"

"This is right!"

"It's the fruit station. Guess how much one episode sold for!"

"Three million!" Qin Nuo tried.

"There are so many, three million per episode, the total is 60 million, how is it possible!"

Liu Shishi rolled her eyes at Qin Nuo.

The total investment for the first part of Fighting Against the Sphere was only 20 million.

Just because she was unfamiliar with it, she wasted a lot.

But even so, including the additional investment, it is only 25 million.

The first broadcast can sell 60 million!

What a joke!

"That two million!"

"It can't be one million," Qin Nuo said helplessly.

"It would be such a loss if this were to happen. We won't even be able to recoup the cost of the premiere!"

“Even if you can sell second broadcasts, you won’t make much money from second broadcasts!”

"It's not that low, it's 1.6 million." Liu Shishi looked at Qin Nuo.

He said with a proud look on his face.

"I'm so good. I'll recoup the cost on the first broadcast! I'll still make some money!"

1.6 million!

Qin Nuo nodded and calculated the total of 20 to twelve million.

In addition to the cost, Tudou's online broadcast rights are also included.

Liu Shishi worked hard for more than half a year and earned 16 million.

Of course there are carousel rights later.

However, for an adaptation of an online novel like this, the rotation rights will not be too high.

If the response is good, I will be able to make enough money to sell it for the first time.

Almost fifty million!

Don't tell me, it's really good.

Liu Shishi, a woman who made her first film as a producer, could earn tens of millions.

Really awesome.

Looking at Wu Jin and others, the first film was basically a blockbuster.

"It's amazing. If the response is good, plus the rights to broadcast, we can earn almost 50 million~!"

"Shishi, you are amazing!"

"of course"

Hearing Qin Nuo's compliments, Liu Shishi felt so happy that she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

She worked hard for more than half a year and finally paid off.

Especially hearing the compliments from my lover.

Too sweet.

Liu Shishi decided to quickly acquire some copyrights for online novels before Dou Po was broadcast.

That swallowing starry sky seems to be quite popular, so I bought it!!!

There is also Tudou’s new book, which he bought!

I heard that there is a new great god called Chengdong.

The book is pretty good, I bought it too.

No money?

It doesn't matter, she has Qin Nuo, the worst she can do is borrow some from him.

If you have money, pay it back; if you don't have money, pay it with your own hands.

Liu Shishi already has a plan. If Dou Po gets a good response, she will start the Zhu Xian project in the next film.

She can play Baguio in it.

This novel is also quite popular, and the first part was not difficult to film.

You can also make a lot of money.

As for why not start the second part of Dou Po!

Liu Shishi also studied with Qin Nuo, which whetted the audience's appetite.

I can sell it at a higher price next time!

"Husband, with my ability, my studio will definitely grow bigger and bigger in the future. It will grow bigger and bigger."!"

"Maybe I can buy your Qintian Entertainment in the future, and you can be my wife from now on!"

"Okay, I'll wait for that day! But today you can be my wife for now!"

"Hey, no, wait a minute!"

"Wait a minute!"

"my husband……………"

Time flies so fast, and one month has passed in the blink of an eye.

It actually snowed in the Magic City yesterday, and when we woke up in the morning, many people were still cheering on the streets.

It doesn't often snow here even in winter.

Not to mention you can still see the accumulated snowflakes.

It's a strange thing to see.

Qin Nuo returned to the company after playing for more than a month.

More than half of the special effects for The Dark Knight have been produced, with less than a quarter left.

Qin Nuo is also ready to start editing.

Although there are references from previous lives, some modifications have been made, so the workload is relatively large.

But one month is enough.

"Go back and tell Yu Dahai that I will go back to Hangzhou at the end of January to participate in tooth cutting!"

"Okay, boss!"

"Boss, there is news from Byte that they have entered the final round of testing, and Douyin will be online in the next two months at the earliest."

Sister Hong looked at Qin Nuo.

"They want you to publish your first short video. What Zhang Yimin means is that I hope you can think more and make the video more attractive~"

Qin Nuo touched his chin. Compared with his previous life, this world seemed to be moving more than a year faster. Qin Nuo thought it would not be released until the second half of next year.

