Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

517 Let Reba Play Catwoman? Li Qing And Song Yilai Came To The Banquet And Had A Buffet!

"By the way, Mr. Allen!" Qin Nuo looked at him. asked

"I heard that Olsen has been cast as the Scarlet Witch in the second film?"

Robert and Allen looked at each other when they heard this.

I immediately understood what Qin Nuo meant.

If I remember correctly.

Last time Qin Nuo went to the Super Bowl, it seemed like Olson was by his side.

Two people...

"Don't worry Qin, I will take good care of her during filming." Allen said with an ambiguous look.


"Qin, we understand, doesn't your country of China have a saying? Fair ladies, gentlemen play football!"

Robert looked at Qin Nuo and smiled happily.

"no problem!"

"Mr. Robert, you are a gentleman!"

"Yes, the gentleman plays well!"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes and didn't bother to say anything. He originally wanted to see if there was a chance to give Olsen more shots.

But after everyone said so, he still had to push further.

not too good!

After chatting for a few words, Qin Nuo said goodbye to the two of them and entertained other guests at the banquet.

Been busy for an hour.

Finally got a chance to take a rest.

Sitting on the sofa, I took a sip of champagne.

Suddenly, a gust of fragrant wind came, and Qin Nuo's eyesight went dark.

"Guess who I am?"

"Reba, is your cerebellum underdeveloped?" Qin Nuo was drunk.

"Isn't the perfume you are wearing the same one I brought back to you from the United States last time?"

"Wrong, wrong, wrong! It's not Reba!"

Qin Nuo......"

I thought to myself.

Your original voice came out and you still said it wasn’t true.

Are you really stupid or not?

"The voice is exposed again!"


"Brother Nuo, you are so annoying!"

Reba let go of Qin Nuo, then sat next to him, puffing up his little face.

Yang Mi also came over, looked at Reba and shook her head.

People can turn into old fritters after spending a few years in the entertainment industry, but Reba is lucky to be getting better and better after spending a few years in the entertainment industry.

Even more brainless than when I first entered the entertainment industry

Before, Yang Mi was a little worried that this woman would steal her position in the palace.

Now that I think about it, I really shouldn’t have!

Just Reba, even if you give her a position, she can't even play.

"What a stupid girl!"

"Yang Mi, who are you scolding?"

"I will scold whoever answers the question!"

"You!" Reba was furious, and then thought that he was no match for Yang Mi.

Whether it's the body or the mouth.

He had no choice but to pull Qin Nuo and act coquettishly.

"Brother Nuo, look at Sister Mi, is it...it's Yang Mi!"

"You help me scold her!"

"Okay, okay, let's take care of her slowly when the three of us are together when we have time!"

"Rogue!" Upon hearing this, the two women blushed.

said in unison.

Although it has been put together by Qin Nuo, it was said in public.

The two girls are still a little shy.

Although Reba is silly, he doesn't hold grudges either.

Soon he pulled Qin Nuo and asked again.

"Brother Nuo, I heard that Batman is going to make a sequel. Can I do it?"

Reba asked with his big watery eyes open.

After hearing this, Qin Nuo really started to think.

The heroine of the third Batman movie is Catwoman, and Qin Nuo originally planned to let Hathaway try out.

I didn’t expect this woman to play Rachel.

Catwoman can't be played.

Reba don't say there is a real chance.

The reason is very simple. This woman is from Xinjiang, with three-dimensional facial features, plus perky breasts and perky buttocks.

In good shape.

It is in line with Westerners' aesthetics and will not make them face blind.

In fact, Nazha can also be used.

But Reba has a big advantage over Naza in that he has a better figure.

If you want to choose to take care of your own people, then Reba is definitely the most suitable one.

Reba was surprised to see Qin Nuo actually thinking about it.

She was just asking casually.

But who would have thought that there would be a surprise!!

"Does Brother Nuo really have a chance?"

Yang Mi next to her was also shocked. Is it true?

Judging from the premiere, The Dark Knight will definitely be a hit.

If this is a sequel, as long as the quality keeps up, it will definitely explode.

Reba is such a lucky woman.

What the hell.


Just lie down and win!

"There is indeed a role that may be suitable for you, but..." Qin Nuo looked at Reba.

A look of contempt.

"But you are so stupid. You haven't passed CET-4 in college English. How can you play with others!"

It’s not the same as in China.

Dubbing is rarely used here in the United States.

Basically, they are all original sounds, except for special circumstances.

Unlike in China, many people shout 123321 when filming, and there is no sense of substitution at all.

Reba was anxious when she heard this. She knew that this was definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

He said quickly.

