Wang Yuheng's answer was confident and calm, he straightened his bent waist and took a step back.

"Okay, please sit back in the challenge chair, and we also ask the science assistant to put this glass of water back in its place"

From China Film, Nortel's beautiful female assistant began to be busy, attracting the attention of the male audience throughout the process

"The glass of water"

Yan Cui asked curiously: "Is it easy to remember the features he uses? I really look forward to what he will do next."

Several people nod their heads and keep their eyes on the stage

On the stage, Li Mubai controlled the field without blinking: "The next challenge begins"

The challenge has begun - Wang Yuheng walked behind the first table, bent down and started his own journey of search

Contrary to everyone's expectations, he observed very fast, almost swept away, and the observation time for each glass of water was less than one second.

This is shocking enough! The lazy audience all widened their eyes, and sat up to their hearts.

Sa Baining was also stunned, and said incredulously: "So fast"

Li Hong: "It's too fast! It's completely different from what I expected!"

Dong Qing said with a smile: "The first place in the 2 sea elections, how can it be judged by common sense? This is in line with my imagination of him"


The guests looked at each other in dismay, as did Li Mubai

Even if I have witnessed this magical game more than once in my previous life, I still feel heartfelt shock when I watch it again in this life.

In order not to disturb the contestants, he stood in front of the guest seat at this time

Seeing the incredible appearance of his colleagues, he tsk tut and exclaimed: "You said, it will take a little more time just to count the bubbles!"


Saba Ning nodded madly, and said with great curiosity, "What did he see?"

Li Chunbo folded his arms and praised: "It's okay just by doing this!"

Li Hong glanced at her partner, who was the calmest among them.

Yan Cui's eyes were bright, and Qi Yi said: "It seems that we all thought wrong, he used other methods, not the bubble structure we guessed at all.

So what is the method and what else can be done, it is incredible to be able to observe so quickly!"

Sa Baining echoed: "Obviously if it is at this speed, the... basis we started to put forward should be wrong.

Just looking at this speed, I've already been caught!"

Li Chunbo: "That's right, even if there is Xiaocha in that glass of water, it can't be so fast."

Ordinary people, you don't know anything about 'God'! Li Mubai muttered to himself, very satisfied with the shocked expressions of the guests

The strongest brain has and the only super, there should be such an atmosphere to set off his incomparable

The guests praised again and again, and the barrage was full of amazement

Of course, there are also some malicious speculations. They think that the program team is cheating. How can normal people be so quick?

And this is also an inevitable question, after all, Brother Shui still lacks enough records

In the past life, it was not until he won two battles with the Neon team and won the victory for the Huaxia team with his unparalleled talent, that people no longer questioned his ability to almost understand the mystery.

God-like existence, this is the best commendation for his record

When there was a lot of discussion, Wang Yuheng finished observing the water glasses on the two tables and walked to the far right table in the first row.

Li Mubai said: "Here, let me add that we actually allow him, and the cup of doubt is placed with a collar as a symbol

Whether he wants to do it or not is entirely up to him."

The answer is obviously unwilling, Wang Yuheng didn't even bother to observe.

With a dumb smile, Sa Baining said: "Actually, what I really want to know is whether he will read all the 520 glasses of water."

Looking at Professor Yan Cui, he gestured with his hand and said, "Let's make a final judgment on what he thinks may be suspicious, and determine which cup it is."

Yan Cui pondered, she is a genius scientist, but not a goddess and a monster, and she is not allowed to take Wang Yuheng's pulse.

Li Hong said with emotion: "I think we are all using the IQ of ordinary people to guess his mood!"

While speaking, Wang Yuheng observed the first 300 glasses of water

According to the order, he should go to the water cup marked as 48 and later to observe, so that if he observes [*] cups, he can meet the target water cup.

Unexpectedly, this guy turned and walked to the table behind him marked 401 cups of water, looking upside down from No. 520

This undoubtedly increased the difficulty of nearly [*] glasses of water for him, making the game even more confusing.

The guests looked at each other again, not expecting such a scene to happen

After a while, Li Mubai laughed and said, "I think he might just feel close, so he passed by on the way."

This is too beautiful! Li Hong couldn't help laughing and laughing, and couldn't help laughing: "I really can't understand the 'laziness' of you geniuses, you are too lazy to be so weird sometimes!"

