At this point, several mentors turned around and looked.

Fortunately, the director of the program group played the video again.

Now the director of the program group was also stunned, obviously he did not expect such a coincidence.

After everyone looked carefully again, they found that the person wearing the mask did look like Cao Gong.

If it hadn't been said just now, everyone wouldn't have thought so.

The main reason was that Cao Gong didn't dance just now, and Cao Gong in the video was wearing a mask and a baseball cap, so everyone didn't expect that the person in the video was actually Cao Gong.

"You wrote this song and you also participated in the dance, why didn't you say so earlier?"Dilraba laughed.

"No, no, I don’t know either. Cao Gong himself was also helpless.

"Explain what happened quickly. Reba was anxious and asked Cao Gong to explain.

"The first one in the video just now is the fat guy standing in the C position"

"He is my good friend and also my dance teacher."

"The song eiei was written when I was learning Korean pop dance music."

"After writing it down,���I took it out and talked about it with my dance teacher."

"Then we choreographed a dance together. It was a dance song that I used to relieve stress before the college entrance examination."

"But this song, he told me a few days ago, was used as the theme song for a talent show"

"He also collected money and gave it to me, but I refused and said we were just going out for dinner, it wasn’t such an important song. He helped me negotiate a collaboration with the talent show, and my song was selected, so he also had some credit."

"So I didn't pay attention to it and didn't ask what the show was."

"At first I thought it was a show like"Happy Boys" or"Happy Girls""

"He didn't tell me at all that he was from"Idol Producer"》"

After Cao Gong explained the whole story, the whole audience was stunned.

After listening to it, several mentors were even more amused.

How can we play this? The theme song was written by the trainees themselves? This is really unfair to others.

"This…" Dilireba also looked at Cheng Xiao and others around her, obviously asking what to do

"Well, what about the theme song? We will discuss the situation with the program team later."

"However, the other trainees will continue to practice as usual. The main problem is Cao Gong. We will discuss it with the program and it will not affect other trainees."

As a national producer, Dilireba responded quickly.

All the trainees felt that there was no problem, so today's recording was over.

After the end, all the instructors held an emergency meeting with the program team to discuss the matter.

"Haha~" As they were discussing, Zhang Yixing burst into a devilish laugh.

"I'm about to release an album soon, I think I can talk to Cao Zei about it"

"Let’s see if he can give me something good for my album." Zhang Yixing was the most excited.

"Are you asking for something good? I think you want him to write a song for you, right?!"Wang Jiaer laughed angrily.

"Are you so confident that the songs he wrote are acceptable to you?" Dilireba asked Zhang Yixing with a smile.

"Can't catch my eye? It's a question of whether I am worthy of you, okay?"

"I have written an album for the king of pop Liu Dehua, and the song"Compendium of Materia Medica" just now, which directly beats the lyric writing ability of me and Wang Jiaer."Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhang Yixing knew that this was the fact

"Yes, he also said that he can write English rap, I think I should talk to him about it too."

Not only Zhang Yixing, but even Ouyang Jin is interested in Cao Gong.

Wang Jiaer even clicked her tongue and said,"I am also interested in Cantonese rap."

"Hehe~ You three are really enough."Cheng Xiao was helpless, you are still the mentors.

"By the way, his ballads are very good,"Love Transfer" is very nice and the lyrics are well written."

"Especially"Loyalty to the Country", that is really the peak that cannot be reached."

It seems that Li Ronghao is also moved and wants to discuss with Cao Gong

"Indeed, I really admire his song"Loyalty to the Country", not only because of the good lyrics"

"And his singing, which conveys the heavy atmosphere and the righteous national pride, is very good. To be honest, I really can't sing this song."Zhang Yixing admitted that he couldn't sing this feeling

"It is true that we are idol singers, but it is really inappropriate to sing this song."

"Cao Zei's singing voice is really rare, and it is also the most unique one among so many trainees."

Wang Jiaer also gave a comment on Cao Gong, with admiration in his tone.

I don't know why, but when I heard everyone praising Cao Gong so much, Reba's heart was secretly happy.

It was as if her boyfriend was recognized by so many people. But it was obviously the first time she saw him. Could it be that she really fell in love at first sight?

No, no, no, it's too embarrassing, too embarrassing. How could she fall in love at first sight with a 20-year-old boy?

If Sister Mi knew, she would definitely be angry.

"Let's go, it's settled."After discussing it, Dilireba indicated that it was settled.

"Okay, wait until tomorrow... Oh no, it should be this afternoon."

It was already 5 o'clock in the morning when the first stage ended. It would definitely not be tomorrow.

It should be this afternoon when I go to teach them, and then I will explain it clearly.

As for now, I have to leave here first and go back to rest.

They have been watching performances all night and they are tired.

After deciding this, Dilireba and Cheng Xiao left.

"Sister, are you in love?" Before leaving, Cheng Xiao also asked Dilireba

"What's the matter with the rippling or not rippling? You are so rude."Dilraba blushed and denied it.

"However, I always feel that the way he looks at me is a little strange, I wonder if it is an illusion."

Cheng Xiao felt strange, and just after he finished speaking, Reba replied:"Yes, it is your illusion,"

"Haha~" Seeing her so anxious, Cheng Xiao bent over with laughter:"It seems that this is not an illusion"

"It’s nothing. You are a female idol, can you fall in love?" Reba threatened Cheng Xiao fiercely, but the latter was also very smart:"You said it as if you can fall in love."

"I…" Dilireba wanted to refute, but now she felt frustrated.

She just became popular this year, and now is the rising period of her career. If she falls in love at this time, it will not be good for her future development.

And the company also told her not to think about falling in love in the next few years. She has also signed a contract for endorsement. If she falls in love during the contract period, it will be very troublesome.

"Hehe~" Seeing that Reba was upset and depressed, Cheng Xiao made a cute scissors gesture:"I can do it, anyway, I'm not as popular as you now, so I'm in love, and the loss is not big."

"No, you can't get close to him." Dilireba immediately expressed her opinion.

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