Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

540 Interrupts The Good Guy's Call And Rewards Qin Nuo, The Fairy Sister's Cool Operation.

Hearing this, Chen Duling smiled like a little fox, popping its head out from under the table.

Looking at Bai Lu who was blushing on one side.

"Xiao Bai, the boss asked you to come with us!"

Qin Nuo “…………

"No, no!" Bai Lu quickly waved her hand.

"I still have work to do!"

Bai Lu's face was so red that it was almost dripping with water. This was an office.

"Boss, if Xiaobai doesn't come, I'll do it myself!"

It was time to test his will. Qin Nuo relied on her strong will to reply to the email to David.

Then he lifted up Chen Duling below.

"Boss, what are you doing?" Chen Duling tilted his head and asked strangely.

"walk home!"

Chen Duling smiled happily and glanced at Bai Lu next to him.

"Boss, there's Xiao Bai here," the assistant pointed at Bai Lu.

"Take her with you. Xiaobai talked in his sleep last night and mentioned you!"

"No~I didn't." Bai Lu was very angry.

He gave Chen Duling a hard look. Didn't he agree not to tell anyone yesterday?

For this, I also gave you 20,000 yuan in hush money.

Unexpectedly, Chen Duling, you turned around and sold me out.


Pay me back all the money you owe me tomorrow.

Then he glanced at Qin Nuo and lowered his head shyly.

Seeing this, Qin Nuo walked over and hugged Bai Lu into his arms with a smile. He kissed her little red face and asked.

"Xiao Bai, what did I dream about last night?"

"Nothing~" Bai Lu's cheeks turned red, her head lowered and she didn't dare to look at Qin Nuo.

"I know," said the conspicuous Bao, raising his hand.

"Boss, Xiaobai's voice is so squeaky, he must be..."

"Don't say it, don't say it!!"

Bai Lu quickly covered Chen Duling's mouth, feeling very ashamed.

This woman is so outrageous that she can even talk about this kind of thing.

Although Qin Nuo didn't listen to the whole story, he still roughly understood what 100 Bai Bailu was dreaming about.

Bai Lu is only twenty-four years old.

At such a young age, it’s normal to have some young people’s dreams~’

"Okay, let's make your dreams come true tonight, let's go!"

Qin Nuo hugged a little secretary with one arm and left the office.

Sister Hong downstairs saw that Qin Nuo hadn't left yet, and originally wanted to come up and ask about the variety artist selection.

This time, she plans to budget 100 million for Running Man.

A large-scale outdoor variety show like this would be very popular if done well.

I just want to ask Qin Nuo if he wants to take care of his own people.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked around the corner, he saw his boss followed by two secretaries.

The three of them were still talking and laughing.

Hurry aside.

They waited until the three of them got on the elevator before coming out.

He glanced at the disappearing figures of the three people.

Sister Hong murmured.

"Boss, is your health okay if you keep playing like this?"

"And Chen Duling, forget it, I'm too lazy to talk to you!"

Sister Hong didn't bother to care anymore. She didn't know what would happen tonight.

The night in Shanghai is very exciting!

the other side.

Qin Nuo downstairs.

Liu Yifei was a little strange. She looked out the window several times, then opened the door and looked in the direction of the elevator.

A flash of disappointment flashed across his face.

He took off his shoes and returned to the sofa.

His little face was bulging, and he looked very unhappy.

"Qian Qian, what are you looking at?" Song Yi and Li Qing came to Shanghai to participate in an event.

Naturally, I live here.

"It's not Qin Nuo. This guy has gone somewhere and why hasn't he come home yet?"

Upon hearing this, the two women looked at each other.

Although I really want to tell Liu Yifei the truth, this guy Qin Nuo doesn’t come home so (chfa) late,

He must have gone to find the young lady.

But I didn’t dare to speak.

Even they didn't want to tell Liu Yifei.

To put it bluntly, the two women have been with Qin Nuo for so long, although Qin Nuo is a bit scumbag.

But he is a very nice person.

I usually bully them, but I never fail to do good things.

Ode to Joy, The Legend of Zhen Huan

There are also many resources from Qintian Entertainment, and they also enjoy some of them.

So Li Qing seems to be a little resistant to Qin Nuo trying to deal with her.

But if Qin Nuo really wants it, she is actually willing in her heart.

The same goes for Song Yi. The last time she was forced to drink milk, she knew that she would definitely belong to Qin Nuo in the future.

Qin Nuo said she likes bigger ones, and she has been watching breast enlargement videos recently.

"Qian Qian, I'm going to use the bathroom, and I'll let Li Qing chat with you. Don't worry!" Song Yi said with a smile.

"Qin Nuo is so busy, it's normal to come a little later.

"Okay, go ahead"

Song Yi nodded, took her phone and went to the toilet.