Sa Baining and Dong Qiankang nodded and certified with practical actions

Shrugging his shoulders, Li Mubai said earnestly, "Because it's so close, it's a waste of time to walk over without talking, and it will disrupt the rhythm of observation.

Hey, I just found out now that the layout of the staff's table is not scientific at all"

Sa Baining said speechlessly: "The staff are arranged in order: okay?"

Dong Qing helped: "You think everyone's brain circuits are the same as yours"

While speaking, Wang Yuheng..."Self-propelled human body scanner"

After observing the table top of the No. 401 water cup, he closed his eyes and rubbed his hands while walking to the table top of the No. 301 water cup. On the big screen, he could see his dry and cracked skin and red eye sockets.

These signs prove that the observation of microscopic water discrimination is never as easy as it seems! Looking at the big screen, Li Mubai explained: "Wang Yuheng injured his eyes while playing badminton, and the eye muscles of his right eye atrophy, which makes it impossible to zoom and focus. Close up of vegetables, reading books can only rely on the left eye

In medical terms, it means that he has glaucoma, he may go blind one day, and he will never be able to see anything again...

Now his right eye has actually seen, it's very blurry, and he has lost more than two-thirds of his vision.

The visual acuity of the left eye also dropped sharply due to overwork.

Therefore, everyone's guesses by looking at the bubbles are [*]% wrong.

His eyesight doesn't allow him to see such tiny bubbles."

Four people 4 stunned, full of incredible looks

Li Hong said, "Why didn't you tell us the news in advance?"

"You are not professional scientists, and you are easily influenced by your emotions. I couldn't influence you at that time!"

As soon as the words fell, Wang Yuheng's voice came: "I see it"

Chapter 503: The Rose I Planted in My Past Life

"I'm asking an ignorant question!"

Sa Baining looked at Yan Ning and asked, "Is this guy's eye structure different from our ordinary people, Professor Yan, is there any possibility..."

“There are indeed differences”

Yan Cui looked at Wang Yuheng with admiration in his eyes, and explained: "In the physical examination of the contestants before the competition, we found that Wang Yuheng's hippocampal structure is different from that of ordinary people.

I think that should be one of the key factors in his ability to

The hippocampus is"

Bah, bah, a lot, and Sa Baining spread his hands and said: "So, the rich rely on technology, and the poor rely on mutation!"

Amusingly, Li Hong took over the words and asked kindly, "Can you tell us what your eyesight is?"

Viewers who have watched the previous live broadcast have praised the goddess and praised her kindness

"My Vision"

After thinking about it, Wang Yuheng suggested: "In this way, I can talk about it after I finish the score."


"Because I think, if I say it first, I'll be begging for pity."

"Okay, the old emperor is a man"

Li Chunbo immediately gave a thumbs up and praised

Sa Baining applauded: "Look, everyone in Laodi is like this, neither humble nor arrogant, this is a man!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Li Mubai, then looked at the auditorium, laughed and said, "It's not me who fired the map cannon, this host is not upright at all."

Wang Yuheng turned his head in doubt

Li Mubai interrupted him without any disturbance, and complained: "To reiterate: the recording time of the program is long because of the interruption of guests like you."

Hahaha laughing applause sounded, brothers who quarrel with each other can always amuse the audience who like them

Li Mubai said with a smile, "Wang Yuheng, don't worry, Professor Yan Ning's EQ is 0, her standard of criticism is only science, and nothing you say can give you the green light."

Laughter filled the venue again

In the live broadcast, Yan Cui smiled and shrugged without refuting

She is smart and knows that because of some players who are unable to enter the Huaxia team, but perform very well, she will definitely fight with the guests in the end

Creating the image of the iron-faced judge in advance will help her win the support of the fishing reels.

The laughter fell, and Li Mubai controlled the field and said: "Okay, next, "Challenge the Impossible: The Strongest Brain", my favorite six 66 walnuts, witness the miracle

Professor Yan, what kind of difficulty score will you give? Let us wait and see."

The voice fell, the guest seats slowly separated from the middle, and the glory ladder created by the pure light screen came into view.

Yan Cui drew sideways on the tablet computer fixed on the seat. At the bottom of the glory ladder, the number also began to climb from 15.

The audience stood up in unison, shouting in unison: Sheng Sheng Sheng Li Mubai kept reporting: "Will 3 exceed 80, congratulations!"

During this process, Wang Yuheng was caught by the flashes on both sides of the Glory Ladder.

Hearing this, he smiled and bowed: "Thank you"

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