"How could it be B? If there is an S, then it must be S, right?"

"Right, how could it be B?"The trainees at the scene were all in disbelief.

"How could she be a B when she can write lyrics and compose music, has such strong rap skills and singing skills?"

All the trainees couldn't understand.

Even several mentors looked at Dilireba in the middle in surprise.

They didn't understand why Dilireba was like this?

"What do you think of this rating, Cao Gong?"

"Will you feel disappointed or hit?"

Reba smiled and looked at Cao Gong on the stage, asking him what he thought and what he thought about it.

This question made Cao Gong smile and shake his head:"No."

Reba's pretty face always had a charming smile on it:"This score is not the final result of our tutors' discussion. I personally changed the score for you temporarily."

"The other five instructors gave you an A, so even if I gave you an F, on average I would still give you an A"

"But I changed the result temporarily and gave you a B grade. Do you know why?

Reba explained honestly that she gave you a B on purpose.

This also made Cao Gong on the stage look like he had realized it.

"I really have to thank PD Dilireba."

"Oh? Thank me? Why?" Reba asked Cao Gong with a smile.

Cao Gong was helpless and could only sigh and say:"Giving me a B score means that I still have room for improvement, because the highest score tonight is A."

"If I were given an A, I would definitely say I am one of the best tonight."

"However, if I am given a B, it means that I still have room for improvement and growth."

"In Reba's opinion, if you give me the highest A without seeing all my abilities, it will directly limit your impression of me."

"But if you only give me a B now, then when we get to know each other better and better in the future, and you find that I am even better, then you will give me a better score."

"So the grade of B, teacher, you are not giving the grade as a teacher at all."

"I'm afraid that the score was given out of selfish thoughts when choosing a boyfriend?"

"I just hope I can be better and worthy of you.

Cao Gong made all this clear, which made Dilireba very satisfied.

"Hehe~" Dilireba also made no secret of her admiration for Cao Gong

"That's right, the teacher was selfish, because you are so handsome and talented."

Dilireba also publicly admitted it, which also made the trainees on the scene laugh:"Oh~~~"

Even the audience watching the show were excited. Reba was going to stir up trouble.

"Dilireba, this is an unspoken rule!!!"

"Dilireba, you are a mentor, but you openly take advantage of Cao Gong!"

"Ah howl~ our Fatty is moved!!!"

"No!! My brother Cao Zei is going to debut so he can’t have a relationship"

"We must not let Reba and Cao Gong get together, we must destroy him."

The audience watching the show were very excited. If nothing unexpected happens, this will definitely be on the hot search.

After the show was broadcast, Dili Reba openly expressed her selfish feelings for Cao Gong, how could this not be on the hot search?

However, Reba was already prepared for this hot search.


After Cao Gong finished his performance, he returned to his seat.

He didn't care about tonight's rating.

People with skills and abilities don't care about a rating at all.

The most important thing is that tonight's rating does not determine whether you can debut here.

Tonight's rating is just the rating presented by your performance tonight, which is not important at all.

It lasted until after 4 o'clock in the morning, and the stage evaluation of the 100 trainees was considered to be over.

After the initial stage evaluation, the next step is to announce their first task.

"Citizen Producer……"Dilireba took the lead and bowed to the audience with all the trainees

"Please take care of me!" The same voice was sonorous and powerful.

After greeting the national producers in front of the TV, the six mentors standing on the stage looked at them.

Dilireba, who was standing in the middle, looked at the script.

"Now let's announce the first task, the theme song performance."

Under the expectant gazes of the 100 trainees, Dilireba looked at them and said,"The 100 trainees have to learn and perform the theme song within three days. After three days, the level will be assessed again."

Almost all the trainees felt the pressure.

It was not easy to learn the theme song and dance well in three days.

Even Cao Gong felt the pressure at this time.

"Now, let's watch the theme song video."After saying that, all the instructors looked at the TV on the stage, which was playing their theme song.

This theme song video showed three people dancing, and it was also the theme song dance.

However, when listening to this song, Cao Gong frowned.

How should I put it? This song... especially this dance, is not difficult. For him, it is really not difficult.

But this song...

After watching the theme song video, almost all the trainees felt a lot of pressure.

"How is it? Is it stressful?"Dilireba turned around and asked the trainees present.

"Great!!!" The trainees answered the question from Dilraba Dilmurat, the representative of the national producer.

But at this time, Cao Gong raised his hand.

Zhang Yixing noticed Cao Gong raising his hand and asked him:"Cao thief, do you have anything to say?"

"That is, that, Mr. Zhang, I think it is unfair. Cao Gong said a little embarrassedly.

"Unfair? How is it unfair to you?" Zhang Yixing said in confusion.

Cao Gong then said awkwardly:"I mean, it's unfair to other trainees."

"What do you mean?"Even Wang Jiaer was puzzled. Why would you say that?

"Well, that’s it, then, well, I, I…"

Cao Gong was embarrassed and said weakly to the mentors above:"This song…I wrote it."

"!!!!!!"Cao Gong's words confused the six mentors on the stage

"Wow~~~~"The trainees at the scene were all shocked, obviously they couldn't believe it.

Dilireba was also very surprised and looked at Cao Gong:"You mean, you wrote this song?"

"Yes, if I heard correctly, I wrote the melody of this song"

"I also wrote the lyrics"

"I even participated in the dance."

"And in the video just played, among the three people dancing, the one wearing a baseball cap and a mask is me."Cao Gong explained a little embarrassedly.

Now, several instructors turned around and looked.

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