Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

541 It’S Self-Defeating, The Parade Turned Into A Riot, The Support Turned Into A Boycott... Qin Nuo

"That's not necessarily true." Li Qing played with the things in his hands.

"I heard this is also..."

"No! Absolutely not!" When the fairy sister heard this, she felt like a cat whose tail had been stepped on.


"Sissi, it seems I haven't finished speaking yet."

"I hate you two! You are not allowed to come to my house anymore!"

Liu Yifei felt very ashamed.

He covered his face and ran into his room.

The laughter of two women came from behind.

"Qinqin, Qin Nuo and Qianqian were playing...!" Song Yi said with a smile.

"Yes, it's true that people can't be judged by their appearance!"

The two women were having a great time chatting in the living room.

About an hour and a half passed.

Liu Yifei came out of the bedroom quietly.

She even changed into a white pleated skirt.

There was also light makeup on her face.

Holding a bag in hand.

"Sissi, what are you doing?"

Liu Yifei

"Why are you laughing, hum!"

"Nothing to laugh about, come on!"

Li Qing threw the small bottle on the table.

"Take safety measures!"


Liu Yifei stamped her foot, blushed terribly, picked up her things, opened the door and ran away.

There was a burst of pleasant laughter from behind!

Vertical sun.

The weather in Magic City was pretty good today. At noon, the sun was high in the sky.

The sunshine in early spring is exceptionally warm.

Qin Nuo was lying on the bed with a smile on his face.

I was so tired last night. After I got home, it didn’t take long for the fairy sister to knock on the door.

Also wore a collar.

Originally, Qin Nuo thought that it would be enough to deal with it, but who would have thought that the fairy sister who does not know martial arts would actually use her ultimate move...

You can let him play in the room.

Can Qin Nuo endure this?

Not at all, think of the fairy sister, wearing a collar.

This was a bit too much, and I fell asleep hugging Liu Yifei at five o'clock in the morning.

Didn't get up until noon

It was almost two o'clock in the afternoon when Qin Nuo was awakened by the sound of the phone.

"Hey, who is it? If you have something to say, talk about it. If nothing happens, get out of here. You're dead!"

"Boss, go back to the company quickly! Something happened."

On the other end of the phone, Sister Hong was very anxious.

"What's the big deal? There's an earthquake..."

Qin Nuo didn't care too much, what could happen now.

The Dark Knight is unstoppable, and Nana has begun preparing for a celebration banquet.

Qintian Entertainment is also developing very well, and no matter what happens, it is not a big deal.

Sister Hong is almost drunk. Boss, how late did you play yesterday?

I called you so many times this morning, but you didn't answer it.

"Boss, something has really happened. The Oscars have been besieged by DC fans, and a boycott of the Oscars has been launched online!"

“Now the number of participants has reached five million! And it’s still rising!”

"The fans are so crazy that the fans during the parade smashed up the Dolby Theater!"

"It's a mess all around!"

"What?" Qin Nuo immediately became energetic when he heard this.

He knows it when he marches and incites netizens to support the Dark Knight.

But why does it become like this?

Parades turned into riots, support turned into boycotts...

Damn it.

Damn Warner, are you kidding me?

What happened?

"David, are Cogas and the others a bunch of pigs?" Qin Nuo was furious.

"How could it become like this~!"

"I have told them to control it and not to go too far!"

"Qin Nuo, what's wrong?" Liu Yifei was also woken up and was a little angry.

He was making a lot of noise even before he woke up, but Qin Nuo looked serious.

Get serious too.

"It's okay, just go to sleep, be good!"

"Okay! If you have anything, tell me and I can help you." Liu Yifei pursed her lips and said.

"I got it"

Qin Nuo kissed the immortal sister on her forehead and said with a smile.

He is already very happy that Liu Yifei has such a heart. Help?

forget it.

I don't even know what to do now?

After finishing speaking, Qin Nuo stood up and came to the living room, took a sip of water and continued to ask.

"What on earth is going on?"

Sister Hong on the other end of the phone also knew the seriousness of the matter and recounted it completely.

Actually, you can’t blame Warner for this.

They seem to underestimate the influence of Qin Nuo and DC fans.

After the news was posted online [many fans of Qin Nuo and dC felt it was unfair.

Is it that Oscar is discriminating against Qin Nuo’s skin color and directly labeling Oscar as racial discrimination?