Li Qing quickly pulled Liu Yifei to her side and said with a smile.

"Sissi, you want to reward Qin Nuo."

"of course"

Although Liu Yifei is more arrogant in front of Qin Nuo, she is not very arrogant in front of her sisters.

"This guy is such a powerful Dark Knight. He has been on the road for almost twenty days. As his default wife, I must comfort him!"

"How are you going to comfort~"

"I..." Liu Yifei was about to say, when she suddenly realized something

Li Qing rolled his eyes and said.

"I won't tell you!"

"Tell me about it, tell me about it!" Li Qing was also very curious.

"You hate it, don't tell me."

"Okay, I promise not to tell anyone~" Li Qing tempered her words in her heart.

Except Qin Nuo Song Yi.

"I bought **** online

Li was shocked after listening and looked at the fairy sister in disbelief.

So much fun.

What kind of magic power does Qin Nuo have that can make the fairy sister sacrifice so much?

Li Qing thought for a while, if she couldn't do it here.

It hurts my self-esteem.

"Sissi, you have sacrificed too much, walking the dog... this..."

"It's okay, just playing at home."

The last time I watched a movie with Qin Nuo, Liu Yifei refused.

But this time Qin Nuo performed very well [The Dark Knight is completely beyond imagination.

Liu Yifei was thinking about how to reward Qin Nuo, and came up with this.

It doesn't seem like much if you think about it carefully.

While Li Qing was still fighting with Liu Yifei, Song Yi came to the toilet.

Lock the door, and then carefully open the shower.

Mask the sound.

Then he dialed Qin Nuo's number.

"What is this guy doing?" Song Yi looked at the phone and was speechless.

"I called you twice and didn't answer the phone, you bastard!"

After a while, Song Yi called again.

"Hey, what are you doing? Are you busy?"

"Boss, who is it?"

"Shh, there's someone here, don't talk!"

Song Yi was stunned when he heard the voice and reacted.

Suddenly the voice felt familiar.

Damn it!

this is not...………

Song Yi has a good relationship with them.

After all, they are not much different in age.

Some time ago, she came to Shanghai to attend a business performance and even had dinner together.


"You two have fun by yourself first, I'll go take a call!"

After a while, Qin Nuo's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Hey, Tiezi, are you sick? Didn't you see that I was busy?"

"Brother Nuo, you are so perverted!" Song Yi could imagine what was going on over there.

"Du Ling is as young as Xiao Bai!"

"Young man, if you have something to say, hurry up."

"Huh, perverted, that's what it is." Song Yi told Qin Nuo what happened to Liu Yifei just now.

"That's it, you'd better come back. It seems to me that Sissi has been waiting for many days!"

"I see.

Qin Nuo was also drunk when he heard this. Is this woman Liu Yifei planning to live in the Magic City forever?

"Then come back quickly!"

"Come back, wait another hour, my show has just begun!"


On the other side, Qin Nuo hung up the phone.

Shaking his head, he really didn't know what to say.

Last time in the hotel, Liu Yifei was played by him and she cried. She originally thought that this woman would ignore him for a long time.

Unexpectedly, this road show has just ended.

I went to the magical capital to be a cat again.

His mouth is unforgiving, but his body is quite honest.

"Boss, come on, I'll help you press Bai Lu!"

"Chen Duling, you bastard, let me go, wuwu, pay me back! I will never lend you money again!"

Two women were fighting on the sofa.

Bai Lu was no match for Chen Duling. She was pinned down and unable to move!

"Come on, come on, boss!"

"Look, Xiaobai is so white!"

white dew


Qin Nuo walked over.

"Hey, boss, what are you doing? Shouldn't you beat the novice?"

"Why did you hit me?"

"Boss, that's how it should be. Duling is so annoying, deal with her, deal with her!"

"Sissi, what are you talking about?" Song Yi came out of the bathroom, holding a bottle of something small.

Liu Yifei blushed when she saw this thing. It worked well last time.

So Liu Yifei bought some online.

Thinking of using it at night.

"Let me take a look!" Li Qing took it in his hand and looked at the bottle.

"Don't look at it, this is essential oil. I usually do spa! It's for massage."

"Really?" Li Qing's eyes became confused.

She felt that things might not be that simple.

"What do you want me to do? That's right! Then what else can this thing be used for?" Liu Yifei looked around.

"That's not necessarily true." Li Qing played with the things in his hands.

"I heard this is also..."

"No! Absolutely not!" When the fairy sister heard this, she felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.


"Sissi, it seems I haven't finished speaking yet."

"I hate you two! You are not allowed to come to my house anymore!"

Liu Yifei felt very ashamed.

He covered his face and ran into his room.

The laughter of two women came from behind.

ps: first update

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