Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

490'S Jaw-Dropping Publicity Effect, O'neal And Barkley Have Turned Up The Heat, The Super

"Ma'am, can a comic book movie apply for an Oscar? I want to try."

"Of course!" A trace of regret flashed across Deng Wendi's face.

"It's just that the Oscars are inherently discriminatory against comic-book movies. They prefer realistic movies, so maybe they won't win the grand prize!"

"Otherwise, Qin, I feel like you can become a saint in one fell swoop with the Dark Knight this time!"

"Ma'am, you're flattered!"

Qin Nuo chatted with the two again, after Deng Wendi and Bella left.

Qin Nuo looked at Xiao Lizi and raised an eyebrow.

"Boy, did you see it? Did you hear it? You haven't called me brother yet!"


He really wanted to hit Qin Nuo's flat face with a stick now.

I'm not blind or deaf.

How could I not hear it.

This guy Qin is really hateful.

We are brothers, why are you showing off to me?


"Huh, so what, the comic book movie can't win the grand prize, I'm lucky! You deserve it!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo's eyes narrowed.

Little plum, you still dare to be tough.


Fortunately, I have a backup plan.

Qin Nuo pretended to casually take out three Super Bowl VIP sideline tickets from his bag.

"Oops, it almost fell out. What is this?"

"It seems to be a ticket."

Of course, Xiao Lizi noticed that Qin Nuo's acting skills should not be too exaggerated.

This guy's eyes were shining as he looked at the ticket in Qin Nuo's hand.

I quickly wanted to reach out and take it out.

Qin Nuo hit this guy on the hand.

"What are you doing? You're trying to steal my Super Bowl tickets!"

Bro, are these your sideline tickets for the Super Bowl?”

"Oh, you like it too!"

"Yeah, I like it!"

"If you like you, just look at it twice!" Qin Nuo waved the courtside ticket in front of DiCaprio.

"Look, no money!"


"Let me tell you, there will be a light show by Sergeant Bundchen at halftime of this Super Bowl, and Britney Spears will sing.

"I heard that my angle is very good, maybe I can still see..." Qin Nuo looked at Leonardo.

"You know!"

Xiao Lizi was almost driven crazy by Qin Nuo.

This guy is definitely showing off, definitely showing off!

One hundred percent showing off.

Qin, do you think I can't buy it?

Xiao Lizi was very angry, but then he thought about it, maybe he really couldn't buy it.

This is a side ticket, usually given by the organizer.

Best location.

Those who can get the tickets are either rich or noble, and they are not short of your money.

Of course, courtside tickets are also available for sale.

But the angle is definitely not as good as Qin Nuo.

"I'm going to invite two beauties to watch football with me. Leonardo, do you have any recommendations?"

"Qin, you bastard!" Leonardo was angry.

He wanted to reach out and grab it, but Qin Nuo grabbed him.

"It hurts, it hurts! Let me go!"

"Hey, you want to play with me!" Qin Nuo smiled happily.

"My good brother, have you forgotten that I am Chinese? Have you never heard of Chinese Kung Fu?"

"If you grab it again, I'll beat you to death!"

"Qin, we are brothers! Give me one, I just want one!"

"Dream on you! Goodbye!"

After saying that, Qin Nuo let go of Xiao Lizi, turned around and left.

When Xiao Lizi saw this, he quickly followed.

"Qin, wait for me, don't leave me, give me one!"

"It's just one ticket. At worst, I'll pay for it next time I go to the Gem Club!"

"Don't walk so fast"

Qin Nuo is not that stupid. Here, are you kidding me?

He was really planning to invite two beauties to watch the Super Bowl together, it was no exaggeration.

Qin Nuo has two top-notch courtside tickets.

Basically, there are very few women in Hollywood who can refuse Qin Nuo.

This is the Super Bowl.

The Yankees' favorite football final.

No one wants to see it live.

What a joke.

Qin Nuo is now struggling with who to invite to see it.


Forget it, this woman has played too much and has nothing new.


Forget it, this woman seems to be attending a film festival in Europe now, and Qin Nuo doesn't want to disturb others like this.

Widow sister?

The widowed sister had better forget it, she was too crazy, and every time she messed around, he was covered in...

It’s so hard to decide.


The promotion of the Dark Knight has also begun in the United States.

The last bet between Qin Nuo and the media has also been revived.

Warner's publicity department is truly elite and has created a TV show.

Invited O'Neal and Barkley!

There are also several experts.

Let them analyze together who can win this victory.

It’s Qin Nuo, which has never failed, or more than 20 professional media.

