Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The 518 Zero Box Office Is Exciting! Nervous David And Sarnoff, Liu Yifei: Qin Nuo, Either You Die T

"Okay, try it!"

Qin Nuo took a sip and nodded.

"It's really good! The taste is very fresh! Qinqin, give me some more salmon!"

"Okay, this is delicious," Li Qing said with a smile.

"Qin Nuo, would you like to try this? It's very sweet!" Song Yi asked, holding a crab leg.

"Give me some!"

"Then I'll give you half!"

The three of them just hid in the corner and started eating.

It really makes a difference when there are more people, and it tastes delicious.

But someone is worried.

Li Hong is one of the bosses of Rong Xinda and the agent of Song Yi and Li Qing.

They are looking for Li Qing everywhere.

The face is full of worry!

Li Qing and Song Yi are now artists that Rong Xinda strongly supports.

The development potential is very good, Song Yi has characteristics, and Li Qing has acting skills.

If it develops well.

Even if it doesn't reach the level of Hua Dan.

But it's also the first and hottest ones under that.

Moreover, the two of them managed to get in touch with Qintian Entertainment through some cool tricks.

You don't have to lick investors like other female celebrities to get good resources.

Li Hong cared about these two women.

"Where did you go? It couldn't have been by those foreigners..."

Li Hong is very anxious, this is the Haolai House.

What if he was taken away by those big guys.

Then it's really too late.

She has no connections in Hollywood.

After searching for 27 for a long time in the banquet hall, Li Hong almost gave up after half an hour.

But suddenly I heard a familiar laughter coming from the restaurant.

It seems to be from Song Yi.

Run over quickly.

"What's going on with Sissi? Why didn't she come to the party?"

Qin Nuo asked while eating big lobster.

The two women laughed quite happily when they heard this.

Song Yi held her stomach.

"Qinqin, tell me, I want to laugh when I say it!"

"Okay! Wait for me, I want to laugh too." Li Qing nodded.

After a while he said

"It's like this. When we came out just now, we were so nervous...

"As a result, I stepped on a Coke can and fell on my butt~"

Qin Nuo”

He thought about many possibilities, but he never thought of this.

Liu Yifei, are you a fool?

Walk without looking at the road.

It's okay now, I finally came to Hollywood and couldn't even attend the banquet.

I have to go back to the hotel to recuperate!

Forget it.

Qin Nuo's forehead is full of black lines. Why does he feel that Liu Yifei is just like Reba?

Things are becoming more and more mindless.

"Sissi didn't fall into anything, did she?"

"Don't worry, Qin Nuo is fine, he just flashed his waist!"

"Yes, Qin Nuo, don't worry." Song Yi took the last bite of caviar in his mouth.

He said vaguely.

"Sissi ran away so quickly because she was afraid of being embarrassed. She didn't come to participate because her skirt was full of coke!"

"That's good!"

The three of them hid in the corner, eating delicious food and chatting about the scandal of the fairy sister.

Quite interesting.

Not far away, Li Hong looked at his two little cabbage, who turned out to be staying with Qin Nuo.

Also relieved.

Even the worry on his face turned into a smile.

"Let me tell you, you two have been together for a day, and you are not in love. I thought you two were Lilys."

"It turns out not to be the case!"

"Not bad, not bad. Qin Nuo is a nice person. You two are lucky. No wonder you were able to get the resources of Qin Tian Entertainment before!"

"You two have hooked up with Qin Nuo a long time ago, Xiao Nizi can do it!"

Seeing this scene, Li Hong also left happily.

Work hard and strive to get to the top,

The three of them didn't notice that Li Hong had come, and it took about twenty minutes to eat.

"I am full!"

“Me too! So delicious”

The two women looked satisfied.

"I'm not full yet" Qin Nuo Lianshan smiled.

"Then I'll help you get whatever you want to eat!"

"I want to eat this!" After saying this, Qin Nuo hugged Li Qing.

"Qin, woo woo!"


Song Yi looked a little dumbfounded and wanted to run away, but Qin Nuo had expected it.

He grabbed Tiezi's hand.

"Tie Zi, why are you running? It will be your turn in a moment!"

Ten minutes later, Qin Nuo straightened his clothes and walked out of the restaurant.

The two women are still cleaning up.

Qin Nuo wiped his mouth, not bad.

With the dessert, you will feel very full!

An hour later, the banquet gradually came to an end.

After Qin Nuo and David sent all the guests away.

Come to the hotel!

Accompanying them are Hathaway, Bale, Morgan and other creative staff.

Everyone had excitement on their faces.

