Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

480 Shocking, This Is A Great Movie! ! Sanov Felt That He Was Finished, And The Surrounding Preparat

Completely different from ordinary robberies, the clown is like a madman and tells his companions when robbing a bank.

As long as they kill an accomplice, they can get more money.

So soon the robbers started killing each other, and in the end only the clown was left.

When the Joker says that classic quote.

"I believe that what doesn't kill me will make me even more...weird!"

Everyone was shocked when they looked at the clown.

What a lunatic!

A real madman!

The character was established instantly, but only in two paragraphs?


Really awesome shot.

The explosive stuffed in the bank manager's mouth was just a prank.

This is also proved.

The Joker is a really unpredictable guy!

Everyone was attracted and stared at the screen.

The plot of The Dark Knight is tight.

Soon Commissioner Gordon, Two-Face, Rachel, and Batman all appeared.

Their purpose is simply to restore Gotham City to its former peace.

But the fact made them helpless and unprepared.

With the efforts of Two-Face Harvey, half of the gangs in Gotham City were captured. He is also known as Gotham's Bright Knight.

But it was because of this that he aroused a lot of gangsters in Gotham City.

Then they unleashed Gotham City's greatest evil, its most elusive evil.


The clown played by Qin Nuo is a truly chaotic person who does not commit crimes for money.

Not for anyone.

Not to help gangsters.

It's more like he is enjoying the process of crime, he is having fun.

Just like what Director Gordon, played by Brad, said.

"Some people just want to see the world burn! It's not for money!"

That's what the Joker is.

The subsequent plot climaxes one after another, and Oda relies on some cruel methods to conquer a group of gang members.

Then he played a game with Batman and Two-Face Harvey.

The clown wins every time.

Until Gordon faked his death to confuse the clown,

Harvey is then forced to admit that he is Gotham City's Batman.

The Joker's purpose is to kill Batman.

On the way to transporting Harvey to prison, the most exciting driving scene of the Dark Knight was staged. When everyone saw Batman coming out in the Batman Chariot.

Everyone exclaimed,

Not only are the special effects wonderful, but more importantly, this tank is so handsome!

The streamlined shape, the dark body, and the countless high technologies in the car.

Like a crawling giant beast.

Especially when the tank started roaring, it made people's blood boil!

I wish I could sit in Batman's co-pilot.

Simply stunning.

They all turned to look at Qin Nuo, maybe this guy did it on purpose.

By making the tank so handsome, are you trying to sell peripherals?

Will anyone really pay for it?

Warner's executives didn't believe it before, but after seeing it, they were a little hesitant to be honest.

Because seeing this scene, they felt a little excited,

I thought if the price was acceptable.

We want one too.

He is so handsome! So cool!

Qin Nuo said secretly with a smile on his lips.

In this short flying scene of less than five minutes, they used a total of five tanks and scrapped six motorcycles.

The filming cost exceeded 20 million.

What do you think.

It’s not just about making the movie look good, but more importantly, selling peripherals.

This is big money!

The sweat on Sarnov's head, who was sitting in front, remained.

He felt that he was going to suffer, he really was going to suffer!

Qin Nuo confessed to him last time.

He didn't take it to heart at all. He only got five tanks, and then there were only twenty motorcycles that Batman could not ride and pull.

I thought it was definitely enough.

But halfway through, Sanoff was definitely wrong, really wrong.

The movie is so beautiful, and the tanks and motorcycles in it are so cool.

DC fans will definitely pay for it.

Not to mention five chariots, even ten times it is not enough!

There are many rich fans of Dc.

It's over, it's really over now, I will definitely be impeached.

If this movie is out of stock when it is released, the people on Warner's board of directors will kill him.

The profit from this thing is really too high.

It's more like stealing money.

Our board of directors is ready to rob, but you Sanov told me that you forgot to bring a sack!


I'll kill you, believe it or not!

"No, there is still more than half a month, there is still time, I can't make up for it!"

While Sarnoff was worrying, the movie continued, and finally ended with the efforts of Batman, Harvey and Gordon.

The Joker was finally caught.

"Joker, you lost, just wait to be judged!" Gordon said righteously to the clown!

