Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

484 Fox Used A Trick To Make Qin Nuo A Shareholder Of The 21St Century. Bella: You Want Me To Seduce

Mike continued.

"So I think we must bring Qin back. This is very important!"

"Ma'am, do you believe that if The Dark Knight is really successful, what will Warner do next?"

"Without Qin, do they dare to use another director to direct DC movies? They don't dare!"

"Even if the high-level meeting can pass it, the board of directors will not pass it. The board of directors is a group of conservative people and they will not choose to take risks!"

"And fans won't agree, so we have to start in advance and quickly book Qin's next movie."

"We can't let him stay at Warner Bros.!"

Deng Wendi nodded. Mike's analysis made sense and was basically exactly what she thought.

"Then do you have any suggestions?"

Mike thought for a moment and said.

"I have two suggestions, the first one is bolder"

"Say!" Deng Wendi crossed his legs and looked confident.

She is not afraid of boldness, but is afraid that her suggestions will be useless.

"Give us shares and let Qin become our director of 21st Century Fox!"


Hearing this, both Kevin and Bella's eyes widened.


Your suggestion is indeed a bit bold, but it is also too shocking.

Shares in the 21st Century are not of ordinary value.

It is very valuable.

After all, this is one of Hollywood's eight major movie companies, and it's still the top four.

It is strong and has the Fox Group behind it.

That is a very influential global media company in the United States and even the world!

It can be said that as long as we don’t commit suicide in the 21st century.

Then they can safely earn 27 dollars and live a small life.

Hearing Mike's words, even Wen Dipi, who had always been confident, frowned.

She can agree to anything Qin Nuo wants, be it beautiful women, yachts, helicopters, or sports cars.

As long as Qin Nuo can think of something fun, she can satisfy it.

Because she has strong connections.

As Murdoch’s wife, she can’t get it, so why can’t Murdoch get it?

But this share alone is not something she can decide.

We have to let the Fox Group discuss it.

They are the largest shareholders in the 21st century.

"Mike, your suggestion is indeed bold!" Deng Wendi glanced at Mike.

"Can you analyze the benefits?"

"There are many benefits. First, with such an amazingly talented director joining, Fox's stock price will rise."

Kevin nodded when he heard this.

This is true, if Fox really spreads the news that Qin has joined them.

The stock price will definitely rise the next day.

Qin's talent that is visible to the naked eye can be seen by both the public and investment institutions.

"Second, Qin is very influential in China. We can cooperate with Qin Nuo. I believe you know the speed of development in China better than me, madam!"

"Thirdly, it is much easier for a film company to have a big director join. I don't need to say that everyone knows this."

"The last point is also the most critical point," Mike said seriously as he looked at everyone.

"Qin, he is less than twenty-seven years old!"

Hear the end.

Whether it was Deng Wendi, Kevin or Bella next to him, they were all stunned.


Qin was only twenty-seven years old, not even there yet, still two months away.

At such a young age, they would believe that Qin could still be filming for forty years.

The younger a woman is, the more popular she is, but the older a director is, the more trustworthy he is.

It can even be said that.

Even if Steven and Truck Driver join Fox, they won't have as big an impact as Qin Lai.

It’s not that their abilities, talents or fame don’t compare.

The main reason is that Qin is too young.

Being young means unlimited possibilities.

It is possible that Qin will be forgotten by everyone in two years, but it is very likely that he will remain famous for decades.

Fox and the others are willing to gamble on this matter.

There is a possibility of losing.

But very small!

Deng Wendi was silent for a long time, and no one in the office spoke.

The atmosphere seemed to be frozen.

Even the clock ticking on the wall was clearly audible.

"I will respond to the Fox Group and discuss this matter with Murdoch. I will fight for it, but I don't know if I can do it!"

"That's enough," Kevin said with a smile. Turning to look at Mike.

Kevin said with a smile.

"Mike, don't you have another way? Tell me!"

"Um...ahem" Mike glanced at Bella, unable to speak.

Both Deng Wendi and Kevin are extremely smart people.

It took less than a second to react after seeing Mike's eyes and expression.

I thought to myself.

It seems that this suggestion is also very constructive.

Bella is cute and beautiful, and her figure is getting better and better recently. Kevin sometimes looks a little "big-headed"!

And Bella doesn't look like a Hollywood entertainer.