There is still an hour left before the US zero o'clock box office will be released.

Although fans have previously rated the Dark Knight very well.

Even among the two thousand statistical tables distributed by Warner, more than 95% are A or above.

But if the box office didn't come out, their hearts were hanging on.

I dare not relax at all.

The most worrying among them are David Sarnoff and others...

Qin Nuo and Bell are the main creators.

But the Dark Knight really hit the streets and had an impact on them.

But not very big.

But Warner is different, if the Dark Knight rushes to the street.

This means that the DC gold mine is completely locked up!

I'm afraid no one will dare to open it within twenty years.

The reason is very simple. Even someone as powerful as Qin Nuo can't save DC?

Then who dares?

Which director dares?

No one dares to try DC movies anymore. It's too terrible.

"I said David Sanoff, you two don't have to do this." Qin Nuo looked at the two of them walking back and forth.

So drunk.

The reviews from the audience are very good, the screenings are also very good, and the premiere is also very successful. Now we should consider how much money we can make. "

"Why are you so worried?"

Upon hearing this, Yin Wei quickly reminded him.

"Qin, don't be careless. There are many black swan incidents in Hollywood movies. Don't let down your guard until the box office is released!"

"BOSS is right, Qin, it's not like you haven't heard of the Shawshank Redemption filmed by Fox before!"

"Both movie critics and audiences have received very good reviews, but the box office is really a hit!"

"Don't be careless!"

Later, Bell, Hathaway and others also became nervous.


You can never go too far wrong.

Don't relax until the results come out.

"Okay, you can do whatever you want."

Qin Nuo didn't care, he thought these people were just worrying.

Even if he didn't know the box office of The Dark Knight in his previous life, the premiere effect was so good.

The quality of The Dark Knight is also online.

Qin Nuo cannot guarantee a big sale.

But I will definitely not rush to the street!

Shaking his head, Qin Nuo simply took out his mobile phone and chatted with the fairy sister.

Qin Nuo: I heard that someone was attacked by a Coke can today??? Is she okay?

Liu Yifei: Angry, angry! Bastard, I'm so miserable and you still laugh at me.

Fortunately, when I came yesterday, I still had Detective Tang's costume from last time and the maid outfit.

Qin Nuo: Wow, is it true? Then wait for me, I will come to you in an hour!

Liu Yifei: No date, no date! Bad guy!

Qin Nuo: It’s obviously a good egg. Didn’t you eat it a few days ago?

Liu Yifei: ...You stuffed that into my mouth yourself, it stinks like hell!

Qin Nuo looked at her phone and smiled happily. Liu Yifei is such a fun woman.

A tsundere is an tsundere, and she is not slow at all to admit she is cowardly.

Qin Nuo: Forget it, Shishi is here too, so I’ll go see her. I haven’t seen her for a long time.

Liu Yifei: ...You bastard, don’t pirate it from me!

Qin Nuo: What piracy? People’s poems and poets are also 043 gentle, speak nicely, and are very obedient.

You are the one who pirates, okay?

Liu Yifei: ******The room number is given to you, Qin Nuo, either you die or I die tonight!

Qin Nuo:deal!!!!

Seeing Qin Nuo smiling so happily, David, Sarnoff and others were unhappy again.

We are on tenterhooks here, Qin, you are so happy chatting with that little girl.

Is this really okay with you?

"Qin, is it true that the Dark Knight can't attack the street?"

Qin Nuo glanced at David, and then continued chatting with the young lady.

Said casually.

"Will not!"

"Why are you so confident?" David wondered.

"Because I took the photo!"





Hearing this, I don't know why everyone always has the urge to beat Qin Nuo.

Too pretentious!

It’s really too pretentious!

"Okay, Qin Nuo, stop playing, the zero o'clock box office will be out soon~"

"Yes, Qin comes to see it together!"

"Wait me a moment"

Qin Nuo quickly replied after speaking.

"Go to the front desk and order some essential oils. I'll use them later!"

Liu Yifei: "Why do you need essential oil? My injury has already healed, so there is no need for massage!"

Qin Nuo: "You are overthinking, I am using it for other purposes!"

Liu Yifei: "...bastard! Pervert!"

After turning off the vibration of the phone, the fairy sister was really angry and kept scolding him.

"I am coming!"

Seeing Qin Nuo coming over, David also gave way.

Although his status is higher than Qin Nuo.

But this Dark Knight was created by Qin Nuo after all.

He deserves the most credit.

Qin Nuo sat on the chair, everyone gathered around him, their eyes were full of excitement, nervousness and expectation.

The fateful moment is coming soon!

ps: Three updates!.

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