Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

In The Casting Of 565 Wandering Earth, Magic City Fortress Wants To Feed The Audience Shit On The Fi

the next day.

At noon, Qin Nuo wandered to Qintian Entertainment.

Last night opened the door to a new world for Reba.

This girl couldn't stop crying.

Qin Nuo coaxed her for a long time...

"Boss, what are you thinking about?"

Sister Hong looked at Qin Nuo sitting on the chair and wondered.

"Oh, nothing, nothing~" Qin Nuo coughed twice.

He didn't dare to say what he was thinking just now.

How embarrassing.

"By the way, what's going on in the company recently?"

"It's nothing, it's just that Director Zhou's Wandering Earth project has been approved and actors are being selected now~"

"Wandering Earth!"

Qin Nuo nodded. There were so many things going on recently that he almost forgot about it.

The Wandering Earth is Qintian Entertainment’s most important project in the coming year.

Now three months have passed since 2014, and there are still ten months left. The Wandering Earth should be released on the first day of the lunar new year in 2015.

Five months to shoot, five months to produce is almost the same.

"Let's choose. Could it be that Fatty Zhou can't find an actor yet?"

Qin Nuo didn't care at all. Wandering Earth was very popular in China.

Qintian Entertainment invested more than 300 million, and the script was written by him. It is a science fiction film.

There are simply not too many people who are optimistic about it.

Companies such as Chengtian, Guangguang, Tangren, Wanda and Bona contacted him early in the morning.

I want some meat.

Make some investments and make money together.

Qin Nuo naturally did not refuse and gave out three percent of the king.

Of course, if you want to get on the bus, the price will definitely be high.

But several companies did not refuse, and all sent the money immediately.

to be honest.

Even if Qintian Entertainment paid a high price, it still made a loss.

After all, Qin Nuo knew that Wandering Earth would definitely make money, or a lot of money.

In the previous life, it had a box office of nearly 5 billion in 18 years.

This time The Wandering Earth will probably be released in 15 years.

Although it lacks a lot of big screens, Qin Nuo estimates that as long as the quality can be compared to its previous life.

Three billion is still no problem.

So if he invests it separately, he will definitely lose money.

But the accounts cannot be calculated like this. In the entertainment industry, sometimes the right to speak, qualifications and connections are much more important than making money.

Sister Hong also knows this, so she doesn't refuse investment from other companies.

"The boss talked about Wandering Earth, and Huayi contacted me again!"

"Oh, what are they trying to do...!"

Qin Nuo also became interested.

Huayi Lane's Magic City Fortress seems to be halfway through filming now, according to Qin Nuo's investigation.

In fact, Huayi itself did not invest much money, with an investment of more than 300 million.

Huayi invested probably 150 million, and the rest was all investment.

Many companies in the entertainment industry have invested in this project, among which Yang Mi still wants to participate.

I came here specifically to ask him a few months ago.

Qin Nuo told her two words.

Don't vote!

Hearing this, Yang Mi was confused at that time, what was going on.

But after seeing Qin Nuo's appearance, Yang Mi figured out something.

Could this Magic City Fortress be another Wuji, a super bad movie?

In this case, why doesn't Qin Nuo remind others of Huayi?

The relationship between Qintian Entertainment and Huayi is actually quite good, and there is a lot of cooperation between the two parties.

Yang Mi was full of doubts, but she didn't ask, tell anyone, or invest.

She has great faith in Qin Nuo.

"Director Dong Sheng came to me last time and asked me if I could release the film during the Spring Festival. Fortress wants to be released during the Spring Festival!"

Hearing this, Qin Nuo rolled his eyes.

Still on the Spring Festival schedule?

Don't be kidding me, Dongsheng, I really wish you could be released during the Spring Festival.

You haven't been scolded to death by the people across the country.

The Spring Festival is the happiest time in China. It’s a joyful time to celebrate the New Year.

As a result, you feed shit to the people of the whole country on this day.

It would be strange not to be scolded to death.

And Dongsheng will also be nailed to the pillar of shame.

