Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

564 Lie Ying Reba, I’M Not Stupid, Who Dares To Say I’M Stupid? There Are People In The Entertainmen

Later, Reba asked the reason, but the organizer also hesitated and couldn't say a word.

Reba was not stupid, and realized that someone was targeting her.

It's not even just one person, it seems to be a group of people.

How can one person have so much energy?

There are endorsements, scripts and announcements again.

There are so many relationships to open up.

Except for Qin Nuo, there are very few people in China who can make everyone lose face.

At first, Reba poked her vagina and suspected it was Yang Mi.

Last time she rubbed Yang Mi's energy hard.

But after careful observation, Yang Mi has been busy with the company these days.

After Zeng Jia left, Yang Mi had many things to do.

We have to be busy cleaning up the people left behind by Zeng Jia, as well as receiving them.

Very busy.

There is no time to target her.

Then he pointed the finger at Nazar, after all, this woman stole his endorsement.

The little fellow is very hateful.

But I didn't expect that Naza said it wasn't her who did it, but the people from Tang Dynasty.

Reba was also confused, Tang people?

It doesn’t seem right either.

Tang Ren is nothing. Although she is somewhat famous in the industry, she has not offended Tang Ren.

Even if the Tang Dynasty wanted to target Yang Mi, they would probably target it.

Never mind her business.

After thinking for a long time, Reba still couldn't figure out who was behind it.

A brain that is not smart in the first place is even worse.

One trouble came after another, and Reba almost collapsed.

As soon as Qin Nuo returned home, he quickly ran over.

Cry to her, someone is bullying your little cutie!


After listening to Reba's words, Qin Nuo rolled his eyes inwardly along with the woman's forehead.


Reba's experience is really nothing in the entertainment industry.

It can even be said that as long as you are a popular star, you will face this kind of thing every day.

We're all used to it.

Grab endorsements, cut off scripts, and add some sand to you.

Women like Yang Mi, Liu Shishi, and Gao Yuanyuan may have been accustomed to it for a long time.

The same goes for Liu Yifei.

Compared to small problems like Reba, the fairy sister is the one who gets hacked the most, okay?

Transgender people are coming out.

But there are still people who believe it.


The reason why Reba has never encountered this is because Reba was caught off guard.

The single "Blast Drummer" made her famous.

From an unknown person to a second-tier star in an instant.

Before the dark side of the entertainment industry hit her, everyone discovered that Reba was hooking up with him.

Many people in the entertainment industry are a little afraid of Qin Nuo.

So I didn’t dare to target Reba.

As his status gets higher and higher, he becomes even more afraid.

So, among all Qin Nuo's confidante, Reba is the luckiest.

Yang Mi said she won by lying down.

That’s not an exaggeration.

She had never experienced anything like being targeted.

I'm afraid he was frightened.

"I probably understand. Did you and Yang Mi have a fight?"

"Right? Hehe." Thinking of this, Reba actually laughed.

"Sister Mi didn't win the argument with me. I lied to her about investing 200 million in making a movie. She was frightened."

"When we left, Sister Mi looked extremely embarrassed."

"Killing me friends!"

Qin Nuo…”

He looked at Reba in his arms and really didn't know what to say.

You laugh, do you laugh like a hammer?

If Qin Nuo guessed correctly, Yang Da must be causing trouble in this matter.

Although she was not directly involved, she definitely fanned the flames in front of Liu Shishi, Liu Yifei, Gao Yuanyuan and others.

After all, who doesn’t want to go to the Oscars?

Although the fairy sister has been there once, if Qin Nuo takes her there again.

This woman must be running around like crazy.

It's okay to even use this opportunity to change into a maid outfit.

Not to mention other women.

Reba wanted to seize this opportunity, but Yang Mi fanned the flames.

It would be strange if this woman didn't explode.

Targeted at you!

What's wrong with you? So what if you are Qin Nuo's little lover?

Who is not.

I'm still Qin Nuo's girlfriend.

Kill you!

"Reba, are you really stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?"

