Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

481 Warner Had One Thought After Watching It, We Want To Challenge The Avengers! Fake Engagement Pro

After reading it, everyone present was stunned.

Really confused.

Even some emotional female executives have shed tears, and many people have red eyes.

They finally knew why Qin called Batman the Dark Knight.

Because Batman may never be able to appear in the sun and will always be misunderstood.

He is really a great knight.

Even one person in charge of DC Comics felt a little ashamed.

He feels that the Batman image portrayed in The Dark Knight seems to be more three-dimensional and more vivid than in the comics.

It’s also more distressing.

Much better than what they made.

This is so fucking embarrassing

Original creations cannot compete with comic adaptations...

After a while, when the subtitles appeared, the audience burst into applause.

All the more than 20 people present stood up and looked at Qin Nuo.

Before, there was a lot of doubt, dissatisfaction, and resentment in their eyes.

Now everything has turned into respect, admiration, surprise, and shock!

This Dark Knight is really beautiful, so beautiful.

It doesn't look like a comic book movie at all.

It's like a work of art.

The plot, story rhythm, graphics, special effects and emotions are completely different from those superhero movies.

No wonder Qin Nuo said before that there will never be any super movie that can surpass The Dark Knight!

They didn't believe it before.

but now.

They believed it.

Such pictures, such plot, such depth.

It's simply not the height a superhero can reach.

Even compared to some Oscar best films, it is still not inferior in depth.

Suddenly David thought of what the top screenwriter George Lao said during the script reading!

"It's a pity that this script is a comic book adaptation. Otherwise, it would have won an Oscar."

David thought it was a bit exaggerated before.

But after actually watching the movie, I realized that this is not an exaggeration at all.

Maybe it’s really a pity!

The applause continues, and everyone is looking at Qin Nuo.

Including Deng Wendi and others, especially Bella, the love in this woman's eyes seemed to well up when she looked at Qin Nuo.

Qin is really too powerful, because he is so powerful.

Bella almost couldn't hold it back and threw herself into Qin Nuo's arms.

Fortunately, Deng Wendi was also in shock, otherwise he would have seen Bella's eyes next to him.

You can react immediately.

That bitch Qin Nuo has already given her little secretary to Huo Huo.

The applause lasted for five minutes before slowly ending.

"Qin this is a great movie, thank you!"

"Yes, Qin, you have made a real superhero movie. I don't know if the box office can surpass Marvel!"

"But his height is definitely better than the Avengers!"

Smith spoke.

The people around him nodded. After reading it, the person who accepted it was relieved.

The quality of the movie was completely beyond their expectations.

very good!

DC will definitely not rush to the street again this time.

But whether it can surpass Avengers 1 is hard to say, really hard to say.

Everything depends on the audience's reaction.

Warner executives also forgot all the words Qin Nuo scolded everyone.

Even now it doesn't matter if Qin Nuo scolds them.

Swear whatever you want.

We should...

"Okay, then let's continue the meeting to discuss publicity issues~" Qin Nuo glanced at his watch again and suggested.

"How about eating first?"

"No, we're not hungry!"

"That's right, let's have a meeting! Publicity is important!"

"Chorgath is right!"

All the senior executives agreed.

When can't you eat?

Publicity is not important.

"Okay, it shouldn't take long!" Qin Nuo didn't care, he had eaten quite full in the morning anyway.

Hathaway endured the pain and cooked him a hearty breakfast.

After saying that, Warner executives happily followed Qin Nuo to the conference room.

Everyone's face was filled with smiles, as if they had won five million.

Everyone was very happy.

His mouth almost broke into a smile.

But soon Sarnov realized something was wrong.

What the hell is this?

There seem to be some weird things mixed in among us,

Deng Wen sent Kevin and we Warner to have a meeting.

What are you Fox people doing here?

Do you really consider Warner as your home?

"Hey, Ms. Deng, Kevin, should you leave?" Sarnov stopped and looked at a few people.

"Now that the movie is finished, we have to discuss publicity issues, and you can't listen to this!"

Upon hearing this, David and others also reacted.

They all looked at Deng Wen and others.

The eyes are different.

Shit, I almost didn’t notice it.

We are almost reaching the conference room...

David said quickly.

"Deng Wendi, take your people and get out of here. I've watched the movie, what else do you want?"

"I haven't settled the score with you for humiliating me at the banquet last time!"

"Get out!!!"

I don’t know why, but David is usually quite reasonable.

But when he met this woman Deng Wendi, he became very irritable, inexplicably irritable.

I really want to give this woman a beating...

