Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

476 Qin Nuo Felt Refreshed After Being Scolded! David And Others Want To Die! The Initiative Shifts,

"Smith is right, Qin, you are not allowed to insult us like this!"

Sanoff and others agreed.

But Qin Nuo didn't take it to heart at all.

Apologize, I called you a hammer.

I have been pretending to be a gentleman in the United States for so long. Do you think I am really a gentleman?

go away.

Gentleman with a hammer.

"Okay, I can apologize to you!"

"I'm sorry, everyone, what I said just now was a little too much, please don't cry!"

"Don't go back and tell your mother!"

Qin Nuo smiled wildly.

"Don't look back and your mother comes to school to trouble me!"

"I'm sorry, but don't be angry. Uncle didn't mean it!"




Qin Nuo's words really destroyed all the remaining sanity of David and others!!

It’s just a greeting to Qin Nuo.

I can’t write. I can’t write at all. If I do, I will definitely get a 404~!

The staff on one side were stunned, what happened?

Why did Warner David and the others look like they were going to eat people? They scolded Qin for a long time.

Everyone's faces turned red, like cooked prawns.

But what happened to Qin on the other side? He didn't react at all when he was scolded, and even picked his ears.

His face was full of disdain.

There's something wrong with this scene. Why is the person scolding someone so angry that he gets so angry, but the person being scolded feels so comfortable.

If you don’t understand, you really don’t understand.

However, they didn't dare to go up to persuade them. All of them were big bosses, so it would be a shame to go up to them.

You can't say anything even if you get beaten up...

In the field.

Qin Nuo felt a little disdainful when he heard the curse words of David and others.

This American guy is of no use. He can't even come up with anything new when he scolds others.

Just a few sentences.

Asshole, bollshit, bitch890....

This is far behind our country, China, which has a long history of five thousand years of culture.

You can curse people without doing the same thing for three days and three nights.

And each place has its own characteristics.

If you are scolded in dialect, you may not even understand!

Labor and Capital Shudaoshan……..

"Hey, I asked you, can you come up with something new? Why are you scolding me with these two sentences?"


After hearing this, several people were drunk. We have been scolding each other for so long, but you are not angry at all.


Didn't we scold you in vain?


Qin Nuo, you are such a bastard!

"Okay, enough venting, go back and have a good rest. We will have a meeting at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"All Warner executives are coming." Qin Nuo looked at several people.

"At that time, I will show you what the peak of a superhero is!"

"Marvel is indeed good, but it is only good!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo waved to the driver behind him.

"Send me to a Malibu villa!"

"What are you looking at? It's uncertain!

"Yes, yes, Director Qin!"

The driver originally wanted to ask David for their opinion, but saw an angry Qin Nuo.

He immediately shrank his head.

After helping Qin Nuo put away his luggage, he disappeared in a flash.

David and others watched Qin Nuo leave without even coming back to their senses.

After a while, David said.

"It seems that I am the CEO of Warner. When will there be a high-level meeting, Qin can just say it?"

Upon hearing this, Smith and Carter looked at David with disdain.

After some education from Qin Nuo, they felt that they were too embarrassed after venting.

It is useless to be timid before fighting!!

The Dark Knight hasn't been released yet, so I'm afraid of a hammer.

Even if you want to lose, at least you have to wait until the box office of The Dark Knight comes out before you admit defeat.

Now that's nothing.

Especially David, who is obviously the CEO of Warner.

He actually took the lead in spreading negative sentiments and failed to comfort the company's employees when their morale was low.

He didn't even bother to ask.


Are you worthy of being the CEO?

"David, it's all your fault. As the CEO, you were frightened by Disney!"

"Just wait for me, and I will definitely impeach you next time the board of directors comes!"

"This time I agree with Carter." Smith straightened his clothes.

"You are too useless and too soft to be timid before fighting. I will report this to all the directors at the board meeting later!"

After finishing speaking, Carter and Smith glared at David together.

Then turned and left.

"Asshole!" David looked at the backs of the two of them and was furious. Everything was my fault.

You two are shameless.

It’s not like you keep saying that Marvel is great and amazing.

I never said that.

I have always believed in Qin Nuo.

Now that I woke up after being scolded, I turned around and put the pot on my head.

Could it be that I, the CEO, is taking the blame?

Kogas and Sarnoff felt a lot more anxious after hearing what Carter and Smith said.

This doesn't seem wrong.

If David was impeached and ran away, one of them would be the one in charge.

Sanov is senior and Cogas is capable.

Both have a chance.

How about finding an opportunity to kill him and get David away?

