Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

474 Grossed 800 Million Us Dollars In Global Box Office In Ten Days, A Brutal Reunion! Ready To Leav

Everyone is like this, there is no harm without comparison.

Originally, Wang Changtian was still a little distressed at the loss of more than 10 million.

It can be seen that Wu Kebo's movies have become cannon fodder.

This time he will lose at least more than 20 million.

It would be great to have money at the box office!

Suddenly I couldn't be happier.

He even sang a song.

the other side.

Sure enough, he does not share the joys and sorrows of others.

Wang Changtian was so happy that Wu Kebo from Chengtian headquarters let out a heartbreaking roar in the office.

"Disney, am I you! Am I you!!!"

"Asshole, bastard! I love your mother!"

Outside the office, Wu Kebo's secretary heard her boss's incompetent rage.

I was too frightened to go in.

Are you kidding me? Aren't you looking for a group when you go in now?

The boss is so miserable, but this movie is still very good.

The box office has already reached 30 million in three days.

If there was no reunion, 101 proposals would be at least 200 million. It would not be a big problem.

40 million investment, 200 million box office plus some sponsorships and so on.

You can make a lot of money.

What now?

It’s great if a movie can break 70 million.

At least 20 million will be lost!

There is at least a gap of tens of millions between this coming and going.

"Qin Nuo, right Qin Nuo!!" Wu Kebo suddenly thought of Qin Nuo, his eyes fierce.

"Qin Nuo, you Dark Knight must kill this Disney, you must kill him, bastard!"

Wu Kebo developed a huge hatred for Disney.

Thinking that when The Dark Knight is released, he will definitely call on all his artists to support it.

For no other reason than to vent his anger!!

the other side.

Xu Zhen looked at the box office data on his phone and quickly wiped the cold sweat from his head.

Damn it!

So fierce!

"Fortunately, labor and management listened to Qin Nuo and postponed the release. Otherwise, it would have been a disaster!"

Although Xu Zhen has confidence in his Thainess.

And the confidence is not small.

But facing such a giant beast, he was also a little scared.

If it is really hit, let alone a billion!

It would be great to have 500 million.

Although you can also make money.

But Xu Zhen’s goal is not to make this little money.

He wants to make a lot of money and see if he can break the unparalleled record.

Became the top three in China's movie box office.

"Director Xu, Director Qin has really helped you a lot!"

Huang Bo next to him also nodded.

"Yes, Xu Zhen, it would be terrible if you bumped into me now!"

"You are both right. I will have to treat Director Qin to a drink later!"

The Iron Triangles all admire Qin Nuo's vision.

I sighed in my heart, it's great that Xu Zhen can join Qintian Entertainment.

There is a big boss behind him, Qin Nuo has good vision, and the people under his opponent are good.

People are also easy to get along with.

Still willing to delegate power.

This is simply the perfect boss.

Huang Bo's heart was moved, he pushed Xu Zhen and asked.

"Xu Baldy, my financial contract expires in half a year, so I'm planning to set up my own studio."

"How about you go back and ask Director Qin, can I hang the studio under Qintian Entertainment?"

"I can give you 30% of the shares! No money!"

As soon as he heard this, Xu Zhen pretended and tidied his clothes.

Huang Bo looked at Huang Bo with disdain.

"Huang Bo, are you the only one? You're far behind!"

"Not everyone at Qintian Entertainment can come. Fan Pang, Zhou Xun, Chen Kun, Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming and other top celebrities all want to come!"

"Why do you, a second-tier starlet, come to join in the fun and get 30% of the shares?"

"We at Qintian Entertainment are not interested at all!"

Huang Bo..."

"Asshole, Xu Zhen, you are such a bastard, you have gone too far. Are you so harmful to others?"

"I'm sorry, I'm a bit more direct when I speak. I can't help it, that's the truth!"

Xu Zhen said helplessly.

Wang Baoqiang next to him smiled happily when he saw Xu Zhen looking like he needed a beating.

Actually, Wang Baoqiang also wants to join Qintian Entertainment.

His contract with Huayi is less than one year.

But so be it.

Wang Baoqiang was a little embarrassed. He knew that if he opened his mouth, Qin Nuo would definitely agree.

But I always feel like I'm taking advantage of Qin Nuo.

As a good friend of Qin Nuo, Wang Baoqiang felt that it would be better for his friends to have less interest exchanges before.

So I thought about this idea several times and finally thought about it.

"Xu Baldy, give it a try, you bastard, just think of it as a favor to your brother?"

"I don't want it, but you can consider joining my studio. My studio also owns 30% of Qintian Entertainment!"

Xu Zhen's abacus was good. He felt that Huang Bo still had room for development.

If he gets him into his own studio, he can contribute hundreds or tens of millions.

