Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

552 Pulled Disney Out To Take The Blame. Everyone Else Was Losing, But Qin Nuo Was The One Who Made

It must have been the old guy Wilson next to him who forced Qin Nuo to step forward.

Several people looked at Wilson with a bad look on his face.

If something goes wrong with Qin, forget about it, old guy.

You only have face when the president of a college gives you face, and if he doesn't give you face.

Be careful we do it to you!

Oscar is not yours, you are just a spokesperson!

Qin Nuo naturally saw reporters and satellite vehicles.

But he didn't care, and even thought it would be better to have these reporters around.

Save him~ He will have to talk about it again later.

With a confident smile on his face.

His eyes returned to the fans' faces.

"Dear DC fans, I know why you came this time?"

"I feel wronged for the Dark Knight, and I feel wronged for Qin Nuo. I am very grateful!"

"thank you all!"

With that said, Qin Nuo put down the loudspeaker and bowed deeply to the tens of thousands of fans.

Fans also enjoyed it.

Then he said.

"But everyone should calm down, the person next to me is Wilson, the chairman of the jury of the academy.

Hearing this, all the fans present looked at Wilson with unhappy expressions.

Is this guy discriminating?


But before the fans could speak, Qin Nuo said.

"Actually, you have really misunderstood. Mr. Wilson has called me more than once to tell me that I want the Dark Knight to participate in this Oscar."

"You also expressed your admiration for the movie in your words. Is that true, Mr. Wilson?"

"That's right!"

Wilson also picked up the microphone and looked at everyone with serious faces.

As the chairman of the academy's judges, he can still hold on to this situation.

"The Dark Knight is a black art. I have submitted submissions to the Oscar jury including Best Picture, Best Adaptation, Best Cinematography, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor...

"Waiting for a series of awards~"

After speaking, Wilson also took out a document, which indeed had the Dark Knight's name on it.

Fans see this.

Somewhat confused.

How did this happen?

The commentator is not saying that there is no Dark Knight in this Oscar.

How did it become like this.

Is that guy deliberately cheating?


Qin Nuo saw everyone frowning and explained.

"It's very simple to say this. A big tree attracts the wind, and the Dark Knight has touched the interests of too many people!"

"Everyone is a fan of DC, and I won't hide it from everyone. The Dark Knight's global box office is likely to exceed 2 billion!"

"The Oscars will never ignore it, but some people feel uncomfortable. It has a good harvest of box office, word-of-mouth, and awards."

"It's normal for someone to be jealous. I won't say who it is here, but everyone should know it very well!"

"Although this kind of competition is very shameless, as a director, I can't say anything~"

Qin Nuo said with a look of regret on his face.

Although the people of the United States are not very smart, Qin Nuo has made it so clear.

What does it mean if they can't hear it again?

That would be silly.

This must have been done by an opponent who was jealous of Warner and the Dark Knight.

As for who.

You can figure this out with your toes!

Who else but Disney.

DC and Marvel are sworn enemies.

Although Avengers 1 is very good, whether it is special effects, plot or comedy, it can be regarded as a superior movie.

But no matter how you brag about it, Avengers is a popcorn movie.

There is no connotation.

This heroic movie is destined to fail at the Oscars, so good luck.

Maybe I can get two technical awards.

It's normal to have bad luck and have nothing.

Who Made You is a popcorn movie.

But The Dark Knight is different, although it is also a superhero movie.

But in terms of depth, shaping, and social influence, The Dark Knight far surpasses Avengers.

Disney must be jealous of Warner.

Not only did it surpass their reunion in terms of box office and reputation.

There is even a possibility of winning a prize, so I planned this event.

Make Oscar hate the Dark Knight and use them to make it impossible for the Dark Knight to win the award.

Since there are no awards, then this showdown.

Marvel didn't lose either.

"Damn Disney, we were taken advantage of!"

"Asshole, they must have done it, damn it!"

"This guy Skil definitely took money from Disney, so insidious!"

"Marvel is so shameless. If you can't beat them, they will resort to dirty tricks! Bitch"

Soon, the eyes of fans of DC and Qin Nuo below were full of anger. They didn’t have a good impression of Marvel in the first place.

