Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

469 Qin Nuo’S Sexy Operation, Sleeping Soundly On The Scarf Night! The Audience Watching The Live Br

"It's very simple," Qin Nuo whispered in Wen Yongqian's ear.

"I asked her to wipe it for me!"

"There's a battle to be fought in the evening. If you're not happy about sharpening your guns before the battle, it's up to you to say yes!"

Wen Yong deletes “……………

"Actually, it's not necessary," the woman whispered.

"You don't need Sister Zhi, I can help you!"

"Haha! Okay, you can help me later!"


Although the banquet was over, Qin Nuo still stayed in Xiangjiang for two days.

Wen Yongchun is a very funny woman. Every time Qin Nuo wants to leave, she is like a kitten about to be abandoned.

Although Qin Nuo is not a good person.

But you can’t see a woman like this.

So he stayed with this woman for two more days, and it wasn't until the fat man urged him several times that Qin Nuo set off for Hangzhou.

Three hours later it was amazing.

The current Tiangong Yicai is completely different from when Qin Nuo came here more than two years ago, when Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei came together.

This company is still in a development zone.

The building was also dilapidated, and Yu Dahai was afraid of being looked down upon by Qin Nuo, so he temporarily hired workers to renovate the company.

Qin Nuo looked at whether the paint was dry or not...

But it's different now.

Tiangong Yicai has moved from the previous building to a very good location.

The surrounding infrastructure is very complete, and a piece of land has been allocated to Tiangong Yicai in Hangzhou.


Money must be given, one hundred yuan per square meter

The total adds up to just over 100,000.

It’s almost like giving it away for free. 27 This is not surprising, Tiangong Yicai is the leading special effects company in China.

It even has a certain reputation all over the world.

And it’s also related to high-tech.

The devils have been watching for a long time.

If you want to get Tiangong Yicai over, Hangzhou must not treat it.

Otherwise, if they really run away, the person in charge of Hangzhou will cry to death.

In the future, leaders will come to inspect and ask if you have any other high-tech enterprises besides Alibaba.

Hangzhou can’t say that we have many Internet celebrities here.

That's a lot of price drop.

If only the heavenly craftsmanship were here.

That's different. You can take your leaders to Tiangong Yicai.

Then he said proudly.

"Tiangong Yicai is a world-renowned special effects company!"

Didn’t this face and dignity suddenly rise?

"Hey, Mr. Yu, I haven't seen you for a year, and you don't seem to be relaxed!"

"Haha" Yu Dahai patted his bulging belly.

"Isn't it all up to you, Director Qin, to take care of you? Come on, come on, please!"

"Forget it, forget it, let's just eat. We are old acquaintances. You're welcome. We'll talk later when we're done!"

Qin Nuo waved his hand. He was also busy editing The Dark Knight, so he had no time.

"Okay! Lao Zhou, come here for a moment."

Qin Nuo looked at Lao Zhou in front of him and felt a little emotional.

Did all the flesh on Lao Zhou's body grow on Yu Dahai's body?

The technical director is getting thinner and thinner, and you, the general manager, are getting fatter and fatter.

Yu Dahai, you know how to exploit employees...

"Director Qin, the special effects of Dark Knight are less than one-fifth, and they will definitely be completed by the end of December!"

"Okay, I believe you, Director Zhou."

“In the editing room!”

"Take me there!"

When they came to the editing room, Fatty Zhou first scolded Qin Nuo, and then the two of them started busy.

The total length of The Dark Knight is over 700 minutes.

What Qin Nuo and Fatty Zhou have to do is spend more than seven hundred minutes.

Less than three hours remain in the edit.

It's best to limit it to one hundred and fifty minutes.

The workload is not small, and it has to be combined with other people's special effects. It is definitely a difficult task.

Even Qin Nuo has a reference to the Dark Knight in his previous life.

Still very difficult.

After editing for twenty days and finishing most of the work, Qin Nuo took the time to visit the capital again.

There is no way to shirk this.

Scarf Night!!!

Last time Qin Nuo also let go of other people's scarf pigeons, and the CEO of the scarf side was really in tears.

Director Qin, our scarf is your best friend in the industry.

We never fail to promote your movies.

Moreover, we offer discounts on Qintian Entertainment’s hot searches.

But how can you treat us.

Turns out it’s just our wishful thinking? Licking the dog until there’s nothing left?

Qin Nuo really put in a lot of effort to get over this matter.

I didn’t go last year, but I must come this year.

But on the scarf night, Qin Nuo still made a fool of himself.

Yesterday, Qin Nuo edited all night long and didn't get much sleep at all.

As a result, I flew to the capital in the afternoon, walked the red carpet, and then presented the awards.

Qin Nuo sat on the comfortable red sofa and fell asleep without noticing.

