Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

489 Huayi’S Worry, Isn’T This Wandering Earth Here To Snipe Our Fortress In The Magic City? Boss! Pl

Wang Changtian and other directors and entertainment companies collapsed in the toilet crying!!

I really fainted from crying.

They thought they had escaped the Avengers.

It also avoided Qin Nuo’s Dark Knight in the Spring Festival release.

Finally found a way out in the cracks!!

But who would have thought that there would be a vicious wolf in this gap!

If the Avengers and the Dark Knight are two tigers.

Then Xu Zhen's Tai囧 is a bad wolf.

A real wolf!

Those who killed them between the Spring Festival stalls and the Lunar New Year stalls left nothing behind, not even an inch!

One person occupies more than half of the schedule.

All they were left with was scraps.

But this is the leftovers and they have to fight for it in several films.


too bitter!

Director Qin, my family, can’t we leave a way to survive?

On the other hand, some of the films that were delayed until next year made me laugh out loud.

They are even mocking people like Wang Changtian, "You guys are robbing, keep robbing!"

I have told you that this year’s Lunar New Year period is the period of death, but you just don’t believe it.

It has to be shown.

I look down on the Avengers, and I also look down on the Taiji.

It's fine now, it's a loss.

It really made me laugh!

Deserve it.

You gangsters...

As the box office of "囧囧" continues to rise.

Qintian Entertainment is also very busy, not only busy with publicity and road shows.

You still have to communicate with the big guys in the industry.

Your "Thailand" has done so well at the box office, when do you plan to film the third part?

We can invest!

Among them, Wu Kebo is the most anxious. Before Tai Jiong, he didn't pay much attention to it, thinking that 6,277,700,000,000 would be enough.

So being robbed of 10% by Wang Zhonglei is not very distressing.

But now it has already sold 700 million within ten days of its release.

What a loss, what a loss.

Wang Zhonglei spent at least 20 million from him.

To be honest, Wu Kebo has been following Wang Zhonglei these days.

That is to say, I can't do it, otherwise.

Find a place with few people, this guy really wants to beat up Wang Zhonglei

Sister Hong is also very depressed. How can you be like this?

In less than two years, two movies in the "囧" series have been released.

No matter how much the audience likes it, they have to take it easy.

So Sister Hong held a conference call with Xu Zhen and Qin Nuo.

The three decided to wait another year.

Catching the audience's appetite. .

It won't be released until next year's summer vacation at the earliest, or directly next year's Spring Festival.

Two years is not too long for a series of movies.

See rejected.

Everyone turned their attention to the wandering earth again.

Although Qintian Entertainment has never publicly stated that the Wandering Earth project has been established.

But everyone is in the industry, and the investment in Wandering Earth is so huge, so there are a lot of things that need to be prepared.

Fatty Zhou made several trips to the capital and Hengdian.

I also visited the military area for several days.

Some big names in the entertainment industry have already guessed that Qintian Entertainment may have another big move.

They all ran over.

Among them, Huayi is the most worried. Are you kidding me?

Although they have confidence in their own magic city fortress...

But this wandering earth is said to be the outline of Qin Nuo.

Fatty Zhou is here to direct, and maybe Qin Nuo will also star.

With such a strong lineup, their own science fiction films cannot compare, and although The Wandering Earth is much later than them.

But because of experience, Qintian Entertainment will definitely be faster.

The two Wang brothers were worried that it was because Qintian Entertainment saw that they had been getting a little close to Ah Li recently.

Are we going to attack Huayi?

Give them some color to look at!

To be honest, this really scared Wang Zhonglei.

The investment of more than 300 million in the Magic City Fortress is really going to be sniped by the Wandering Earth.

That's a huge loss.

With so much money, even the wealthy Huayi would feel very distressed!

He quickly came to Magic City to express his goodwill to Sister Hong, saying that they really had nothing to do with Ah Li.

Last time I went to Hangzhou just for fun, I really didn't expect to betray the alliance.

Wang Zhonglei even directly told Sister Hong that if they accepted Ahri's investment.

He can just jump off the Qintian Entertainment building right now.

This makes Sister Hong a little confused~

Mr. Wang, your reaction is too big. We never thought of sniping at your Magic City Fortress.

Even now, the movie hasn't even been approved yet, and you've already shot less than half of it.

Even if you want to snipe, it is difficult, and there is no time at all.

Sister Hong comforted her for a long time before Wang Zhonglei felt relieved.

When I left, I gave many gifts to Sister Hong, Bai Lu and Chen Duling.

The three girls were also drunk looking at the imported cosmetics and brand-name bags on the table.

This Huayi is too noisy.

As for this?

But Wang Zhonglei told her that it was really important.

You, Qintian Entertainment, don’t know your own energy?

Not a single movie has failed.