Now it turns out that Disney is behind it.

I felt even more unhappy.

Insidious villain.

Damn it!

Wilson, who was standing next to Qin Nuo, was also numb. Surprise flashed across Qin Nuo's eyes.

This guy is too...

Disaster diverts water to the east.

If he hadn't known about this, it would have been Warner's opportunism.

There's quite a bit of trust.

After all, who let Disney get involved?

With so many fans, it is absolutely impossible to say that there is no one to guide them.

"Damn it! This Qin has gone too far!"

Robert watched the live broadcast feeling unhappy and aggrieved.

What does what you do have to do with us at Disney?

We didn't do anything at first.

Didn’t you just take action after seeing a profit?

It's obvious that you asked for too much and ended up messing up.

It's okay now, but it's so shameless to take the blame on Disney.


On the other hand, Allen was very calm. He looked at Qin Nuo who was still complaining on the TV and shook his head.

Very helpless.

BOSS, we have to bear the blame even if we don't.

"It would be okay if we didn't take action, but if we do, it's normal for Qin to lead trouble to us!"

Hearing this, Robert opened his mouth, but no words came out.

Is Alan right?

Quite right.

Who asked you, Disney, to take action? If not for you.

Even if Warner had a problem, maybe it has been solved now.

There will be no future at all.

If you take action, Qin Nuo will put the blame on you, and you can't refute it.

…………please give me flowers……

The crotch is stuffed with yellow mud, which is either shi or shi.

Allen didn't mind, since Marvel and DC often bickered.

The relationship between fans on both sides is not good to begin with.

It's normal to get into trouble, and they can also stimulate each other.

Let their respective fans spend a little more money.

I just think what Qin Nuo did was shameless and treacherous.

If it were one of his own, Allen would be very happy, but if it were someone else, he would be a little unhappy.

"BOSS, it's okay. Anyway, our goal has been achieved. It will be impossible for Qin to cooperate with Warner for a while!"

"Others don't know the truth, but Qin definitely knows it. I heard that Qin had contact with Fox yesterday!

When Robert heard this, he felt a lot more comforted.

He was not too surprised that Qin could survive this crisis.

I just didn’t expect Disney to be blamed.

But no matter what, their goal was achieved.

Although Qin and Warner are now working together to defend against the enemy, cracks have already appeared in the cooperation between the two parties.

It’s not like leaving empty-handed.


"Huh, that's Qin, if it were anyone else," Robert curled his lips.

"It would be weird if I didn't do it to him!"

"But then again, will the Oscars really give the Dark Knight an award?"

"I see it seems that it has been shortlisted for many awards!"

Robert was also a little jealous. This time the college was forced to do nothing.

Do we really need to give The Dark Knight a grand prize?

It's all been said, Wilson admitted.

If The Dark Knight doesn't win an award in a month, fans won't agree.

"It should be no problem to be shortlisted!"

"But if I win a prize, then BOSS is overthinking it. I think he should give one or two second-tier prizes."

"By the way, isn't Qin playing the clown? I think the academy, in order to appease him, should give this award to Dark Rider!"

Hearing Allen's words, Robert felt a little strange.

Why does he feel that this seems to be Qin Nuo's purpose after doing it for so long?

Warner suffered a lot, and so did the academy.

As a result, the problem was solved as soon as Qin Nuo came out.

But he lost nothing.

The Dark Knight is now 1.95 billion, with three days to go.

Two billion is really not a big problem.

There is only one director in the world who has exceeded 2 billion.

In addition to Cameron, Qin now also wants to win this honor.

Now he can win the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor.

This award is also very valuable.

It's such a waste of money.

"Alan, do you think Qin did it on purpose? He made too much this time!"


It's okay that Robert didn't remind him, but Alan thought it was just a coincidence.

But when we look back at the whole incident, it seems that it might be a bit strange.

Could it be that Qin Nuo was already planned from the very beginning, from the moment the movie was released?


Such a long time.

Lots of surprises.

But it's hard to say. If it were someone else, Allen would definitely think it was impossible, but if it were Qin Nuo.

It’s hard to say.

It’s really hard to say.

This guy is so seductive......

ps: First update.

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