"What are you two thinking?" David stared at the two of them with a dark face.

If he read correctly.

These two people actually laughed, they laughed.

Okay, forget about Qin Nuo scolding me, labor and management can’t afford to offend him now!!

Two directors want to impeach me, but I have no choice. After all, impeachment is their right.

But what do you two little brothers mean?

Want to usurp the throne!

Cao, labor and management have raised two white-eyed wolves!

"Sanov, labor and management have protected you so many times. If it weren't for me, you would have been thrown out by Warner Bros. ten years ago!"

"And you, Korgas, I recruited you from the academy, and I am still your master!"

"You do this to me!"(chdb)

"Ah!" After hearing this, Sarnov and Kogas were also a little embarrassed.

It does seem a bit immoral~!

But there is nothing we can do about it. As the saying goes, you have taught the apprentice and starved the master to death.

Water flows to lower place, man goes to higher position.

David, you are not smiling at your age and you really deserve a good rest.

"That David, you misunderstood, I didn't."

"Yeah, David, don't think too much! How could I possibly do that!"

The two looked at David with false smiles on their faces.

"Get out of here, get out of here and play with me, I am your ancestor!"

David felt the same as Ming Jing, no.

The smiles on your faces are all caused by my guidance, but I still can’t tell.

"Everyone, get out of here! Call all Warner executives here at ten o'clock tomorrow morning!"

"Yes Yes!"

“Don’t worry, leave David to us!”

After the two of them finished speaking, they disappeared in a flash.

I'm afraid I'll have to avoid David a little these two days.

That guy had early menopause.

the other side.

Qin Nuo had just returned to the villa and was preparing to take a good rest.

Unexpectedly, the enthusiastic Dayang Ma invited him to eat seafood. Hathaway heard that Qin Nuo came to Hollywood.

Without saying anything, he directly promoted an event.

Driving to the villa, as soon as they met, Hathaway pulled off Qin Nuo's pants.

"Oh, I haven't seen you for a long time, sir, I miss you so much!"

Qin Nuo “…………

Two hours later, Hathaway raised her neck, revealing her snow-white swan neck, and held it there for a long time.

Then he slowly fell down on the sofa.

There was a satisfied smile on his face.

After a while, he looked at Qin Nuo who had just come out of the shower and said.

"Qin, don't leave me again, okay?"

Hathaway slowly crawled to Qin Nuo's feet, licked her and said resentfully.

"You don't know how uncomfortable it has been for me these past few months since you were away from the United States. Every night I miss you and think about dying!"

Hathaway originally thought it was nothing after she separated from Qin Nuo a few months ago.

But after a few days, something felt wrong.

After another half month, my body felt completely wrong, especially at night.

It was a lot of tossing and turning.

When I miss taking pictures with Qin Nuo, I can have seafood with Qin Nuo at night.

But Qin Nuo's absence really feels like a passing year.

It's like being a little bit poisoned.

Compared to Qin Nuo, others are really far behind.

There were even several times when Hathaway couldn't help but want to take a plane to Shanghai to find Qin Nuo.

But due to various reasons, it is simply impossible to achieve.

When Qin Nuo heard this, a smile appeared on his face.


"Of course, it's too uncomfortable!"

"Then see you, otherwise, I will have to consider your seafood in the future!"


"Do not worry!"

After Hathaway finished speaking, she knelt on the ground and started licking from the heels.

I have to say that this American Ocean Horse is really good at playing.

Qin Nuo was a little too obsessed.

The two played until nine o'clock in the evening. After eating something, Hathaway lay in Qin Nuo's arms.

"Qin, are you still coming?"

"Have a hammer." Qin Nuo pinched the woman's pretty face hard.

It's very hard, but Hathaway doesn't mind.

"Try to see if you can still walk!"

"Hmph! Of course I can!"

After saying that, Hathaway stood up, but unexpectedly, after taking just one step, a painful expression appeared on her face.

But it was quickly hidden.

He looked at Qin Nuo with a smile on his face.

"Look, isn't this okay?"

"Two more steps!"

"Just leave!"

Hathaway took another step and endured the pain. Unexpectedly, when her right foot was hanging in the air, her left foot suddenly seemed to have no strength.

He fell to the ground all of a sudden,

"Ouch! Ouch, it hurts!"

Qin Nuo couldn't help but laugh out loud. This woman wanted to save face, even though she was already almost useless.

I still have to walk forcefully.

Isn't this seeking death?

He shook his head and picked up Hathaway who was on the ground.

ps: The second one!!!.

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