Deng Wendi didn't actually react. She thought she was in her own company.

But she was not afraid after hearing David's words.

To settle accounts, come as you like.

Think I'm afraid of you, David!

"Qin, let's go first. Come to Fox when you have time. Your yacht is almost rusty at the dock."

"Would you like to drive out for fun when you have time?"

"Excuse me, ma'am, okay, I'll go check out the Kelly when I have time."

Not to mention, if Deng Wendi hadn't reminded him, Qin Nuo would have forgotten that he had a yacht at the dock.

On the contrary, a limited edition Porsche convertible sports car delivered to him by Deng Wen is driven every day.

"Then I'll go back and mention it to the dock staff, and they'll give you a deep cleaning in the next two days!"


The people around Warner were not stupid either. When they heard this, they naturally understood what Deng Wendi meant.

I want to rob someone again.


The Dark Knight hasn’t even been released yet.

Hey, it doesn’t seem right. With the quality of The Dark Knight, the possibility of a loss in the release is very small...

Coupled with Qin Nuo's reputation, it is very likely to be a hit.

It can be said that Qin's Dark Knight has been more than half successful, and it has been running in for so long.

All that was missing was the last shiver.

It's normal for Deng Wendi to want to take it back.

This is not okay. Since Qin has come to our Warner, we must not let him go.

Isn't it just a yacht?

You think we, Warner, don’t have~!

Smith, Carter, David and others exchanged glances.

Then he nodded.

It seems that some consensus has been reached!

"Deng Wendi, it's time for you to leave. If you don't leave, I'll ask the security guards to throw you out!"


Deng Wendi glanced at David contemptuously and said nothing.

Then he left Warner with the three Kevins.

"Qin, let's go!"


Soon everyone returned to the conference room, and Qin Nuo stood above and asked.

"You have also seen the quality of the movie. I believe the Dark Knight has a chance to challenge the Avengers!"

"It's the same even if they are 1.5 billion, but the problem now is how to publicize it and how to publicize it!"

"Do you have any good ideas, or any other clever ideas?"

Although Qin Nuo has a good idea, he still wants to hear the opinions of Warner executives first.

These guys can't be ignored either.

Without a lot of skills, they can't reach the top position of Warner.

"I have an idea. Didn't Director Qin have a bet with the media last time? Many people participated."

"We can do a temporary program and invite some guests to support you and the media at the same time."

"Let them squirt each other! How about that?"

Upon hearing this, Qin Nuo's eyes lit up. This method was not wrong.

Guys like the Americans like to watch the excitement, and they will be so busy all day long.

When it comes to eating melons, they are even more enthusiastic than those guys in China.

"A very good suggestion, what do you think?"

Warner David and other senior executives also nodded.

"Okay" David said with a smile.

"Then I'll leave this matter to you Chris. You should carefully consider the choice of guests."

"It's best to choose artists with hatred, you know what I mean?"


Chris is a smart man. If he chooses an artist with whom he has a grudge, the two sides might start fighting while talking about it.

Americans like to watch this kind of show.

"anything else?"

"Qin, you can hype up your relationship with Hathaway, or even have a fake engagement ceremony."

Warner Publicity Director Korgas said seriously.

"Qin, you can consider that all the expenses for the wedding will be borne by Warner! All the gifts received belong to you!"

After hearing this, Warner executives also nodded with satisfaction.

Cho'Gath's proposal is very good, really very good.

Qin Nuo is very well-known around the world, and Hathaway is also known as America's sweetheart.

The engagement ceremony of the two is sure to cause a sensation in the entire world.

The publicity effect is simply not very good.

Corgas is worthy of being hailed as one of Warner's successors!

This method is great!

"Forget it, I don't want to go to too much trouble!" Qin Nuo waved his hand.

This method is good, but he is not willing to do it. Although it is just fake, it will definitely touch the most sensitive nerves of his confidante in China.

We are all looking for an answer from Qin Nuo.

Now Qin Nuo is engaged to Dayang Ma.

Even if it's fake, they still feel uncomfortable.

Qin Nuo still doesn't know how to deal with these confusing things.

I don't want to cause trouble.

"Qin, listen to me, it's not a hassle. We at Warner will be responsible for the whole process. You just need to..." Korgas quickly persuaded.

"Kogas, you can continue to speak, but I still won't agree~ But it's your right to speak!"

"I will not take away"


ps: Third update, thank you for the many reminders, but I can’t say whether I can add it today. There will be a duel between the big and small kings in the afternoon!

want to see!

But I will remember it. .

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