Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

482 I’M Going To Air A Promotional Video For The Dark Knight At The Super Bowl. What Do You Think?

He glanced at Qin Nuo resentfully, "I finally came up with a great publicity method~ I didn't expect you to disagree."

How abominable!

The same goes for other Warner executives, who feel it is a pity.

But Qin Nuo didn't want to.

Then they can't force others.

Qin Nuo is not someone that Warner can easily handle.

"I think we can also consider the Joker." Sarnoff glanced at Qin Nuo, and then at Warner Bros.

"After the movie is released, everyone will definitely be curious about who the clown is. We must take advantage of this!"

"Maybe it can become a social hot spot!"

"I agree!"

"I agree!"

Qin Nuo also nodded. This matter was also a publicity strategy that everyone had discussed before filming.

In the next hour, many Warner executives put forward their own proposals.

At least a third passed.

Even Qin Nuo had to admit that Warner executives were really not as useless as he thought.

Everyone has a flexible mind and their ideas are very constructive.

"Okay, what you said is very good. Finally, I will make one more suggestion. Please help me refer to it."

"Qin, please speak!"

"Qin, we are very curious about your proposal!"

Warner executives are not mocking Qin Nuo, they are really curious.

In their eyes, Qin is more than just a director.

He is also very capable in doing news and propaganda.

At the press conference of The Dark Knight, Qin set off a social hot spot and even bet against well-known media for more than 20 years.

After that, there was another supermodel party! The diva sang.

The heat is overwhelming.

There was also the viral publicity from the previous Inception. Each one can be said to be a genius idea.

So they expect Qin Nuo to have a wonderful promotion method to open The Dark Knight!

"I don't know much about the United States, but I would like to ask if movie advertisements can appear in the Super Bowl?"

"I wanted to put one of the most handsome promotional videos of the Dark Knight on it."

Hearing this, the Warner executives present were stunned, really stunned.

Qin Nuo actually wants to broadcast the Dark Knight promotional video at the Super Bowl!!

May I?

Of course, as long as you pay.

The halftime of the Super Bowl is originally advertising time. As long as you can afford it, you can even shoot a MV for yourself.

As long as it doesn't violate the laws of the United States, you can do anything!

"Qin, you are such a genius!" Korgas said in surprise after hearing this.

“Why didn’t I think of advertising in the Super Bowl!”

Cogas is going crazy. The Super Bowl is definitely the most popular event in the United States.

At its peak, the ratings even reached 60%.

Of course it will be a little bit worse now.

Because many viewers watch through the Internet.

So just over 40 percent.

But the actual group of people covered has not changed.

There are also broadcasts in many countries, covering more than 80 countries and regions.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?"

"me too!"

David is a smart man, although he never thought of it before.

But if you think about it carefully, you will understand.

The reason why I didn't expect it is simply because no one has done this before.

Don't look at it, this is just a small barrier. Once it is broken, everyone will react.

But even this barrier may hold people back for many years.

How many years has it been since the Super Bowl?

For decades.

But no one had ever thought of advertising a movie at the Super Bowl.

It's like he doesn't realize it at all.

It felt to him like a funny science fiction novel he read last year.

[Alien Star Wandering, Alias: Eight Billion Mad Dogs Rush Out of the Earth!]

There is a very absurd setting in it,

That is hyperspace technology is a technology used to travel between stars.

The principle of this technology is very simple.

So simple that even a Bronze Age civilization could build a batch of simple hyperdrives.

The technology tree of the people in Blue Star is actually a bit crooked.

It can build nuclear bombs, go to space in a way that aliens cannot understand, and even build some very strange objects.

It seemed outrageous to them.

And those alien civilizations outside the universe have already been fighting each other because they have mastered hyperspace technology.

Some civilizations that have mastered bronze smelting technology began to bully some civilizations that were still in the Stone Age!!

There are also some civilizations that have mastered gunpowder and have become overlords.

Dominated the entire galaxy.

When one day an alien who was still in the gunpowder civilization discovered the earth...

The exciting plot is coming.

