Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

467 The King Of Scammers, Qin Nuo, Is Online Again, And Many Celebrities In Hong Kong Have Been Fool

On the carpet, Qin Nuo was walking forward in a white suit and sunglasses. Next to him, Wen Yongqiu, who was holding Qin Nuo's hand, was much more calm than last time.

He even smiled and greeted reporters on both sides.

There was no one on the entire carpet except Qin Nuo and Wen Yongchun.

This is the rule.

Xiangjiang is more concerned than the mainland. Wang Jinbu~ may not know.

"Director Qin, look here!"

"Director Qin, look here!"

"Odysseus Qin, here!"

The reporters here in Xiangjiang are even crazier than in China. When Qin Nuo arrived yesterday, Wen Yongxun and Wang Jin came to pick him up.

He was photographed hugging Wen Yongxuan.

Before tomorrow, some tabloids will come out in the evening.

[Qin Nuo arrived in Hong Kong, and the new generation of Hong Kong actress Wen Yongqian was in tears!]

Instantly attracted the attention of the melon-eating crowd.

The water doesn't stop, could it be...

The results look at the content.

It was Wen Yongchun who was so excited and so grateful to Qin Nuo that she shed tears.

Why, these guys are better editors than the bad editors on UC.

The melon-eating crowd and Qin Nuo were all drunk after seeing it.

The same goes for carpets.

There was actually a reporter who rushed to the carpet from the layers of security guards.

Wen Yongxun was frightened, and Qin Nuo was about to take action when he saw this.

As long as this guy dared to touch him and Wen Yongchun, he would definitely kick him.

He doesn't have a good impression of reporters anyway.

It's a big deal, just pay some money.

However, the surrounding security guards reacted quickly. If this reporter really disturbed Qin Nuo, their hotel would be famous.

Two security guards quickly came up and lifted the reporter up.

Disappeared on the carpet.

The whole process takes less than three seconds.

"Are you reporters in Xiangjiang always so fierce?" Qin Nuo asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, these guys are so annoying, I don't even dare to live anywhere else now!"

Wen Yongxun puffed his lips and said dissatisfiedly.

"Many reporters are blocking me there!"


Qin Nuo smiled, the way these reporters acted was comparable to that of the notorious Sun News.

Some good things were not learned, but the bad ones were learned in a good way.

After leaving, Qin Nuo didn't even go for an interview.

This group of reporters in Xiangjiang disgusted him even more.

"Brother Qin, I'm so sorry for making you laugh!"

Wang Jin at the door of the hotel naturally knew what happened just now.

My heart was also beeping.

Where the hell did this street kid come from? Can't you take a good photo?

You have to squeeze onto the carpet and wait for the labor and management. You will look good later.

"It's okay, I'm only like this when everyone welcomes me!"

"That's right, everyone in Xiangjiang likes Brother Qin's movies very much!"

The two of them had a laugh and settled the matter.

Enter the lobby.

Many, many people have come to the hotel's banquet hall, and everyone gathers together in twos and threes.

Wearing an exquisite dress, a gentle smile appeared on her face.

are talking to each other.

When Qin Nuo came in, everyone's eyes seemed to be locked on something.

All gathered on Qin Nuo.

There were different expressions in his eyes: surprise, gratitude, curiosity, and a bit of expectation.

Wang Jin next to him smiled happily.

"Everyone welcomes Director Qin, the biggest contributor to Wushuang's success, with warm applause!"

After saying that, he applauded first.

Soon all the guests inside started to drum up.

The entire banquet hall was filled with applause.

It lasted for half a minute before slowly stopping.

"Thank you, thank you." Qin Nuo is not stupid. He has to reciprocate when people give him face.

"Everyone, my contribution to Wushuang's box office success this time is not worth mentioning. It is the hard work of Director Wang, Fa Ge, Cheng Ge, Shanshan and others!"

"It really has nothing to do with me."

"And I believe that with the efforts of Director Wang and all Hong Kong directors and actors, Hong Kong films will definitely buck the trend and rise!"

"Create greater glory!"

"Come on, everybody!"

As soon as these words came out, all the Hong Kong and Taiwan celebrities present instantly increased their favorability towards Qin Nuo by a hundred!!!

Because most of the people here are Hong Kong and Taiwan celebrities.

Everyone hopes that Hong Kong films will rise again.

This is their common wish.

Qin Nuo said it sincerely, and they believed it.

Coupled with the previously unparalleled script, stars in Hong Kong and Taiwan almost regard Qin Nuo as their own family.

I have to say that Qin Nuo is really good at deceiving people.


"Director Qin said it well!"

Wang Jin was the first to applaud again, and then the audience burst into even louder applause.

Everyone looked at Qin Nuo with excitement.

"Brother Fa, Director Qin is very good. Please introduce him to me later!"

Liu Dehua rubbed Zhou Ruifa and said.

