"Okay, thank you boss!" Bella looked grateful.

Deng Wendi explained some more things and waited until Bella left.

Kevin asked.

"Ma'am, do you think it can work?"

"It's hard to say~" Deng Wendi glanced at Bella's leaving figure.

I'm also a little strange in my heart, why is this girl getting better and better, her butt is round and perky.

She is a woman who can't help but want to touch her.

Then tap hard.

"There should be a chance. When we first met, I saw Qin Nuo teasing Bella!"



On the other side, Qin Nuo didn't know that Deng Wen did something like this after passing it back.

He even let his little spy seduce him.

If I knew it later, I would definitely laugh and bend over.

What you do is really cool!

"Hey, Qin Nuo, tell me, are you scared by my movie?"

Black Widow Scarlett asked urgingly, raising her head.

After Qin Nuo reacted, he looked at her and rolled his eyes.

Put a piece of beef in your mouth

"Scarlett, the Avengers are indeed good, but that's just good!"

"It's far worse than my Dark Knight!"

Olson, who was eating next to him, raised his head and looked at Qin Nuo in surprise.

Avengers has been released for twenty-four days now.

The global box office is about to reach 1.4 billion.

The day after tomorrow at the latest and tomorrow at the earliest.

1.5 billion is absolutely no problem.

If there is another outbreak, 1.6 billion is possible.

The whole Hollywood house and the whole world are amazed!

But the man in front of him is still so confident, really or not.

Is the Dark Knight really that powerful?

Scarlett also didn't believe it. She came to Qin Nuo today just to show off.

Let's see if there's a chance to take a dip.

My last experience in a cruise ship room was really wonderful, even after so long.

But she still thinks about it from time to time.

This is not because Scarlett has broken up with her boyfriend, and the reason is very simple.

Scarlett felt that the difference between her boyfriend and Qin Nuo was the difference between a shotgun and a cannon.

The gap is too big.

Unexpectedly, Qin Nuo was not hit at all.

A little angry.

"Qin, are you serious?"

Scarlett put down her knife and fork and looked into Qin Nuo's eyes.

Qin Nuo smiled, put down his knife and fork and looked into Scarlett's big eyes.

"That's right, my sexy black widow!"

The two looked at each other for one second, two seconds to a full thirty seconds.

Neither Qin Nuo nor Scarlett blinked an eye.

In the end, Scarlett couldn't help it anymore and looked into Qin Nuo's eyes.

Slowly she will think about what happened that night.

"Humph, I don't believe it"

"Forget it if you don't believe it, there's nothing I can do about it!" Qin Nuo spread his hands, looking indifferent.

This makes Scarlett very angry. Damn Qin, don't be too arrogant.

An idea came to him as soon as his eyes rolled.

"Qin, do you dare to make a bet with me on the box office of The Dark Knight and Avengers!"

"Keep talking~"

"If I win, you have to promise me three things."

Scarlett thought that if she won, she would let Qin Nuo accompany her three times.

Three days at a time.

Three times for nine days, she wants to be full in one go!

On the other hand, Qin Nuo on the opposite side sounded a little familiar to these words.

I seem to have heard this somewhere.

Who said that?

Brother Wuji?

"Then what if you lose?"

"Simple" Scarlett hugged Olsen.

"I'll give her to you for one night, and you can do whatever you want~"


"Go away, Scarlett!" Olsen slapped Scarlett in the middle of the face.

"You bet, just bet, why did you drag me along!"

"I can't help it. Qin likes you, but he doesn't like me."

Scarlett pretended to be aggrieved.

"While we were eating, I saw Qin glance at your breasts several times!"


When Olson heard this, he couldn't help it and scolded Scarlett severely.

Originally, she wanted to be more careful and ladylike in front of Qin Nuo.

But my sisters are so annoying.

Qin Nuo smiled happily, yes.

He did make eye contact with Olson several times just now.

In addition, today, the red witch Olsen wore a very bold outfit.

A V-neck black short skirt, the baby squeezed out is really charming.

As long as you are a man, you can't help it.

So beautiful.

"Hey, widowed sister, don't talk nonsense." Qin Nuo looked at her.

"I didn't look at Olsen's baby. I obviously looked at your baby too!"

