Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

468 The Goddesses Are All Old~ Wang Jin: Director Qin, Li Jiaxin Is Really Bad, She Is The Daughter-

"Ah~ This..." Wang Jin was a little confused by Qin Nuo's output. Thinking about it carefully, it seems to be the same reason.

The family is rich and has no bad habits.

I just like acting.

Is it illegal not to sing?

Why should I do it if I have talent? What’s the point?

"Brother Qin, you are right!"

"Of course, I'm always right!"

Wang Jin

After that, Qin Nuo chatted with many celebrities in Xiangjiang.

To be honest, I feel a little sad that many beautiful Hong Kong actresses in the past have lost their luster.

Qiu Shuzhen, Wang Zuxian, Zhao Yazhi, Song Zhilin....

These women are old.

Especially Guan Zhilin, she was known as the most sexy actress in Hong Kong back then.

Very tempting.

Simply a stunner.

But now Qin Nuo is a little disappointed after seeing it.

Although Guan Zhilin still maintains a good figure, his face is also regularly maintained.

But time is ruthless and has carved many, many marks on her face.

Somewhat disappointed.

But Li Jiaxin is not bad, she is a little younger than them, and she married into a wealthy family.

There is no shortage of money at all, and I am pampered every day.

Being in your forties looks the same as being in your early thirties. "Qi Er Qi" is very beautiful and has a mature charm about her.

If you like mature women, you should love it very much.

"Hey, stop looking, brother Qin!" Wang Jin pushed Qin Nuo.

"Although this woman is just a vase of a wealthy family, she still represents face after all!"

"If you really fall in love later, it's better if you don't expose it. But if you do, people will hate you to death!"

Wang Jin was really worried. Qin Nuo had a very happy chat with Li Jiaxin just now.

This guy's mouth was very sweet and made Li Jiaxin laugh.

Beautiful eyes full of brilliance.

He even looked back when he was leaving.

Wang Jin believed that if Qin Nuo really had this idea, he would hook up with her.

That woman probably really couldn't help it.

After all, Qin Nuo is handsome, has a good figure, and is talented, and he is a world-renowned director.

Although Li Jiaxin is the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family.

But everything about Qin Nuo is very attractive to women.

This woman couldn't resist at all.

I'm afraid that I won't be able to hold on for long before I fall.

Wang Jin is also drunk. Li Jiaxin is twenty years older than you Qin Nuo, so she can be your mother.

You really want to taste what other people’s seafood tastes like!

"Hey, Fatty Wang, what are you talking about?"

"I just chatted a few more words, and you said I was hooking up with others." Qin Nuo was very angry.

"Who do you think I am!"

To be fair, isn't he just like an ordinary man? He will talk to a pretty girl when he sees her.

Make people happy.

Very normal.

Why can others do it but I can't?

"Director Qin, it's okay, it's my fault, it's my mistake."

"Those confidantes in your circle are all pestering you. If you don't eat their seafood, they will cry, make trouble, or hang themselves!"

"It sounds like you said that." Qin Nuo touched his chin and said seriously.


He really wanted to say something now, Mr. Ming Ming's classic saying in the Three Kingdoms.

"I have never seen such a shameless person!"

"Yes, I'm just afraid that Li Jiaxin will seduce you, or that you can't help it!"

"That's right, forget it, this woman is quite troublesome!"

What if Li Jiaxin came to seduce him.

Inviting him to eat seafood, Qin Nuo didn't think he could resist.

This woman is in her early forties and looks like a young woman in her thirties.

There are also some inexplicable additions.

Celebrities, people, QI, Qin Nuo think that not many people can bear it anyway.

He is not ashamed either!

"Let's go and see other people. I'll introduce you to them!"

After wandering around the banquet hall for more than an hour, Qin Nuo got to know almost every celebrity from Hong Kong and Taiwan.

I also chatted with Jay Chou and Brother Hua, and they were actually quite polite.

Qin Nuo had a great time chatting with him.

As for Jaylen, Qin Nuo really doesn’t pay much attention to him.

Kun Ling looks really good, and Jay Chou is so happy!

Finally came to Xianghua Wall.

This guy was very happy to see Qin Nuo and said with excitement on his face.

"Brother Qin, you must remember to come to the Academy Awards next year. I have already made an agreement with the old man!"

“The best screenplay and best film can’t be missed anyway!”

"Brother Hua is awesome!"

Qin Nuo gave him a thumbs up, thinking that he would come and play if he had time.

Although he doesn't care that much about the Academy Awards.

But Xiang Huaqiang is giving face to him so much, so he can't take it too seriously!

The three of them chatted for a while, and Xiang Huaqiang smiled happily.

Fatty Wang quickly pushed towards the wall.

Brother, you are so praised by Qin Nuo that you can't find the north again. Please ask quickly.

Don't forget that we came to Qin Nuo this time for serious business.