Didn't expect it to be so fast!

But the impact is not big.

Zhang Yimin is an old boy who knows how to take advantage of others, so this troublesome matter was left to him.

It’s not easy to post this first video, you have to think about it carefully.

Suddenly Qin Nuo had a flash of inspiration.

Isn’t it the day that The Dark Knight will be released in more than two months?

Calculated, it’s pretty much the same.

Why not just make a promotional video for The Dark Knight.

I will come forward to explain it, so that I can not only satisfy Zhang Yimin, an old boy, but also promote my own movie.

Kill two birds with one stone.

Seeing that Qin Nuo was a little distressed, Sister Hong asked tentatively.

"How about boss, I go down and find someone to think about it for you!"

"No need, I've thought of a good way to ensure that Zhang Yimin's wish can be fulfilled."

"Ah, so fast, what's wrong?"

Sister Hong is also very curious. Her boss is really fast and can write scripts quickly. He can even make short promotional videos like this at his fingertips.

so smart!

"Isn't it the day when The Dark Knight is released in more than two months? I can just edit a super hot promotional video!"

When Sister Hong heard this, her eyes were filled with wonder.

The boss is so smart, is that okay?


Not only can it solve a troublesome matter, but it can also promote your own movie.

Kill two birds with one stone.


"Boss, you are so smart!"


He twitched the corner of his mouth and wanted to curse back, but suddenly he remembered that it was not even 14 years.

Some memes haven’t caught on yet.

Sister Hong is really praising him.

"Sister Hong, you are the same, you are really my sleeping dragon and phoenix chick!"

"It's not that exaggerated. I can't compare to Mr. Kong Ming and Pang Tong!"

Sister Hong was delighted.

That's right, she didn't realize that Qin Nuo was being sarcastic.

However, a few years later, Sister Hong had become famous and gradually retreated to the second line.

When I was brushing my scarf, I suddenly saw this meme.

I was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud after a while.

He murmured in his mouth.

"It turns out the boss was scolding me back then!"

Then he put down his phone and looked into the distance.

As if expecting something to return.

Of course this is just an afterthought.

Sister Hong flipped through the documents and finally said.

"Boss, the unparalleled celebration banquet will be held at the Shangri-La Hotel, Xiangjiang!"

"Director Wang has called me many times and must tell me to let you go!"

"I know, this fat guy called me three times yesterday."

"Labour and management really want to blackmail him!" Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.


Sister Hong is not surprised. If Qin Nuo doesn't go, this unparalleled celebration banquet will really be meaningless.

This National Day release Wushuang can exceed 1.5 billion.

Regardless of netizens, people in the industry, and even Wang Jin, they all agree that the biggest contributor is Qin Nuo.

If Qin Nuo doesn’t go.

There is really no need to hold this celebration banquet.

Sister Hong wanted to chat with Qin Nuo, but when she saw Fatty Zhou coming from behind, Qin Nuo thought she was impatient.

He said with a smile.

"Then boss, I'll leave first. Director Zhou seems to have something to do with you!"

"Well, go ahead and get some rest!"

"Yes, boss!"

As soon as Sister Hong left, Fatty Zhou rushed in, holding many manuscripts in his hand.

It looks like it should be some sub-shots, and I don't know what to write.

His face was full of excitement.

"Qin Nuo, I've almost finished studying the script, and I've also drawn half of the storyboards!"

“I think we can start this project!”

Of course Qin Nuo knew what Fatty Zhou was talking about.

It’s the light of domestic science fiction he told about more than a month ago!


Last time, Qin Nuo only gave him a script outline. Although it was very detailed, it did not include scenes and character biographies.

In addition to studying the script for more than a month, Fatty Zhou spent the rest of his time drawing storyboards.

Been busy for a long time.

The whole person seems to have lost a lot of weight.

"Okay, let's go eat first and talk while eating." Qin Nuo glanced at the time and it was almost noon.

"No problem, I just haven't had breakfast yet!"

ps: The fourth update has arrived. Wow, wow, wow, brothers, there are already 1.5 million words. Please support me!

It’s rare to write so much when writing a book on the stove...

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