Patting his shoulder, Li Qi said, "Sister Hong asked how your eyesight was just now, but Teacher Xiaosa interrupted just now. You must have guessed that I said about you during your competition."


Wang Yuheng nodded without any blame.

He understands that Li Mubai is also kind, although he doesn't want this kindness

But who makes this guy a good guy! Since he treats the weak Zhou Wei like that, he won't hate this guy anymore

Picking up the microphone, he said, "My right eye pupil can no longer be focused, and there is no way to cure this kind of injury.

The only thing the doctor has brought to my attention is the possibility of glaucoma which can lead to blindness

There is a process for a normal person to turn into glaucoma. I may turn into glaucoma tomorrow, so every day is the last day.

Because I can't predict the changes in my own eyes"

Wow wow!! Applause sounded, and the female audience was full of sympathy

Li Mubai said with emotion: "He said it very lightly to us. In fact, he told me in private that he couldn't tell his daughter these words, so today he has a letter to write to his daughter, please watch the big screen."

Video screen - [Wenwen, you have grown up, and my father has never told you about some things] Yangba's strong production team is the foundation. This clip is also very touching, showing Wang Yuheng's fatherly love for his daughter vividly and vividly

Looking at it, many people were in tears! "Fuck, cry, is this father's love?"

"Brother Shui doesn't cry, one-eyed is a man's romance!"

"He's still a painter, what should he do if his eyes can't see?"

"If I haven't cried while watching a variety show, I've cried since I watched it."

"Where has the time gone", this is a foul!"


On the big screen cut out a very artistic blue whale oil painting, a blue whale swimming with a little girl

Looking up, Li Mubai said affectionately, "He dedicated this painting to his daughter.

This painting is dedicated to my daughter who learned to swim this summer

Where did the time go

The roses I planted in my previous life!"

[I have a child and a daughter all my life, my mind is full of children crying and laughing, where has the time gone, and my eyes will be spent before I take a good look at you] Li Mubai's deep voice is really super tear-jerking! Especially the last sentence "My previous life Planted roses"

, I heard a lot of people cry at once

Wiping away her tears, Li Hong said emotionally: "Although your physical eyes can't see, you may actually see much more than us.

We walked into this world and looked at it for so many years, we didn't actually see anything

You have seen a lot more than we have

Thank you!"

"Thank you"

Wow wow!!! "Okay, let's ask Professor Yan to present the trophy to the challenger"

Cheerful and enthusiastic, Yan Cui handed the crystal trophy to Wang Yuheng with a smile on his face.

Holding his hand, he smiled brightly and said: "Welcome to the Huaxia team, I believe your talent will be more fully reflected in the international competition."

"This is exactly what I dreamed of"

Wang Yuheng was as calm as always, but the light in his eyes became more intense.

After applauding, Li Mubai said loudly, "Please walk into the door of promotion."

Amidst the boiling applause, Wang Yuheng carried his parrot up the ladder of glory, standing in front of the promotion gate and became the first player to advance to the third round.

It can be said that he has won the respect of most people with the most brilliant achievements and the most heavy fatherly love.

Next came a commercial, and then the second round continued

The competition project is called "Map Projection", and it is also an extremely brain-burning project that does not understand the rules at all.

The contestant on the stage is called Chen Zekun, a top student from Peking University, who placed 26th in the [*]-player competition.

It's a pity that his challenge did not exceed 80 points and ended in failure! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 504: Different, maybe another kind of extraordinary

"Welcome to continue to watch "Challenge the Impossible", which is broadcast by the leading brand of walnut milk and exclusively titled by six 66 walnuts"

Standing abruptly from the middle of the stage, Li Mubai warmly invited, "I'd like to invite a third challenger."

When the voice falls, the big screen switches

The shots in various places are constantly changing, from the airport to the train station, to the bus station, and then to the Wuling minibus. The subtitles slowly appear in the pictures: [Starting from the imperial capital, looking for a person, looking for a person. Unique, looking for wisdom] Wutai County, Donglei Township

CCTV female reporter: Master, do you know Zhou Wei? Old farmer with a dirty face: Yes, it's that... fool

The young man's eyes wandered and he said nervously: "I have never heard of someone as powerful as him."

