For a while.

The female stars that Hollywood thinks have good acting skills and looks have taken action.

Charlize Theron looked at Qin Nuo's back on the screen, her eyes struggling a little.

On the other hand, the agent next to me was very excited.

"Theron, hurry up, let's contact Qin quickly. He wants to shoot Catwoman. You are very suitable for this role!"

"Sally, it shouldn't work. I'm afraid this guy is trying to trick people."

Theron is not stupid either, she has quite a lot of contact with Qin Nuo.

I also know that this guy is the best at deceiving people, so he might be lying to people.

Change the subject.

"Theron!" Agent Sally was helpless.


Of course she knew it was possible, but what if it was true.

This is a huge opportunity.

A movie that started with a billion dollars!

What a joke.

No matter whether he is true or not, that's the end of it.

Do you still expect opportunities to fall into your arms?

Sally can guarantee that there are countless female celebrities taking action in Hollywood now.

Want to fight for the role of Catwoman.

It doesn't matter even if it's for Qin Nuo to play with the white ball.

This Dark Knight is so tempting.

"Theron, you have so much to worry about. You and Qin have a good relationship, so hurry up and fight for it. Whether it's true or not, grab it first!"

"Have you forgotten the survival philosophy of Hollywood? Never let down your guard at any time, even if you are an Oscar-winning heroine!"

27 Hearing this, Long was shocked.


So what about the Best Actress? Hollywood has no shortage of actors with good acting skills.

There is no shortage of actors with good acting skills and good looks.

This is the center of world cinema, and there are many Oscar winners just by looking around in Hollywood.

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Theron picked up the phone and prepared to call Qin Nuo.

But he muttered.

"Sally, that guy is a seductress and knows how to deceive people. If I get drunk at night, remember to pick me up!"

"Otherwise, I'm afraid I'll leave the next day...

Hearing this, the agent also rolled his eyes.

It's not that easy.

You are not a fool.

It was so easy to be tricked into sleeping with Qin Nuo~

"It's okay. I think Qin is in good shape, young and energetic. You two can do it together."

"Maybe you'll make some money!"

When Sally said this, her eyes lit up instantly, and she looked at Theron seriously.

"Theron, why don't you think about it? This guy Qin is really good. It's not a loss to be his girlfriend~!"

"Go away, who wants this playboy!"

Theron spat.

But then I thought about it.

Maybe it's not impossible, I heard this guy has a good life.

It's a bit of a waste, so forget about being a husband, but it doesn't matter if you just hang out with friends for a few days.

Why don't you buy two new Victoria's Secret underwear later?

At the same time, there are many Hollywood stars who have been flirting with Theron.

Qin Nuo's rumored girlfriend Megan was also discussing with her agent, although she was positioned as a vase.

But the vase also has dreams.

Moreover, after working together in Hollywood for so many years, her acting skills have also improved.

There is also Kelly, who had an entanglement with Qin Nuo before.

America's new generation sweetheart.

Kelly was also a little confused about what to say.

Although she now has a certain degree of popularity in the United States and the world.

The Big Bang Theory is very popular around the world, although her role as Penny is a bit silly.

But the characters are very likable.

Many people like it.

But after all, it is a TV series, and there is still a certain gap between TV series actors and movie actors.

This is true in China, and even more obvious in Hollywood.

Generally speaking, few movie actors are willing to act in TV series, and few TV series actors can break through the small screen and onto the big screen.

But Kelly is very popular and is considered a minority.

If she can land the role of Catwoman, she may well be catapulted from the small screen to a movie star.

Your career can also be broader.

"Try" Kelly pursed her lips.

"I hope that guy can reminisce about some old feelings and at least give him a chance."

"You made me miserable last time!"

Not only Kelly and Meghan, but also Hollywood's famous and beautiful actresses are taking action.

Some contacted Warner, some contacted DiCaprio, and some were involved in a relationship with Steve.

Qin Nuo doesn't have many friends in Hollywood, and DiCaprio and Steve are the best among them.

The relationship is very good~

No one contacted Depp.

We are not stupid, Depp’s wife is Amber.

This woman had her eye on Rachel last time, but she was just a bit unlucky.

Catwoman will definitely take action this time.

Contact Hammer.

Maybe it's a competitor.

For a time, because of Qin Nuo's words, Hollywood caused a wave of arrogance again.

However, Warner didn't seem to care much.

Seeing the fans leaving the live broadcast happily, David and others in the office finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This crisis should be over.

Qin Nuo really has a lot of skills.

"Kogas" David looked to his right-hand man aside.

"Although the parade has now been disbanded, we still need to pay attention and try our best to guide public opinion towards DC and Marvel online."

"It's BOSS.

"Sanov, leave the online matters to Cogas, and leave the offline matters to you. Remember not to have another fan parade.

"This time we have almost hit the bottom line of the college!"


Sarnoff also understands that although this crisis has been resolved, it has also had some impact on Oscar.

Warner and the Academy have cooperated a lot, but this time it was messed up.

No matter what, you have to compensate and get some blood.

Sanoff still understands this, and he doesn't care if it's just a matter of millions.

After all, the Dark Knight made so much money this time.

If you pay a little more for public relations, you might even get two technical awards.

Although in their and Qin Nuo's opinion, this award is useless and useless.

But if you really talk about it, it still has some gold content.

It’s an Oscar after all!

"Then what should we do next?" Carter looked at David and others with complicated eyes.

"Should we prepare for what Qin said about the origin of the Joker and Catwoman?"

Hear this.

David, Sarnoff, Cogas and other Warner executives didn't know what to do.

What Qin Nuo said was improvised.

There was no discussion with Warner at all.

Of course they don't care about this either.

If these movies started by DC are really approved as projects, the main person in charge will definitely be Qin Nuo.

It's impossible for others, of course not.

But the problem now is that Qin Nuo doesn’t seem to want to cooperate with Warner at all.

Qin Nuo already knew what happened at the meeting.

It's very difficult to cooperate.

Some Warner executives knew it, too.

Everyone fell silent.

David did the same, and after a while he said.

"Hey, let's talk about it. Let's solve the problem of the board of directors first, Mr. Carter and Mr. Smith.

437 "Some old stubborn people who can't keep up with the times can be eliminated. They can forget about their contribution."

"You're still holding back, I think you understand what I mean!"

Carter and Smith looked at each other, feeling a little uncomfortable.

But he still nodded.

On the other side, Qin Nuo didn't know about Warner's purge.

Even if he knows about it, he doesn't care. If Warner is sincere enough, of course cooperation is possible.

To make money, don't give up.

After talking to Wilson.

As soon as Qin Nuo returned to the villa, her cell phone kept ringing.

"Meghan? Why are you calling so late?"

"Invite me to dinner, please eat seafood."

"Catwoman? This character is not a vase, you can't

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, Megan plays Catwoman?

What a joke.

Although the image is barely adequate, how can this woman have such good acting skills?

"Let's talk again~"

Just as I hung up, the phone rang again.

"Kelly, long time no see!"

"Hey, you also want to play Catwoman, but Funny Girl can't do it.

"Don't scold me first, that's what it is!"

"we'll talk about it then!"


"Are you too old? Catwoman is only twenty years old in the comics, she is still a girl."

As soon as Qin Nuo spoke, a roar came from the other end of the phone.

Put your phone away quickly.

Sure enough, age is a taboo that women must not touch.

"Qin, if you keep talking about my age, I will stay with you!"

ps: First update.

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