Who is not afraid of this?

It’s not your money that is lost in the co-authorship. If you don’t worry, you shouldn’t be afraid...

Later, Sister Hong told Qin Nuo the news.

Qin Nuo, who is far away in the United States, is also laughing.

I almost laughed.

Use the Wandering Earth to snipe your Magic City fortress?

Brother Wang, you are really making me laugh.

Your crappy movie still needs someone else to snipe it, what a joke!

He can even self-destruct and snipe at the same time.

Tell the truth!

Qin Nuo really sympathizes with the Wang brothers.

I heard from them that the Magic City Fortress will most likely be scheduled for National Day.

In ten months, Qin Nuo may see a human tragedy, with an investment of more than 300 million!

I hope Wang Zhonglei won’t be so angry that he vomits blood!

However, Qin Nuo then thought about it, maybe Huayi was not the one who was so angry that he vomited blood.

But some sponsors of the Magic City Fortress.

Domestic science fiction films are very popular because of him, but few people dare to make them.

Huayi still has a good reputation and is very willing to spend money.

In addition, Wang Zhonglei is very good at boasting, so there will definitely be many sponsors willing to invest in the Magic City Fortress this time.

The money given is definitely not low either.

Maybe tens of millions.

Calculated this way, Huayi will not lose too much.

But sponsors and advertisers are losing money.

I originally expected you to bring your own products and make our company famous.

Okay now, it’s okay if you don’t ruin our company’s reputation...

What a loss.

What a shame!

Later, I saw that "Thailand" was doing well at the box office, so Qin Nuo didn't pay attention to it.

Start doing your own thing.

Promotion of The Dark Knight has begun in the United States. The Avengers has also been released.

Better than the previous life.

Exactly 1.6 billion.

Although no one from Warner went to the celebration banquet.

But Qin Nuo went there, and when they arrived at the scene, Robert and Allen were quite nice to Qin Nuo.

He didn't even speak to mock Qin Nuo. There was even some regret in the words.

On the other hand, Iron Man Downey Jr. and some actors in Avengers 1 looked at Qin Nuo with strange eyes.

It seems a bit contemptuous.

But Qin Nuo didn’t care at all,

If they dared to speak in front of him, Qin Nuo would definitely dare to reply.

But they don’t dare, if they really dare!

Then don't blame Qin Nuo for not giving Robert face.

His persona in the United States is that of a director with a very strong personality.

Don't be afraid of authority, dare to fight and fight hard.

Downey and others may also be worried about this, so they didn't come up to talk to Qin Nuo Hard Steel!

However, the guests who came were a little confused when they saw Qin Nuo.

I thought to myself.

Is Qin so confident in his movie?

He even dared to come to the celebration party of Avengers 1.

And the performance is quite natural and easy-going.

It’s as if the box office of 1.6 billion is not taken seriously at all.

So confident!

"Qin, are you here real or fake?" Leonardo took a glass of champagne from the Ocean Horse waiter.

He came to Qin Nuo and whispered.

"Is your Dark Knight 327 really capable of competing with Avengers 1?"

Qin Nuo glanced at this guy.

DiCaprio has finished filming The Revenant which will be released around March.

Because I suffered a lot there, I lost a lot of weight.

He is a bit more handsome than when he was young.

"Little Leo, let me tell you, it's lucky that my Dark Knight is a comic book movie. Otherwise, you wouldn't be able to win an Oscar this year!"

"Bell did a great job!"

"Shit, are you serious?" Xiao Lizi couldn't believe it. Superheroes are all like that.

How can it be better?

You think I'm in Hollywood for nothing.

"I don't believe you."

"You do not believe?"

"I don't believe it!" Qin Nuo smiled and looked around.

Suddenly I saw Deng Wendi and Bella coming to the celebration banquet.

Qin Nuo waved, and Bella reminded Wen Di after seeing him.

The two came over quickly.

"Qin, you are really fine. Fox, sit down and sit down!"

"Definitely ma'am!" Qin Nuo smiled.

Then he glanced at Leonardo and continued chatting with Deng Wendi.

"Ma'am, did you think anything was wrong when you watched The Dark Knight last time? I'd like to hear your opinions."

When Deng Wendi heard this, he said quickly.

"That's definitely the best superhero movie I've ever seen. It's definitely the best. Batman and the Joker are portrayed so well!"

“It can be said to be perfect!”

"Yes, me too, Qin, you are really a movie genius!" Bella also said with a smile.


Leonardo, who was standing aside, was a little confused. You two should confiscate Qin's money.

It’s so bragging, isn’t it just a superhero movie?

real or fake?

But Xiao Lizi has good acting skills, and he can tell that the two of them seem to be sincere.

There is no acting element in it.

Absolutely sincere.

ps: Second update!.

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