Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

475 Is Making A Big News, Super Bowl Halftime Promotion! He Went To The United States Again And Scol

There are also some directors who simply stop playing.

This year is simply the year of death, and they plan to save the film for another year.

It will be released next year.

You guys are playing, but labor and management are no longer playing.

"Okay, okay, no problem! Give him 8 million, this time is a bit crowded, publicity is very important!"


After the explanation, Sister Hong left, and Qin Nuo was thinking about the Dark Knight.

How to make big news?

How to do it?

How to make big news!

Sister Hong looked at him as if he didn't care about the reunion.

Actually, that was a joke.

How could he not care.

It's just that the Avengers exceeded 1.5 billion. He knew it when he traveled through time.

So no surprises.

But that doesn't mean Qin Nuo doesn't take him to heart.

I just can't think of any good solution.

Now Qin Nuo feels like it is only 50/50 at best. If you want to surpass it, you can only think of ways to do it through publicity.

Domestic people can use Douyin for publicity.

Coupled with his popularity, domestic success is not a problem.

There is no need to worry here in East Asia.

After all, he had many friends there when he was still a child in Han State.

Didn’t you see that he gave a lot of gifts to Girls’ Generation yesterday?

What a huge help!!

So there is no need to worry here in East Asia.

But overseas and the United States are very important, and they must make big news in these places.

Qin Nuo was thinking about what to do.


If you don’t believe this, his personality in the United States has basically collapsed. Everyone knows that he is a talented man.

But gradually I discovered that he was a romantic and talented man...

There are simply not too many Hollywood female stars that I have fucked.


This is fine.

As long as Qin Nuo talks nonsense before the release of The Dark Knight, he will give the Avengers a slap in the face.

It's sure to cause a huge stir.

Those with big noses in the United States and abroad will definitely be curious about what kind of movie The Dark Knight will be.

Will definitely check it out then.


Qin Nuo thought about it and still refused. He went to Hollywood to make money.

Not looking for trouble.

He has no conflicts with Disney, and even has a good relationship with Robert.

A few days ago, Robert invited him to attend the Avengers 1 celebration party.

The implication behind the words is that if this movie was shot by Qin Nuo.

It will definitely be more explosive.

There is nothing wrong with him.

If he disses like this, he will lose his character!

There is a conflict between DC and Marvel, but there is no conflict between Qin Nuo and Disney.

So if he doesn’t know how to do it, it’s almost as good for David to do it...

"Hey, I have a headache! What a headache!"

"Boss, let me pat your head for you." Upon seeing this, Chen Duling hurriedly came over.

"Go on while you're at it. You didn't do it lightly or harshly. Just stay there."

"Huh!" Chen Duling was very unhappy when he heard this. Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

"Forget it, I'll watch the national football team play Han Guo! You'll have a headache gradually!"

"Watching the national football team?" Qin Nuo looked at Chen Duling's back and curled his lips.

"Watching those young men playing football is better than watching the Village Super League!"

Qin Nuo doesn't have a good impression of the national football team at all, which is not too outrageous now.

It will take two years for the national football team to let you know what the real offline is.

Breaking everyone's bottom line again and again.

Look at the hammer.

Qin Nuo was very disdainful. She was just about to ask Chen Duling to get her a cup of coffee, when suddenly her eyes lit up.


National football, sports, US national football, rugby!!!

If Qin Nuo remembers correctly, the Super Bowl will be in less than a month before the end of January.

This is an annual event in the United States.

It is hailed as the American Spring Festival Gala by netizens.

The ratings can reach 40%!!

And it is broadcast in more than 80 countries and regions around the world.

The NBA is far behind him.

NCCA is also not as good as the Super Bowl!!

Especially during the intermission, it is definitely the biggest advertising time of the year in the United States.

The price is calculated in seconds, and one second is tens of thousands of dollars. This is still the previous price.

Now I'm afraid it has risen to six figures.

Wouldn’t it be great if the Dark Knight commercial was placed during the Super Bowl halftime show!!!


As far as Qin Nuo knows, no Hollywood movie has yet focused on the Super Bowl.

He should be the first to eat crabs!

"Du Ling, go back to the finance department and get 50,000 yuan! Consider it a bonus for you!"

"Ah?" Chen Duling held the tablet in confusion.

Bonus, what bonus.

What did I do?

Could it be that the boss gave me prostitution money after playing at my house last time?

"Okay, I'll get it right away!"

Chen Duling dropped the tablet and ran away. She didn't care so much, as long as she had money.

Isn’t it enough to still drink water and think about its source?