This is not over yet, because the filming of The Dark Knight was very successful, and it is about to exceed 2 billion.

It is a symbol of the rise of DC.

Some gringos who grew up reading comics were upset.


Why are we discriminating against comic book movies? Could it be that the quality of The Dark Knight is too poor?


Your Oscar selections for the best movies in recent years are not much better.

In addition, the importance of Qin Nuo to DC movies is self-evident, and the two are combined.

The chemical reaction explodes directly.

Angry DC fans and Qin Nuo's personal fans took to the streets to demonstrate.

Oscar officials did not respond in time and the result was a tragedy.

There is now an online campaign to boycott the Oscars.

The number of participants has reached five million, and it is still rising rapidly.

The Americans called this action a march for justice!!!!

They want justice for Batman.

Qin Nuo didn’t know what to say after listening~

Very speechless!

Did Warner make a mistake?

It seemed that there might not be, because Wei and others just made a start.

Thinking of getting some viewers' attention.

Pity the Dark Knight, for pretending to be a victim.

Winning the Sympathy of Our Lady of the West

Everyone says that there are many Madonnas in China, but compared to the Madonnas in the West, they are simply down by more than one level!

For example, a virgin bitch actually forgave her mother's murderer in court...

Just because he is a single-parent family, his job is not going well, and he is discriminated against~

If this were placed in the country, the hatred of killing one's father and killing one's mother would be a life-and-death affair!

forgive you?

Are you kidding me? It’s God’s business to forgive you. My role is to send you to see God.

But who thought things would develop like this?

It’s also my fault that Qin Nuo and DC’s fans are so awesome.

"Sister Hong, I feel like there's something wrong with this." Qin Nuo was still a little confused.

...asking for flowers

"Isn't it Disney that they are teasing the Dark Knight?"

Sister Hong was stunned for a moment when she heard this. Is it possible?

It does seem possible.

What is their purpose in doing this?

Originally a competitor, it not only did not weaken the influence of the Dark Knight.

On the contrary, it helps them create news.

Have they already thought of this? It's impossible...

"Boss, this may not be possible, but it is not ruled out!"

"I understand, I will communicate with David later!"

the other side.

Twenty-first Century Headquarters.

Deng Wendi and others looked at each other, looking a little embarrassed.

so awkward.

Qin Nuo really made a mistake and guessed it right, this time someone is actually teasing the Dark Knight!

This man was none other than Fox.

But their intentions are good.

Deng Wendi and others know that if you want to win the Oscar, you usually have to save your qualifications.

Qin Nuo is their good friend, and Deng Wendi thought that the Dark Knight would be a good stepping stone.


Although I won't win the grand prize, it is definitely a good resume.

They want to add fire to Qin Nuo so that the Oscar judges will take it seriously.

In this case, it will be more likely to win the best director later.

This is no joke, this is true.

Qualifications are important.

No one ever said that awards are fair, and there are many things to consider at the Oscars.

To use an analogy.

An Oscar-level movie can be made by a newcomer and a veteran director who is over fifty years old.

The effect is definitely different.

It is impossible for a newcomer to win the prize, but it is easy for an experienced player.

This is the importance of qualifications.

The quality of the video is just a reference!

"BOSS, what should we do now?" Kevin's mouth twitched.

This time it was really self-defeating. He had good intentions, but he seemed to have done something bad.

I wanted to give Qin Nuo a good qualification, but I didn't expect it to become a social incident.

It's noisy outside now.

Even Fox and the others couldn't stop it.

Major media outlets have already gotten involved.

The Dark Knight is now absolutely top-notch in the world, and it involves Oscars.

Two top figures get together.

Not to mention Fox, even the major media combined cannot control the situation.

The Americans love to parade like this.

"Actually, it's not without its benefits!" Mike said with a smile.

The price of the film actually increased by 10%, and all the tickets were sold out, saying that it cannot return to the 10 million mark!"

“The peripherals are also selling very well!”

Hearing this, Deng Wendi, Kevin, and Bella all looked at Mike.

Like a retard.

"I just...I was just joking, you don't have to be like this, of course I know this can't make up for Qin Nuo.

The three of them rolled their eyes, you still know.

That's right.

The Dark Knight is so popular, it’s good that the box office and peripherals have increased a bit.

But if it offends the Oscar officials like this.

That would be a bit of a loss.

ps: Second update.

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