Entertainment: Private Meeting With Reba! The Door Was Blocked By Shishi At The Beginning

566’S Next Movie Plan, Lao Mouzi Is Coming To Qintian Entertainment!

Hollywood is a bunch of liars, how can they be as good as our own people.

"Sooner or later, I will drive this woman!"

Qin Nuo looked at Sister Hong's escaping figure and murmured.

"Hey, boss, you're normal~" As soon as Sister Hong left, Chen Duling ran over.

Hugging Qin Nuo’s neck.

"I have also been harassed by a lot of people, and everyone wants to know about your next movie.

Bai Lu beside him also nodded and whispered.

"Me too. I've received a lot of gifts recently, and I don't know who gave them to me. Many people asked me if I know about your next movie!"

Qin Nuo smelled the girly fragrance of the two women, with a satisfied smile on his face.

"No matter what they let them guess, I haven't decided on my next movie yet!"

"And I don't plan on taking a break for a while!"


In fact, the two women don't really like Qin Nuo filming movies, and they basically don't take them with him every time he makes a movie.

The two women could only watch helplessly in the company as Qin Nuo played with those vixens on the set.

It would be much better if Qin Nuo was in the company.

It only takes a few days to trick Qin Nuo back home.

Even so.

Actually, Qin Nuo also has plans for his next movie.

Either it's not too cold to shoot the killer I've been wanting to shoot for a long time, or it's The Truman Show.

Qin Nuo likes these two movies very much.

The Killer is considered the ceiling of literary and artistic films, although the box office will definitely not be as high as The Truman.

But Qin Nuo507 likes it very much.

The Truman is actually pretty good, and this movie has one good thing.

Very big benefit.

That means you can earn a lot of advertising fees.

The movie "The Truman Show" was originally a live broadcast of Truman's life.

It's a reality show.

Since it is a reality show, it is normal for advertisements to appear.

It can even be said that advertising is originally a part of the movie.

There is no sense of dissonance at all when implanted.

Qin Nuo feels like it can earn hundreds of millions in advertising fees alone!

And it’s still in U.S. dollars!

For his reputation, this is really not much.

A few million and twenty ads will do.

But, making this movie is a bit troublesome.

We need to find a small island, and there is a lot of preliminary preparation work.

Qin Nuo was annoyed.

And this movie can't be handed over to anyone else. Fatty Zhou and Wu Erzhen are not as famous as him.

As for Fox, he was asked to film the X-Men Wolverine series of movies.

Qin Nuo can actually be photographed.

There are also optimizations in the script system.

But after experiencing the filming of The Dark Knight, Qin Nuo is now a little afraid of superhero blockbusters.

What the hell.

too tired.

Speak slowly!

Lately he doesn't want to take calls from those guys at Fox.

Every word he said was so nice, but in the end he was still not allowed to contribute.

He's not stupid.

the other side.

People in the circle were very happy.

After Sister Hong returned, she informed everyone that they could attend the Dark Knight's celebration party.

However, most of them require self-pay.

Everyone doesn't mind either.

It would be great if you could go, why would you want to think so much?

Isn’t it just a little air ticket money?

Gave it.

It's worth it to experience the most luxurious celebration banquet in the world.

Zhang Yi's family.

Liu Haozhi took the invitation and hurried to Zhang Yimou's side.

"Old man, look, Qintian Entertainment has sent you an invitation letter.

"I got it!"

Zhang Yimou glanced at his unlucky child.

He now regrets sending Liu Haochi to Qintian Entertainment.

Now this woman talks about Qintian Entertainment, Qintian Entertainment all day long.

I have only been there for a year, and I consider myself a member of Qintian Entertainment.

This hurt him.

After all, he is also a national teacher.

No face at all?

Originally, he planned to make a movie during this period, with Liu Haoyou playing the female supporting role.

But who would have thought that this woman wanted to play a small supporting role in The Legend of Zhen Huan.

He actually rejected him.

So depressing.

"I said Haocai, is Qintian Entertainment really that good?"

"Old man, you don't understand, our Qintian Entertainment is the leader in China's entertainment industry," Liu Haoyou said with a look on his face.

"They are all elites, and the company atmosphere is very good. We will never deliberately suppress people."

