Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

472 It Is Conservatively Estimated That The Box Office Of Avengers Will Be 1.2 Billion! ! The Little

This time Robert didn't even mock him and David.

At first, Sanov thought he was afraid of being slapped in the face.

But after watching the movie, Sarnoff felt as if Robert was ignoring them.

I didn't think DC would pose a threat to them at all.

This makes me even more angry.

Now Sarnoff wished Robert could scold him.

"Tell me, I can stand it!" David took a deep breath and said.

"I have read some expert analysis and some audience reviews. Overall, this film should be worth 1.2 billion U.S. dollars. This is a conservative estimate!"

Hearing this, David's fingers twitched.

1.2 billion!!

Still a conservative estimate.

It is very possible to reach 1.4 billion, or even 1.5 billion is not impossible.


David was momentarily speechless.

The two were silent for a long time, but David was even more speechless an hour later.

The 10 o'clock box office of Avengers in the United States is released.

"How many?"

"Eight million and eight hundred thousand!!"

"The box office at midnight is 8.8 million U.S. dollars. The premiere box office will definitely be 25 million, or even 30 million is not impossible!"

David was very hurt. How old was Inception?

The box office was over 5 million at zero points, and the box office on the first day was less than 20 million!

The difference is a bit big.

"David, you can't think like this. Superhero movies are like this. They can account for more than half of the box office in the first ten days!"

"It's different from Inception!"

"I know this! You go down first."

David waved his hand, somewhat shocked.

The Avengers are really awesome, really awesome. Will DC really surpass him one day?

David didn't know, he really didn't know.

A man stood by the window for a long time, and finally looked at the dark night sky.

"Qin, it seems I can only believe you!"

On the other side, Qin Nuo doesn't know this yet.

He is busy now.

And even if he knew it, he wouldn't be too surprised. He knows the box office of Avengers 1!

The global box office is about 1.5 billion US dollars.

So even if David talked to him, he wouldn't do anything.

His Dark Knight hopes to compete with Avengers 1. The Dark Knight in his previous life was worth over one billion.

Although not as many as Reunion.

But don’t forget, the original Dark Knight was released in 2008, and now it’s 2013.

The time factor cannot be ignored.

Five years!

Not to mention other countries, there are twice as many theaters in China alone.

There is also his own factor. As one of the most famous directors in the world, young people like him very much.

There is a fan base.

Finally, there is the promotion, and the promotion of The Dark Knight is also particularly powerful.

Qin Nuo made bets with the media, gave passionate speeches, and many other things.

Putting it all together, Qin Nuo feels that he may not be able to touch it!

"Husband, I was wrong, wuwu!"

Liu Yifei hugged Qin Nuo tightly and began to beg for mercy. The development of the plot was exactly as Qin Nuo imagined.

At the beginning, Liu Yifei was very arrogant and refused to admit defeat, but reality soon taught her how to behave.

Still holding on for an hour.

Wait a little longer, and this girl starts begging for mercy.

"Is it really wrong?"

Qin Nuo raised the fairy sister's delicate chin and asked with a smile.

"It's wrong, it's wrong, it's really wrong, husband~!"

"Do you dare to provoke me next time?"

"This..." Liu Yifei was a little hesitant, but when she saw Qin Nuo, she was ready to take action.

He said quickly.

"I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore, I don't dare anymore!"

Qin Nuo smiled, but Liu Yifei said it nicely now,

But this woman doesn’t care about eating, not beatings.

Once the scar is healed, the pain will be forgotten.

I will definitely look arrogant again the next time I meet him.

I don’t even remember how badly I was dealt with last time.

"Humph, this is best!"

Hearing Qin Nuo's words, Liu Yifei finally breathed a sigh of relief and quietly glanced at Qin Nuo.

I thought to myself.

Die Qin Nuo, wait for me, I will make you look good next time.

I have read in books that women are getting stronger and stronger. When I reached the age of thirty, I reached the peak period of a woman.

I must make you kneel at my feet and beg for mercy.

I feel like you are floating every day when you walk


Just wait, I, Liu Yifei, will definitely beat you one day!

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi!

Don’t bully a young girl into being poor!

After thinking about it, Liu Yifei fell into sleep, with a smile on her lips, maybe she was having a sweet dream of Qin Nuo kneeling down to beg for mercy.

Qin Nuo was about to cover the woman with a quilt when the cell phone next to her rang.

Li Qing: "Director Qin, are you and Qianxi finished?"

Qin Nuo looked at the phone and was stunned for a moment, then quickly looked around.

I must have been spied on again.

Are there cameras in this house?

