Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

471 The Arrogant Fairy Sister Never Fights Against The Odds, But The Way She Begs For Mercy Is Very

Liu Yifei was lying on the sofa, as if she had just been fished out of the water.

He took several deep breaths of fresh air.

After a long time, the fairy sister recovered.

At this time, Qin Nuo had already finished smoking a cigarette.

He came over and put Liu Yifei in his arms, kissed the girl's little face and asked.

"Why are you here today? You didn't even tell me in advance!"

"Huh, I'm just here for a surprise inspection." Liu Yifei looked proud.

"You're such a bad guy, let me see if you're eating secretly behind my back!"

Liu Yifei is not stupid either.

How could she possibly tell Qin Nuo that she actually came here with her two little sisters yesterday?

Live just downstairs from Qin Nuo.

Fortunately, both Liu Shishi and Gao Yuanyuan were very busy these two days.

So yesterday Qin Nuo went home alone and was not caught by the fairy sister!

Seeing that Qin Nuo was so good, Liu Yifei hadn't arrived yet the next night.

Just after lunch, he ran upstairs to reward Qin Nuo.

"Does it feel wrong?"

Liu Yifei shook her head.

"But I feel like you ate it behind my back?"

Qin Nuo pinched the girl hard.

"Why is it so useless? It doesn't even take an hour, but I feel like it's going to go away!"

"You are talking nonsense, I am not!"

Liu Yifei bulged her mouth and was very angry.

How could she eat secretly?

After filming Tang Detective Er last time with Qin Nuo, when I went back for a physical examination, the doctors said she had kidney deficiency...

Qin Nuo alone is so overwhelming that she even goes outside to look for food.

"It's obviously you, but what did you eat? You're much more powerful than before!"

"I think it's you!"

"Qin Nuo430, don't think I don't understand. The more experienced women become in the Vietnam War, the more useless men become!"

"Really?" Qin Nuo thought for a while, and it seemed that it was indeed the case.

"Of course, I read this in a book, you are very abnormal!"

"You are not normal!"


The two quarreled for a while, and Liu Yifei took a bath and lay in Qin Nuo's arms.

While playing with the mobile phone, I massage Qin Nuo.

"Hey, Qin Nuo, you're watching the Avengers premiere today. How about we go and watch it?"

Advertising for Avengers is everywhere these days.

Although Liu Yifei is not very interested in superheroes.

But I am also very curious. I heard that the investment in this movie is more than 200 million.

Still US dollars.

She really wants to see what kind of movies can be made with more than 200 million US dollars!

And she also knows that Qin Nuo’s Dark Knight has a competitive relationship with the Avengers, and she wants to watch the fun!

"You want to help me understand my opponent in advance!"

Although Liu Yifei has this intention, the fairy sister is very arrogant.

"I don't. I know these two comics better than many viewers in China!"

"Qin Nuo, be careful, you'll be beaten out even if you get shit!"

"Okay." Qin Nuo turned the woman over with a flip of his hand.

"You woman don't help your husband, and you still mock her. Look, I won't deal with you today!"

After saying that.

He slapped the woman's big butt hard.

"It hurts, bastard!" Liu Yifei kept struggling.

"Originally, people's morale is at a high level, and DC can't help but rush into the streets!"

"You dare to talk nonsense, today I will spank your ass into eight pieces!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo slapped him twice more. (chch) It didn’t take long for Liu Yifei to start begging for mercy.

The fairy sister never fights against the wind and surrenders quickly.

"I was wrong, husband, you are the most powerful, and the Avengers are no match for you!"

"I was wrong. Stop fighting. We are going to watch a movie later. It hurts to sit!"

After saying that, he looked at Qin Nuo pitifully and even squeezed out a few tears.

"Do you really know that you are wrong?"

"I know," Liu Yifei said aggrievedly.

"Okay, then I'll write it down for you first, and I'll deal with you later tonight!"

Qin Nuo planned to give Liu Yifei a three-way at night.

Let her know who is the real head of the family.

After cleaning up, Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei found the nearest movie theater.

Although it is difficult to buy tickets for the Avengers premiere.

But who was Qin Nuo? He was quickly taken to a VIP room by the owner of the theater.

The boss's face was still full of flattery.

"Qin Nuo, you are so proud. My boss pleases you so much." Liu Yifei sat on the sofa.

He said with a puffed mouth.

"That's right, don't even look at who your husband is!"

"Shameless! Hum"

Qin Nuo doesn't mind either. Liu Yifei's tsundere is actually quite fun.

I just like to see her slowly begging for mercy from being arrogant.

really interesting.

After a while, the movie started, and Liu Yifei pulled Qin Nuo's arm and lay in his arms.