Fatty Wang was also drunk. Why did Brother Hua's IQ drop as soon as he met Qin Nuo?

I don't know what my last name is after being blown a few words.

"Oh!" After Wang Jin's reminder, Xiang Huaqiang finally reacted.

asked with a smile.

"Qin Nuo, I think this Wushuang story is not finished. Is there a follow-up?"

Qin Nuo smiled, and he knew that Wang Jin and Xiang Huaqiang must be asking for something so eagerly today.

I didn't expect this to be the case.

"Indeed, this story can continue to be filmed!"

"Then do you have a clue?" Wang Jin asked.

"I'm very busy recently, why don't you guys write it? I can authorize the copyright to you, just give me whatever you want."

Hearing this, Wang Jin's eyes were full of excitement.

Now that Wushuang is considered a good IP, he never thought that Qin Nuo would be so generous.

This second part is obviously about making money.

As long as the quality is not low, it may even surpass the first one.

If the second part can also make money, then we can continue filming like Detective Tang.

As long as you can make money, it doesn't matter.

"Okay, brother Qin, don't worry, I will write the script well and I won't insult this IP!"

"I believe in your screenwriting ability, Director Wang. You wrote "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Sword" while filming. The movie was so exciting!"

This Fatty Wang is a talented person, he can act, write, and direct.

I believe many mainland audiences are familiar with the movie version of "The Legend of Heaven and the Dragon Sword".

But what everyone doesn't know is that Wang Jin shot this movie in less than ten days.

What’s even more shocking is that there was no script at all when filming this movie!!!

Wang Jin was filming and writing this at the same time.

Many times, actors in the morning don’t know what they will perform in the afternoon.

This is still good, more often than not I only got my lines half an hour ago...

So awesome!

As long as this fat guy can write the script well, I believe Qin Nuo can make money while lying down...

Although Qin Nuo said it was random.

But if you just give it casually, you'd be really stupid...

"No, no Wang Jin blushed a little after hearing this.

"It's just a pity that this movie didn't do well at the box office, otherwise, I would have really wanted to make a second one.

"Yes, Director Wang, our mainland audiences are also very anxious. Zhao Min has been waiting for Zhang Wuji in Dadu for more than 20 years. Why hasn't this Zhang Wuji come yet?"

"Ha ha!!!"

"Ha ha!!"

Hearing this, Wang Jin and Xiang Huaqiang both laughed happily.

This movie is indeed a pity. In fact, the script for the second part has already been written.

But when it was in Xiangjiang, the box office was not satisfactory, so the second part was canceled directly.

Originally, when Wang Jin saw that mainland audiences liked the movie, he had the idea of ​​​​squeezing out the money.

It's just a pity that it has been twenty years since this movie was released.

Many actors in the play, Qiu Shuzhen, Li Lian and others are all old.

Can't take a picture!

"Then it's settled. After the script is written, I will show it to you, Brother Qin, as soon as possible!"

"That's okay too!"

The three of them had a drink and negotiated a project worth hundreds of millions in just a few minutes.

Xiang Huaqiang and Wang Jin are becoming more and more fond of Qin Nuo.

What a refreshing person!

After wandering around the banquet for two hours, Qin Nuo gave Wen Yongxun a look.

When the little girl saw it, she nodded shyly.

After a while, an address appeared on the phone.

After Qin Nuo saw it, he was ready to leave.

But he didn't expect to be discovered by Zhang Baizhi next to him.

"Director Qin, you don't have to be like this, it's still early, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Why don't you go sit at my place first?"

Zhang Baizhi naturally wanted to please Qin Nuo, but this guy had only average interest in her.

Of course she also knew why.

So I acted very coquettishly, just kneeling on the ground, pouting, and begging Qin Nuo.

"Just sit down, I'm afraid of disturbing you and your children!"

4.7 Qin Nuo joked.

"You are really~forget it..." Zhang Baizhi really didn't know what to say.

"There is a rest room above. How about I help you wipe it down first, like last time?"

Zhang Baizhi licked his lips.

"That's okay too!"

Half an hour later.

Qin Nuo came out of the lounge feeling refreshed. No matter what, this woman Zhang Baizhi is still very good at it.

And he doesn't spare any effort to please him.

I'm afraid I'll have to eat porridge for two days when I go back...

After getting in the car, Wen Yongxun also came out of the hotel not long after and sat next to Qin Nuo.

Tell the driver in the front seat.

Thirty minutes later we arrived at a well-decorated apartment building.

Seeing no one there, Wen Yongxun became bolder and took Qin Nuo's hand.

Chatting with him about some interesting things about the road show.

His face was full of joy.

Xiao Nizi has missed him since last time.

"Qin Nuo, what were you doing upstairs just now! I also saw Sister Zhi!

"Did you see it!"

"Of course" Wen Yong deleted eight

I was watching you the whole time during the party.

ps: It’s the third update. We’ve been having heavy rain all day. How about you?

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