Are you kidding, I, Chen Duling, am that kind of person.

Last time, Sister Hong drained all her savings and she still owed Qin Nuo 500,000 yuan.

Now Chen Duling is extremely poor...

When eating, I always pay attention to others.

Now that I have 50,000 yuan, I can finally improve my life.

The little assistant is very happy.

After shopping around for a few more days at home, Qin Nuo once again embarked on a journey to the United States, this time alone.

Originally, Bai Lu wanted to go along and take care of Qin Nuo.

But now the company is too busy, "囧囧囧" is about to be released again, and "The Dark Knight" has to start promoting it.

Qin Nuo thought about it and decided to forget it and go alone.

Anyway, there was Warner's private jet, so I could sleep on the plane.

As soon as Qin Nuo got off the plane, everyone from Warner gathered around him.

David, Sarnoff, Cogas, Smith, and Carter.

All five big names from Warner Bros. are here.

Seeing that the expression on Qin Nuo's face finally looked better.

It seems that I have found my backbone.

There's nothing I can do about it, Warner Bros. was beaten badly, really badly, and Disney's Avengers next door.

Twenty days after its release, the US box office has now exceeded 450 million.

The global box office has also reached 1.3 billion!

In the end, if there are still ten days left, if it falls to 1.5 billion, it’s basically no problem.

Even 1.6 billion is not impossible!

This concept is simply outrageous.

1.6 billion!

All the movies DC has made before add up to less than half of others!

The atmosphere at Warner Bros. these days is very, very wrong.

Although The Dark Knight hasn't been released yet, they have already been hit by Marvel.

Can it really be done in my own company?

This Marvel movie is so awesome that even David and the others feel a little bit of irresistible pressure.

Very scared, be scared.

"Qin, you are finally here!"

"David, what's wrong with you?" Qin Nuo looked at the people behind him.

Sanov, Kogas and others all looked like they had taken too many drugs.

The whole person has no energy.

Even Smith, who wanted to remain graceful and gentlemanly, felt a lot more haggard.

It looks like my beard hasn't been trimmed in a few days.

You must know that Smith pays most attention to personal image.

Known as Warner's last gentleman.

Hearing this, David and others all looked bitter.

"Qin, do you really not know what happened? The box office of Avengers 1 has now exceeded 1.3 billion!"

"Yeah" Smith also nodded.

"It will be no problem to reach 1.5 billion in the last ten days. I really don't know what to say!"

"Qin, can the Dark Knight really succeed?"

Carter, who has always been arrogant, looked at Qin Nuo with eyes full of hope.

He had no good impression of Qin Nuo before.

Now I can only place my hope on Qin Nuo.

It's a bit ironic to say it.

Seeing this, Qin Nuo suddenly became serious. This state was not good.

If you are timid before fighting, how can you fight?

Box office wars are actually similar to ancient wars.

Morale is very important.

If your own distribution and investment companies are not confident, then how can you fool the audience and fans into entering the cinema.

This is no joke.

You don’t believe in yourself, so why should we believe in you?

Qin Nuo knew what he wanted to do.

"What are you doing? What are you talking about!"

Qin Nuo's eyes suddenly turned cold, staring at David and the others.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment.

Qin Nuo looked a little dumbfounded.

Is Qin scolding us?

"That's right, I'm just scolding you. Look at you like this, you look like a big bear with all its fur!!"

(Come on) "You are all so dejected. If others see you, they will think you have done something. Are you being fucked by the black uncle all night?"

"I'm really convinced. This battle hasn't even started yet, and everyone is scared?"

Qin Nuo looked at these people without mercy.

"Why don't you Warner Bros. disband? I'd be ashamed of you!"

Hearing this, David and others were furious.

They are all smart people, so they naturally know that Qin Nuo is using the provocation method.

It's useless. Although they are smart, they are human beings, and what Qin Nuo said is really ugly.

He simply scolded them until their bodies were completely bruised.

The big, hairless bear was fucked by Uncle Hey.

If you are timid before fighting, you will change Warner.

Every word was like a sharp knife piercing their chests.

And every knife hit the painful point.

"Qin, I know you are irritating us, but please be careful with your words!"

"David is right, Qin, what you said is too much. I ask you to apologize to us."

This is the first time that Smith has been pointed at and scolded like this!!

Qin Nuo doesn't look like a big director now, he is very personable.

It's more like the little hooligans on the street blocking their group of good students.

Then he started scolding them so much that they wanted to die!!

ps: First update, it’s the end of the month, brothers!

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