But Huang Bo is not stupid.

Yes, I want to go to Qintian Entertainment to hug my thighs.

But I just want to be a son, not a grandson.

You want to prostitute me for nothing, just dream.

"Go away, why don't you go to your studio as a grandchild? I'm not here!"

"If the worst happens, I'll tell myself, Xu Zhen, please remember to the labor and management, next time you ask me to act in a movie, the salary will increase by 30%!"

"Fuck you, 30%, you are like this, even if I gave you 5 million, I feel like it's a loss!"

Huang Bo was really angry now! He rolled up his sleeves and said.

"Xu Zhen, I will kill you!"

"I'm afraid of you!"

The two of them started fighting very quickly, making Wang Baoqiang next to them laugh!

Time passed quickly, and it passed in the blink of an eye.

The Lunar New Year in China is full of mourning,

Avengers 1 is like a powerful bulldozer, crushing all obstacles in front of it.

Some even had no scraps left, and all became cannon fodder.

This is still under the protection of Hua State, otherwise, the death will be even worse.

Avengers 1 has been released for ten days, and the box office has now reached 800 million

This made many Chinese netizens breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, what a blessing.

According to this trend, it should not be able to break the box office record of Inception.

The final box office should stop at 18.9 billion.


However, China is restricted from reuniting due to various reasons, but this is not the case overseas.

Avengers has broken the record of Inception on a global scale.

In the United States, Avengers has been released for ten days, and the box office has now reached 320 million!

Excluding China and the United States, the overseas box office of Avengers has reached 340 million!

Ten days after its release, the global box office has already reached 800 million US dollars!!

Breaking one billion is basically a certainty.

Some professionals in the United States predict that the global box office of Avengers 1 will be around US$1.5 billion.

Major gambling institutions also quickly raised their expectations.

They knew Avengers would be very powerful, but they didn’t expect it to be so powerful!

1.5 billion!!!

This box office is simply cruel!

It ranks among the top ten in global film history!

"Boss, do you hear what I said?"

Sister Hong looked a little depressed when she saw Qin Nuo looking like he was wandering around. It's true that the emperor is not in a hurry and the eunuch is.

Outside the Avengers are going crazy, but my boss still looks like a fool.

Boss, my big boss.

Didn't you see it?

800 million global box office in ten days!

The possibility of ending up with 1.5 billion is very high.

The Avengers are so strong, can the Dark Knight really do it?

Aren't you worried?

"Oh, I heard it, I heard it!"

Qin Nuo yawned, last night Girls' Generation came to Shanghai to attend a New Year's Eve concert.

There are also fan meetings.

As the host, Qin Nuo naturally had to entertain him well.

After this reception, we drank wine, and when we got up the next day.

Qin Nuo didn’t even remember what he had done.

Everyone around him was a member of Girls' Generation 893.

I just remember that I was very tired last night, as if I hadn't rested all night.

"Boss, did you go to meet Girls' Generation yesterday?"

"Yes, I treated them to a meal." Qin Nuo didn't hide it either. Sister Hong is the CEO of Qintian Entertainment.

As long as she is in the entertainment industry, basically nothing can be hidden from her.

"Boss, take care of yourself!"

Sister Hong doesn’t believe that with Qin Nuo’s temperament, he would just treat Girls’ Generation to a meal.

How can this be?

Simply impossible.

I must have done some shameful things yesterday, no wonder I don't look energetic at all today.

The dancing girls are so awesome.

Qin Nuo”

"Okay, tell me if you have anything to say, I'm busy!"

"Warner got a call. They want to see the film, and the promotion should start!"

"I know, I'll go tomorrow!"

"Also, Taiji, Xu Zhen wants to increase the promotion fee by 5 million. There are too many films in the backlog for this Lunar New Year!"

"In a few days, at least several movies will be released at the same time!"

Qin Nuo was not surprised when he heard this.

At least several Avengers movies were withdrawn during the Lunar New Year, and they were originally planned to be moved to the Spring Festival period.

But when you look at it, it’s amazing!

The Dark Knight was released on New Year's Day, with an investment of US$200 million, and it was Qin Nuo's movie.

A group of directors just wanted to scold me.

Compared with foreigners, domestic directors know how powerful Qin Nuo is.

This guy never fails.

You can go to the Spring Festival stalls to bet on whether Qin Nuo will fail this time.

If it fails then you make a fortune.

It's still great if you succeed, you will definitely become cannon fodder.

Maybe even worse than Wu Kebo.

A group of directors weighed it up and simply put them all between the Spring Festival and Lunar New Year stalls.

Although it is a little squeezed, it is still better than becoming cannon fodder.

ps: More update, late but coming, hehe!.

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