"The most important thing is that our Qintian Entertainment has a boss like Brother Nuo, and it is a first-class entertainment company in the world."

"You, you better come here as soon as possible, otherwise, in two years, you will be old and we will still look down on you!"

Zhang Yimou".

He really didn't know what to say.

Do you think Liu Hao is stupid for rejecting me?

When you say this, it's like farting.

Qintian Entertainment is indeed full of elites, but where did these elites come from?

It's all Qin Nuo and Fatty Zhou, two shameless guys poaching people everywhere.

There is no domestic entertainment company that has not suffered from their cruel hands.

The same goes for the new picture, and several top photographers were hired.

Of course, the new picture is not the worst.

The worst offenders should be Tang Dynasty and Huayi. Fatty Zhou was really ruthless when he caught these two old entertainment companies.

The main team of Qintian Entertainment are all from Huayi and Tangren.

Of course, poaching people means poaching elites, and Qin Nuo is not stupid.

What other company has a good atmosphere?

This is even more ridiculous. How many artists does your Qintian Entertainment have?

Even if Qin Nuo is included, there are only four!

Just four people.

This is a hammer blow, and there will be more porridge and less monks.

Everyone had a good meal.

There is no time to suppress you.


"Hey, Haocai, I plan to build a studio under the banner of Qintian Entertainment.

Zhang Yimou thought for a while and decided to use the studio format.

In this case, the autonomy will be slightly greater.

"How about you transfer the contract from Qintian Entertainment to my studio.

Upon hearing this, Liu Haoye was furious.

"I don't want it. I won't go to your studio. I just came in with great difficulty from Qintian Entertainment!"

Liu Haoyou refused the first time.

"Hey, they are all the same, they are all artists from Qintian Entertainment."

Zhang Yimou quickly explained.

"Huh, old man, you think I'm stupid, how can I be the same?"

"In your studio, from now on, in the eyes of Qintian Entertainment, I will be a gift from my stepmother."

"Compared with my current status as a direct descendant of Qintian Entertainment, it can be the same!"

"don't want!"

Zhang Yimou rolled his eyes in his heart.

He really doesn't know what to say, direct descendant?

The direct line has a hammer to use, how could Qintian Entertainment treat you as well as me?

You are my child.

Did Qin Nuo brainwash his daughter?

You went to Qintian Entertainment and acted in two movies.

Just a supporting role in The Legend of Zhen Huan and The Secret of the Dragon.

That's it?

"By the way, Haoyou, you haven't received any good resources from Qintian Entertainment?"

"Old man, you don't understand," Liu Haoyou said confidently, raising his head.

"Sister Hong told several of us artists during a meeting before that our acting skills are not good enough yet and we have to take our time.

"I will start by playing some supporting roles to develop my acting skills. If my acting skills improve in the future, I will have the opportunity to participate in Nuo Ge's movies!"

"This is called long-term development"

"Oh, why am I telling you so much, you don't understand?"

Liu Haoyou waved his hand.

"Anyway, I gave you the invitation. I'm leaving now. If you want to come, you can come. If you don't come, forget it.

After finishing speaking, Liu Hao jumped up and left the room.

Zhang Yi was left alone, messy in the wind.

Long-term development, cultivating acting skills, and being able to star in Qin Nuo's movies in the future...

After listening so much, Zhang Yimou recognized three ministers.

Draw a pie!

Qintian Entertainment is obviously trying to give Liu Haoyou a piece of cake.

As far as my daughter's acting skills are concerned, she can compete in Qin Nuo's movie "Trouble".

I'm afraid I won't be able to survive until I'm thirty...

"Asshole! Qin Nuo!"

Zhang Yimou really regrets that if he had known that he was going to Qintian Entertainment, he would not have sent his daughter there first.

Now it's better, I don't even recognize it.

Can't pull it away.

At the same time, Zhang Yi was not the only one who was equally speechless and angry.

The same goes for Feng Xiaogang.

"Asshole, where's my invitation?"

He looked at the invitation letter in Chen Fan's hand and said angrily.

ps: I have opened a new book, which is also an entertainment article. I understand the style.

If you like books, you can check out Shengchen Entertainment Circle.

You all know the author's speed, 20,000 words a day.

It’s 600,000 a month. Please help the author add it to your collection! Thank you. .

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