Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

553 Fans Who Were Deceived Voted For Catwoman, And The Hollywood Female Stars Went Crazy!

"BOSS, it shouldn't be possible. Qin should just take advantage of the situation."

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to care!"

Robert also felt that it was unlikely, but it was not important.

Anyway, there is a rift in the cooperation between Qin Nuo and Warner, and it doesn’t matter that they are not enemies.

"Alan, get ready for Marvel's next work. Next year we will shoot Avengers 2. This time we will definitely surpass The Dark Knight."


On the other side, several people from Fox were also watching the live broadcast.

He was thinking about the same thing as Robert.

Deng Wendi touched his chin, his face full of doubts. The Oscar incident was basically over.

Qin Nuo still has some trust in putting the blame on Disney.

Fans won't think so much. As long as there are two Dark Knight awards in the subsequent Oscars, it won't be a big problem.

But looking back on the whole thing, Qin Nuo seems to have made a lot of money.

In order to calm the anger of fans, the Oscars will either award the Best Actor to Bale or award the Best Actor to Qin Nuo.

Logically speaking, the possibility of the best male lead is very small, and most likely the best supporting actor.

Deng Wendi didn't dare to confirm, and then looked at Kevin and others and said "490".

"Do you think Qin Nuo will make a lot of money this time? He is very likely to win the Best Supporting Actor!

"Did he mean it?"

"BOSS, you are thinking too much." Kevin shook his head.

"It is unlikely that Qin was prepared for this from the beginning. He probably did it after the fans rioted."

Hearing this, both Mike and Bella nodded.


Initially, Qin Nuo and Warner planned to exceed 2 billion.

I have no plans to win an Oscar.

If this is really the plan, the risk is too high.

If you're not careful, you'll lose it.

"Nevermind" Deng Wendi waved his hand.

"Invite Qin Nuo to dinner in two days to discuss the movie!"

"no problem!"

Kevin and Mike both nodded.

Anyway, their goal has been achieved.

Why do you care so much?

Qin Nuo wants an Oscar for Best Supporting Actor, so give it to him.

Fox has no competition this time.

the other side.

Robert and Deng Wendi were not the only smart people. Yinjia, a lot of people in Hollywood, had guessed it.

He secretly scolded Qin Nuo for being treacherous.

This guy is probably the best supporting actor this time.

He is obviously a director, but he insists on competing with other actors for a supporting role.


Of course, Bale also has a chance. Maybe it's not impossible for Oscar to give the best actor to Bale in a flash.

In the same way, Hathaway also has opportunities, anyway, these are the three.

As for Best Picture and Best Director, there is definitely no chance.

This is the biggest award, even if Wilson and Morris are beaten.

People in the academy definitely don’t know how to be a Dark Knight.

The comic-book movie has a dream of winning awards...

the other side.

Qin Nuo was still chatting with fans on stage.

The fans below are very excited, regardless of whether Disney admits it or not.

We treat it like you.

There is no need to besiege the academy.

Of course, if The Dark Knight doesn't win the award a month later.

That's hard to say.

Fans who are deceived will definitely make a bigger fuss.

But people in the academy are not that stupid.

"Qin, when will the origin of the Joker and the second part of The Dark Knight be released? Kill those shameless guys from Marvel!"

"You're right, Disney is so shameless to use such underhanded tactics!"

"Qin, fuck them~"

"Well, there will definitely be one, but the specific time depends on the Warner Business District!

"Qin, what will the origin of the clown tell?"

"It's very simple. The clown's story is very interesting. I already have some ideas." Qin Nuo looked at everyone.

"You know what? Sometimes there's a fine line between genius and madness!"

"So what will the second part of The Dark Knight be about?"

"I plan to introduce a new character Catwoman~"


"is her!"

Hearing Qin Nuo's words, the DC fans below became excited, as fans of DC comics.

They are certainly no strangers to Catwoman.

She is the most beautiful, sexy and charming woman in DC comics.

Unexpectedly, Qin was eyeing this.

Curious fans continued to ask.

