Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

The Box Office Was Released At 0:00 On 519, And Everyone Cheered! There’S Also A Surprise, The Items

"David, please breathe softer, it's all on your neck!"

"Qin, don't worry about these small details, the time is up, just order it!"

"Yes, Director Qin, hurry up, my heart is about to jump out!"

"Aaron, me too." Bell was very excited.

This is a movie that marks his rise. Whether it can succeed or not will make you tremble.

"Okay, here we come!"

Qin Nuo tap lightly.

The gears of fate began to turn.

Perhaps because the Dark Knight attracted too much attention, the website was a little stuck and took about three seconds to load.

The box office is finally refreshed!

【February 23rd. 】

[The Dark Knight, box office 10.1 million, single-day box office ranking: 1, cumulative box office 10.1 million!]

[Crazy Piranha, box office 6.01 million, single-day box office ranking: 2, cumulative box office...]


Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this number.

My breathing suddenly became rapid, and the sound of rapid breathing could be heard throughout the living room!

"Shit!" Brad Pitt couldn't bear it anymore.


"The box office at zero o'clock exceeded 10 million!!!!"

Brad shouted out everyone's thoughts and the box office exceeded 10 million!

Even if we look at the entire history of American film.

Very, very, very few!

In his mind, there seemed to be only two movies, one was Avatar a few years ago, and the other was Spider-Man 3 the year before last!

They created a miracle!

"Am I right? It's four digits! Ten million!" Bell was a little confused.

"Avengers 1's zero-point box office is only 8.8 million!"

Qin Nuo was very satisfied with the numbers, with a box office of 10 million US dollars.

So the box office of 30 million on the first day is not a big problem.

If converted into RMB, it would be almost 200 million.

very nice!

He patted Bell on the shoulder and said.

"Mr. Bell, you read that right, it's ten million US dollars!"

"Just wait, in a few days you will become the idol of children all over the world, my dear Batman's husband!"

"This~" Bell was a little nervous by Qin Nuo's words.

Although this is a bit exaggerated, it is true.

Batman has many supporters all over the world, and they like Batman very much.

The Dark Knight movie is of high quality, and the characterization of Batman is also very good.

It's sure to be a hit with Batman fans around the world.

And he is the real Batman.

Hearing this, everyone around looked at Bell. This kid was really making money.

There’s the huge popularity bonus of Batman.

The price of some specific commercial performances is not even inferior to that of some Hollywood superstars.

Such as playgrounds and some children's shops.

His price tag may be higher than that of some Hollywood superstars.

The role of Batman also elevated Bale from an unknown B-list star.

He became an A-list star in Hollywood.

Make a fortune.

"Bell, you have to treat me tonight"||!"

"You're right, movies are the most rewarding!"

"Add 1, don't forget!"

"Okay, okay. My treat, my treat"

Bell quickly said that he was a good person and got along well with everyone on the set.

Plus everyone is right.

Not counting others, he indeed gained the most among actors.

It’s also appropriate to treat guests!

On the other side, David was stunned when he looked at the number and didn't speak for a long time.

Ten million!

Warner succeeded!

Dc succeeded!!

God's curse is broken!

The DC movies that have been dormant for nearly half a century have finally risen~!

"Fuck! David, you don't have to do this, right?"

Qin Nuo turned around and saw David with two lines of clear tears hanging on his face.

When Bell and others saw this, they quickly looked over and were shocked.

David actually cried.


Just a movie.

On the other hand, Sarnoff, Smith and others next to him understood David very well.

This guy has been working at Warner Bros. since 1990, starting as a production assistant and production area.

Then I gradually became the production supervisor and production director.

In 2002, he became the absolute helmsman of Warner Bros.

Mo Mo has been working at Warner Bros. for more than 20 years, and he has watched DC slowly grow.

But this journey has really not been smooth, it can be said that it has not been smooth.

Now finally we see the light of dawn.

Under excitement, it is inevitable.

When David saw everyone looking at him, he quickly wiped his tears and said with a smile.

"Sorry everyone, I'm a little excited!"

Then he looked at Qin Nuo and said.

"Qin, no matter what happens to you in the future, you will always be our friend at Warner!"

"That's right, Qin." Sanov also looked at Qin Nuo.

"You pulled DC out of the quagmire, and Warner will always support you!"

"I agree!" Smith said.

Carter, who had always been hostile to Qin Nuo, also nodded.