But the key point is that Qin Nuo's position is in the middle of the first row, and the camera is facing Qin Nuo.

In addition, this scarf night is live broadcast.

It shouldn't be too obvious, the audience can see it without even blinking.

The audience watching the live broadcast laughed so happily.

"Haha, I knew it, I knew Qin Nuo was going to sleep. This look doesn't look too much like my deskmate dozing off!"

"I discovered it earlier. This guy was sitting in his seat, looking like he was about to die. Sure enough, he fell asleep less than half an hour into the award ceremony!"

"By the way, is this guy Qin Nuo really good friends with the scarf? Why do I always feel like this guy is acting like someone else's scarf?"

"The last time I let someone go, the scarf didn't come. This time it's even more outrageous. The person did come, but what the hell is that?"

"Is the award ceremony too boring?"

""It's so funny!"

Netizens couldn't be happier. To be honest, there was nothing interesting about the award ceremony.

There were not many people watching the live broadcast.

But netizens saw Qin Nuo sleeping at the award ceremony.

That would be interesting.

Call your friends, and quickly ask your good friends to watch Qin Nuo sleep.

Even scarves quickly became a trending topic.

[Explicit brothers? Qin Nuo is fast asleep on the night of the scarf!]

Netizens directly posted screenshots of Qin Nuo sleeping.

In an instant, it attracted many netizens to watch Xiqi.

The number of live broadcasts has skyrocketed since Qin Nuo went to bed! One million!

Two million, and finally came directly to five million!!!

Five million is not about popularity, but real people.

Perhaps the actual number of viewers is far more than five million.

After all, many roommates and young couples watch it together at home or at school.

Maybe tens of millions of people could.

Even the lines for the bib live broadcast were stuck, and the technical person in charge quickly added five lines temporarily to be satisfied.

"Wow, Nono is so cute when she falls asleep!"

"The sister upstairs is right, she's so cute, she feels like she's holding her in her arms and ruarua!"

"Come on, your airport is the one upstairs. Be careful to snag Nuonuo. Qin Nuo, come to my place. My 36D sleeps very comfortably!"

"Me too, healthier!"

"Come on, it's still 36D. You went to Han State to have a knife, don't turn around and crush it!"

"You're right. There's no way it's that big. It's all man-made. You think we don't know!"

Soon there were sisters quarreling in the comment area, and a group of old guys with scarves started eating melon again.


Women’s melons are the most delicious

At the scene, Qin Nuo was sleeping soundly. Fan Pang next to him originally wanted to wake Qin Nuo up.

But Feng Xiaogang on the side took action and stopped the woman.

Are you kidding me, I finally managed to catch Qin Nuo's pigtails and watch him go out.

How could Feng Xiaogang let others destroy it.

No one can come.

He even took out his mobile phone to take some photos of Qin Nuo.

No one is allowed to wake up Qin Nuo today. Just let him sleep.

The labor and management are watching here. If anyone dares to go up and wake up Qin Nuo, see if I don’t go up and shave his ears!

The person in charge of the scarf originally wanted to wake up Qin Nuo.

Director Qin, you are really going too far. Why did you go there last night? You went to sleep as soon as you came back.

You might as well not come. Wouldn't that show off to us?

But the director next to him stopped him.

"BOSS, you will know just by looking at this live broadcast data"

The person in charge saw that there were six million people online!!!

Last year it was less than two million.

Qin Nuo's body more than tripled as soon as he slept.

That’s ridiculous!

This is too bizarre.

"This is all to see Qin Nuo sleeping!"

"That's right, at least one third of them are!"

Hearing this, the person in charge smiled very happily.

Go to sleep, Director Qin, sleep as you like, there are more than six million people online, this is a record!

When the scarf comes on the market, I can give it a good thumbs up.

good man.

"Ahem, the host over there is a little too noisy, please turn down the microphone!"


Hearing this, the director on the scene couldn't believe it.

Boss, what do you mean by this? Are you afraid of waking up Director Qin?

But looking at the data, it's still rising.

Basically, people who come here watch Qin Nuo sleeping.

The director also understood that this is the traffic password!

"Okay, it's indeed a bit noisy, I'll turn it down for him!"

Vertical sun.

Qin Nuo came to the editing room.

"Yeah, yeah, Lao Zhou, do you know?" Fatty Zhou glanced at Qin Nuo, then turned to Lao Zhou and said.

"Yesterday Sister Hong told me that a high-end mattress company wants Qin Nuo to be the spokesperson."

"Let me tell you, the money they gave you is quite a lot. It adds up to more than 200 million in three years. Tsk tsk tsk!"

"You guys are so awesome!"

"Go to a scarf night and you can get more than 200 million endorsements!"

ps: Four updates, tired!.

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