"Qin, who do you want to play Catwoman?"

"Yes, who?"

"I think it's Meghan, she's very sexy and has long legs~"

"Meghan is not good, she is just a flower vase, she can act like shit!"

"Hathaway? No, no, Hathaway has already played Rachel.

"I think South Africa's beautiful diamond Theron, this woman can do it~"

"Are you too old?"

"It would have been better if it had been a few years earlier. Mermaid Nicole would have been fine..."

"Who do you think is better?"

Qin Nuo looked at the curious fans and felt very satisfied.

Catwoman must be left to her own people, if that silly girl like Reba can really improve her acting and speaking skills.

Definitely give it to her.

If it doesn't work, then let's talk about it.

But Qin Nuo won’t say this to fans.

"If you have time this time, how about we vote on Twitter to choose the most suitable Catwoman in your opinion?"


"Ok, Ok!

"I agree!"

"Qin is really good at changing the subject. I'm afraid these fans have forgotten what they are here for..."

Wilson, who was standing nearby, muttered in his mind.

Originally, this incident would definitely have a certain impact in the future.

But Qin Nuo talked about the Joker and Catwoman, so what else did he say to get fans to vote.

The attention of fans and viewers will soon be on voting.

The issue of Oscar discrimination has long been forgotten by them.

Today's young people have such flexible minds.

"If I wasn't too lazy to give the Dark Knight an award, it would also be troublesome for Best Supporting Actor. I would have to put in a lot of effort myself."

"Hey, it's troublesome, it's even more troublesome if you don't turn around!"

Qin Nuo and the fans continued to brag for another ten minutes before picking up the microphone and saying...

"Okay, everyone is here today. You don't want me to treat you to dinner!"

"It's gone, it's gone!"


Fans don't mind Qin Nuo's willful approach and even feel very friendly.

He complained about Qin Nuo for a few words and then slowly dispersed.

When I left, I was chatting with my companions about voting and who was the most suitable Catwoman.

All smiles on his face.

After a few minutes, the fans finished leaving.

Wilson then looked at Qin Nuo and said.

"Qin, your ability to deceive is really strong! So many fans are fooled by you~"

"Mr. Wilson, don't talk nonsense." Qin Nuo looked unhappy.

"I am an honest person!"

Hearing this, Wilson rolled his eyes inwardly.

An honest person, an honest hammer.

Others don't know.

I do not know yet?

Hollywood executives knew what happened in Warner's previous meeting.

Will we be able to see DC’s second movie next year?

Can see shit.

You guys are so small-minded, you will definitely not cooperate with Warner in your next movie.

Also Joker Origins, Catwoman, Stock.

Throw a hammer.

But Warner can do it on its own.

But Wilson then thought about it, could those mentally retarded Warners do it?

If it weren't for Qin Nuo, DC wouldn't know what would have happened.

To do it, you have to find the guy in front of you.

never mind.

Too lazy to talk to you.

"Let's go, let's go to the office and chat~"


the other side.

There are many people paying attention to this live broadcast, and many well-known actors from Hollywood are watching.

Before, everyone thought 3.1 was a bit of a pity.

Qin Nuo might have offended Oscar this time and will definitely be blacklisted in the future.

No chance of winning the grand prize in the future.

But I didn't expect that this guy would cause trouble and pull Wilson out to make a promise.

Fans were actually appeased.

A crisis was quickly resolved.

In this case, they planned not to watch it, but they didn't expect that Qin Nuo actually revealed another big news.

The Dark Knight is getting a second part!!


Just because Hollywood bosses know about the Warner meeting, that doesn't mean these actors know about it.

And the big guys won’t reveal this matter.

It can only be circulated in small circles.

So the stars of Hollywood, especially the female stars of Hollywood are simply crazy.

Look at the box office of The Dark Knight.

Now it’s almost 2 billion!!

If this is a second film, it will start at least 1 billion.

And the director must be Qin.

There's no way it's a bad movie.

The heroine of a billion-dollar blockbuster.

If you don't grab it, why are you waiting?

ps: First update.

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