"Brother Nuo, what do you mean~" Reba pouted, feeling very unhappy.

Where am I stupid? Is there anyone smarter than me in the entire entertainment industry?

Look at my big hottie, I hug my thighs and it’s fast and accurate.

Good taste.

He debuted in a Palm Tree Award-level film.

After working in the industry for two or three years, I became a front-line player, and living in the industry was a comfortable experience.

There is a lot of money in the small vault.

A sure winner in life.

"Don't get me wrong." Qin Nuo didn't really think Reba was stupid.

It's just that this girl doesn't like to use her brain.

If it is really used, it is actually possible.

"I mean it must be your sister Mi that you are being targeted. Do you think you are the only one who wants to go to the Oscars?"

"Just think about how miserable you made Da MiMi, it would be strange if she didn't give you a chance. If you didn't do it yourself, wouldn't you tell others?"

"Do you think your sister Mi is easy to bully!"

Yang Mi, don’t know too much about Qin Nuo.

I'll eat anything, just don't suffer a loss.

Reba has made her so embarrassed this time, it would be strange not to give her some color.

Reba, this stupid girl, really thinks that she has to take action herself if she stumbles?

What a joke.

How can it be.

A woman of Yang Mi's rank would only drop in price if she took action herself.

Reba in his arms suddenly reacted and his eyes widened.

"Sister Mi, how did she do it?"

"It's not that simple. Just be a little bit panicked and say I want you to accompany me. It's very simple!"

"Damn it! Bad woman!"

When Reba thought about it, it seemed that this was really the case.

What did she say? Everything was not going well for her these days.

No matter what she does, there are people behind her back.

It turns out that it is not one person, but a group of people.


Damn it!

"Brother Nuo, it's all your fault. How many lovers have you kept outside?"

Qin Nuo rolled his eyes, what's wrong with me.

There are other little lovers, don’t talk nonsense, they are all confidante.

What a terrible little lover.

"Why don't you go? Don't worry, as long as you don't go, I guarantee that no one will target you!"

Qin Nuo doesn't care about these nonsense.

Qin Nuo has always adhered to a principle when it comes to women.

That means not helping anyone,

Except for helping Na come up with an idea to deal with Yang Mi last time.

Other times, he doesn't care.

Play however you want.

"No, the more they target me, the more I will go. This opportunity is mine."

Not to mention Reba, this woman really has a lot of tenacity.

Just like the flat-headed brother in Africa.

If you don't care about life and death, just do it if you don't accept 940.

Reba shook Qin Nuo's arm and said sweetly.

"Brother Nuo, just take me there, I haven't been to Oscars yet!"


Qin Nuo was a little hesitant. He originally wanted to take Liu Shishi with him.

This woman was busy working as a producer all day long, and Qin Nuo planned to give her a brain change.

Don't be too busy.

"Brother Nuo, how about this?" Reba's face instantly turned red and he whispered in Qin Nuo's ear.

"I can..."

"Oh?" Qin Nuo turned to look at Reba, her eyes lit up.

"Are you serious? You are not afraid of pain!"

"Just be gentle."

Reba had a look of embarrassment on her face.

"Okay!" Since Reba was so sincere, Qin Nuo also planned to give her a chance.

"As long as you can survive this period of targeting, I will take you there!"



Qin Nuo didn't lie to Reba either, but it was not easy.

Now, just by making a few moves, Reba feels unable to move forward.

If only Liu Shishi and the others got serious.

Qin Nuo couldn't imagine how Reba would be bullied.

Most likely Qin Nuo will be able to have sex for nothing this time, but Reba won't be able to survive it.

After the discussion, Qin Nuo quickly disappeared from the airport in his car.

"Brother Nuo, this doesn't seem to be the way to your house, right?"

"I changed places and bought a bigger one. I can just come here from now on."


Qin Nuo smiled, he did not dare to take Reba to his previous home.

My fairy sister is still squatting in the grass at home.

If this is seen, there is no need to explain.

Fortunately, there are several houses in Qin Nuo, the magical city, where you can live wherever you like. .

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