It was very strange to be a gangster on Blue Star, flying a plane made of wood with such simple firearms.

You are truly aliens.

I, Cao, who didn’t know, thought you lived hundreds of years ago.

How did you get to earth with this piece of shit, and you still want to conquer the earth?

Even the weakest country in the world can pin you to the ground and rub you.

After that, the aliens told the principle of hyperspace technology, and all the experts on the earth were confused.

How could we not discover such a simple principle for tens of thousands of years?

This is so ironic.

The plot after that is simple, eight billion mad dogs use hyperspace technology to rush out of the earth.

Dominate the universe......

The reason for this is the same as Qin Nuo’s discovery that the Super Bowl can be used for movie advertising.

There are some things that we may take for granted but ignore its true purpose.

"Okay, this method is very good." David looked at Qin Nuo and said.

"You are such a publicity genius!"

"David has won the award, so this matter has been decided! Later I will hand over the edited promotional video to Korgas!"

"Qin, don't worry if you leave this matter to me!"

The discussion lasted until two o'clock in the afternoon, when Qin Nuo ended the meeting.

Warner executives have also begun to prepare, and the Spring Festival is now less than a month away.

The publicity can start.

Everyone has a smile and confidence on their face.

A stark contrast to the restlessness of the morning.

The quality of The Dark Knight gives them great confidence, coupled with Qin Nuo's Super Bowl promotion and other good promotion methods.

They have the confidence to give it a try with the now arrogant Avengers 1!

Disney waits.

We still don’t know who will win!

……Please give me flowers…………


After everyone left, there were only five people left in the conference room.

Warner is also a real giant.

David, Sarnoff, Kogas, and two other directors.

A few people were still in a good mood. This time the Dark Knight Qin Nuo gave them a big surprise.

DC will make a strong comeback in one month!

King's return!

However, David thought about Deng Wendi's previous actions and cast a shadow in his heart.

His face became embarrassed.

"David, what's wrong with you?" Sarnoff was surprised.

Today's Dark Knight is simply perfect, and the possibility of success is very high.

Why does David look so ugly?

"Isn't it worth being happy about what happened today?"

Several people also looked at David, among whom Carter moved with a smile.

"David, are you still angry with Ms. Deng?"

"Haha, I said David, as a man you should learn to be more like the weather!"

"That's right, David, don't take it to heart. Ms. Deng did it on purpose. If you are serious, you will lose!"

Several people advised him one after another.

Hearing these words, David also rolled his eyes,

I'm sick, don't I know Deng Wendi's purpose?

She just wanted to make me angry and get back at me.

"You have misunderstood. I, David, will not care about a woman!"

"That's~" Sarnoff looked at David.

"Hey~" David sighed.

"I think that in the next movie Deng Wendi will definitely try his best to take Qin back.

"Then what should we do? DC has just started. Without Qin Nuo preparing us for a few movies, can we really revitalize DC?"

"If Qin Nuo doesn't make it, who should we give it to for DC's next movie?"

"Who can take over Qin's position~"


When several people heard this, their brows suddenly wrinkled.

This is indeed a very difficult question.

Qin Nuo gave them a good start as DC,

The Dark Knight is very good, very good-looking, and can even be used to describe it.

But what next?

Batman will definitely continue to be filmed, just like Iron Man, there will be one or two more films.

Then start laying out other superheroes.

Later, you can learn how to unite like the Avengers.

The goal is very clear.

It can even be said to be very simple!

But how does this process go? How should each hero be shaped, or should he follow the dark style route.

If Batman can do it, can other superheroes do it too?

They don't know, they don't know at all, and they don't dare to try easily.

The reason is simple. Qin Nuo has just pulled up DC and is about to take off.

If there was a different director, the whole thing would be ruined...

Those angry DC fans can kill them who made the decision at Warner.

If you are sick, Qin Nuo is just there. If you don't look for it, you have to come by yourself.

Shit, stupid!

Even the board of directors and Warner Times will ask questions!

No one can bear this responsibility!

Smith and others were suddenly silenced by David's question.

ps: It’s been a long time since the fourth update arrived!.

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