Everyone finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

The infamous clown has finally been caught.

This guy was too cunning and escaped from the hands of three people time and time again.

Now finally caught.

My heart was relieved.

But soon everyone felt something was wrong!

I looked at the time and it was less than ninety minutes. The movie was about one hundred and fifty minutes in total.

Only half of the time has passed.

The BOSS behind the scenes has been arrested, so what else will be filmed later?



Everyone has a terrible suspicion in their minds!

Soon their suspicions became reality.

Yes, the Joker has long guessed that this is the plan of the three Batmans.

He also fell for it on purpose.

The purpose is to enter the police station.

Harvey, who later relaxed his vigilance, was kidnapped, and Batman's ex-girlfriend Rachel was also kidnapped.

A famous scene is born.

The Joker severely humiliated Batman at the police station, and then told Rachel and Harvey where they were trapped.

But what makes everyone's hair stand on end is that the addresses of the two clowns are indeed correct.

But the kidnapped person is the opposite.

Batman originally wanted to save Rachel, but he didn't expect to save Harvey instead!

Afterwards, the clown used the bomb hidden in his companion's stomach to blow up the police station, and Xiaosha escaped from the ruined police station.

Everyone's mouths opened wide when they saw it, the clown was so charming.

It’s so charming!

They have been deeply attracted by clowns!

Finally, we come to the climax of this article.

The clown finally lost once. The people on the two ships did not detonate each other's explosives.

The Joker didn't expect that in such a dark Gotham City, there was still a glimmer of humanity.

This was something he didn't expect.

"If you lose, clown, people will still believe in the light!"

"Haha, haha, is that right?" The clown who was hanging in the air laughed wildly.

Because he didn't lose, he still had a trump card.

That's Harvey.

"You know what? Even if someone is as bright as Harvey, I just need a gentle push and he will become like me!"

"I didn't lose, I still have a trump card, and that's Harvey!"


Batman didn't expect the Joker to be so cruel.

It actually caused Gotham's Bright Knight to fall.

The end of the movie.

Batman Wayne used his own life to save the Gordon family from Two-Face Harvey.

But he was seriously injured.

But now it's too late, the Joker seems to have won, Gotham's Bright Knight Harvey is dead.

And he also killed several policemen,

If only the people of Gotham knew this.

Then the last glimmer of light in their hearts will become dim.

Completely plunged into darkness.

"The Joker won! We lost," Gordon said sadly as he looked at Harvey's body on the screen.

"No, I absolutely can't let the Joker win, absolutely not, I will give everything for Gotham!"

"Do you want to..." Gordon suddenly thought of a terrible possibility.

"That's right, Harvey shouldn't have any stain on him. He is the Bright Knight of Gotham. He was, is and will always be in the future."

"And I don't need to!"


In the last scene of the movie, Gordon's children called out to Batman, but he didn't respond.

He came to Gordon and asked.

"Dad, why is he running?"

Brad, who plays the police chief, also has sadness in his eyes.

"Because we have to catch him!"


"He is the hero that Gotham City needs, but not now.

"So we want (Qian Zhao) to arrest him!"

"Because only he can bear it!"

"Because he is not our hero!"

"He is a silent guardian!"

"A vigilant protector!"

"He's...the Dark Knight!"

The sound of heavy music sounded, as if the great knight in power was seeing him off.

Batman is a true superhero, but he will never be recognized by the people of Gotham.

Because later he will bear the sins committed by Harvey.

He was even responsible for Harvey's death.

He will always be misunderstood and will never be judged fairly.

Become a real knight walking in the dark.

The searchlight used to summon Batman was smashed by Gordon himself.

Batman is also officially wanted in Gotham City.

In the last scene of the movie, Batman Wayne played by Bale wears a black Batman suit

On the rooftop, looking at Gotham City under the night, I didn't say a word for a long time.

After a long time, I looked up at the sky and saw the sun appear a little bit.

Batman Wayne glanced at the golden sunrise, his eyes filled with anticipation.

When the camera turned, the Dark Knight had disappeared, replaced by a golden sunrise.

next second

The movie freezes!

ps: The second one!.

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