Aunt holding grandson: I heard that her brain is abnormal and stupid

Pretty girl: The teacher said he is a genius, it's a pity he can't get out! The neighbor: The brain reaction is faster than our computer.

Rural Principal: His math is something that no one else can do. There is no such person in Wutai County.

As long as this child is like us, he must live in a big city like the imperial capital and the magic capital. It is a pity to stay here.

Neighbor Aunt: The family thinks he is sick, so they won't let him go out

Children's calling: Zhou Wei was there by the stove where the charcoal was burning, and his father said nervously: He doesn't like to go out, he always stays at home

Sister: It's been so many years since childhood

He is not afraid to communicate with strangers, but he is afraid that others will look down on him

Mother wipes her tears: she has too strong self-esteem, because she can't go to school, she cut her own hair

Sister: He just wanted to tell you in that way: I want to go to school and choked up. I think he most wants others to treat him as an ordinary person! My brother usually likes to look at the sun, he can look directly at the sun

I think the sun means hope to him! Subtitle: [It's different, maybe it's another kind of extraordinary] Seeing this, the audience guessed that this Zhou Wei might be a vulnerable group

The barrage is also full of various speculations

Many people think that Zhou Wei is very likely to be autistic or a person with a mental illness

They didn't know what kind of person Zhou Wei was until the camera switched to the live broadcast,,, when the perspective was aimed at the backstage passage.

In the cheerful voice of the contestants, Zhou Wei walked out with the help of his sister and the introducer Wen Jing.

The staggering footsteps, the hunched back, the sluggish expression, and if it weren't for those smart eyes, the audience really thought this child was a mentally retarded child.

Wow wow wow!! People generally have a mentality of sympathy for the weak, and the moment they saw the poor child, the scene, there was a warm applause

"Hello, sister, and quiet"

Li Mubai took the initiative to greet him, holding Zhou Wei's arm with a warm smile, holding his nervously shaking hand tightly, giving him a hint of confidence

The voice said softly: "How to say hello to all of us, can you say hello?"

Looking at the kindness in front of him without blinking, Zhou Wei smiled with embarrassment and shyness, unable to say a word after brewing for a long time

"Hey, he just told everyone with a smile and greeted you."

After hitting haha, Li Mubai laughed loudly and said, "Hello, everyone."

Wow wow!! Kind applause rang out

The audience applauded one after another, especially Li Hong and the other women, all of them held their hearts with their hands, and the mother's love was overflowing.

"Come on, let me introduce you to my sister"

"This is my younger brother Zhou Wei, I am Zhou Wei's sister Zhou Xin, my younger brother is 24 years old this year"

With a sigh, looking at Zhou Wei who was looking around curiously, Li Mubai smiled and said, "You see that my brother is very curious about everything, look at our judges, come."

Li Hongtian smiled and waved: "Hi, Zhou Wei, hello, I'm the most beautiful sister in China."

Hahaha laughed along with the audience, and Li Mubai asked, "Do you know how beautiful you are?"

Zhou Wei looked at him innocently

"Do you know beautiful"

"do not know"

"Oh, I don't know, it's beautiful anyway, just like the two sisters on stage"

Zhou Wei didn't say anything, he didn't know how to answer

Li Hong asked, "What does my brother like to do most?"


"Oh press: computer"

Li Wenjing finally had a chance to speak and explained: "He usually likes to press: computer"

"What's so funny about computers, can you tell me?"


"Arithmetic, a computer can do arithmetic"

Helping to explain, seeing Sa Baining raised his hand, Li Mubai said in control: "Okay, Teacher Xiao Sa"

Picking up the microphone, Sa Baining asked: "I want to ask this sister, our player Zhou Wei today is different from ordinary people.

Can you tell us that this was how he was born?"

"He was very healthy when he was born. When he was 6 months old, suddenly my dad threw a pillow next to him. When he was finished, he seemed to be frightened, his eyes were very big, and he was crying.

Since then, there has been a very strange disease!"

Zhou Wei didn't seem to know that his sister was talking about him, Hanhan smiled and looked around, and even took the initiative to interlock with his elder brother Li Mubai.

Holding the same gesture as his sister can make him feel some sense of security

"Did you go to the hospital later? What was the doctor's diagnosis?"

Li Hong asked softly

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