The experts on both sides were arguing very fiercely, spitting all over the floor.

The same goes for O'Neal and Barkley.

Barkley supports Qin Nuo, and O'Neal supports the media.

There are so many grievances and grievances between the two of them. Back then, Barkley, the flying pig, dominated the NBA!

Relying on a big butt, he is overwhelming in the paint.

Anyone who touches this big ass will have a headache.

Then O'Neal also came to the NBA.

Both of them are inside gates, so collisions are inevitable during the game.

As a result, during a game, Barkley hugged O'Neal directly and threw him!!

At that time, the entire audience was stunned.

Who is O'Neal, that kid, that big guy.

Ordinary people, even with three or four bare hands, would be pressed to the ground and rubbed.

Unexpectedly, Barkley hugged and threw O'Neal with just one person!!!


The feud between the two was forged for the first time.

Of course, they reconciled afterwards, but in front of the camera.

The two still often play the role of a pair of happy enemies.

As long as O'Neal supports it, Barkley will absolutely oppose it.

The same is true the other way around. Barkley supports it, but O'Neal also unconditionally opposes it.

So this time Warner directly invited this pair of live treasures.

I was given double the appearance fee, and the request was very simple, so that I could maximize the performance of the show.

The two of them were really fighting for money, and they were scolding each other.

It was a great experience for the audience.

The two were full of firepower, just like two giant beasts spraying each other in front of the camera.

So funny!

It's so funny.

In the end, the two of them even started fighting, even though it was an act.

That can be considered serious.

"O'Neal, you still dare to do something, have you forgotten how you were beaten by me on the field ten years ago?"

"Hurry up and let me go, or I'll make you relive the fear you felt back then!!"

It was okay if Barkley didn't say it, but O'Neal became even more angry when he mentioned it.

You embarrassed me back then, you bastard!

You dead flying pig.

In anger, O'Neal almost lifted Barkley up.

The two soon started fighting on the stage.

Several experts watching the show quickly ran away.

Dissuade a fight?

Are you kidding me? We're trying to break up a fight based on the physiques of these two people?

Why don't you go?

How can two of them kill each other?

If we slip away, we can make some money.

I didn’t say this was a life-threatening transaction!

The scene was chaotic, but the audience was having a great time.

Viewers who are watching the live broadcast have left messages below.

"Shit, come on O'Neal, kill the flying pig, I support you!"

"I support Qin, Barkley, come on, you could deal with O'Neal ten years ago, and you can do it ten years later!!"

"Help O'Neal remember what fear is! Kill him!"

"Barkley is nothing. O'Neal was not serious at first, and Barkley was attacking from a sneak attack. He is definitely no match for O'Neal head-on!"

"You're right, I also support O'Neal!"

"Shit, you still won't admit that you lost. Anyway, he was hugged and thrown, so this can be done!"

"You want to start a fight!"


O'Neal and Barkley were playing on it, and the audience started to make noise in the live broadcast room.

It attracts more and more people.

The director at Warner Cable was laughing.

They didn't expect the effect to be so good. It was originally intended to promote their own movie The Dark Knight.

They were prepared to lose money.

The appearance fee given is not low, it is very high!!

But now it seems that not only will you not lose money, you may even make a little profit.

This program works very well.

You can edit it later and put the exciting parts into the main film.

By then, the advertising fees for this period may be able to earn back the money (Li's money).

David on the other side was also very happy to watch.

This publicity is good and the effect is very good. It not only attracts the audience.

It also managed to cause their previous internal struggles.

As we all know, a movie must be topical. If it is not topical, it is a good movie.

It is also difficult to have a high box office.

Neither does the one-sided good reviews.

Some entertainment companies even hire trolls to blackmail their own movies.

Just to stir up conversation.

I believe many viewers who often follow movies understand this.

It's obviously a good movie, why do people still criticize it below?

At first they will think they are competitors.

After learning more about it, I realized that maybe it was just someone making fun of themselves!

Relying on the wonderful performances of Feizhu and O'Neal, the Dark Knight successfully entered the audience's field of vision again.

But this is not over yet, huge publicity surprises are yet to come.

February 7th.

Los Angeles SoFo Stadium!

The red flag was waving and the crowd was buzzing.

This year's Super Bowl will be held here!

To be honest, Qin Nuo couldn't believe his eyes.

This was the first time he discovered that there were so many people in the United States.

More than 100,000 people gathered in the square outside alone!!


ps: Third update!! There will be another update in an hour, leave the rest to the brothers!.

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