Watch a movie.

Qin Nuo was the same, eating the fruit handed to her by Liu Yifei while looking at the big screen.

In fact, he had watched Avengers 1 in his previous life, also in a cinema.

Qin Nuo just wanted to see what the difference would be.

But he was disappointed. Avengers 1 was basically the same as the previous life, even the easter eggs were the same.

The second part of Cosmic Cube is Age of Ultron.

Overall, the first part was pretty good, and Dou Sen's villain was very good.

Many people like superheroes.

On the contrary, Qin Nuo prefers Loki played by Dou Sen.

This villain is so funny.

It's hard not to like.

Especially when he and the Hulk had a conversation upstairs and were caught and beaten by the Hulk.

It really makes me laugh every time I watch it.

This guy's acting skills are really good.

"Haha, it looks good! It really looks good!" Liu Yifei also laughed after reading it.

“Qin Nuo you are finished”

"I see, your Dark Knight may not be able to defeat Avengers, the movie is very good!"

"Very funny! The special effects are also great!"

Qin Nuo turned to look at Liu Yifei. This woman really cared about food and not fighting, and she still dared to provoke.

He decided.

I must let Liu Yifei know what cruelty is tonight.

"Are you sure I lost?"

"Of course! This film will start at least one billion US dollars!"

"Then what if we win?"

Liu Yifei tilted her head, thought for a while and said.

"If you win, I'll give you a maid uniform for a month, and you can do whatever you want?"

"Then I want to walk the dog!"

"...bastard! No!"

Sister Shenxian is also an experienced person and learned a lot of slang from Qin Nuo.

Of course she knew what walking the dog meant.

It's embarrassing.

"Didn't you say anything is fine?"

"I can't walk my dog ​​because my pride is hurt!"

"Then..." Qin Nuo whispered in Liu Yifei's ear.

Liu Yifei's face turned red instantly and she said angrily

"Abnormal! What if I get stuck?"

"Will not!"

"We'll talk about it later, but what if you lose?" Yifei felt like she was at a loss.

Why should I be played so badly if I lose?

You lose and do nothing.

Hearing this, Qin Nuo spread his hands.

"You wanted to bet with me, but I didn't want to bet with you!"

Liu Yifei...whores for free!"

After seven o'clock in the evening, Qin Nuo and Liu Yifei came in from outside the community having a fight.

"Hey, Song Yi, Qian Qian and Qin Nuo are back!" Li Qing patted Song Yi.

"I saw it." Song Yi rubbed his eyes.

"Should we tell Qin Nuo now?"



"You haven't woken up yet. Go now and let the two of you make fire. If you get back, you might end up in bed soon!"

"You want to watch the live broadcast again!"

"That's right. Sissi is smiling so happily. You have to be careful at night. I'm scared of that Qin Nuo guy!"

"Okay, everyone is used to it. Let's go and watch a movie."

"Come back and find Qin Nuo!"


the other side.

Liu Yifei didn't know that her two little sisters were planning to betray her, but what Song Yi said was right.

The fairy sister has just stepped into the house and is about to take a rest.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo behind him locked the door.

Then he picked her up.

"Xiao Nizi, I caught you, but you don't believe your husband. Today I will let you know what cruelty is!"

"Pervert, put me down, damn guy, I haven't eaten yet!"

"Humph!" Qin Nuo said with an evil smile on his face.

"Eat, you won't be able to care about eating in a while!"

"Uuuu, I hate you Qin Nuo, don't! Let me take a rest, okay?"

"Okay, let's eat and rest at the same time!"

at the same time.

On the other side of the ocean, after David watched the premiere, he and Sarnoff returned to Warner headquarters without even attending the premiere.

The expressions on their faces were ugly, really ugly.

Is Avengers 1 good to watch?

From their professional perspective, it must be average. After all, the story has nothing to say.

A very simple popcorn movie.

But it doesn’t matter what they say, it’s what the audience says.

When watching, the fans at the back were very excited and laughed happily.

Especially when the Hulk appeared in the shot riding a bad motorcycle, the audience burst into laughter.

There is also the famous scene where the Hulk hugs and throws Loki, which is really funny.

There is also the final ending, in which Iron Man vows to save the city, and his life is about to be shattered into a different space.

The audience watched very attentively.

David is a senior film expert. After watching it, he knew that it would definitely be a hit.

And it was a big bang.

One billion is absolutely no problem.

The film is very in line with the tastes of today's young people and is very exciting.

"Sanov, from your professional perspective, how much box office can this movie earn?"

"This..." Sarnov pursed his lips.

ps: Second update!!!!

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