"Tell Er Dongsheng that Wandering Earth is available during the Spring Festival, so they should choose the Lunar New Year period."

"Perhaps you will be scolded a little lighter this way~"

"Ah? Boss, Magic City Fortress..." Sister Hong also understood the meaning.

This Demon City Fortress shouldn't be a big pit.

"Don't ask. Don't tell. Don't pry. Just wait and see."

Sister Hong “…………

"All right."

She didn't care, since Qintian Entertainment and Magic City Fortress didn't have much cooperation anyway.

The only cooperation was to cost them 1.5 billion in special effects production costs.

To be honest, Sister Hong is still a little worried.

If I had known that this product was a big pit, I shouldn’t have let Tiangong Yicai take over Huayi’s order.

But Qin Nuo doesn't mind.

If you have money, why not make it? Anyway, the scolding is not for the special effects.

The special effects fee of 1.5 billion, Tiangong Yicai can earn at least half of it.

There is no way, this is how monopoly industries make money.

The only world-class special effects company in China, you think I have no reputation.

Sister Hong shook her head and forgot about the Magic City Fortress.


"Boss, many people in the circle sent me emails in the morning. They want to attend this Dark Knight celebration banquet."

"I heard from Warner that a Hawaiian island was booked for this celebration party?"


This incident also shocked Sister Hong.

Warner's effort this time is not small, he directly booked an island!

Domestic artists heard about it and asked about it one after another.

Of course the Yin family wanted to attend such a grand banquet.

If you don’t hurry up, contact her and ask for a spot!

"No problem, come on. You can come wherever you want, but control the quantity."

"Except for those invited by ourselves, everyone else pays for it at their own expense!"


Sister Hong knows that they won't mind, and it's nothing to pay for it at her own expense.

It would be good if you are qualified to go.

Qin Nuo is one of the more talkative people in China.

"Is there anything else? If nothing else, I'll run away first!"

Qin Nuo yawned.

If Sister Hong hadn't called today, he wouldn't have wanted to come to the company.

It's been a very busy time.

The Dark Knight made a lot of money though.

But it also made him physically and mentally exhausted, and he didn't have a good rest for a year.

Qin Nuo planned to take a good rest after the celebration banquet was over.

When you make so much money, you naturally want to enjoy life.

"Also, the boss, Sister Hong, secretly glanced at Qin Nuo.

Temptation asked.

"Boss, your new movie plan!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Nuo's eyes fell on Sister Hong like knives.

Have you, woman, had enough?

new movie?

What the hell.

The Dark Knight just came out.

You just want me to make a new movie?

You really treat me like a filming machine.


Be careful I fire you.


"Boss, I'll leave first, bye!"

Sister Hong is not stupid either, she looked very pale when she saw Qin Nuo.

Quickly pack your things and leave.

She also felt aggrieved, that's what she was.

Look at your past few years, every time a movie has finished, you start preparing for a new one.

Starting with Interstellar, Inception, From Earth, and The Dark Knight.

Four movies in less than three years.

Sometimes, even before the movie is released (Nonuo Zhao), we start preparing for the next movie.

I just asked what happened?

Of course, Sister Hong can at least gain a lot by opening her mouth.

Many people in China are still crying for food.

Deng Chao, Huang Xiaoming, Liu Yifei, Zhang Ziyi, and many, many first-line celebrities in China.

They have been feeling miserable this year.

There is no shortage of drama.

As long as they want to act, there are so many plays for them to choose from.

But it always felt like something was missing.

After thinking about it carefully, I am indeed missing our Director Qin...

I got a lot of money from the movies I made.

Now their salary is easily tens of millions.

Even more than what I got here at Qin Nuo.

You can take a look at the box office~

Only a few hundred million!

Not even a tenth of what it was before.

For a while, everyone felt empty and felt like there was no point in doing anything.


The Dark Knight had just been released, so Huang Xiaoming and others quickly found Sister Hong.

Let’s find out about Director Qin’s next movie plans.

They also heard that Qin Nuo and Warner were a bit dirty, wouldn't this opportunity come?

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