"This is what I should do, no need to do this!"

Despite what he said, Qin Nuo was in a very good mood.

Warner is a local leader in the United States, and above it is Warner Times, which is a world-renowned media company.

The energy is very strong.

With Warner's protection, it will be much more convenient for Qin Nuo in the United States in the future.

Just as Sarnov was about to chime in, the cell phone in his bag suddenly rang.

"What? Really? You're not kidding!!"


When everyone present heard this, they were a little confused, "What's going on?"

There must be something wrong with the movie, right?

I felt a little worried.

"Okay, I got it!" David asked hurriedly as soon as Sarnov hung up the phone.

"Sanov, what happened?"

"Yeah, what happened?"

The two looked at him, but Sanov still seemed hesitant to speak.

"Say it quickly, I'm so anxious!" Carter couldn't help but slapped the table.

The Dark Knight is about to take off now, with a box office of tens of millions.

Thirty million on the first day is no problem.

You are still hesitant.

Believe it or not, I will impeach you.

Seeing that everyone was about to take action, Sanov said quickly.

"Just now, the distributor that Warner cooperates with called me, and the Dark Knight peripherals are selling very well."

"The goods they prepared for three days were sold out tonight. Now let's hurry up and supply them!"

"Many stores have been sold out. If there is no stock, there will be nothing to sell tomorrow!"

"Almost 13 million worth of peripherals were sold in the United States alone today~"

"This is a good thing!" David said strangely after hearing this.

"Wait!" David suddenly reacted.

Sanov's eyes looked like two sharp swords!

"Sanov, wouldn't you tell me that you didn't prepare enough for your surroundings?"

Hear this.

Smith and Carter also looked at Sarnoff with evil eyes.

The same is true for Qin Nuo, this time the Dark Knight peripherals have his share.

Thirteen million excludes 10% of the cost and 15% of the transportation labor cost.

There are almost 10 million left!

If he can share 20%, that’s two million!!!

Don't tell me that after selling it for a few days, it's not enough!

In this case, I will kill you Sanov!

"Don't look at me like that!" Sanov was a little scared. The looks in his eyes were really scary.

If he couldn't give a satisfactory answer, he felt like he wouldn't be able to walk out of this door today. ,

"I have expanded the peripheral area ten times as agreed. Who knew Qin's movie would be so good!"

"The audience's enthusiasm for the peripheral products will be so high. Today alone, more than 10,000 clown dolls were sold!"

"You mean to blame me! Blame me for making the movie so good!"

Qin Nuo squinted his eyes and looked at Sanoff.

"No, that's not what I meant." Sanov quickly waved his hand.

"I mean I didn't expect that either!"

Carter and Smith were also very angry.

We tell you to expand tenfold, but you really only expand tenfold.

Are you a toad?

Poke it once and then move it.

They can earn nearly ten times this amount if they resell it.

Sarnov, you bastard!

Although the two were very angry.

But he still suppressed his anger and asked.

"Sanov, according to your prediction, how many days can the prepared peripherals be sold at most?"

"Say it!"

"I'm sorry" Sanoff almost cried.

It's so hard for me.

"Maybe half a month at most, or even ten days!"

"So fast!"

"Yes, Mr. Carter (good Qiannuo), especially the Batman motorcycle and Batman armor are selling very well!

"Nearly a thousand battle armors and two hundred motorcycles were sold today alone!"

“The limited edition is almost sold out!”

Qin Nuo was not surprised when he heard this. Chariots are still too expensive for ordinary people.

The Batman motorcycle is just right.

It's not very expensive and acceptable.

Moreover, motorcycle culture is already popular here in the United States.

Find out about the speedsters.

The armor is easier to understand. This is Batman’s symbol, and the armor is very handsome.

The cheap one is only 800 US dollars, and the limited edition is only 2,000 US dollars.

Eight hundred dollars.

It only takes three days of work to buy it in Los Angeles, which is a great deal for Batman fans!

"Mr. Sarnov!" Qin Nuo looked at him.

"I don't care what method you use, you must give me all the peripherals you prepared this time within fifteen days!"

"If it's a little less, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Qin is right!" Carter was the first to agree.

He is a shareholder of Warner and stands on the same front as Qin Nuo.

"Sanov, if you bring out so many things after fifteen days, I will impeach you!"

"I will impeach you severely!"

"I agree!" Smith said quickly.

ps: First update.

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