"My English is pretty good, really! I've been learning it recently!"

"Okay! Then let me test you." Qin Nuo thought for a moment and looked at Reba and asked.

"How do you say "Evil Sword Manual" in English?

"This?" Reba was stunned when he heard Qin Nuo's words!

Sword manual to ward off evil?


Can this be translated?

Xiao Nizi hesitated for a moment, then suddenly had an idea.

"I understand, Brother Nuo! You can translate it like this."


"Pfft! Ahem!" Yang Mi next to her heard Reba's words and instantly sprayed out the champagne in her mouth.

Then he looked at Reba and gave a thumbs up.

You are really awesome!

How clever!

Reba really thought that Yang Mi was praising herself and looked at Qin Nuo showing off with a smile.

"Brother Nuo, how is my translation?"

Qin Nuo…………

"What about the Sunflower Book?"

"This is easy too," Reba said confidently.

"Just call it, NOjjpro!"

"Hey, Brother Nuo, don't leave!"

"Didn't I translate well?"

Reba looked at Qin Nuo's back and shouted hurriedly.

But Qin Nuo ignored this woman at all.

Run away quickly.

He had no choice but to turn around and complain to Yang Mi.

"Sister Mi, did I translate it wrong?" Reba tilted her head.

"I think it's pretty good!"

"emmm...it's quite vivid to a certain extent."

"But I can understand why Qin Nuo left." Yang Mi glanced at Reba.

"Taking you to Hollywood is simply an embarrassment to Qin Nuo!"



"Then it's not all your fault. Who told you not to supervise my studies before? Sister Mi, please pay for me, the heroine of Haolaiwu!"

"Go away." Yang Mi slapped Reba on the forehead...

"You were asked to learn English when you first joined the company, and we even hired a special teacher for you!"

"Whoever told you to take classes knows how to catch fish! You will regret less when you use the books!"

"When you return to China tomorrow, you will take three hours of foreign language classes every day! You must speak English to me proficiently within half a year!

"Can one hour be okay, Sister Mi?"

Yang Mi looked at Reba with contempt.

"Okay, then one hour of foreign language class, plus two hours of being beaten by me, you choose!"

"...Then I'd better go to class!"

After resting for a while, Qin Nuo wandered around the banquet again.

"Hey, Qinqin, try this, it's delicious!"

"It's really good. Tiezi, you can also try this salmon. It tastes really good!"

"I tasted it, wow~ it's so comfortable, it's ice cold and it melts in my mouth, it's so delicious!"

"Why don't you try this caviar, it tastes very good too!"


The two picked up the small spoons and were about to take a spoonful to taste, when they suddenly felt something was wrong.

Whose voice is this?

Turn around and look.

Qin Nuo was looking at them with his arms folded, with a teasing smile on his face.

Song Yi and Li Qing were stunned for a moment, and then their faces turned red.

Qin Nuo caught stealing food on the spot.

So shameful!

"Eat it, why are you looking at me? This is caviar flown from France, it's so juicy!"

“Very fresh!”

Hearing this, the two women swallowed, although their income was not low.

You can also earn 20 to 30 million a year.

But I gave it to the company, paid taxes, and usually bought some cosmetics and clothes.

Not many.

In fact, the audience has a misunderstanding that celebrities make money.

This is true, but it refers to those who get ahead.

If it's just a mixed bag.

Third- and fourth-tier artists.

Especially female artists, they really don’t have much money.

The reason is simple: they can earn millions or even tens of millions a year.

But the cost is too high.

If a female artist wants to climb up, 0.4 is a lot of investment in herself.

The cost of raising it for a day is probably tens of thousands!

Both of them are considered good, and they are quite famous now.

Although the expenses are not small, you can still save some money.

But to be honest, I feel a little sad to spend money on this top-notch caviar.

After hesitating for a moment, the two women scooped it up and put it in their mouths.

“Wow, it’s really delicious!”

Li Qing next to him also nodded, with a happy expression on his face.

Qin Nuo didn't expect that these two women were still two foodies,

The female celebrities who came to this banquet were busy chatting up with the bosses and superstars.

If only I could hook up.

Maybe we can get some resources.

But what about Li Qing and Song Yi?

I actually came here to eat at the buffet...

"Qin Nuo, do you want a bite?" Li Qing looked at Qin Nuo staring at him and eating, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Okay, don't tell me I'm really hungry!"

"Then wait, I'll get you a spoon."

"If you don't need it, just use yours!"

"Ah?" Li Qing hesitated, remembering what he had wiped for Qin Nuo before.

It seems like sharing a spoon is okay.

ps: Second update!.

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