Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

470 The War Begins! Avengers Spent 70 Million Us Dollars On Publicity, And David Panicked. They Were

"Ahem~" After listening to the fat man's words, Lao Zhou showed an awkward smile on his face.

I thought to myself.

That’s you, fat man.

No one in the company dares to tease Qin Nuo about this except you.

What happened at scarf night yesterday.

But it got several hot searches.

The audience had a great time.

They even made bets on how long Qin Nuo could sleep.

Absolutely amazing!

When Qin Nuo next to him heard this, his forehead was covered with black lines.

This damn fat guy is looking for death!!

What happened yesterday? Qin Nuo was depressed and somehow fell asleep, and slept soundly.

He didn't wake up until the awards ceremony was over, but it was Yang Mi who woke him up.

Everyone was confused at that time.

I originally felt sorry for the scarf, but I didn't expect that the number of viewers on the night of the scarf would skyrocket after he fell asleep.

The peak number was even 7 million!

Instead of being unhappy, they were very excited. The person in charge took Qin Nuo and talked for a long time.

I guarantee that next time the movie is released, they will do their best to promote it~!

Qin Nuo was relieved.

But when I got home at night, my phone kept ringing.

All friends in the industry, people from the company and even his third master sent messages to tease Qin Nuo.

It’s all there, those who care, those who laugh, those who tease, those who are surprised, those who watch the show...

In the end, Qin Nuo turned off the phone directly.

What the hell.

But Qin Nuo was very angry.

These guys are assholes.

What made him break his defense even more was that in the morning, Sister Hong called to tell him.

A top domestic mattress company hopes to find Qin Nuo as an endorsement.

No need to go to too much trouble, just take a few sleeping videos.

Joining the event is also easy.

Just sleep.

The endorsement fees are very generous, 80 million in the first year, 100 million in the second year, and 120 million in the third year!

Make money while lying down!

Qin Nuo really wanted to die after listening to this, you must be so sick.

If he really goes to endorse, he will definitely be screwed.

What those idiots in the scarf like most is to make emoticons of him. When he comes back, he will definitely post weird stuff like this on the bed where he sleeps.

Ultraman, Little Monster, Spongebob, Patrick...

This is pretty good. If Qin NuoP is not given an old corpse from a mountain village, it is possible that he will be a zombie king.

Forget it, Qin Nuo didn't give these guys a chance and refused directly.

The brand side is still not giving up.

Netizens love watching Qin Nuo sleeping.

If this is a Qin Nuo exclusive mattress, it will definitely sell out.

Director Qin, think about it, the price can still be negotiated!

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, Fatty Zhou, hurry up and cut it for me. You must give me layers before the 22nd!"

"Cao, I understand!"

Time flies so fast, and the end of the year is here in a blink of an eye.

The editing of The Dark Knight was all completed on the 21st, and the special effects were also completed.

It took another two days of revision.

Final shape.

And now, the news on the Internet has been dominated by Avengers.

Marvel has gone crazy this time. Although they think Qin Nuo is unlikely to be able to save DC, which is already half-dead.

But this does not prevent them from treating DC as a competitor.

And it's a strong competitor.

So a lot of money was spent on publicity.

More than 40 million yuan was spent on publicity in China alone, and throughout the world.

It was a truly grand gesture.

Although Qin Nuo can't get the data, Warner can,

They analyzed that Disney spent at least US$70 million on promotion this time!!

This caused their costs to rise to 250 million.

Fifty million more than The Dark Knight.

Trench is inhumane.

Really inhumane.

The whole world knows Disney’s plans,

Although The Dark Knight is not released together with Avengers.


They have to surpass The Dark Knight at the box office.

That's why so much money is spent.

Otherwise, Xialian would have been the most worth-watching blockbuster during the Christmas period.

Don't say 70 million, just cut it in half. Thirty million US dollars of publicity is enough all over the world.

It already has its own popularity.

It doesn't cost that much money at all.

But Disney does this, and its purpose is self-evident!


"David, what's the matter?" Qin Nuo was lying on the sofa, and the fairy sister on his side was kneeling on the ground.

From time to time, he looked up at Qin Nuo.

I enjoyed touching Liu Yifei's hair.


"I know today is Christmas Eve, and we will be showing it soon!"

Today is the day when Avengers is released, and Disney originally invited Qin Nuo to attend.

However, he refused on the grounds of editing.

In fact, the movie has been completed, but some corners need to be refined.

