At 10 o'clock the next day, all the trainees took their luggage and reported to the dormitory building arranged by the program team.

"hello."After the trainees met, those who knew each other greeted each other.

Cao Gong, yawning, went to the dormitory with his backpack.

Looking at the trainees in front of him who were in high spirits, Cao Gong searched to see their abilities.

To be honest, the personal abilities of these trainees are really too mediocre.

The best dancer is only C, and the best singer is also C, not even a B.

Uh, not even a B... Why does it feel a little wrong, this description.

To be honest, it is really disappointing.

To be honest, Cao Gong's own strength is simply a dimensionality reduction attack for them.

His singing skills are S-level.

He copied Liu Dehua's singing skills, even if Liu Dehua's singing skills are not among the top ten singers in the Chinese music scene.

But Liu Dehua's singing skills are S-level.

But Cao Gong's singing skills are not just copied from Liu Dehua's singing skills.

He also copied Dr. Chen's singing skills, otherwise, he would not be able to sing the song"Love Transfer" so well.

So far, Cao Gong has copied the singing skills of Liu Dehua, Chen Yixun, and Zhang Xueyou.

Because it was through Liu Dehua that he got to know Chen Yixun and Zhang Xueyou.

Only after physical contact and shaking hands could he copy.

As for other singers, he has not had the opportunity to copy yet.

As for dancing skills, Cao Gong has also copied to the B-level strength of the dance teacher.

At present, Cao Gong's dancing skills are only B-level, but it is also the best among these trainees.

However, he came to participate in this program, and he must copy to Zhang Yixing's A-level dancing skills.

Rap skills, this is a bit interesting.

The rap skills of the friend that Cao Gong copied are actually from an American rap singer. He is not very famous, but he met him by chance, and then learned that the other party was A-level rap, so he copied it directly.

After copying, he found that English rap and Chinese rap are still a little different.

It took him a lot of time to master them. So

, his current singing skills are S, rap A, and dance B.

As for his lyrics and composition skills, they are both S.

Because his lyrics writing skills are copied from the Hong Kong music god Lin Xi

《The lyrics of the song"Under the Mount Fuji" were originally written by Lin Xi.

It was only because of him that this song became Cao Gong's own.

If we talk about the ability to write lyrics, the representative figure in Taiwan is Fang Wenshan, the representative figure in Hong Kong is Lin Xi, and the representative figure in the mainland is Gao Jin, who is known as the three major lyricist music geniuses in the Chinese music scene.

Although many of the lyrics written by Gao Jin in the mainland are catchy songs, he has written many famous songs. Perhaps compared with Lin Xi and Fang Wenshan, Gao Jin is still a lot behind.

But in the mainland music scene, Gao Jin's ability to write lyrics is really at the forefront.

As for the ability to compose music, that is to copy Jay Chou. The composing ability of the Chinese music scene, of course, is to copy Zhou Jielun.

You can doubt Zhou Jielun's singing skills, but if you doubt Zhou Jielun's composing ability, then you are questioning the entire Chinese music scene.

This is the candidate for copying composing ability, and Zhou Jielun is definitely the choice.

After Liu Dehua released his album last year, he held a concert.

Knowing that Cao Gong liked Zhou Jie Lun, Liu Dehua specially invited Zhou Jie Lun to the concert.

Cao Gong met Zhou Jie Lun, got a photo opportunity, and of course got a chance to copy his composing ability.

Zhou Jie Lun's rap was only A-level, not S-level.

Moreover, Cao Gong could only copy one ability from Zhou Jie Lun, and he chose the composing ability.

Naturally, Cao Gong could not copy Jay Chou's rap ability.

Now, his dancing is just a little worse, and he is still only B.

As long as he has contact with Zhang Yixing, his dancing ability can also be A.


Cao Gong, carrying a backpack, walked up to the dormitory building.

When he arrived at the dormitory building, he wanted to check every dormitory door to see where his dormitory was.

"Wow! The great god is here!"In the dormitory, a boy was very excited when he saw Cao Gong.

""Sharing the same dormitory with Cao Ze is so lucky, haha~" Fan Chengcheng almost fainted from laughing.

However, Cao Gong, who came in, smiled and said,"Aren't you from Class D? Why are you sharing the same dormitory with us?"

"What's wrong with Class D? Dormitories are not divided by level. Fan Chengcheng, the comedian, made Cao Gong smile, shrugged and said,"Okay."

"Let me introduce myself. I am Cao Zei, born in 1996, 20 years old, and 185cm tall."

"I know you now. My name is Huang Minghao, my English name is Justin, I was born in 2000, I am 16 years old, and my height is 183 cm."

"There is also an English name?" Cao Gong put down his backpack and said with a smile:"It's quite Western."

Huang Minghao felt embarrassed when he was teased.

"Fan Chengcheng, born in 2000, 16 years old, height 183 cm."Fan Chengcheng also told his basic information

"Zhu Zhengting, born in 1996, 20 years old, 183 cm tall. Zhu Zhengting also introduced himself

"Oh, then the four people in our dormitory are all over 180cm tall."

Fan Chengcheng was surprised, and the three of them also realized this.

Cao Gong had some impression of these three people, except for the two people besides Zhu Zhengting.

Fan Chengcheng has a sister who is a movie queen, and she is also a famous beauty and a top-notch beauty.

It's a pity that he did something stupid, otherwise, Fan Chengcheng's top-notch sister would be more beautiful and sexier than Yang Mi.

And Fan Chengcheng left a deep impression on Cao Gong, that's because Fan Chengcheng was called the Zhongguo version of Li Bangzhu by netizens, because he is also a comedian.

Fan Chengcheng's singing skills are not good, dancing is not good, and his acting skills are even more embarrassing.

But if Fan Chengcheng does variety shows, it's really very A young and handsome guy with potential.

Fan Chengcheng's performance in variety shows is much more popular than his singing, dancing and acting.

As for the other Justin Huang Minghao, Cao Gong only knew this guy because he liked to watch Yang Mi's program"Escape the Room", and he only had an impression of this guy.

If he didn't like to watch Yang Mi's program, he would have no impression of Justin.

And this guy is also one of those who has no memorable works in the field of music.

But he frequently appears in variety shows, and his works are all variety shows.

But there is nothing to do about it. After all, there are too few good songs in the music scene now, and they are all filled with online songs.

Singers who debuted after 2015, unless they can write songs by themselves, basically cannot find representative music songs that suit them. If they can't find good songs, then they can only participate in variety shows to show their faces and make money.

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