"Qin, you are so lustful!"

"That's right!"

After the two women finished complaining, Qin Nuo said.

"Otherwise, if you lose, you have to come to the Dark Knight's celebration party!"

"Oh, it's so simple!" Scarlett said strangely.

"I haven't finished speaking yet." Qin Nuo rolled his eyes at the woman.

"When you come to participate, you must wear a black tights, the same one you wear as Black Widow!"


"I agree with this." Olson smiled happily.

"Qin, do you know? Scarlett has to smear all the lubricants on her body when wearing this, which will definitely make her uncomfortable!"

When Qin Nuo heard this, he didn't worry about whether he felt good or not.

He was thinking that he would let her wear this the next time he got a chance to date Scarlett.

Lubricating oil will save you a lot of trouble!

"Scarlett, what are you talking about?" Olson asked provocatively, helping Qin Nuo.

"Huh, if you don't dare, I agree!"

"That's OK, it's a promise."

"Whoever fails to do it is a puppy!"

Qin Nuo stretched out his hand, and Scarlett did the same. The two held each other's hands tightly.

Under the witness of Olson, the bet was established!

Qin Nuo is also looking forward to the day when Scarlett comes to his celebration party wearing tights.

After eating, the two discussed going to the bar together.

Qin Nuo thought for a while and agreed, since there was nothing going on these days anyway.

It doesn’t matter if you drink a little more.

Half an hour later, the three of them arrived at a very good nightclub.

It’s still membership-based.

Scarlett should know the owner of this nightclub.

The girl from the nightclub led the three of them directly to a private room.

Qin Nuo feels really good sitting on the sofa. The design of this nightclub private room is very special.

The glass should be specially made.

From inside, you can see the people on the disco and the bar outside.

But it's really dark inside from the outside.

Very suitable for doing some weird things in the private room.

"Come on, let's go!"

Scarlett raised her cup, and Qin Nuo and Olson also picked up the cups next to them.

The three of them had a drink.

It was quite relaxing to chat and listen to the dynamic music outside.

No wonder some people like to come to nightclubs, it is easy to relax under dim lights.

Of course, it also makes people let down a lot of vigilance.

"Scarlett, where is the bathroom?"

"Turn right after exiting the private room!"


After Olson left, Scarlett didn't hesitate for a second and pounced directly on Qin Nuo.

He kept asking for kisses towards Qin Nuo.

Qin Nuo reminded him while coping.

"Hey, Scarlett, what are you doing? Olson will be back soon!"

"Don't worry." The widowed sister blushed and looked at Qin Nuo with a smile like a little fox.

"I told her to go in the opposite direction. She has to go around in a circle, and this nightclub is very popular. She has to wait for at least ten minutes!"

"Scarlett, what are you doing?"

Although the lights inside are a bit dim.

But Olson still saw Scarlett's unusualness

"This..." Scarlett blushed a little and didn't know what to say.

However, Qin Nuo was very calm and organized his explanation a little.

"Olson, please leave her alone. This woman said she has a good drinking capacity. I don't believe it. She insists on showing me a golden rooster independence.

"It fell to the ground all of a sudden. You deserved it!"

(Good Zhao) "I wasn't drunk to begin with, Qin, it was you who spilled the wine on the ground!" Scarlett responded very quickly.

Pretend to be angry.

"My foot slipped and I fell. It's all your fault!"

"Scarlett has a really tough mouth!"

"That's what it is!"

Olson looked at the two people arguing and didn't think much, and even wanted to laugh.

These two are really interesting.

"Scarlett is definitely drunk," Olsen said dissatisfied.

"Qin, she just pointed me in the opposite direction. I walked for a long time!"

"Look, Scarlett, stop making excuses, you're just drunk!"


"I'm going to prove it to you. When you watch me dance, you still say I'm drunk!

Qin Nuo naturally understood what Scarlett meant, and nodded secretly in his heart.

Olson sat next to him like a little white rabbit. Not found at all.

While eating, I watched Scarlett dancing outside.

"Qin Sishao is quite sexy!"

"Really? It's good, but I don't think it's as sexy as you!"


Before Olson could react, he was hugged by Qin Nuo.

ps: Second update.

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