Qin Nuo: "Li Qing, you'd better explain things clearly to me, otherwise, I will put you in eighteen different positions and try them one by one!"

Li Qing:......

Li Qing: Qin Nuo, you misunderstood. Song Yi and I are at your door. Is it convenient to come in?

Two minutes later, Qin Nuo opened the door wearing shorts

Li Qing and Song Yi looked at each other and blushed.

Qin Nuo has a really good figure, with eight-pack abs and chest muscles.

Very well proportioned and looks very beautiful.

I really want to touch it and try it out.

Suddenly I smelled a strange smell again.

Although the two women have never eaten pork, they often watch pigs running online.

It didn't take long to figure out what the smell was.

He lowered his head and glanced at Qin Nuo quietly.

"What are you looking at! Why don't I give you a taste!"

"No, no, no!"

"Forget it, I can't eat~" Li Qing whispered.

Qin Nuo”

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Li Qing glanced at Qin Nuo, then looked into the room and asked.

"What about Sissi?"

"She's asleep!"

"You won't wake up, right?" Song Yi was a little worried.

When Qin Nuo heard this, a scumbag smile appeared on his face.

"Tiezi, do you think if you were asked to do manual labor for two hours in a row, would you be able to wake up after falling asleep?"

Song Yi was confused for two hours?

Are you kidding me? It's been so long, let alone waking up. I can die to show you whether you believe it or not.

"Qin Nuo, you are in great health~!"

"Okay, come in and talk, Sissi won't wake up, she's sleeping like a pig!"

Qin Nuo got out of the way, and the two women thought for a while and walked in together.

When he came to the bedroom, he found a piece of clothing and put it on. These two women were like two female gangsters.

Qin Nuo always feels a little disadvantaged.

………Please give me flowers…0

I got two bottles of drinks from the refrigerator and threw them to the two women.

Qin Nuo sat on the single sofa and took a sip of cold beer!

I just experienced Mars hitting the Earth, so I want to take a sip of cold beer.

He felt like every pore in his body was cheering.

He drank up a can of beer in two gulps, then looked at the two women sitting on the sofa and asked.

"Tell me, what's going on? Why are you two at my door?"

Qin Nuo is very strange, this always feels like this is a bit unusual.

"Tiezi, come here!"

"No, Qinqin, come here!"

"It's better for you to do it, my language skills are poor!"

"Me neither, I can't speak!"

The two women didn't want to say it. If they did, they would betray Sissi and they would feel uncomfortable.

"Okay, each of you, one sentence at a time!"

"This..." The two women looked at each other and nodded.

"We actually came yesterday!"

"Yes, we came with Sissi.

"Sissi asked us for a favor last time!"


"She asked us to buy a house in your neighborhood!"

"It's easier to keep an eye on you!"

"Get ready to grab your pigtails!"

"The house is in this building!"

"It's just one floor away from your house!"

Qin Nuo listened and forgot to drink the beer in his hand.


How could that stupid woman in the room think of such a way?

real or fake.

Qin Nuo was a little skeptical about when Liu Yifei became so smart.

Last time, she tried to trick him into going to her house and then inviting her into a trap. After this plan was discovered.

If one plan fails, try another one.

Actually playing surveillance.

This is really the fairy sister I know.

This woman shouldn't be playing her role.

"Did she come up with this plan, or was it the fault of you two again?"

Looking at Qin Nuo, his face was not good, because he hurried to the people.

"You may not believe it, but this plan was really Sissi's own idea!"

"Tie Zi is right. Although Sissi is usually a bit silly and cute, you can't just say that!"

“Who doesn’t have a good meal during the Chinese New Year?”

Qin Nuo seems to make sense after thinking about it. Liu Yifei is indeed a bit simple-minded.

But not stupid.

It's not impossible to come up with this solution in a flash of inspiration.

But you have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder!

A smile appeared on Qin Nuo's lips. Not only did he know Liu Yifei's plan, he was also cunning.

It’s not just the place that has houses.

There is also one in the neighborhood next door.

There are even many places.

Qin Nuo knew that house prices would rise sharply in the future, so he secretly bought many houses in major cities across the country before the purchase restrictions.

As for where the money comes from, it's very simple.


Even Sister Hong doesn’t know about this.

He was the only one who knew it and never told anyone.

Qin Nuo's thinking is also very simple. If Qintian Entertainment unfortunately collapses, he can still live a leisurely life.

After all, there are hundreds of houses.

It will reach billions in a few years!!

Enough for him to easily live a lifetime!

ps: It’s the third update, the tickets at the end of the month will expire soon~

Crazy hint!! Scarf!.

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