"That's right, Director Qin is the savior of our Xiangjiang entertainment industry. I'll introduce you to him later. Director Qin is very easy to get along with!"

Not far away, Xiang Huaqiang was also chatting with an old man.

"Did you see that? Qin Nuo is our friend in Xiangjiang"

"I'm telling you, old man, you won't give me Qin Tu the title of Best Screenplay at the Academy Awards.

"Labour and management will come back and want you to look good! There are also best movies, best directors, and best actors..."

"Should I go to hell with you? Xiang Huaqiang, you street boy!"

The old man is the chairman of the jury for this year's Academy Awards.

"How about I give you the Academy Award? I want them all, you are so big and dreamy!"

"At least give it to the best screenplay and best film, old man, let me tell you, if you don't give it, you will blame me later!"

“Qin Nuo’s producer and script must win an award!”

The old man hesitated and said.

"Hmph, we'll talk about it later, but I always feel like this guy is not a good person!"

"Old man, say it again!"

Qin Nuo smiled, and he knew that these people liked to hear this, just like their own children.

No matter what kind of garbage it is.

But I still feel like it’s the best in my heart.

Once outsiders praise you, you may not say anything on your lips, but you are absolutely beautiful on the inside.

But according to historical development.

It is basically impossible for Hong Kong films to rise.

It's too niche. Shootings, street fights, and police and gangster scenes are all too small.

The layout is not big.

Xiangjiang cannot produce grand historical films, nor can it produce science fiction films.

Doomed to decline.

With luck, it can become a category of Chinese-language movies.

It is not unlucky that some older generation directors and actors cannot act or move, and it is not impossible that they will collapse directly.

Qin Nuo knows this better than anyone.

After finishing speaking, Wang Jin led Qin Nuo through the crowd like a follower.

Introducing Hong Kong and Taiwan stars to Qin Nuo.

…………Please give me flowers……

"This is Qingxia, Qin, you are familiar with me, right?"

"Of course." Qin Nuo looked at the woman in front of him. Although she was older, she could not vaguely see how gorgeous she was back then.

It's a pity that time is ruthless, and beauty gradually loses its aura and becomes ordinary.

"Sister Qingxia, hello!"

"I don't dare, hello, Director Qin, come on, you are the pride of our Chinese film industry!"


"You should be familiar with this one, Aji, this is Director Qin!"

"Director Qin, hello, I am Zheng Zhongji!"

"Hello" Qin Nuo also smiled sincerely.

The man in front of me is a Hong Kong and Taiwan star who has been criticized the most by netizens.

Prince Ji!

He obviously has a voice and conditions that are not inferior to those of Jacky Brother.

But I don't like singing, I like acting.

He wasted all his talents.

God is really chasing after me to feed him, but this guy just turns away and refuses to eat.

If you really keep singing, you will definitely be on par with Zhang Xue!

It was a rogue song at first, but it crushed all the kings of Xiangjiang!

However, Qin Nuo was very smart and didn't mention singing at all. Instead, he said with a smile.

"I really like the Tyrannosaurus character you played in the low-brow comedy. It's very good!"

“Very impressive!”

When Zheng Zhongji heard this, his eyes lit up.

Over the years, he has had enough looks of regret and regret.

Everyone looked like this when they saw him.

I feel that he is obviously a talented singer, but he wants to act and become an actor.

What a waste.

It's simply not doing your job properly.

Every time he sees this kind of look, Zheng Zhongji doesn't know how to explain it.

Of course, they didn't do it in front of him, after all, he has a good fortune.

Everyone knows the content of Taiziji.

But it was even more painful to hear it behind my back.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo's first words after seeing him were affirmations of his acting skills.

Jung Joong Ki felt like he was about to cry.

Qin Nuo looked at Zheng Zhongji and groaned, speechless. He smiled and patted his shoulder.

"This world is meant to be lived for oneself. You can do whatever you want to do and go wherever you want to go."

"You don't have to care too much about other people's eyes, that's nothing?"

"I was not the same back then. As a young actor, I wanted to make a movie. I was laughed at by everyone when I became a director~"

"It doesn't matter, just be yourself! You're right, Aki!"

Zheng Zhongji looked at Qin Nuo, his reddish eyes full of determination.

said gratefully.

"Thank you, Director Qin, for your understanding. I will stick to the career I like!"

"Well, the sheep is very good, I wish you success!"

"I will work hard!"

After the two walked away, Wang Jin turned to look at Zheng Zhongji and said over his shoulder.

"Brother Qin, are you trying to fool Aji? This guy is much better at singing than acting!"

"Then what can you do if someone likes you?" Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

"And you people really like to worry about others. Is Aji's family short of money? No, there is plenty of money!"

"Just do whatever you like. I'm not killing people or setting fires. Isn't it just to be an actor?"

"As for criticizing others so harshly!"

ps: Second update, I got up late today. It rained heavily and the Internet was disconnected. My house was almost flooded. Damn it!

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