Qin Nuo left these matters directly to Fatty Zhou.

He just didn't want to go, it was too far.

It's better to play games with the fairy sister at home.

Pull out carrots, pull out carrots...

"Go, what are you afraid of? Robert can still eat you. David, are you still afraid of him?"


"Don't worry, it's 50-50. As Warner's BOSS, you haven't even fought this battle yet, so why did you lose yourself first?"

"Go, be more arrogant, it's best to make a few sarcastic remarks. Avengers is just like that, a popcorn movie."

"Anyway, if you really get slapped in the face, it will be more than two months later."

"Besides, it's not me who slaps you in the face!"

"Just kidding, don't worry, I will go to the United States in a few days, and the Dark Knight will definitely shock your eyes!"

"No, I've just finished my work and need to take a few days' rest. I'm going to die!"

Qin Nuo felt that the fairy sister was addicted to playing and performed an advanced skill for him.

Some can't stand it.

"Bye, I'm busy right now, I'll talk to you later!"

Qin Nuo hung up the phone before Liu Yifei could react. Lifted her up directly.

Pull off the skirt...

"What did Qin Nuo say?" Sanov asked nervously next to him.

Avengers 1 will premiere at the Hollywood Theater soon,

This time Disney invited celebrities from all over Hollywood.

There were too many people, so of course David and Sarnoff were invited.

The purpose is very simple, just to show you that if we, Marvel, can surpass your DC in one day, we can surpass you in a lifetime.

Not only that, Marvel's promotion is also very powerful.

Tens of millions of dollars have been invested in it alone!

It's just throwing money away.

The whole world knew that Avengers was released today, and to be honest, Sarnoff was a little scared.

Really scared.

Could The Dark Knight really do it?

Can it really surpass Avengers?

Can it really rise again?

My heart was in turmoil.

David was not the same. He was surprised by Disney, otherwise he would not have called Qin Nuo.

Originally he wanted to seek some comfort, but who would have thought that Qin Nuo not only failed to comfort him.

He even teased him.

David really didn't know what to say.

"Qin Nuo seems to be relatively relaxed. He even teased me and asked me to diss the reunion!"


He really didn't know what to say. Qin, you must be too big-hearted.

Are you really confident or are you giving up on yourself?

If you can’t see it, you can’t see it at all!

"Is The Dark Knight finished?"

"It has been completed and is still being refined. Qin said he would come to the United States in a few days~!"

Sanov nodded, the speed was pretty good.

I just don’t know what the quality will be like, even though he participated in the entire filming process.

But that's just shooting, how the movie will be edited in the end.

No one knows.

"BOSS, are you going to attend the Avengers premiere?"


David was hesitant, really hesitant, but Qin Nuo told him to go and not to be afraid.

But who is not afraid? The momentum of the reunion is so great that it has shocked the world.

Everyone is preparing to watch this super blockbuster throughout Christmas.

David was worried that he would be ridiculed by Robert.

That old guy is not a good person either. He had an annoying big mouth when he was an agent at CAA Agency.

But it’s okay if you don’t go. If you don’t go, people will think you are afraid.

Robert would definitely go further.

"Go! Why don't you go? Even if we lose, we will lose with dignity!"

"What the hell, I bet Zhao Zhao once, I believe in Qin!"

David clenched his fists, he had to go this time, he believed in Qin Nuo.

It should be said that he can only trust Qin Nuo.

Suddenly David looked at Sarnov again and narrowed his eyes.

"Sanov, you will also go with me. When Robert dares to ridicule me, you will scold him severely!"

Sarnoff “…”

He really wanted to die. Originally, he was ready to say that he felt uncomfortable today and not go.

The possibility of being slapped in the face by this matter is very high, it’s ridiculous.

After all, even if The Dark Knight doesn't hit the streets, it's basically impossible to surpass the box office of Avengers 1.

Definitely lost.

It's obvious that a 15-pitch inning is still a fart!

I'm not going.

But who would have thought that this guy David would drag him into a coward!

"Well, David, I don't seem to be feeling well today. I've made an appointment with the doctor. How about you go by yourself?"

An hour later, David and a reluctant Sarnoff got into the car, with Sarnoff's personal doctor sitting in the back of the car.

David was a nice person and knew that Sarnov was not feeling well, so he simply took the doctor with him...

The main thing is to care about employees and be considerate of subordinates!

the other side.

Half an hour later, Qin Nuo also let go of the fairy sister.

ps: First update!.

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