He graduated from a prestigious school, is knowledgeable, capable, and has a good personality.

Even if you look at the entire United States, people like her are highly educated, good-looking, and highly capable.

There are very few women with three heights like this.

Very rare.

Women like this are very popular among the upper class and the rich.

Not only will it bring you face, but it will also help your career.


"No! No way!" Bella was very smart and understood what Mike meant instantly.

Although I was extremely happy, it felt amazing.

However, her character is well-behaved, obedient and cute, but she cannot ruin her character.

So I pretended to blush and refused quickly.

"Bella, actually you can think about it." Deng Wendi thought this suggestion was really good.

"Qin is handsome, wealthy, humorous and talented, and he is very good to women, although he is a bit of a playboy!"

"But what rich man doesn't bother, as long as he knows it's raining and runs home!"

"That's right!" Kevin also persuaded.

"Bella, think about it, I think Qin Nuo seems to be interested in you, you can give it a try."

"That's right, when I was watching The Dark Knight today, I saw Qin Nuo glance at your breasts several times!"

Bella lowered her head, and the three of them thought she was shy.

In fact, Bella was afraid that she would laugh out loud.

Still trying?

I have tried Mr. Kevin a long time ago. Qin is not only handsome and rich, but also very manly!

It makes me feel the greatest joy as a woman every time.

And Mr. Mike, Qin didn’t just look at me when he was watching The Dark Knight.

I was touched by him for a long time.

I almost couldn't hold it back.

Thinking of this, Bella's somewhat perverted character feels really funny.

It's really fun.

The three of them were played around like fools by her and Qin Nuo.

really interesting.

I must tell my master about this later and have Happy Express deliver it.

After laughing, Bella also started to think.

Should I accept this offer or not?

Accepting it would naturally bring a lot of benefits, as she no longer had to secretly have trysts with Qin Nuo.

There is no need to worry about being discovered by Deng Wendi and Fox's people.

You can go to Qin Nuo's villa openly.

The two can even act out a show.

But there are also disadvantages. You must know that Deng Wendi is a very smart woman.

In case she realizes that she really likes Qin Nuo,

Then I will definitely not trust her as much as before.

She also couldn't learn many of Fox's secrets.

Then her role as a little spy would be lost by more than half.

Bella knew that even if she resigned from Fox, Qin would support her for the rest of her life.

It will even give her a very good life.

Although this man is a little sentimental, he is really good to women.

But she didn't want to, she enjoyed being a little spy.

Tangled ah.

The choice is difficult.

"Bella, don't worry, just follow your own will, if you have the slightest intention to do so"

"I can help you match it up!"

Deng Wendi also likes Beira very much. The two have been together for several years. If it were someone else, Deng Wendi could just give orders directly.

But Bella and Deng Ai were still willing to listen to his thoughts.

"This, that~" Bella's acting skills were very good, and she vividly displayed her inner shyness, hesitation and helplessness.

"Boss, I listen to you, but I really don't know how to seduce men~"

"I haven't had a boyfriend yet!"

"I'm worried about screwing things up for my boss!"

"It's okay~!" Deng Wendi's eyes lit up.

I secretly thought, I just want you to look like this.

Who is Qin Nuo? He is a veteran of Huacong.

What kind of women have I never seen before, what tricks have I never played before.

What if he sent a woman who thought she was smart to seduce Qin Nuo.

That's definitely not worth the gain.

Qin Nuo is very likely to eat clean, pick up his pants and run away...

No nostalgia at all.

Like Meghan before, Qin Nuo didn't have much interest.

Just a taste.

Even Meghan didn’t ask Qin Nuo for anything.

But Bella is different. Men like cute but emotionally stupid women.

It’s best if you’ve never been in love.

A high-quality girl like Bella has never been in love yet and is pretty and cute.

It’s simply a killer!

"Don't Qin Nuo have a branch in Hollywood? If you have nothing to do, go and check it out for him!"

"If Qin Nuo asks, just say that I asked you to do this and create some opportunities for you to get in touch!"

"Oh. Okay, boss!" Bella said obediently.

"By the way, this is for you!" Deng Wen handed Bella a key.

"I also have a villa in Malibu, you can live in it later!"

"Boss, this!"

"It's okay. You can live wherever you like. I haven't been there either. It just makes it easier for you and Qin to be neighbors so you can communicate easily!"

ps: First update.

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